2017-06-16 13:38:06 +01:00
assets Resolves gh-96 by adding the feature to auto create the update SQL. Also fixes gh-100 Field Length Issue. 2017-06-16 13:38:06 +01:00
compiler resolves gh-91 to insure that int and floats are not set as strings in SQL defaults 2017-06-05 21:18:32 +01:00
controllers Resolves gh-96 by adding the feature to auto create the update SQL. Also fixes gh-100 Field Length Issue. 2017-06-16 13:38:06 +01:00
custom Resolves gh-63 to prevent repeateble field from being created a second time. Resolves gh-62 to insure full encryption of JCB packages. 2017-04-01 15:59:54 +02:00
helpers Resolves gh-96 by adding the feature to auto create the update SQL. Also fixes gh-100 Field Length Issue. 2017-06-16 13:38:06 +01:00
language Resolves gh-96 by adding the feature to auto create the update SQL. Also fixes gh-100 Field Length Issue. 2017-06-16 13:38:06 +01:00
layouts Resolves gh-96 by adding the feature to auto create the update SQL. Also fixes gh-100 Field Length Issue. 2017-06-16 13:38:06 +01:00
models Resolves gh-96 by adding the feature to auto create the update SQL. Also fixes gh-100 Field Length Issue. 2017-06-16 13:38:06 +01:00
sql Resolves gh-96 by adding the feature to auto create the update SQL. Also fixes gh-100 Field Length Issue. 2017-06-16 13:38:06 +01:00
tables Resolves gh-96 by adding the feature to auto create the update SQL. Also fixes gh-100 Field Length Issue. 2017-06-16 13:38:06 +01:00
views Resolves gh-96 by adding the feature to auto create the update SQL. Also fixes gh-100 Field Length Issue. 2017-06-16 13:38:06 +01:00
access.xml removed button for now 2017-04-05 15:07:48 +01:00
componentbuilder.php Resolves gh-96 by adding the feature to auto create the update SQL. Also fixes gh-100 Field Length Issue. 2017-06-16 13:38:06 +01:00
config.xml Resolves gh-71 bug, so that admin views that has no fields are still accessible. Fixed gh-72 to insure all components on Joomla version 3.7.0 works and looks correctly. Please just recompile your components for Joomla v3.7.0 2017-04-26 09:56:17 +01:00
controller.php Resolves gh-96 by adding the feature to auto create the update SQL. Also fixes gh-100 Field Length Issue. 2017-06-16 13:38:06 +01:00
README.txt Resolves gh-96 by adding the feature to auto create the update SQL. Also fixes gh-100 Field Length Issue. 2017-06-16 13:38:06 +01:00

# Component Builder (2.4.6)

This is a [Joomla 3.x]( component.

 ![Component Builder image]( "The Component Builder")

The Component Builder for [Joomla]( that is highly advanced, truly able to build extremely complex components in a fraction of the time.

Whether you're a seasoned [Joomla]( developer, or have just started, Component Builder will safe you lots of time and money. A real must have!

You can install it quite easily and with no limitations. On [github]( is the latest release (2.4.6) with **ALL** its features and **ALL** concepts totally open-source and free!

Once installed upgrades are quick and easy via the default Joomla upgrade area.

# Some of the Features

+ Adding mySQL Dump to any View/Table.
+ Grab existing Table data and build a dynamic dump.
+ Unlimited Joomla Components.
+ Unlimited Tables/Views.
+ Reusing Views and Fields.
+ Runs on Your Own Joomla Install.
+ Add Dynamic/custom back-end views that uses Table and Chart result sets.
+ Build data query of extreme complex nature to use in Dynamic/custom views.
+ Highly Dynamic/custom Front-end Structures.
+ Dynamically setup templates and layouts for Front-end design.
+ Integration of the excellent UIKIT lib.
+ Integration of the excellent FOOTABLE lib.
+ All Joomla Standard Field Types (including repeatable fields).
+ Strong Implementation of all Joomla Form Security.
+ Load data via ajax with ease.
+ You can add an Update Server to Components you build.
+ Build advanced Dynamic front-end forms.
+ Dynamic data queries from multiple tables.
+ Place in local GIT folder, and publish to sales server.
+ Include any amount of custom files and folders during build.
+ Static helper class with smart methods already included.
+ Static helper methods Can easily be added.
+ Direct install from complier view.
+ Integrative with native Joomla Categories and Tags.
+ Fully Dynamic Search Friendly URL Auto Implementation.
+ Custom scripting options all over the MVC structure.
+ Permission implementation down to each view, item and field.
+ Easy extendible to include other libraries.
+ Can include SQL and visioning update link to distribute your component updates via Joomla default upgrade of components.
+ Easy Export & Import addon to all backend-tables.
+ Overriding ability of import concepts in all backend-tables.
+ The Batch and Filter implementation on all backend-list views.
+ This and much much more are all possible with this component builder!

# Just Imagine

+ Your Component Back-end can be more advanced then the Joomla Article Manager.
+ Your Code as Perfectly Unified to the strict Joomla Standards.
+ Adding Custom Scripting almost anywhere in the MVC structure.
+ Import and export feature to all backend-views.
+ Batch copy and move/update feature for all backend-views.
+ History tracking per/change made on any back-end item.
+ Dynamic field control, to show and hide fields in amazing ways.
+ Front-end freedom of design that allows for any library to be used.
+ This and much much more are all possible with this component builder!

# You are in Control

+ You can change the licensing template for your components.
+ You can change/improve existing field types and add more.
+ Line numbers to show where in compiler was the code build.
+ You can improve the component since all code are open-source.
+ Free updates for the lifetime of the project.
+ You can dynamically add internal help structures to all component.
+ There is no limitations on how big or how much you want to build (server limitation only).
+ This is a complete factory kind of component that functions like a deployment hub.
+ Export any component completely mapped in JCB and import into another JCB.
+ This and much much more are all possible with this component builder!

# Get Access to Video Tutorials

> **You can purchase more [demo content]( for Component Builder including access to training & help video tutorials:**

+ *Demo Component* see the build on [github]( or get the [JCB Package]( _(free)_
+ *Advance Demo Component* get the [JCB Package]( _([buy key](
+ *Sermon Distributor* see the build on [github]( or get the [JCB Package]( _([buy key](
+ *Location Data* see the build on [github]( or get the [JCB Package]( _([buy key](
+ *Help View Integration*
+ *Training & Help Videos* tutorials in the component included.


# gitHub Support

Would you require more help please open and issue here on [gitHub today](!


> I am an Open Source Enthusiast
> Who Support the Joomla Community

My idea was to almost let this tool serve as a cheat sheet to how things can be done... and with the help of other developers (more advanced then me) end up formulating the way how things not only can, but must be done to insure secure, stable, scalable and maintainable code is produced. 


Component Builder is mapped as a component in itself on my local development environment. So I am improving it like you would any other component in it. I am looking for developers with the **skill** and the **desire** to really join me... and then I will possible give them access to this, so we can all help improve this simple, yet advanced tool.

# Build Details

+ *Company*: [Vast Development Method](
+ *Author*: [Llewellyn van der Merwe](
+ *Name*: [Component Builder](
+ *First Build*: 30th April, 2015
+ *Last Build*: 16th June, 2017
+ *Version*: 2.4.6
+ *Copyright*: Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved
+ *License*: GNU/GPL Version 2 or later -
+ *Line count*: **106028**
+ *File count*: **643**
+ *Folder count*: **115**

> This **component** was build with a Joomla [Automated Component Builder](
> Developed by [Llewellyn van der Merwe](

## Donations

Come on buy me a coffee :)
 * PayPal:
 * Bitcoin: 1Ga1WZyxC4ArSKuiFpUxdqzjfkAR1kJhZh