* @github Joomla Component Builder * @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 - 2019 Vast Development Method. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ // No direct access to this file defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); /** * Joomla_components Model */ class ComponentbuilderModelJoomla_components extends JModelList { public function __construct($config = array()) { if (empty($config['filter_fields'])) { $config['filter_fields'] = array( 'a.id','id', 'a.published','published', 'a.ordering','ordering', 'a.created_by','created_by', 'a.modified_by','modified_by', 'a.system_name','system_name', 'a.name_code','name_code', 'a.short_description','short_description', 'a.companyname','companyname', 'a.author','author' ); } parent::__construct($config); } public $user; public $packagePath = false; public $packageName = false; public $zipPath = false; public $key = array(); public $exportBuyLinks = array(); public $joomlaSourceLinks = array(); public $info = array( 'name' => array(), 'short_description' => array(), 'component_version' => array(), 'companyname' => array(), 'author' => array(), 'email' => array(), 'website' => array(), 'license' => array(), 'copyright' => array(), 'getKeyFrom' => null ); public $activeType = 'export'; public $backupType = 1; protected $params; protected $tempPath; protected $customPath; protected $smartBox = array(); protected $smartIDs = array(); protected $customCodeM = array(); protected $placeholderM = array(); protected $placeholderS = array(); protected $fieldTypes = array(); protected $isMultiple = array(); /** * Method to clone the component * * @return bool on success. */ public function cloner($pks) { // get the components if ($items = $this->getComponents($pks)) { // update $pks with returned IDs $pks = array(); // start loading the components $this->smartBox['joomla_component'] = array(); foreach ($items as $nr => &$item) { // check if user has access $access = ($this->user->authorise('joomla_component.access', 'com_componentbuilder.joomla_component.' . (int) $item->id) && $this->user->authorise('joomla_component.access', 'com_componentbuilder')); if (!$access) { unset($items[$nr]); continue; } // make sure old fields are not exported any more $this->removeOldComponentValues($item); // load to global object $this->smartBox['joomla_component'][$item->id] = $item; // add to pks $pks[] = $item->id; } // has any data been set for this component if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($pks)) { // load the linked stuff $this->getLinkedToComponents($pks); } // has any data been set for this component if (isset($this->smartBox['joomla_component']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartBox['joomla_component'])) { // set the folder and move the files of each component to the folder return $this->smartCloner(); } } return false; } /** * Method to build the export package * * @return bool on success. */ public function getSmartExport($pks) { // get the components if ($items = $this->getComponents($pks)) { // set custom folder path $this->customPath = $this->params->get('custom_folder_path', JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR.'/custom'); // check what type of export or backup this is if ('backup' === $this->activeType || 'manualBackup' === $this->activeType) { // set the paths if (!$this->backupPath = $this->params->get('cronjob_backup_folder_path', null)) { // set the paths $comConfig = JFactory::getConfig(); $this->backupPath = $comConfig->get('tmp_path'); } // check what backup type we are working with here $this->backupType = $this->params->get('cronjob_backup_type', 1); // 1 = local folder; 2 = remote server (default is local) // if remote server get the ID if (2 == $this->backupType) { $this->backupServer = $this->params->get('cronjob_backup_server', null); } // set the date array $date = JFactory::getDate(); $placeholderDate = array(); $placeholderDate['[YEAR]'] = $date->format('Y'); $placeholderDate['[MONTH]'] = $date->format('m'); $placeholderDate['[DAY]'] = $date->format('d'); $placeholderDate['[HOUR]'] = $date->format('H'); $placeholderDate['[MINUTE]'] = $date->format('i'); // get the package name $packageName = $this->params->get('backup_package_name', 'JCB_Backup_[YEAR]_[MONTH]_[DAY]'); $this->packageName = str_replace(array_keys($placeholderDate), array_values($placeholderDate), $packageName); } else { // set the paths $comConfig = JFactory::getConfig(); $this->backupPath = $comConfig->get('tmp_path'); // set the package name if (count($items) == 1) { $this->packageName = 'JCB_' . $this->getPackageName($items); } else { $this->packageName = 'JCB_smartPackage'; } } // set the package path $this->packagePath = rtrim($this->backupPath, '/') . '/' . $this->packageName; $this->zipPath = $this->packagePath .'.zip'; if (JFolder::exists($this->packagePath)) { // remove if old folder is found ComponentbuilderHelper::removeFolder($this->packagePath); } // create the folders JFolder::create($this->packagePath); // Get the basic encryption. $basickey = ComponentbuilderHelper::getCryptKey('basic'); // Get the encription object. if ($basickey) { $basic = new FOFEncryptAes($basickey, 128); } // update $pks with returned IDs $pks = array(); // start loading the components $this->smartBox['joomla_component'] = array(); foreach ($items as $nr => &$item) { // check if user has access $access = ($this->user->authorise('joomla_component.access', 'com_componentbuilder.joomla_component.' . (int) $item->id) && $this->user->authorise('joomla_component.access', 'com_componentbuilder')); if (!$access) { unset($items[$nr]); continue; } // make sure old fields are not exported any more $this->removeOldComponentValues($item); // build information data set $this->info['name'][$item->id] = $item->name; $this->info['short_description'][$item->id] = $item->short_description; $this->info['component_version'][$item->id] = $item->component_version; $this->info['companyname'][$item->id] = $item->companyname; $this->info['author'][$item->id] = $item->author; $this->info['email'][$item->id] = $item->email; $this->info['website'][$item->id] = $item->website; $this->info['license'][$item->id] = $item->license; $this->info['copyright'][$item->id] = $item->copyright; // set the keys if (isset($item->export_key) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($item->export_key)) { // keep the key locked for exported data set $export_key = $item->export_key; if ($basickey && !is_numeric($item->export_key) && $item->export_key === base64_encode(base64_decode($item->export_key, true))) { $export_key = rtrim($basic->decryptString($item->export_key), "\0"); } // make sure we have a string if (strlen($export_key) > 4 ) { $this->key[$item->id] = $export_key; } } // get name of this item key_name if (isset($item->system_name)) { $keyName = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($item->system_name, 'cAmel'); } else { $keyName = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($item->name_code); } // set the export buy links if (isset($item->export_buy_link) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($item->export_buy_link)) { // set the export buy link $this->info['export_buy_link'][$item->id] = $item->export_buy_link; } // set the export buy links if (isset($item->joomla_source_link) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($item->joomla_source_link)) { // set the source link $this->info['joomla_source_link'][$item->id] = $item->joomla_source_link; } // component image $this->moveIt(array($item->image), 'image'); // set the custom code ID's $this->setCodePlaceholdersIds($item, 'joomla_component'); // set the placeholder ID's $this->setCodePlaceholdersIds($item, 'joomla_component', 'placeholder'); // set the language strings for this component $this->setLanguageTranslation($item->id); // load to global object $this->smartBox['joomla_component'][$item->id] = $item; // add to pks $pks[] = $item->id; } // has any data been set for this component if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($pks)) { // load the linked stuff $this->getLinkedToComponents($pks); } // has any data been set for this component if (isset($this->smartBox['joomla_component']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartBox['joomla_component'])) { // set the folder and move the files of each component to the folder return $this->smartExportBuilder(); } } return false; } /** * Get Everything Linked to Components * * @return void */ protected function getLinkedToComponents($pks) { // array of tables linked to joomla_component $linkedTables = array( 'custom_code' => 'component', 'component_files_folders' => 'joomla_component', 'component_admin_views' => 'joomla_component', 'component_config' => 'joomla_component', 'component_site_views' => 'joomla_component', 'component_custom_admin_views' => 'joomla_component', 'component_updates' => 'joomla_component', 'component_mysql_tweaks' => 'joomla_component', 'component_custom_admin_menus' => 'joomla_component', 'component_dashboard' => 'joomla_component', 'component_placeholders' => 'joomla_component', 'component_modules' => 'joomla_component', 'component_plugins' => 'joomla_component'); // load all tables linked to joomla_component foreach($linkedTables as $table => $field) { $this->setData($table, $pks, $field); } // add fields conditions and relations if (isset($this->smartIDs['admin_view']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['admin_view'])) { $this->setData('admin_fields', array_values($this->smartIDs['admin_view']), 'admin_view'); $this->setData('admin_fields_conditions', array_values($this->smartIDs['admin_view']), 'admin_view'); $this->setData('admin_fields_relations', array_values($this->smartIDs['admin_view']), 'admin_view'); $this->setData('admin_custom_tabs', array_values($this->smartIDs['admin_view']), 'admin_view'); } // add joomla module if (isset($this->smartIDs['joomla_module']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['joomla_module'])) { $this->setData('joomla_module', array_values($this->smartIDs['joomla_module']), 'id'); $this->setData('joomla_module_updates', array_values($this->smartIDs['joomla_module']), 'joomla_module'); $this->setData('joomla_module_files_folders_urls', array_values($this->smartIDs['joomla_module']), 'joomla_module'); } // add joomla plugin if (isset($this->smartIDs['joomla_plugin']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['joomla_plugin'])) { $this->setData('joomla_plugin', array_values($this->smartIDs['joomla_plugin']), 'id'); $this->setData('joomla_plugin_updates', array_values($this->smartIDs['joomla_plugin']), 'joomla_plugin'); $this->setData('joomla_plugin_files_folders_urls', array_values($this->smartIDs['joomla_plugin']), 'joomla_plugin'); } // add validation rules if (isset($this->smartIDs['validation_rule']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['validation_rule'])) { $this->setData('validation_rule', array_values($this->smartIDs['validation_rule']), 'name'); } // add field types if (isset($this->smartIDs['fieldtype']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['fieldtype'])) { $this->setData('fieldtype', array_values($this->smartIDs['fieldtype']), 'id'); } // add templates if (isset($this->smartIDs['template']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['template'])) { $this->setData('template', array_values($this->smartIDs['template']), 'id'); } // add layouts if (isset($this->smartIDs['layout']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['layout'])) { $this->setData('layout', array_values($this->smartIDs['layout']), 'id'); } // add dynamic get if (isset($this->smartIDs['dynamic_get']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['dynamic_get'])) { $this->setData('dynamic_get', array_values($this->smartIDs['dynamic_get']), 'id'); } // only if exporting if ('clone' !== $this->activeType) { // add class_property if (isset($this->smartIDs['class_property']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['class_property'])) { $this->setData('class_property', array_values($this->smartIDs['class_property']), 'id'); } // add class_method if (isset($this->smartIDs['class_method']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['class_method'])) { $this->setData('class_method', array_values($this->smartIDs['class_method']), 'id'); } // add joomla_plugin_group if (isset($this->smartIDs['joomla_plugin_group']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['joomla_plugin_group'])) { $this->setData('joomla_plugin_group', array_values($this->smartIDs['joomla_plugin_group']), 'id'); } // add class_extends if (isset($this->smartIDs['class_extends']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['class_extends'])) { $this->setData('class_extends', array_values($this->smartIDs['class_extends']), 'id'); } // add snippets if (isset($this->smartIDs['snippet']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['snippet'])) { $this->setData('snippet', array_values($this->smartIDs['snippet']), 'id'); } // add custom code if (isset($this->smartIDs['custom_code']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['custom_code'])) { $this->setData('custom_code', array_values($this->smartIDs['custom_code']), 'id'); } // add placeholder if (isset($this->smartIDs['placeholder']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['placeholder'])) { $this->setData('placeholder', array_values($this->smartIDs['placeholder']), 'id'); } // set limiter $limit = 0; // and add those custom codes found in custom codes while (isset($this->smartIDs['custom_code']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['custom_code']) && $limit < 100) { $this->setData('custom_code', array_values($this->smartIDs['custom_code']), 'id'); // make sure we break $limit++; // just in case (should not be needed) } } } /** * Get Components * * @return array of objects. */ protected function getComponents($pks) { // setup the query if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($pks)) { // Get the user object. if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject($this->user)) { $this->user = JFactory::getUser(); } // Create a new query object. if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject($this->_db)) { $this->_db = JFactory::getDBO(); } $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true); // Select some fields $query->select(array('a.*')); // From the componentbuilder_joomla_component table $query->from($this->_db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_joomla_component', 'a')); $query->where('a.id IN (' . implode(',',$pks) . ')'); // Implement View Level Access if (!$this->user->authorise('core.options', 'com_componentbuilder')) { $groups = implode(',', $this->user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()); $query->where('a.access IN (' . $groups . ')'); } // Order the results by ordering $query->order('a.ordering ASC'); // Load the items $this->_db->setQuery($query); $this->_db->execute(); if ($this->_db->getNumRows()) { // load the items from db $items = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); // check if we have items if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items)) { // set params if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject($this->params)) { $this->params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_componentbuilder'); } return $items; } } } return false; } /** * Remove all values that are no longer relevant. * * @return void. */ protected function removeOldComponentValues(&$item) { // make sure old fields are not used any more unset($item->addconfig); unset($item->addadmin_views); unset($item->addcustom_admin_views); unset($item->addsite_views); unset($item->version_update); unset($item->sql_tweak); unset($item->addcustommenus); unset($item->dashboard_tab); unset($item->php_dashboard_methods); unset($item->addfiles); unset($item->addfolders); } /** * Set export IDs. * * @return void. */ protected function setSmartIDs($value, $table, $int = true) { // check if table has been set if (!isset($this->smartIDs[$table])) { $this->smartIDs[$table] = array(); } // convert if value is in json if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($value)) { $value = json_decode($value, true); } // now update the fields if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($value)) { foreach ($value as $id) { if ($int && (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($id) || is_numeric($id)) && 0 !== (int) $id) { $this->smartIDs[$table][(int) $id] = (int) $id; } elseif (!$int && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($id)) { $this->smartIDs[$table][$id] = $this->_db->quote($id); } } } elseif ($int && (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($value) || is_numeric($value)) && 0 !== (int) $value) { $this->smartIDs[$table][(int) $value] = (int) $value; } elseif (!$int && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($value)) { $this->smartIDs[$table][$value] = $this->_db->quote($value); } } /** * Method to get values from repeatable or subform. * * @return mixed An array of values on success, false on failure. */ protected function getValues($values, $type, $key = null, $prep = 'table') { // the ids bucket $bucket = array(); // if json convert to array if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($values)) { $values = json_decode($values, true); } // check that the array has values if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($values)) { // check if the key is an array (targeting subform) if ('subform' === $type && $key) { foreach ($values as $value) { if (isset($value[$key])) { if (is_numeric($value[$key])) { $bucket[] = $value[$key]; } elseif (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($value[$key])) { if ('table' === $prep) { $bucket[] = $this->_db->quote($value[$key]); } else { $bucket[] = $value[$key]; } } } } // only return if we set the ids if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($bucket)) { // now set the values back return array_unique($bucket); } } // check if the key is an array (targeting subform subform) if ('subform++' === $type && strpos($key, '.') !== false) { $_key = explode('.', $key); foreach ($values as $value) { if (isset($value[$_key[0]]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($value[$_key[0]])) { foreach ($value[$_key[0]] as $_value) { if (is_numeric($_value[$_key[1]])) { $bucket[] = $_value[$_key[1]]; } elseif (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($_value[$_key[1]])) { if ('table' === $prep) { $bucket[] = $this->_db->quote($_value[$_key[1]]); } else { $bucket[] = $_value[$_key[1]]; } } } } } // only return if we set the ids if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($bucket)) { // now set the values back return array_unique($bucket); } } // check if the key is an array (targeting repeatable) if ('repeatable' === $type && $key) { if (isset($values[$key])) { return array_map(function($value) use($prep){ if (is_numeric($value)) { return $value; } elseif (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($value)) { if ('table' === $prep) { return $this->_db->quote($value); } else { return $value; } } }, array_unique($values[$key]) ); } } } return false; } /** * Method to get data of a given table. * * @return mixed An array of data items on success, false on failure. */ protected function setData($table, $values, $key, $string = false) { // make sure we have an array of values if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($values) || !ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($table) || !ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($key)) { return false; } // start the query $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true); // Select some fields $query->select(array('a.*')); // From the componentbuilder_ANY table $query->from($this->_db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_'. $table, 'a')); // set the where query $query->where('a.'.$key.' IN (' . implode(',',$values) . ')'); // Implement View Level Access if (!$this->user->authorise('core.options', 'com_componentbuilder')) { $groups = implode(',', $this->user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()); $query->where('a.access IN (' . $groups . ')'); } // Order the results by ordering $query->order('a.ordering ASC'); // Load the items $this->_db->setQuery($query); $this->_db->execute(); if ($this->_db->getNumRows()) { $items = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); // check if we have items if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items)) { // set search array if ('site_view' === $table || 'custom_admin_view' === $table) { $searchArray = array('php_view', 'php_jview', 'php_jview_display', 'php_document', 'js_document', 'css_document', 'css'); } // reset the global array if ('template' === $table) { $this->smartIDs['template'] = array(); } elseif ('layout' === $table) { $this->smartIDs['layout'] = array(); } elseif ('custom_code' === $table && 'id' === $key && !isset($this->smartIDs['custom_code'])) { $this->smartIDs['custom_code'] = array(); } elseif ('placeholder' === $table && 'id' === $key && !isset($this->smartIDs['placeholder'])) { $this->smartIDs['placeholder'] = array(); } // start loading the data if (!isset($this->smartBox[$table])) { $this->smartBox[$table] = array(); } // start loading the found items foreach ($items as $nr => &$item) { // set the data per id only once if (!isset($item->id) || 0 === (int) $item->id || isset($this->smartBox[$table][$item->id])) { continue; } // actions to take before storing the item if table is template, layout, site_view, or custom_admin_view if ('layout' === $table || 'template' === $table || 'site_view' === $table || 'custom_admin_view' === $table) { // unset snippets (we no longer export snippets) if (isset($item->snippet)) { unset($item->snippet); } } // actions to take before storing the item if table is joomla_component if ('joomla_component' === $table) { // make sure old fields are not exported any more unset($item->addconfig); unset($item->addadmin_views); unset($item->addcustom_admin_views); unset($item->addsite_views); unset($item->version_update); unset($item->sql_tweak); unset($item->addcustommenus); unset($item->dashboard_tab); unset($item->php_dashboard_methods); unset($item->addfiles); unset($item->addfolders); } // actions to take before storing the item if table is admin_view if ('admin_view' === $table) { // make sure old fields are not exported any more unset($item->addfields); unset($item->addconditions); } // load to global object $this->smartBox[$table][$item->id] = $item; // set the custom code ID's $this->setCodePlaceholdersIds($item, $table); // set the placeholder ID's $this->setCodePlaceholdersIds($item, $table, 'placeholder'); // actions to take if table is component_files_folders if (('component_files_folders' === $table || 'joomla_plugin_files_folders_urls' === $table || 'joomla_module_files_folders_urls' === $table) && 'clone' !== $this->activeType) { // build files $this->moveIt($this->getValues($item->addfiles, 'subform', 'file', null), 'file'); // build folders $this->moveIt($this->getValues($item->addfolders, 'subform', 'folder', null), 'folder'); // build full path files $this->moveIt($this->getValues($item->addfilesfullpath, 'subform', 'filepath', null), 'file', true); // build full path folders $this->moveIt($this->getValues($item->addfoldersfullpath, 'subform', 'folderpath', null), 'folder', true); } // actions to take if table is component_config if ('component_config' === $table) { // add config fields $this->setData('field', $this->getValues($item->addconfig, 'subform', 'field'), 'id'); } // actions to take if table is component_admin_views if ('component_admin_views' === $table) { // add admin views $this->setData('admin_view', $this->getValues($item->addadmin_views, 'subform', 'adminview'), 'id'); } // actions to take if table is component_site_views if ('component_site_views' === $table) { // add site views $this->setData('site_view', $this->getValues($item->addsite_views, 'subform', 'siteview'), 'id'); } // actions to take if table is component_custom_admin_views if ('component_custom_admin_views' === $table) { // add custom admin views $this->setData('custom_admin_view', $this->getValues($item->addcustom_admin_views, 'subform', 'customadminview'), 'id'); } // actions to take if table is component_modules if ('component_modules' === $table) { // we remove those modules not part of the export if (isset($item->addjoomla_modules) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($item->addjoomla_modules)) { $item->addjoomla_modules = array_filter( json_decode($item->addjoomla_modules, true), function ($module) { // target 2 is only export and target 0 is both (1 is only compile) if (isset($module['target']) && ($module['target'] == 2 || $module['target'] == 0)) { return true; } return false; } ); } // add custom admin views $this->setData('joomla_module', $this->getValues($item->addjoomla_modules, 'subform', 'module'), 'id'); } // actions to take if table is component_plugins if ('component_plugins' === $table) { // we remove those plugins not part of the export if (isset($item->addjoomla_plugins) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($item->addjoomla_plugins)) { $item->addjoomla_plugins = array_filter( json_decode($item->addjoomla_plugins, true), function ($plugin) { // target 2 is only export and target 0 is both (1 is only compile) if (isset($plugin['target']) && ($plugin['target'] == 2 || $plugin['target'] == 0)) { return true; } return false; } ); } // add custom admin views $this->setData('joomla_plugin', $this->getValues($item->addjoomla_plugins, 'subform', 'plugin'), 'id'); } // actions to take if table is admin_view if ('admin_view' === $table) { // add fields & conditions $this->setSmartIDs($item->id, 'admin_view'); // do not move anything if clone if ('clone' !== $this->activeType) { // admin icon $this->moveIt(array($item->icon), 'image'); // admin icon_add $this->moveIt(array($item->icon_add), 'image'); // admin icon_category $this->moveIt(array($item->icon_category), 'image'); } } // actions to take if table is admin_fields if ('admin_fields' === $table) { // add fields $this->setData('field', $this->getValues($item->addfields, 'subform', 'field'), 'id'); } // actions to take if table is admin_fields_conditions if ('admin_fields_conditions' === $table) { // add fields (all should already be added) $this->setData('field', $this->getValues($item->addconditions, 'subform', 'target_field'), 'id'); $this->setData('field', $this->getValues($item->addconditions, 'subform', 'match_field'), 'id'); } // actions to take if table is admin_fields_relations if ('admin_fields_relations' === $table) { // add fields (all should already be added) $this->setData('field', $this->getValues($item->addrelations, 'subform', 'listfield'), 'id'); $this->setData('field', $this->getValues($item->addrelations, 'subform', 'joinfields'), 'id'); } // actions to take if table is field if ('field' === $table) { // add field types $this->setSmartIDs($item->fieldtype, 'fieldtype'); // check if this field has multiple fields if ($this->checkMultiFields($item->fieldtype)) { $fields = ComponentbuilderHelper::getBetween(json_decode($item->xml), 'fields="', '"'); $fieldsSets = array(); if (strpos($fields, ',') !== false) { // multiple fields $fieldsSets = (array) explode(',', $fields); } elseif (is_numeric($fields)) { // single field $fieldsSets[] = (int) $fields; } // get fields if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($fieldsSets)) { $this->setData('field', $fieldsSets, 'id'); } } // check if validation rule is found $validationRule = ComponentbuilderHelper::getBetween(json_decode($item->xml), 'validate="', '"'); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($validationRule)) { // make sure it is lowercase $validationRule = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($validationRule); // get core validation rules if ($coreValidationRules = ComponentbuilderHelper::getExistingValidationRuleNames(true)) { // make sure this rule is not a core validation rule if (!in_array($validationRule, (array) $coreValidationRules)) { // okay load the rule $this->setSmartIDs($validationRule, 'validation_rule', false); } } } } // actions to take if table is site_view and custom_admin_view if ('site_view' === $table || 'custom_admin_view' === $table) { // search for templates & layouts $this->getTemplateLayout(base64_decode($item->default)); // add search array templates and layouts foreach ($searchArray as $scripter) { if (isset($item->{'add_'.$scripter}) && $item->{'add_'.$scripter} == 1) { $this->getTemplateLayout($item->{$scripter}); } } // add dynamic gets $this->setSmartIDs($item->main_get, 'dynamic_get'); $this->setSmartIDs($item->custom_get, 'dynamic_get'); $this->setSmartIDs($item->dynamic_get, 'dynamic_get'); // move the icon if ('custom_admin_view' === $table && isset($item->icon) && 'clone' !== $this->activeType) { // view icon $this->moveIt(array($item->icon), 'image'); } // add snippets (was removed please use snippet importer) if (isset($item->snippet) && is_numeric($item->snippet)) { $this->setSmartIDs((int) $item->snippet, 'snippet'); } } // actions to take if table is template and layout if ('layout' === $table || 'template' === $table) { // add snippets (was removed please use snippet importer) if (isset($item->snippet) && is_numeric($item->snippet)) { $this->setSmartIDs((int) $item->snippet, 'snippet'); } // search for templates & layouts $this->getTemplateLayout(base64_decode($item->$table), $this->user); // add search array templates and layouts if (isset($item->add_php_view) && $item->add_php_view == 1) { $this->getTemplateLayout($item->php_view, $this->user); } // add dynamic gets $this->setSmartIDs((int) $item->dynamic_get, 'dynamic_get'); } // actions to take if table is joomla_module if ('joomla_module' === $table) { // add the updates and folder stuff $this->setSmartIDs($item->id, 'joomla_module'); // add class_extends $this->setSmartIDs((int) $item->class_extends, 'class_extends'); // add fields $this->setData('field', $this->getValues($item->fields, 'subform++', 'fields.field'), 'id'); // add dynamic gets $this->setSmartIDs($item->custom_get, 'dynamic_get'); } // actions to take if table is joomla_plugin if ('joomla_plugin' === $table) { // add the updates and folder stuff $this->setSmartIDs($item->id, 'joomla_plugin'); // add class_extends $this->setSmartIDs((int) $item->class_extends, 'class_extends'); // add joomla_plugin_group $this->setSmartIDs((int) $item->joomla_plugin_group, 'joomla_plugin_group'); // add fields $this->setData('field', $this->getValues($item->fields, 'subform++', 'fields.field'), 'id'); // add property_selection $this->setData('class_property', $this->getValues($item->property_selection, 'subform', 'property'), 'id'); // add class_method $this->setData('class_method', $this->getValues($item->method_selection, 'subform', 'method'), 'id'); } // actions to take if table is joomla_plugin_group if ('joomla_plugin_group' === $table) { // add class_extends $this->setSmartIDs((int) $item->class_extends, 'class_extends'); } // actions to take if table is class_method or if ('class_method' === $table || 'class_property' === $table ) { // add joomla_plugin_group $this->setSmartIDs((int) $item->joomla_plugin_group, 'joomla_plugin_group'); } } } } } /** * Method to do the smart cloning * * @return bool */ protected function smartCloner() { // check if data is set if (isset($this->smartBox) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartBox)) { // get the import_joomla_components $model = ComponentbuilderHelper::getModel('import_joomla_components'); // do not show more information $model->moreInfo = 0; // trigger the create new (clone) feature $model->canmerge = 0; // set some postfix $model->postfix = ' ('.ComponentbuilderHelper::randomkey(2).')'; // get App $model->app = JFactory::getApplication(); // set user $model->user = $this->user; // set today's date $model->today = JFactory::getDate()->toSql(); // load the data $model->data = $this->smartBox; // remove smart box to safe on memory unset($this->smartBox); // the array of tables to store $tables = array( 'fieldtype', 'field', 'admin_view', 'snippet', 'dynamic_get', 'custom_admin_view', 'site_view', 'template', 'layout', 'joomla_component', 'language', 'language_translation', 'custom_code', 'placeholder', 'joomla_module', 'joomla_module_files_folders_urls', 'joomla_module_updates', 'joomla_plugin', 'joomla_plugin_files_folders_urls', 'joomla_plugin_updates', 'admin_fields', 'admin_fields_conditions', 'admin_fields_relations', 'admin_custom_tabs', 'component_admin_views', 'component_site_views', 'component_custom_admin_views', 'component_updates', 'component_mysql_tweaks', 'component_custom_admin_menus', 'component_config', 'component_dashboard', 'component_files_folders', 'component_placeholders', 'component_modules', 'component_plugins' ); // smart table loop foreach ($tables as $table) { // save the table to database if (!$model->saveSmartItems($table)) { return false; } } // do an after all run on all items that need it $model->updateAfterAll(); // finally move the old datasets $model->moveDivergedData(); // we had success return true; } return false; } /** * Method to build the package to export * * @return bool */ protected function smartExportBuilder() { // check if data is set if (isset($this->smartBox) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartBox)) { // set db data $data = serialize($this->smartBox); // Set the key owner information $this->info['source'] = array(); $this->info['source']['company'] = $this->params->get('export_company', null); $this->info['source']['owner'] = $this->params->get('export_owner', null); $this->info['source']['email'] = $this->params->get('export_email', null); $this->info['source']['website'] = $this->params->get('export_website', null); $this->info['source']['license'] = $this->params->get('export_license', null); $this->info['source']['copyright'] = $this->params->get('export_copyright', null); // lock the data if set if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->key)) { // lock the data $this->key = md5(implode('', $this->key)); $locker = new FOFEncryptAes($this->key, 128); $data = $locker->encryptString($data); // Set the key owner information $this->info['getKeyFrom'] = array(); $this->info['getKeyFrom']['company'] = $this->info['source']['company']; $this->info['getKeyFrom']['owner'] = $this->info['source']['owner']; $this->info['getKeyFrom']['email'] = $this->info['source']['email']; $this->info['getKeyFrom']['website'] = $this->info['source']['website']; $this->info['getKeyFrom']['license'] = $this->info['source']['license']; $this->info['getKeyFrom']['copyright'] = $this->info['source']['copyright']; // add buy link if only one link is set if (isset($this->info['export_buy_link']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->info['export_buy_link']) && count((array) $this->info['export_buy_link']) == 1) { $this->info['getKeyFrom']['buy_link'] = array_values($this->info['export_buy_link'])[0]; } else { // use global if more then one component is exported (since they now have one key), or if none has a buy link $this->info['getKeyFrom']['buy_link'] = $this->params->get('export_buy_link', null); } // no remove the buy links unset($this->info['export_buy_link']); // if we have multi links add them also // we started adding this at v2.7.7 $this->info['key'] = true; } else { // we started adding this at v2.7.7 $this->info['key'] = false; // Set the owner information $data = base64_encode($data); } // set the path $dbPath = $this->packagePath . '/db.vdm'; // write the db data to file in package if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::writeFile($dbPath, wordwrap($data, 128, "\n", true))) { return false; } // set info data $db = 'COM_COMPONENTBUILDER_SZDEQZDMVSMHBTRWFIFTYTSQFLVVXJTMTHREEJTWOIXM'; $locker = new FOFEncryptAes(base64_decode(JText::sprintf($db, 'VjR', 'WV0aE9k')), 128); $info = $locker->encryptString(json_encode($this->info)); // set the path $infoPath = $this->packagePath . '/info.vdm'; // write the db data to file in package if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::writeFile($infoPath, wordwrap($info, 128, "\n", true))) { return false; } // lock all files $this->lockFiles(); // remove old zip files with the same name if (JFile::exists($this->zipPath)) { // remove file if found JFile::delete($this->zipPath); } // zip the folder if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::zip($this->packagePath, $this->zipPath)) { return false; } // move to remote server if needed if (2 == $this->backupType) { if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::moveToServer($this->zipPath, $this->packageName.'.zip', $this->backupServer, null, 'joomla_component.export')) { return false; } // remove the local file JFile::delete($this->zipPath); } // remove the folder if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::removeFolder($this->packagePath)) { return false; } return true; } return false; } /** * Method to lock all files * * @return void */ protected function lockFiles() { // lock the data if set if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($this->key) && strlen($this->key) == 32) { $locker = new FOFEncryptAes($this->key, 128); // we must first store the current working directory $joomla = getcwd(); // to avoid that it encrypt the db and info file again we must move per/folder $folders = array('images', 'custom', 'dynamic'); // loop the folders foreach ($folders as $folder) { // the sub path $subPath = $this->packagePath.'/'.$folder; // go to the package sub folder if found if (JFolder::exists($subPath)) { $this->lock($subPath, $locker); } } // change back to working dir chdir($joomla); } } /** * The Locker * * @return void */ protected function lock(&$tmpPath, &$locker) { // we are changing the working directory to the tmp path (important) chdir($tmpPath); // get a list of files in the current directory tree (all) $files = JFolder::files('.', '.', true, true); // read in the file content foreach ($files as $file) { // write the encrypted string back to file if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::writeFile($file, wordwrap($locker->encryptString(file_get_contents($file)), 128, "\n", true))) { // we should add error handler here in case file could not be locked } } } /** * Method to move the files and folder to the package folder * * @return bool */ protected function moveIt($paths, $type, $dynamic = false) { // make sure we have an array if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($paths)) { return false; } // set the name of the folder if ('file' === $type || 'folder' === $type) { $folderName = 'custom'; // if these are full paths use dynamic folder if ($dynamic) { $folderName = 'dynamic'; } } elseif ('image' === $type) { $folderName = 'images'; } else { return false; } // setup the type path $tmpPath = str_replace('//', '/', $this->packagePath . '/' . $folderName); // create type path if not set if (!JFolder::exists($tmpPath)) { // create the folders if not found JFolder::create($tmpPath); } // now move it foreach ($paths as $item) { // make sure we have a string if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($item)) { // if the file type if ('file' === $type) { // if dynamic paths if ($dynamic) { $tmpFilePath = $tmpPath.'/'.$this->setDynamicPathName($item); $customFilePath = str_replace('//', '/', $this->setFullPath($item)); } else { $tmpFilePath = str_replace('//', '/', $tmpPath.'/'.$item); $customFilePath = str_replace('//', '/', $this->customPath.'/'.$item); } // now check if file exist if (!JFile::exists($tmpFilePath) && JFile::exists($customFilePath)) { // move the file to its place JFile::copy($customFilePath, $tmpFilePath); } } // if the image type if ('image' === $type) { $imageName = basename($item); $imagePath = str_replace($imageName, '', $item); $imageFolderPath = str_replace('//', '/', $this->packagePath.'/'. $imagePath); // check if image folder exist if (!JFolder::exists($imageFolderPath)) { // create the folders if not found JFolder::create($imageFolderPath); } $tmpImagePath = str_replace('//', '/', $this->packagePath.'/'.$item); $customImagePath = str_replace('//', '/', JPATH_ROOT.'/'.$item); if (!JFile::exists($tmpImagePath) && JFile::exists($customImagePath)) { // move the file to its place JFile::copy($customImagePath, $tmpImagePath); } } // if the folder type if ('folder' === $type) { // if dynamic paths if ($dynamic) { $tmpFolderPath = $tmpPath.'/'.$this->setDynamicPathName($item); $customFolderPath = str_replace('//', '/', $this->setFullPath($item)); } else { $tmpFolderPath = str_replace('//', '/', $tmpPath.'/'.$item); $customFolderPath = str_replace('//', '/', $this->customPath.'/'.$item); } if (!JFolder::exists($tmpFolderPath) && JFolder::exists($customFolderPath)) { // move the folder to its place JFolder::copy($customFolderPath, $tmpFolderPath,'',true); } } } } return true; } /** * Check if a field has multiple fields * * @param string $typeID The type ID * * @return bool true on success * */ protected function checkMultiFields($typeID) { if(isset($this->isMultiple[$typeID])) { return $this->isMultiple[$typeID]; } elseif ($type = $this->getFieldType($typeID)) { if ('repeatable' === $type || 'subform' === $type ) { $this->isMultiple[$typeID] = true; } else { $this->isMultiple[$typeID] = false; } return $this->isMultiple[$typeID]; } return false; } /** * Get the field type * * @param string $id The field type id * * @return string field type * */ protected function getFieldType($id) { if (!isset($this->fieldTypes[$id])) { $properties = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('fieldtype', $id, 'id', 'properties'); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($properties)) { $properties = json_decode($properties, true); foreach ($properties as $property) { if ('type' === $property['name']) { if (isset($property['example']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($property['example'])) { $this->fieldTypes[$id] = $property['example']; break; } } } } // if not found if (!isset($this->fieldTypes[$id]) && $name = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('fieldtype', $id, 'id', 'name')) { $this->fieldTypes[$id] = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($name); } } // return the type if (isset($this->fieldTypes[$id])) { return $this->fieldTypes[$id]; } return false; } /** * Set Template and Layout Data * * @param string $default The content to check * * @return void * */ protected function getTemplateLayout($default, $user = false) { // set the Template data $temp1 = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($default, "\$this->loadTemplate('","')"); $temp2 = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($default, '$this->loadTemplate("','")'); $templates = array(); $again = array(); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($temp1) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($temp2)) { $templates = array_merge($temp1,$temp2); } else { if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($temp1)) { $templates = $temp1; } elseif (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($temp2)) { $templates = $temp2; } } if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($templates)) { foreach ($templates as $template) { $data = $this->getDataWithAlias($template, 'template'); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($data)) { if (!isset($this->smartIDs['template']) || !isset($this->smartIDs['template'][$data['id']])) { $this->setSmartIDs($data['id'], 'template'); // call self to get child data $again[] = $data['html']; $again[] = $data['php_view']; } } } } // set the layout data $lay1 = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($default, "JLayoutHelper::render('","',"); $lay2 = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($default, 'JLayoutHelper::render("','",'); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($lay1) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($lay2)) { $layouts = array_merge($lay1,$lay2); } else { if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($lay1)) { $layouts = $lay1; } elseif (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($lay2)) { $layouts = $lay2; } } if (isset($layouts) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($layouts)) { foreach ($layouts as $layout) { $data = $this->getDataWithAlias($layout, 'layout'); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($data)) { if (!isset($this->smartIDs['layout']) || !isset($this->smartIDs['layout'][$data['id']])) { $this->setSmartIDs($data['id'], 'layout'); // call self to get child data $again[] = $data['html']; $again[] = $data['php_view']; } } } } if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($again)) { foreach ($again as $get) { $this->getTemplateLayout($get); } } // Set the Data if ($user) { // add templates if (isset($this->smartIDs['template']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['template'])) { $this->setData('template', array_values($this->smartIDs['template']), 'id'); } // add layouts if (isset($this->smartIDs['layout']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->smartIDs['layout'])) { $this->setData('layout', array_values($this->smartIDs['layout']), 'id'); } } } /** * Get Data With Alias * * @param string $n_ame The alias name * @param string $table The table where to find the alias * @param string $view The view code name * * @return array The data found with the alias * */ protected function getDataWithAlias($n_ame, $table) { // Create a new query object. $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true); $query->select($this->_db->quoteName(array('a.id', 'a.alias', 'a.'.$table, 'a.php_view', 'a.add_php_view'))); $query->from('#__componentbuilder_'.$table.' AS a'); $this->_db->setQuery($query); $rows = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $k_ey = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($row->alias); $key = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z]/", '', $k_ey); $name = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z]/", '', $n_ame); if ($k_ey == $n_ame || $key == $name) { $php_view = ''; if ($row->add_php_view == 1) { $php_view = base64_decode($row->php_view); } $contnent = base64_decode($row->{$table}); // return to continue the search return array('id' => $row->id, 'html' => $contnent, 'php_view' => $php_view); } } return false; } /** * Set the ids of the found code placeholders * * @param object $item The item being searched * @param string $target The target table * @param string $type The type of placeholder to search and set * * @return void * */ protected function setCodePlaceholdersIds($item, $target, $type = 'custom_code') { if ($keys = $this->getCodeSearchKeys($target)) { foreach ($keys['search'] as $key) { if ('id' === $key || 'name' === $key || 'system_name' === $key) { continue; } elseif (!isset($keys['not_base64'][$key])) { $value = ComponentbuilderHelper::openValidBase64($item->{$key}, null); } elseif (isset($keys['not_base64'][$key]) && 'json' === $keys['not_base64'][$key] && 'xml' === $key) // just for field search { $value = json_decode($item->{$key}); } else { $value = $item->{$key}; } // check if we should search for base64 string inside the text if (isset($keys['base64_search']) && isset($keys['base64_search'][$key]) && isset($keys['base64_search'][$key]['start']) && strpos($value, $keys['base64_search'][$key]['start']) !== false) { // search and open the base64 strings $this->searchOpenBase64($value, $keys['base64_search'][$key]); } // based on the type of search if ('custom_code' === $type) { // search the value to see if it has custom code $codeArray = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($value, '[CUSTOMC' . 'ODE=',']'); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($codeArray)) { foreach ($codeArray as $func) { // first make sure we have only the function key if (strpos($func, '+') !== false) { $funcArray = explode('+', $func); $func = $funcArray[0]; } if (!isset($this->customCodeM[$func])) { $this->customCodeM[$func] = $func; // if numeric add to ids if (is_numeric($func)) { $this->setSmartIDs($func, $type); } elseif (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($func)) { if (($funcID = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar($type, $func, 'function_name', 'id')) !== false && is_numeric($funcID)) { $this->setSmartIDs($funcID, $type); } else { // set a notice that custom code was not found (weird) } } } } } } elseif ('placeholder' === $type) { // check if we already have the placeholder search array if (!componentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->placeholderM) && !componentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->placeholderS)) { $this->placeholderS = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVars($type, 1, 'published', 'target'); } // only continue search if placeholders found if (componentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->placeholderS)) { foreach ($this->placeholderS as $remove => $placeholder) { // search the value to see if it has this placeholder and is not already set if (!isset($this->placeholderM[$placeholder]) && strpos($value, $placeholder) !== false) { // add only once $this->placeholderM[$placeholder] = $placeholder; unset($this->placeholderS[$remove]); // get the ID if (($placeholderID = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar($type, $placeholder, 'target', 'id')) !== false && is_numeric($placeholderID)) { $this->setSmartIDs($placeholderID, $type); } else { // set a notice that placeholder was not found (weird) } } } } } } } } /** * Set the language strings for this component * * @param int $id The component id * * @return void * */ protected function setLanguageTranslation(&$id) { // Create a new query object. $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true); $query->select(array('a.*')); $query->from('#__componentbuilder_language_translation AS a'); // Implement View Level Access if (!$this->user->authorise('core.options', 'com_componentbuilder')) { $groups = implode(',', $this->user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()); $query->where('a.access IN (' . $groups . ')'); } // Order the results by ordering $query->order('a.ordering ASC'); // Load the items $this->_db->setQuery($query); $this->_db->execute(); if ($this->_db->getNumRows()) { $items = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); // check if we have items if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items)) { if (!isset($this->smartBox['language_translation'])) { $this->smartBox['language_translation'] = array(); } foreach ($items as $item) { if (!isset($this->smartBox['language_translation'][$item->id]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($item->components)) { $components = json_decode($item->components, true); if (in_array($id, $components)) { // load to global object $this->smartBox['language_translation'][$item->id] = $item; // add languages if (isset($item->translation)) { $this->setData('language', $this->getValues($item->translation, 'subform', 'language'), 'langtag'); } } } } } } } /** * Get the package name * * @param array $items of all components * * @return string The package name * */ protected function getPackageName(&$items) { foreach ($items as $item) { if (isset($item->system_name)) { return ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($item->system_name, 'cAmel'); } else { return ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($item->name_code); } } } /** * Convert the path to a name * * @param string $path The full path * * @return string The path name * */ protected function setDynamicPathName($path) { // remove the full path if possible $path = str_replace('//', '/', $this->setConstantPath($path)); // now convert to string return str_replace('/', '__v_d_m__', $path); } /** * Update real full path value with constant path string * * @param string $path The full path * * @return string The updated path * */ protected function setConstantPath($path) { return str_replace(array_values(ComponentbuilderHelper::$constantPaths), array_keys(ComponentbuilderHelper::$constantPaths), $path); } /** * Update constant path with real full path value * * @param string $path The full path * * @return string The updated path * */ protected function setFullPath($path) { return str_replace(array_keys(ComponentbuilderHelper::$constantPaths), array_values(ComponentbuilderHelper::$constantPaths), $path); } /** * Search for base64 strings and decode them * * @param string $value The string to search * @param array $target The target search values * * @return void * */ protected function searchOpenBase64(&$value, &$target) { // first get the start property (if dynamic) $starts = array(); if (isset($target['_start'])) { // get all values $allBetween = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($value, $target['start'], $target['_start']); // just again make sure we found some if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($allBetween)) { if (count((array) $allBetween) > 1) { // search for many foreach ($allBetween as $between) { // load the starting property $start = $target['start']; $start .= $between; $start .= $target['_start']; $starts[] = $start; } } else { // load the starting property $start = $target['start']; $start .= array_values($allBetween)[0]; $start .= $target['_start']; $starts[] = $start; } } } else { $starts[] = $target['start']; } // has any been found if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($starts)) { foreach ($starts as $_start) { // get the base64 string $base64 = ComponentbuilderHelper::getBetween($value, $_start, $target['end']); // now open the base64 text $tmp = ComponentbuilderHelper::openValidBase64($base64); // insert it back into the value (so we still search the whole string) $value = str_replace($base64, $tmp, $value); } } } /** * The code search keys/targets * * @var array */ protected $codeSearchKeys = array( // #__componentbuilder_joomla_component (a) 'joomla_component' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'system_name', 'php_preflight_install', 'php_postflight_install', 'php_preflight_update', 'php_postflight_update', 'php_method_uninstall', 'php_helper_admin', 'php_admin_event', 'php_helper_both', 'php_helper_site', 'php_site_event', 'javascript', 'readme', 'sql', 'sql_uninstall'), 'views' => 'joomla_components', 'not_base64' => array(), 'name' => 'system_name' ), // #__componentbuilder_component_dashboard (b) 'component_dashboard' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'joomla_component', 'php_dashboard_methods', 'dashboard_tab'), 'views' => 'components_dashboard', 'not_base64' => array('dashboard_tab' => 'json'), 'name' => 'joomla_component->id:joomla_component.system_name' ), // #__componentbuilder_component_placeholders (c) 'component_placeholders' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'joomla_component', 'addplaceholders'), 'views' => 'components_placeholders', 'not_base64' => array('addplaceholders' => 'json'), 'name' => 'joomla_component->id:joomla_component.system_name' ), // #__componentbuilder_admin_view (d) 'admin_view' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'system_name', 'javascript_view_file', 'javascript_view_footer', 'javascript_views_file', 'javascript_views_footer', 'html_import_view', 'php_after_delete', 'php_after_publish', 'php_ajaxmethod', 'php_allowedit', 'php_batchcopy', 'php_batchmove', 'php_before_delete', 'php_before_publish', 'php_before_save', 'php_controller', 'php_controller_list', 'php_document', 'php_getitem', 'php_getitems', 'php_getitems_after_all', 'php_getlistquery', 'php_import', 'php_import_display', 'php_import_ext', 'php_import_headers', 'php_getform', 'php_import_save', 'php_import_setdata', 'php_model', 'php_model_list', 'php_postsavehook', 'php_save'), 'views' => 'admin_views', 'not_base64' => array(), 'name' => 'system_name' ), // #__componentbuilder_admin_fields_relations (e) 'admin_fields_relations' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'admin_view', 'addrelations'), 'views' => 'admins_fields_relations', 'not_base64' => array('addrelations' => 'json'), 'name' => 'admin_view->id:admin_view.system_name' ), // #__componentbuilder_admin_custom_tabs (f) 'admin_custom_tabs' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'admin_view', 'tabs'), 'views' => 'admins_custom_tabs', 'not_base64' => array('tabs' => 'json'), 'name' => 'admin_view->id:admin_view.system_name' ), // #__componentbuilder_custom_admin_view (g) 'custom_admin_view' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'system_name', 'default', 'php_view', 'php_jview', 'php_jview_display', 'php_document', 'js_document', 'css_document', 'css', 'php_ajaxmethod', 'php_model', 'php_controller'), 'views' => 'custom_admin_views', 'not_base64' => array(), 'name' => 'system_name' ), // #__componentbuilder_site_view (h) 'site_view' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'system_name', 'default', 'php_view', 'php_jview', 'php_jview_display', 'php_document', 'js_document', 'css_document', 'css', 'php_ajaxmethod', 'php_model', 'php_controller'), 'views' => 'site_views', 'not_base64' => array(), 'name' => 'system_name' ), // #__componentbuilder_field (i) 'field' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'name', 'xml', 'javascript_view_footer', 'javascript_views_footer', 'on_save_model_field', 'on_get_model_field', 'initiator_on_save_model', 'initiator_on_get_model'), 'views' => 'fields', 'not_base64' => array('xml' => 'json'), 'base64_search' => array('xml' => array('start' => 'type_php', '_start' => '="', 'end' => '"')), 'name' => 'name' ), // #__componentbuilder_fieldtype (j) 'fieldtype' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'name', 'properties'), 'views' => 'fieldtypes', 'not_base64' => array('properties' => 'json'), 'name' => 'name' ), // #__componentbuilder_dynamic_get (k) 'dynamic_get' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'name', 'php_before_getitem', 'php_after_getitem', 'php_before_getitems', 'php_after_getitems', 'php_getlistquery', 'php_calculation'), 'views' => 'dynamic_gets', 'not_base64' => array(), 'name' => 'name' ), // #__componentbuilder_template (l) 'template' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'name', 'php_view', 'template'), 'views' => 'templates', 'not_base64' => array(), 'name' => 'name' ), // #__componentbuilder_layout (m) 'layout' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'name', 'php_view', 'layout'), 'views' => 'layouts', 'not_base64' => array(), 'name' => 'name' ), // #__componentbuilder_library (n) 'library' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'name', 'php_setdocument'), 'views' => 'libraries', 'not_base64' => array(), 'name' => 'name' ), // #__componentbuilder_custom_code (o) 'custom_code' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'system_name', 'code'), 'views' => 'custom_codes', 'not_base64' => array(), 'name' => 'system_name' ), // #__componentbuilder_validation_rule (p) 'validation_rule' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'name', 'php'), 'views' => 'validation_rules', 'not_base64' => array(), 'name' => 'name' ), // #__componentbuilder_joomla_module (q) 'joomla_module' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'system_name', 'name', 'default', 'description', 'mod_code', 'class_helper_header', 'class_helper_code', 'php_script_construct', 'php_preflight_install', 'php_preflight_update', 'php_preflight_uninstall', 'php_postflight_install', 'php_postflight_update', 'php_method_uninstall', 'sql', 'sql_uninstall', 'readme'), 'views' => 'joomla_modules', 'not_base64' => array('description' => 'string', 'readme' => 'string'), 'name' => 'system_name' ), // #__componentbuilder_joomla_plugin (r) 'joomla_plugin' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'system_name', 'name', 'main_class_code', 'head', 'description', 'php_script_construct', 'php_preflight_install', 'php_preflight_update', 'php_preflight_uninstall', 'php_postflight_install', 'php_postflight_update', 'php_method_uninstall', 'sql', 'sql_uninstall', 'readme'), 'views' => 'joomla_plugins', 'not_base64' => array('description' => 'string', 'readme' => 'string'), 'name' => 'system_name' ), // #__componentbuilder_class_extends (s) 'class_extends' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'name', 'head', 'comment'), 'views' => 'class_extendings', 'not_base64' => array(), 'name' => 'name' ), // #__componentbuilder_class_property (t) 'class_property' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'name', 'default', 'comment'), 'views' => 'class_properties', 'not_base64' => array(), 'name' => 'name' ), // #__componentbuilder_class_method (u) 'class_method' => array( 'search' => array('id', 'name', 'code', 'comment'), 'views' => 'class_methods', 'not_base64' => array(), 'name' => 'name' ) ); /** * Get the keys of the values to search custom code in * * @param string $target The table targeted * @param string $type The type of get * * @return array The query options * */ protected function getCodeSearchKeys($target, $type = null) { // set the template if type is query if ('query' === $type) { // setup the tables $tables = array(); $key = 'a'; foreach (array_keys($this->codeSearchKeys) as $table) { $tables[$key] = $table; $key++; } // check if we have a match if (isset($tables[$target])) { $target = $tables[$target]; } } // return result ready for a.query if (('query' === $type || 'query_' === $type) && isset($this->codeSearchKeys[$target])) { // set the targets $codeSearchTarget = $this->codeSearchKeys[$target]; // add the .a to the selection array $codeSearchTarget['select'] = array_map( function($select) { return 'a.' . $select; }, $codeSearchTarget['search']); // also set the table $codeSearchTarget['table'] = $target; // remove search unset($codeSearchTarget['search']); // return targeted array to use in query return $codeSearchTarget; } // does the target exist elseif (isset($this->codeSearchKeys[$target])) { // return target array values to use in search return $this->codeSearchKeys[$target]; } return false; } /** * Method to auto-populate the model state. * * @return void */ protected function populateState($ordering = null, $direction = null) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); // Adjust the context to support modal layouts. if ($layout = $app->input->get('layout')) { $this->context .= '.' . $layout; } $system_name = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter.system_name', 'filter_system_name'); $this->setState('filter.system_name', $system_name); $name_code = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter.name_code', 'filter_name_code'); $this->setState('filter.name_code', $name_code); $short_description = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter.short_description', 'filter_short_description'); $this->setState('filter.short_description', $short_description); $companyname = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter.companyname', 'filter_companyname'); $this->setState('filter.companyname', $companyname); $author = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter.author', 'filter_author'); $this->setState('filter.author', $author); $sorting = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter.sorting', 'filter_sorting', 0, 'int'); $this->setState('filter.sorting', $sorting); $access = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter.access', 'filter_access', 0, 'int'); $this->setState('filter.access', $access); $search = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter.search', 'filter_search'); $this->setState('filter.search', $search); $published = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter.published', 'filter_published', ''); $this->setState('filter.published', $published); $created_by = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter.created_by', 'filter_created_by', ''); $this->setState('filter.created_by', $created_by); $created = $this->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context . '.filter.created', 'filter_created'); $this->setState('filter.created', $created); // List state information. parent::populateState($ordering, $direction); } /** * Method to get an array of data items. * * @return mixed An array of data items on success, false on failure. */ public function getItems() { // check in items $this->checkInNow(); // load parent items $items = parent::getItems(); // Set values to display correctly. if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items)) { // Get the user object if not set. if (!isset($user) || !ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject($user)) { $user = JFactory::getUser(); } foreach ($items as $nr => &$item) { // Remove items the user can't access. $access = ($user->authorise('joomla_component.access', 'com_componentbuilder.joomla_component.' . (int) $item->id) && $user->authorise('joomla_component.access', 'com_componentbuilder')); if (!$access) { unset($items[$nr]); continue; } } } // return items return $items; } /** * Method to build an SQL query to load the list data. * * @return string An SQL query */ protected function getListQuery() { // Get the user object. $user = JFactory::getUser(); // Create a new query object. $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); // Select some fields $query->select('a.*'); // From the componentbuilder_item table $query->from($db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_joomla_component', 'a')); // Filter by published state $published = $this->getState('filter.published'); if (is_numeric($published)) { $query->where('a.published = ' . (int) $published); } elseif ($published === '') { $query->where('(a.published = 0 OR a.published = 1)'); } // Join over the asset groups. $query->select('ag.title AS access_level'); $query->join('LEFT', '#__viewlevels AS ag ON ag.id = a.access'); // Filter by access level. if ($access = $this->getState('filter.access')) { $query->where('a.access = ' . (int) $access); } // Implement View Level Access if (!$user->authorise('core.options', 'com_componentbuilder')) { $groups = implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()); $query->where('a.access IN (' . $groups . ')'); } // Filter by search. $search = $this->getState('filter.search'); if (!empty($search)) { if (stripos($search, 'id:') === 0) { $query->where('a.id = ' . (int) substr($search, 3)); } else { $search = $db->quote('%' . $db->escape($search) . '%'); $query->where('(a.system_name LIKE '.$search.' OR a.name_code LIKE '.$search.' OR a.short_description LIKE '.$search.' OR a.companyname LIKE '.$search.' OR a.author LIKE '.$search.' OR a.email LIKE '.$search.' OR a.website LIKE '.$search.' OR a.name LIKE '.$search.')'); } } // Filter by Companyname. if ($companyname = $this->getState('filter.companyname')) { $query->where('a.companyname = ' . $db->quote($db->escape($companyname))); } // Filter by Author. if ($author = $this->getState('filter.author')) { $query->where('a.author = ' . $db->quote($db->escape($author))); } // Add the list ordering clause. $orderCol = $this->state->get('list.ordering', 'a.id'); $orderDirn = $this->state->get('list.direction', 'asc'); if ($orderCol != '') { $query->order($db->escape($orderCol . ' ' . $orderDirn)); } return $query; } /** * Method to get list export data. * * @param array $pks The ids of the items to get * @param JUser $user The user making the request * * @return mixed An array of data items on success, false on failure. */ public function getExportData($pks, $user = null) { // setup the query if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($pks)) { // Set a value to know this is export method. (USE IN CUSTOM CODE TO ALTER OUTCOME) $_export = true; // Get the user object if not set. if (!isset($user) || !ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject($user)) { $user = JFactory::getUser(); } // Create a new query object. $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); // Select some fields $query->select('a.*'); // From the componentbuilder_joomla_component table $query->from($db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_joomla_component', 'a')); $query->where('a.id IN (' . implode(',',$pks) . ')'); // Implement View Level Access if (!$user->authorise('core.options', 'com_componentbuilder')) { $groups = implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()); $query->where('a.access IN (' . $groups . ')'); } // Order the results by ordering $query->order('a.ordering ASC'); // Load the items $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); if ($db->getNumRows()) { $items = $db->loadObjectList(); // Get the basic encryption key. $basickey = ComponentbuilderHelper::getCryptKey('basic'); // Get the encryption object. $basic = new FOFEncryptAes($basickey); // Set values to display correctly. if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items)) { foreach ($items as $nr => &$item) { // Remove items the user can't access. $access = ($user->authorise('joomla_component.access', 'com_componentbuilder.joomla_component.' . (int) $item->id) && $user->authorise('joomla_component.access', 'com_componentbuilder')); if (!$access) { unset($items[$nr]); continue; } // decode php_helper_site $item->php_helper_site = base64_decode($item->php_helper_site); if ($basickey && !is_numeric($item->crowdin_account_api_key) && $item->crowdin_account_api_key === base64_encode(base64_decode($item->crowdin_account_api_key, true))) { // decrypt crowdin_account_api_key $item->crowdin_account_api_key = $basic->decryptString($item->crowdin_account_api_key); } // decode readme $item->readme = base64_decode($item->readme); // decode php_postflight_update $item->php_postflight_update = base64_decode($item->php_postflight_update); // decode javascript $item->javascript = base64_decode($item->javascript); // decode css_site $item->css_site = base64_decode($item->css_site); // decode php_preflight_update $item->php_preflight_update = base64_decode($item->php_preflight_update); // decode sql $item->sql = base64_decode($item->sql); // decode php_helper_admin $item->php_helper_admin = base64_decode($item->php_helper_admin); // decode php_helper_both $item->php_helper_both = base64_decode($item->php_helper_both); // decode php_admin_event $item->php_admin_event = base64_decode($item->php_admin_event); // decode php_site_event $item->php_site_event = base64_decode($item->php_site_event); // decode css_admin $item->css_admin = base64_decode($item->css_admin); if ($basickey && !is_numeric($item->whmcs_key) && $item->whmcs_key === base64_encode(base64_decode($item->whmcs_key, true))) { // decrypt whmcs_key $item->whmcs_key = $basic->decryptString($item->whmcs_key); } // decode php_preflight_install $item->php_preflight_install = base64_decode($item->php_preflight_install); // decode php_postflight_install $item->php_postflight_install = base64_decode($item->php_postflight_install); // decode php_method_uninstall $item->php_method_uninstall = base64_decode($item->php_method_uninstall); // decode sql_uninstall $item->sql_uninstall = base64_decode($item->sql_uninstall); if ($basickey && !is_numeric($item->crowdin_project_api_key) && $item->crowdin_project_api_key === base64_encode(base64_decode($item->crowdin_project_api_key, true))) { // decrypt crowdin_project_api_key $item->crowdin_project_api_key = $basic->decryptString($item->crowdin_project_api_key); } if ($basickey && !is_numeric($item->export_key) && $item->export_key === base64_encode(base64_decode($item->export_key, true))) { // decrypt export_key $item->export_key = $basic->decryptString($item->export_key); } if ($basickey && !is_numeric($item->crowdin_username) && $item->crowdin_username === base64_encode(base64_decode($item->crowdin_username, true))) { // decrypt crowdin_username $item->crowdin_username = $basic->decryptString($item->crowdin_username); } // decode buildcompsql $item->buildcompsql = base64_decode($item->buildcompsql); // unset the values we don't want exported. unset($item->asset_id); unset($item->checked_out); unset($item->checked_out_time); } } // Add headers to items array. $headers = $this->getExImPortHeaders(); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkObject($headers)) { array_unshift($items,$headers); } return $items; } } return false; } /** * Method to get header. * * @return mixed An array of data items on success, false on failure. */ public function getExImPortHeaders() { // Get a db connection. $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // get the columns $columns = $db->getTableColumns("#__componentbuilder_joomla_component"); if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($columns)) { // remove the headers you don't import/export. unset($columns['asset_id']); unset($columns['checked_out']); unset($columns['checked_out_time']); $headers = new stdClass(); foreach ($columns as $column => $type) { $headers->{$column} = $column; } return $headers; } return false; } /** * Method to get a store id based on model configuration state. * * @return string A store id. * */ protected function getStoreId($id = '') { // Compile the store id. $id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.id'); $id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.search'); $id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.published'); $id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.ordering'); $id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.created_by'); $id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.modified_by'); $id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.system_name'); $id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.name_code'); $id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.short_description'); $id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.companyname'); $id .= ':' . $this->getState('filter.author'); return parent::getStoreId($id); } /** * Build an SQL query to checkin all items left checked out longer then a set time. * * @return a bool * */ protected function checkInNow() { // Get set check in time $time = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_componentbuilder')->get('check_in'); if ($time) { // Get a db connection. $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // reset query $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select('*'); $query->from($db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_joomla_component')); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); if ($db->getNumRows()) { // Get Yesterdays date $date = JFactory::getDate()->modify($time)->toSql(); // reset query $query = $db->getQuery(true); // Fields to update. $fields = array( $db->quoteName('checked_out_time') . '=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\'', $db->quoteName('checked_out') . '=0' ); // Conditions for which records should be updated. $conditions = array( $db->quoteName('checked_out') . '!=0', $db->quoteName('checked_out_time') . '<\''.$date.'\'' ); // Check table $query->update($db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_joomla_component'))->set($fields)->where($conditions); $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); } } return false; } }