Llewellyn van der Merwe f15b67cff1
Added notice of language (tanslations) added or not added with details to compiler
Resolved gh-146 compiler error on joined db in dinamic get thanks to @mwweb & @ro-ot
Resolved gh-147 by adding the sort of fields back into the save method
Resolved gh-144 to ensure that the published tab (fields overwriting and adding) option is available again.
Resolved gh-145 by moving the subforms to their own tab in dynamic get view
Converted all repeatable fields to subform fields in Joomla component view
Moved 9 subforms and other fields to their own table and view (decopuling them fom Joomla component view), that means we added 9 more views and tables to JCB
Added all the ajax for buttons and display views to Joomla component view
Added tmp scripts all across the new areas with subforms to ensure all repeatable fields are converted. Will be removed in v2.7.0
Added synced copy, change state and delete in Joomla components view in relation to all tables linked to it (same as with admin views)
2017-10-26 18:43:51 +02:00

4785 lines
152 KiB

/**--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| www.vdm.io |------/
__ __ _ _____ _ _ __ __ _ _ _
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@version 2.3.0
@created 30th April, 2015
@package Component Builder
@subpackage compiler.php
@author Llewellyn van der Merwe <http://www.vdm.io>
@my wife Roline van der Merwe <http://www.vdm.io/>
@copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved
@license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Builds Complex Joomla Components
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
* Get class as the main compilers class
class Get
* The app
* @var object
public $app;
* The Params
* @var object
public $params;
* The placeholders
* @var array
public $placeholders = array();
* The Compiler Path
* @var object
public $compilerPath;
* Switch to add custom code placeholders
* @var bool
public $addPlaceholders = false;
* The Component data
* @var object
public $componentData;
* The custom script placeholders - we use the (xxx) to avoid detection it should be (***)
* ##################################---> PHP/JS <---####################################
* New Insert Code = /xxx[INSERT<>$$$$]xxx/ /xxx[/INSERT<>$$$$]xxx/
* New Replace Code = /xxx[REPLACE<>$$$$]xxx/ /xxx[/REPLACE<>$$$$]xxx/
* //////////////////////////////// when JCB adds it back //////////////////////////////////
* JCB Add Inserted Code = /xxx[INSERTED$$$$]xxx//x23x/ /xxx[/INSERTED$$$$]xxx/
* JCB Add Replaced Code = /xxx[REPLACED$$$$]xxx//x25x/ /xxx[/REPLACED$$$$]xxx/
* /////////////////////////////// changeing existing custom code /////////////////////////
* Update Inserted Code = /xxx[INSERTED<>$$$$]xxx//x23x/ /xxx[/INSERTED<>$$$$]xxx/
* Update Replaced Code = /xxx[REPLACED<>$$$$]xxx//x25x/ /xxx[/REPLACED<>$$$$]xxx/
* The custom script placeholders - we use the (==) to avoid detection it should be (--)
* ###################################---> HTML <---#####################################
* New Insert Code = <!==[INSERT<>$$$$]==> <!==[/INSERT<>$$$$]==>
* New Replace Code = <!==[REPLACE<>$$$$]==> <!==[/REPLACE<>$$$$]==>
* ///////////////////////////////// when JCB adds it back ///////////////////////////////
* JCB Add Inserted Code = <!==[INSERTED$$$$]==><!==23==> <!==[/INSERTED$$$$]==>
* JCB Add Replaced Code = <!==[REPLACED$$$$]==><!==25==> <!==[/REPLACED$$$$]==>
* //////////////////////////// changeing existing custom code ///////////////////////////
* Update Inserted Code = <!==[INSERTED<>$$$$]==><!==23==> <!==[/INSERTED<>$$$$]==>
* Update Replaced Code = <!==[REPLACED<>$$$$]==><!==25==> <!==[/REPLACED<>$$$$]==>
* ////////23 is the ID of the code in the system don't change it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* @var array
protected $customCodePlaceholders = array(
1 => 'REPLACE<>$$$$]',
2 => 'INSERT<>$$$$]',
3 => 'REPLACED<>$$$$]',
4 => 'INSERTED<>$$$$]'
* The custom code to be added
* @var array
public $customCode;
* The custom code to be added
* @var array
protected $customCodeData = array();
* The function name memory ids
* @var array
public $functionNameMemory = array();
* The custom code for local memory
* @var array
public $customCodeMemory = array();
* The custom code in local files that aready exist in system
* @var array
protected $existingCustomCode = array();
* The custom code in local files this are new
* @var array
protected $newCustomCode = array();
* The index of code already loaded
* @var array
protected $codeAreadyDone = array();
* The line numbers Switch
* @var boolean
public $debugLinenr = false;
* The percentage when a language should be added
* @var boolean
public $percentageLanguageAdd = 0;
* The Placholder Language prefix
* @var string
public $langPrefix;
* The Language content
* @var array
public $langContent = array();
* The Languages bucket
* @var array
public $languages = array('en-GB' => array());
* The Multi Languages bucket
* @var array
public $multiLangString = array();
* The new lang to add
* @var array
protected $newLangStrings = array();
* The existing lang to update
* @var array
protected $existingLangStrings = array();
* The Component Code Name
* @var string
public $componentCodeName;
* The Component ID
* @var int
public $componentID;
* The current user
* @var array
public $user;
* The database object
* @var array
public $db;
* The Component version
* @var string
public $component_version;
* The UIKIT Switch
* @var boolean
public $uikit = false;
* The UIKIT component checker
* @var array
public $uikitComp = array();
* The FOOTABLE Switch
* @var boolean
public $footable = false;
* The FOOTABLE Version
* @var int
public $footableVersion;
* The Google Chart Switch per view
* @var array
public $googleChart = array();
* The Google Chart Switch
* @var boolean
public $googlechart = false;
* The Import & Export Switch
* @var boolean
public $addEximport = false;
* The Tag & History Switch
* @var boolean
public $setTagHistory = false;
* The site edit views
* @var array
public $siteEditView = array();
* The Language target
* @var string
public $lang = 'admin';
* The Build target Switch
* @var string
public $target;
* The unique codes
* @var array
public $uniquecodes = array();
* The unique keys
* @var array
public $uniquekeys = array();
* The Ad contributors Switch
* @var boolean
public $addContributors = false;
* The Custom Script Builder
* @var array
public $customScriptBuilder = array();
* The Footable Script Builder
* @var array
public $footableScripts = array();
* The pathe to the bom file to be used
* @var string
public $bomPath;
* The SQL Tweak of admin views
* @var array
public $sqlTweak = array();
* The admin views data array
* @var array
private $_adminViewData = array();
* The field data array
* @var array
private $_fieldData = array();
* The linked admin view tabs
* @var array
public $linkedAdminViews = array();
* The Add Ajax Switch
* @var boolean
public $addAjax = false;
* The Add Site Ajax Switch
* @var boolean
public $addSiteAjax = false;
* The get Module Script Switch
* @var array
public $getModule = array();
* The template data
* @var array
public $templateData = array();
* The layout data
* @var array
public $layoutData = array();
* The Advanced Encryption Switch
* @var boolean
public $advancedEncryption = false;
* The Basic Encryption Switch
* @var boolean
public $basicEncryption = false;
* The Custom field Switch per view
* @var array
public $customFieldScript = array();
* The site main get
* @var array
public $siteMainGet = array();
* The site dynamic get
* @var array
public $siteDynamicGet = array();
* The get AS lookup
* @var array
public $getAsLookup = array();
* The site fields
* @var array
public $siteFields = array();
* The add SQL
* @var array
public $addSQL = array();
* The update SQL
* @var array
public $updateSQL = array();
* Constructor
public function __construct($config = array ())
if (isset($config) && count($config))
// load application
$this->app = JFactory::getApplication();
// Set the params
$this->params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_componentbuilder');
// load the compiler path
$this->compilerPath = $this->params->get('compiler_folder_path', JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR.'/compiler');
// set the component ID
$this->componentID = (int) $config['componentId'];
// set this components code name
if ($name_code = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('joomla_component', $this->componentID, 'id', 'name_code'))
// set lang prefix
$this->langPrefix = 'COM_'.ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($name_code,'U');
// set component code name
$this->componentCodeName = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($name_code);
// set if placeholders should be added to customcode
$global = ((int) ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('joomla_component', $this->componentID, 'id', 'add_placeholders') == 1) ? true:false;
$this->addPlaceholders = ((int) $config['addPlaceholders'] == 0) ? false : (((int) $config['addPlaceholders'] == 1) ? true : $global);
// set if line numbers should be added to comments
$global = ((int) ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('joomla_component', $this->componentID, 'id', 'debug_linenr') == 1) ? true:false;
$this->debugLinenr = ((int) $config['debugLinenr'] == 0) ? false : (((int) $config['debugLinenr'] == 1) ? true : $global);
// set the current user
$this->user = JFactory::getUser();
// Get a db connection.
$this->db = JFactory::getDbo();
// check if this component is install on the current website
if ($paths = $this->getLocalInstallPaths())
// start Automatic import of custom code
$today = JFactory::getDate()->toSql();
// get the custom code from installed files
$this->customCodeFactory($paths, $today);
// get the component data
$this->componentData = $this->getComponentData();
// make sure we have a version
if (strpos($this->componentData->component_version, '.') === FALSE)
$this->componentData->component_version = '1.0.0';
// update the version
if (!isset($this->componentData->old_component_version)
&& (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->addSQL) || ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->updateSQL)))
// set the new version
$version = (array) explode('.', $this->componentData->component_version);
// get last key
$key = key($version);
// just increment the last
// set the old version
$this->componentData->old_component_version = $this->componentData->component_version;
// set the new version, and set update switch
$this->componentData->component_version = implode('.', $version);
// set the percentage when a language can be added
$this->percentageLanguageAdd = (int) $this->params->get('percentagelanguageadd', 50);
return true;
return false;
* Set the line number in comments
* @param int $nr The line number
* @return void
private function setLine($nr)
if ($this->debugLinenr)
return ' [Get '.$nr.']';
return '';
* get all Component Data
* @param int $id The component ID
* @return oject The component data
public function getComponentData()
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$query->from('#__componentbuilder_joomla_component AS a');
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('a.id') . ' = '. (int) $this->componentID);
// Reset the query using our newly populated query object.
// Load the results as a list of stdClass objects
$component = $this->db->loadObject();
// set component place holders
$this->placeholders['###component###'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($component->name_code);
$this->placeholders['###Component###'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($component->name_code, 'F');
$this->placeholders['###COMPONENT###'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($component->name_code, 'U');
$this->placeholders['[[[component]]]'] = $this->placeholders['###component###'];
$this->placeholders['[[[Component]]]'] = $this->placeholders['###Component###'];
$this->placeholders['[[[COMPONENT]]]'] = $this->placeholders['###COMPONENT###'];
// set component sales name
$component->sales_name = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($component->system_name);
// ensure version naming is correct
$this->component_version = preg_replace('/[^0-9.]+/', '', $component->component_version);
// ser the addfolders data
$addfolders = json_decode($component->addfolders,true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($addfolders))
foreach ($addfolders as $option => $values)
foreach ($values as $nr => $value)
$component->folders[$nr][$option] = $value;
// ser the addfiles data
$addfiles = json_decode($component->addfiles,true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($addfiles))
foreach ($addfiles as $option => $values)
foreach ($values as $nr => $value)
$component->files[$nr][$option] = $value;
// set the uikit switch
if ($component->adduikit)
$this->uikit = true;
// set the footable switch
if ($component->addfootable)
$this->footable = true;
// add the version
$this->footableVersion = (1 == $component->addfootable || 2 == $component->addfootable) ? 2 : $component->addfootable;
// ser the addcustommenu data
$addcustommenus = json_decode($component->addcustommenus,true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($addcustommenus))
foreach ($addcustommenus as $option => $values)
foreach ($values as $nr => $value)
$component->custommenus[$nr][$option] = $value;
// tweak the mysql dump settings if needed
$sql_tweak = json_decode($component->sql_tweak,true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($sql_tweak))
$component->sql_tweak = array();
foreach ($sql_tweak as $option => $values)
foreach ($values as $nr => $value)
if ((string)(int)$value == $value)
$component->sql_tweak[$nr][$option] = (int) $value;
$component->sql_tweak[$nr][$option] = $value;
// build the tweak settings
// set the admin_view data
$admin_views = json_decode($component->addadmin_views,true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($admin_views))
foreach ($admin_views as $option => $values)
foreach ($values as $nr => $value)
if ((string)(int)$value == $value)
$component->admin_views[$nr][$option] = (int) $value;
$component->admin_views[$nr][$option] = $value;
// sort the views acording to order
usort($component->admin_views, function($a, $b)
if ($a['order'] != 0 && $b['order'] != 0)
return $a['order'] - $b['order'];
elseif ($b['order'] != 0 && $a['order'] == 0)
return 1;
elseif ($a['order'] != 0 && $b['order'] == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
// load the view and field data
foreach ($component->admin_views as $key => &$view)
if ($view['port'] && !$this->addEximport)
$this->addEximport = true;
if ($view['history'] && !$this->setTagHistory)
$this->setTagHistory = true;
if ($view['edit_create_site_view'])
$this->siteEditView[$view['adminview']] = true;
// TODO this is a temp fix until front view is added
$view['view'] = $view['adminview'];
$view['settings'] = $this->getAdminViewData($view['view']);
// set the site_view data
$site_views = json_decode($component->addsite_views,true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($site_views))
foreach ($site_views as $option => $values)
foreach ($values as $nr => $value)
if ((string)(int)$value == $value)
$component->site_views[$nr][$option] = (int) $value;
$component->site_views[$nr][$option] = $value;
$this->lang = 'site';
$this->target = 'site';
// load the view and field data
if (isset($component->site_views) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($component->site_views))
foreach ($component->site_views as $key => &$view)
// has become a lacacy issue, can't remove this
$view['view'] = $view['siteview'];
$view['settings'] = $this->getCustomViewData($view['view']);
// set the custom_admin_views data
$custom_admin_views = json_decode($component->addcustom_admin_views,true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($custom_admin_views))
foreach ($custom_admin_views as $option => $values)
foreach ($values as $nr => $value)
if ((string)(int)$value == $value)
$component->custom_admin_views[$nr][$option] = (int) $value;
$component->custom_admin_views[$nr][$option] = $value;
$this->lang = 'admin';
$this->target = 'custom_admin';
// load the view and field data
if (isset($component->custom_admin_views) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($component->custom_admin_views))
foreach ($component->custom_admin_views as $key => &$view)
// has become a lacacy issue, can't remove this
$view['view'] = $view['customadminview'];
$view['settings'] = $this->getCustomViewData($view['view'], 'custom_admin_view');
// ser the config data
$addconfig = json_decode($component->addconfig,true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($addconfig))
foreach ($addconfig as $option => $values)
foreach ($values as $nr => $value)
$component->config[$nr]['alias'] = 0;
$component->config[$nr]['title'] = 0;
if ($option === 'field')
// load the field data
$component->config[$nr]['settings'] = $this->getFieldData($value);
$component->config[$nr][$option] = $value;
// check if any contributors is to be added
$contributors = json_decode($component->addcontributors,true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($contributors))
$this->addContributors = true;
foreach ($contributors as $option => $values)
foreach ($values as $nr => $value)
$component->contributors[$nr][$option] = $value;
// check if version updating is set
$version_update = json_decode($component->version_update,true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($version_update))
$component->version_update = array();
foreach ($version_update as $option => $values)
foreach ($values as $nr => $value)
$component->version_update[$nr][$option] = $value;
// build update SQL
if ($old_component = $this->getHistoryWatch('joomla_component', $this->componentID))
// add new views if found
if (isset($old_component->addadmin_views) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($old_component->addadmin_views))
$this->setUpdateSQL(json_decode($old_component->addadmin_views, true), $admin_views, 'adminview');
// check if a new version was manualy set
$old_component_version = preg_replace('/[^0-9.]+/', '', $old_component->component_version);
if ($old_component_version != $this->component_version)
// yes, this is a new version, this mean there may be manual sql and must be checked and updated
$component->old_component_version = $old_component_version;
// clear this data
// add_javascript
if ($component->add_javascript == 1)
$this->customScriptBuilder['component_js'] = base64_decode($component->javascript);
$this->customScriptBuilder['component_js'] = '';
// add_css
if ($component->add_css == 1)
$this->customScriptBuilder['component_css'] = base64_decode($component->css);
$this->customScriptBuilder['component_css'] = '';
// set the lang target
$this->lang = 'admin';
// add PHP in ADMIN
$addScriptMethods = array('php_preflight','php_postflight','php_method');
$addScriptTypes = array('install','update','uninstall');
foreach ($addScriptMethods as $scriptMethod)
foreach ($addScriptTypes as $scriptType)
if (isset($component->{'add_'.$scriptMethod.'_'.$scriptType}) && $component->{'add_'.$scriptMethod.'_'.$scriptType} == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($component->{$scriptMethod.'_'.$scriptType}))
$this->customScriptBuilder[$scriptMethod][$scriptType] = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($component->{$scriptMethod.'_'.$scriptType}));
$this->customScriptBuilder[$scriptMethod][$scriptType] = '';
// add_php_helper
if ($component->add_php_helper_admin == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($component->php_helper_admin))
$this->lang = 'admin';
$this->customScriptBuilder['component_php_helper_admin'] = PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL.$this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($component->php_helper_admin));
$this->customScriptBuilder['component_php_helper_admin'] = '';
// add_admin_event
if ($component->add_admin_event == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($component->php_admin_event))
$this->lang = 'admin';
$this->customScriptBuilder['component_php_admin_event'] = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($component->php_admin_event));
$this->customScriptBuilder['component_php_admin_event'] = '';
// add_php_helper_both
if ($component->add_php_helper_both == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($component->php_helper_both))
$this->lang = 'both';
$this->customScriptBuilder['component_php_helper_both'] = PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL.$this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($component->php_helper_both));
$this->customScriptBuilder['component_php_helper_both'] = '';
// add_php_helper_site
if ($component->add_php_helper_site == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($component->php_helper_site))
$this->lang = 'site';
$this->customScriptBuilder['component_php_helper_site'] = PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL.$this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($component->php_helper_site));
$this->customScriptBuilder['component_php_helper_site'] = '';
// add_site_event
if ($component->add_site_event == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($component->php_site_event))
$this->lang = 'site';
$this->customScriptBuilder['component_php_site_event'] = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($component->php_site_event));
$this->customScriptBuilder['component_php_site_event'] = '';
// add_sql
if ($component->add_sql == 1)
$this->customScriptBuilder['sql']['component_sql'] = base64_decode($component->sql);
// bom
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($component->bom))
$this->bomPath = $this->compilerPath.'/'.$component->bom;
$this->bomPath = $this->compilerPath.'/default.txt';
if ($component->addreadme)
$component->readme = base64_decode($component->readme);
$component->readme = '';
// dashboard methods
if ($component->add_php_dashboard_methods && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($component->php_dashboard_methods))
$nowLang = $this->lang;
$this->lang = 'admin';
// load the php for the dashboard model
$component->php_dashboard_methods = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($component->php_dashboard_methods));
// check if dashboard_tab is set
$dashboard_tab = json_decode($component->dashboard_tab,true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($dashboard_tab))
$component->dashboard_tab = array();
foreach ($dashboard_tab as $option => $values)
foreach ($values as $nr => $value)
if ('html' === $option)
$value = $this->setDynamicValues($value);
$component->dashboard_tab[$nr][$option] = $value;
$component->dashboard_tab = '';
$this->lang = $nowLang;
$component->php_dashboard_methods = '';
$component->dashboard_tab = '';
// add the update FTP server sig
if ($component->add_update_server == 1 && is_numeric($component->update_server_ftp) && $component->update_server_ftp > 0)
$component->update_server_ftp = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('ftp', (int) $component->update_server_ftp, 'id', 'signature');
$component->update_server_ftp = 0;
// add the sales FTP server sig
if ($component->add_sales_server == 1 && is_numeric($component->sales_server_ftp) && $component->sales_server_ftp > 0)
$component->sales_server_ftp = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('ftp', (int) $component->sales_server_ftp, 'id', 'signature');
$component->sales_server_ftp = 0;
$component->add_sales_server = 0;
// set the ignore folders for repo if found
if (isset($component->toignore) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($component->toignore))
if (strpos($component->toignore, ',') !== false)
$component->toignore = array_map('trim', (array) explode(',', $component->toignore));
$component->toignore = array(trim($component->toignore));
// the default is to ignore the repo folder
$component->toignore = array('.git');
// return the found component data
return $component;
* To limit the SQL Demo date build in the views
* @param array $settings Tweaking array.
* @return void
public function setSqlTweaking($settings)
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($settings))
foreach($settings as $setting)
// should sql dump be added
if (1 == $setting['add_sql'])
// add sql (by option)
if (2 == $setting['add_sql_options'])
// rest always
$id_array = array();
// by id (first remove backups)
$ids = $setting['ids'];
// now get the ids
if (strpos($ids, ',') !== false)
$id_array = (array) array_map('trim',explode(',', $ids));
$id_array[] = trim($ids);
$id_array_new = array();
// check for ranges
foreach ($id_array as $key => $id)
if (strpos($id, '=>') !== false)
$id_range = (array) array_map('trim', explode('=>', $id));
// build range
if (count($id_range) == 2)
$range = range($id_range[0],$id_range[1]);
$id_array_new = array_merge($id_array_new,$range);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($id_array_new))
$id_array = array_merge($id_array_new, $id_array);
// final fixing to array
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($id_array))
// uniqe
$id_array = array_unique($id_array, SORT_NUMERIC);
// sort
sort($id_array, SORT_NUMERIC);
// now set it to global
$this->sqlTweak[ (int) $setting['adminview']]['where'] = implode(',', $id_array);
// remove all sql dump options
$this->sqlTweak[ (int) $setting['adminview']]['remove'] = true;
* Get all Admin View Data
* @param int $id The view ID
* @return oject The view data
public function getAdminViewData($id)
if (!isset($this->_adminViewData[$id]))
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$query->from('#__componentbuilder_admin_view AS a');
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('a.id') . ' = '. (int) $id);
// Reset the query using our newly populated query object.
// Load the results as a list of stdClass objects (see later for more options on retrieving data).
$view = $this->db->loadObject();
// setup view name to use in storing the data
$name_single = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($view->name_single);
$name_list = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($view->name_list);
// be sure to update the value in the db
$objectUpdate = new stdClass();
$objectUpdate->id = (int) $id;
// setup token check
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder['token']))
$this->customScriptBuilder['token'] = array();
$this->customScriptBuilder['token'][$name_single] = false;
$this->customScriptBuilder['token'][$name_list] = false;
// set some placeholders
$this->placeholders['###view###'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($name_single);
$this->placeholders['###views###'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($name_list);
$this->placeholders['###View###'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($name_single, 'F');
$this->placeholders['###Views###'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($name_list, 'F');
$this->placeholders['###VIEW###'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($name_single, 'U');
$this->placeholders['###VIEWS###'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($name_list, 'U');
$this->placeholders['[[[view]]]'] = $this->placeholders['###view###'];
$this->placeholders['[[[views]]]'] = $this->placeholders['###views###'];
$this->placeholders['[[[View]]]'] = $this->placeholders['###View###'];
$this->placeholders['[[[Views]]]'] = $this->placeholders['###Views###'];
$this->placeholders['[[[VIEW]]]'] = $this->placeholders['###VIEW###'];
$this->placeholders['[[[VIEWS]]]'] = $this->placeholders['###VIEWS###'];
// add the tables
$view->addtables = json_decode($view->addtables,true);
// check what type of table array we have here (should be subform... but just incase)
// This could happen due to huge data sets
if (isset($view->addtables['table']))
$bucket = array();
foreach($view->addtables as $option => $values)
foreach($values as $nr => $value)
$bucket['addtables'.$nr][$option] = $value;
$view->addtables = $bucket;
$objectUpdate->addtables = json_encode($bucket);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($view->addtables))
$view->tables = array_values($view->addtables);
// add the tabs
$view->addtabs = json_decode($view->addtabs,true);
// check what type of tabs array we have here (should be subform... but just incase)
// This could happen due to huge data sets
if (isset($view->addtabs['name']))
$bucket = array();
foreach($view->addtabs as $option => $values)
foreach($values as $nr => $value)
$bucket['addtabs'.$nr][$option] = $value;
$view->addtabs = $bucket;
$objectUpdate->addtabs = json_encode($bucket);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($view->addtabs))
$nr = 1;
foreach ($view->addtabs as $tab)
$view->tabs[$nr] = trim($tab['name']);
// if Details tab is not set, then set it here
if (!isset($view->tabs[1]))
$view->tabs[1] = 'details';
// always make sure that publishing is lowercase
if (($removeKey = array_search('publishing', array_map('strtolower', $view->tabs))) !== false)
$view->tabs[$removeKey] = 'publishing';
// make sure to set the publishing tab (just incase we need it)
$view->tabs[15] = 'publishing';
// add permissions
$view->addpermissions = json_decode($view->addpermissions,true);
// check what type of permissions array we have here (should be subform... but just incase)
// This could happen due to huge data sets
if (isset($view->addpermissions['action']))
$bucket = array();
foreach($view->addpermissions as $option => $values)
foreach($values as $nr => $value)
$bucket['addpermissions'.$nr][$option] = $value;
$view->addpermissions = $bucket;
$objectUpdate->addpermissions = json_encode($bucket);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($view->addpermissions))
$view->permissions = array_values($view->addpermissions);
// reset fields
$view->fields = array();
// set fields
if ($addfields = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('admin_fields', $id, 'admin_view', 'addfields'))
$view->addfields = json_decode($addfields,true);
// get the admin fields id
$fieldID = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('admin_fields', $id, 'admin_view', 'id');
// check what type of field array we have here (should be subform... but just incase)
// This could happen due to huge data sets
if (isset($view->addfields['field']))
$bucket = array();
foreach($view->addfields as $option => $values)
foreach($values as $nr => $value)
$bucket['addfields'.$nr][$option] = $value;
$view->addfields = $bucket;
// update the fields
$fieldsUpdate = new stdClass();
$fieldsUpdate->id = (int) $fieldID;
$fieldsUpdate->addfields = json_encode($bucket);
$this->db->updateObject('#__componentbuilder_admin_fields', $fieldsUpdate, 'id');
// build update SQL
if ($old_view = $this->getHistoryWatch('admin_fields', $fieldID))
// add new fields were added
if (isset($old_view->addfields) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($old_view->addfields))
$this->setUpdateSQL(json_decode($old_view->addfields, true), $view->addfields, 'field', $name_single);
// clear this data
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($view->addfields))
$view->fields = array_values($view->addfields);
// sort the fields acording to order
usort($view->fields, function($a, $b)
if (isset($a['order_list']) && isset($b['order_list']))
if ($a['order_list'] != 0 && $b['order_list'] != 0)
return $a['order_list'] - $b['order_list'];
elseif ($b['order_list'] != 0 && $a['order_list'] == 0)
return 1;
elseif ($a['order_list'] != 0 && $b['order_list'] == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
return 0;
// load the field data
foreach ($view->fields as $key => &$field)
$field['settings'] = $this->getFieldData($field['field'], $name_single, $name_list);
// build update SQL
if ($old_view = $this->getHistoryWatch('admin_view', $id))
// check if the view name changed
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($old_view->name_single))
$this->setUpdateSQL(ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($old_view->name_single), $name_single, 'table_name', $name_single);
// clear this data
// set the conditions
if ($addconditions = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('admin_fields_conditions', $id, 'admin_view', 'addconditions'))
$view->addconditions = json_decode($addconditions,true);
// get the admin fields id
$conditionsID = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('admin_fields_conditions', $id, 'admin_view', 'id');
// check what type of conditions array we have here (should be subform... but just incase)
// This could happen due to huge data sets
if (isset($view->addconditions['target_field']))
$bucket = array();
foreach($view->addconditions as $option => $values)
foreach($values as $nr => $value)
$bucket['addconditions'.$nr][$option] = $value;
$view->addconditions = $bucket;
// update the fields
$conditionsUpdate = new stdClass();
$conditionsUpdate->id = (int) $conditionsID;
$conditionsUpdate->addconditions = json_encode($bucket);
$this->db->updateObject('#__componentbuilder_admin_fields_conditions', $conditionsUpdate, 'id');
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($view->addconditions))
$view->conditions = array();
$ne = 0;
foreach ($view->addconditions as $nr => $conditionValue)
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($conditionValue['target_field']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($view->fields))
foreach ($conditionValue['target_field'] as $fieldKey => $fieldId)
foreach ($view->fields as $fieldValues)
if ((int) $fieldValues['field'] == (int) $fieldId)
// load the field details
$required = ComponentbuilderHelper::getBetween($fieldValues['settings']->xml,'required="','"');
$required = ($required == true) ? 'yes' : 'no';
$filter = ComponentbuilderHelper::getBetween($fieldValues['settings']->xml,'filter="','"');
$filter = ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($filter) ? $filter : 'none';
// get name
$name = ComponentbuilderHelper::getBetween($fieldValues['settings']->xml,'name="','"');
$name = ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($name) ? $name : $fieldValues['settings']->name;
// get type
$type = ComponentbuilderHelper::getBetween($fieldValues['settings']->xml,'type="','"');
$type = ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($type) ? $type : $fieldValues['settings']->type_name;
// set the field name
$conditionValue['target_field'][$fieldKey] = array(
'name' => ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($name),
'type' => ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($type),
'required' => $required,
'filter' => $filter
// load match field
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($view->fields) && isset($conditionValue['match_field']))
foreach ($view->fields as $fieldValue)
if ((int) $fieldValue['field'] == (int) $conditionValue['match_field'])
// get name
$name = ComponentbuilderHelper::getBetween($fieldValue['settings']->xml,'name="','"');
$name = ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($name) ? $name : $fieldValue['settings']->name;
// get type
$type = ComponentbuilderHelper::getBetween($fieldValue['settings']->xml,'type="','"');
$type = ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($type) ? $type : $fieldValue['settings']->type_name;
// set the field details
$conditionValue['match_name'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($name);
$conditionValue['match_type'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($type);
$conditionValue['match_xml'] = $fieldValue['settings']->xml;
// if custom field load field being extended
if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::typeField($type))
$conditionValue['match_extends'] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getBetween($fieldValue['settings']->xml,'extends="','"');
$conditionValue['match_extends'] = '';
// set condition values
$view->conditions[$ne] = $conditionValue;
// set linked views
$this->linkedAdminViews[$name_single] = null;
$view->addlinked_views = json_decode($view->addlinked_views,true);
// check what type of linked_views array we have here (should be subform... but just incase)
// This could happen due to huge data sets
if (isset($view->addlinked_views['adminview']))
$bucket = array();
foreach($view->addlinked_views as $option => $values)
foreach($values as $nr => $value)
$bucket['addlinked_views'.$nr][$option] = $value;
$view->addlinked_views = $bucket;
$objectUpdate->addlinked_views = json_encode($bucket);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($view->addlinked_views))
// setup linked views to global data sets
$this->linkedAdminViews[$name_single] = array_values($view->addlinked_views);
// set the lang target
$this->lang = 'admin';
// add_javascript
$addArrayJ = array('javascript_view_file','javascript_view_footer','javascript_views_file','javascript_views_footer');
foreach ($addArrayJ as $scripter)
if (isset($view->{'add_'.$scripter}) && $view->{'add_'.$scripter} == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($view->$scripter))
$view->$scripter = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($view->$scripter));
$scripter_target = str_replace('javascript_', '', $scripter);
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder[$scripter_target][$name_single]))
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder[$scripter_target]))
$this->customScriptBuilder[$scripter_target] = array();
$this->customScriptBuilder[$scripter_target][$name_single] = '';
$this->customScriptBuilder[$scripter_target][$name_single] .= $view->$scripter;
if (strpos($view->$scripter,"token") !== false || strpos($view->$scripter,"task=ajax") !== false)
if (!$this->customScriptBuilder['token'][$name_single])
$this->customScriptBuilder['token'][$name_single] = true;
// add_css
$addArrayC = array('css_view', 'css_views');
foreach ($addArrayC as $scripter)
if (isset($view->{'add_'.$scripter}) && $view->{'add_'.$scripter} == 1)
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder[$scripter][$name_single]))
$this->customScriptBuilder[$scripter][$name_single] = '';
$this->customScriptBuilder[$scripter][$name_single] .= base64_decode($view->$scripter);
// add_php
$addArrayP = array('php_getitem','php_before_save','php_save','php_postsavehook','php_getitems','php_getitems_after_all','php_getlistquery','php_allowedit','php_before_delete','php_after_delete','php_before_publish','php_after_publish','php_batchcopy','php_batchmove','php_document');
foreach ($addArrayP as $scripter)
if (isset($view->{'add_'.$scripter}) && $view->{'add_'.$scripter} == 1)
$this->customScriptBuilder[$scripter][$name_single] = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($view->$scripter));
// add the custom buttons
if (isset($view->add_custom_button) && $view->add_custom_button == 1)
// set for the edit views
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($view->php_model))
$view->php_model = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($view->php_model));
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($view->php_controller))
$view->php_controller = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($view->php_controller));
// set for the list views
if (isset($view->php_model_list) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($view->php_model_list))
$view->php_model_list = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($view->php_model_list));
if (isset($view->php_controller_list) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($view->php_controller_list))
$view->php_controller_list = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($view->php_controller_list));
// set the button array
$view->custom_button = json_decode($view->custom_button,true);
// check what type of custom_button array we have here (should be subform... but just incase)
// This could happen due to huge data sets
if (isset($view->custom_button['name']))
$bucket = array();
foreach($view->custom_button as $option => $values)
foreach($values as $nr => $value)
$bucket['custom_button'.$nr][$option] = $value;
$view->custom_button = $bucket;
$objectUpdate->custom_button = json_encode($bucket);
// sort the values
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($view->custom_button))
$view->custom_buttons = array_values($view->custom_button);
// set custom import scripts
if (isset($view->add_custom_import) && $view->add_custom_import == 1)
$addImportArray = array('php_import_ext','php_import_display','php_import','php_import_setdata','php_import_save','html_import_view');
foreach ($addImportArray as $importScripter)
if (isset($view->$importScripter) && strlen($view->$importScripter) > 0)
$this->customScriptBuilder[$importScripter]['import_'.$name_list] = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($view->$importScripter));
// load the default
$this->customScriptBuilder[$importScripter]['import_'.$name_list] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getImportScripts($importScripter, true);
// add_Ajax for this view
if (isset($view->add_php_ajax) && $view->add_php_ajax == 1)
// insure the token is added to edit view atleast
$this->customScriptBuilder['token'][$name_single] = true;
$addAjaxSite = false;
if (isset($this->siteEditView[$id]) && $this->siteEditView[$id])
// we should add this site ajax to front ajax
$addAjaxSite = true;
if (!isset($this->addSiteAjax) || !$this->addSiteAjax)
$this->addSiteAjax = true;
// check if controller input as been set
$view->ajax_input = json_decode($view->ajax_input,true);
// check what type of ajax_input array we have here (should be subform... but just incase)
// This could happen due to huge data sets
if (isset($view->ajax_input['value_name']))
$bucket = array();
foreach($view->ajax_input as $option => $values)
foreach($values as $nr => $value)
$bucket['ajax_input'.$nr][$option] = $value;
$view->ajax_input = $bucket;
$objectUpdate->ajax_input = json_encode($bucket);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($view->ajax_input))
if ($addAjaxSite)
$this->customScriptBuilder['site']['ajax_controller'][$name_single] = array_values($view->ajax_input);
$this->customScriptBuilder['admin']['ajax_controller'][$name_single] = array_values($view->ajax_input);
$this->addAjax = true;
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($view->php_ajaxmethod))
$this->customScriptBuilder['admin']['ajax_model'][$name_single] = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($view->php_ajaxmethod));
if ($addAjaxSite)
$this->customScriptBuilder['site']['ajax_model'][$name_single] = $this->customScriptBuilder['admin']['ajax_model'][$name_single];
// unset anyway
$this->addAjax = true;
// add_sql
if ($view->add_sql == 1)
if ($view->source == 1 && isset($view->tables))
// build and add the SQL dump
$this->customScriptBuilder['sql'][$name_single] = $this->buildSqlDump($view->tables, $name_single, $id);
elseif ($view->source == 2 && isset($view->sql))
// add the SQL dump string
$this->customScriptBuilder['sql'][$name_single] = base64_decode($view->sql);
// clear placeholders
// store this view to class object
$this->_adminViewData[$id] = $view;
// be sure to update the table if we found repeatable fields that are still not converted
if (count((array) $objectUpdate) > 1)
$this->db->updateObject('#__componentbuilder_admin_view', $objectUpdate, 'id');
// return the found view data
return $this->_adminViewData[$id];
* Get all Custom View Data
* @param int $id The view ID
* @param string $table The view table
* @return oject The view data
public function getCustomViewData($id, $table = 'site_view')
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$query->from('#__componentbuilder_'.$table.' AS a');
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('a.id') . ' = '. (int) $id);
// Reset the query using our newly populated query object.
// Load the results as a list of stdClass objects (see later for more options on retrieving data).
$view = $this->db->loadObject();
if ($table === 'site_view')
$this->lang = 'site';
$this->lang = 'admin';
// be sure to update the value in the db
$objectUpdate = new stdClass();
$objectUpdate->id = (int) $id;
// set the default data
$view->default = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($view->default));
// fix alias to use in code
$view->code = $this->uniqueCode(ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($view->codename));
$view->Code = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($view->code, 'F');
$view->CODE = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($view->code, 'U');
// insure the uikit components are loaded
if (!isset($this->uikitComp[$view->code]))
$this->uikitComp[$view->code] = array();
$this->uikitComp[$view->code] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getUikitComp($view->default,$this->uikitComp[$view->code]);
// check for footable
if (!isset($this->footableScripts[$this->target][$view->code]) || !$this->footableScripts[$this->target][$view->code])
$foundFoo = $this->getFootableScripts($view->default);
if ($foundFoo)
$this->footableScripts[$this->target][$view->code] = true;
if ($foundFoo && !$this->footableScripts)
$this->footable = true;
// check for get module
if (!isset($this->getModule[$this->target][$view->code]) || !$this->getModule[$this->target][$view->code])
$found = $this->getGetModule($view->default);
if ($found)
$this->getModule[$this->target][$view->code] = true;
// setup template array
$this->templateData[$this->target][$view->code] = array();
// setup template and layout data
// set the main get data
$main_get = $this->setGetData(array($view->main_get),$view->code);
$view->main_get = $main_get[0];
// set the custom_get data
$view->custom_get = $this->setGetData(json_decode($view->custom_get, true),$view->code);
// set array adding array of scripts
$addArray = array('php_view','php_jview','php_jview_display','php_document','js_document','css_document','css');
foreach ($addArray as $scripter)
if (isset($view->{'add_'.$scripter}) && $view->{'add_'.$scripter} == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($view->$scripter))
$view->$scripter = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($view->$scripter));
// set uikit to views
$this->uikitComp[$view->code] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getUikitComp($view->$scripter,$this->uikitComp[$view->code]);
// check for footable
if (!isset($this->footableScripts[$this->target][$view->code]) || !$this->footableScripts[$this->target][$view->code])
$foundFoo = $this->getFootableScripts($view->$scripter);
if ($foundFoo)
$this->footableScripts[$this->target][$view->code] = true;
if ($foundFoo && !$this->footable)
$this->footable = true;
// check for google chart
if (!isset($this->googleChart[$this->target][$view->code]) || !$this->googleChart[$this->target][$view->code])
$found = $this->getGoogleChart($view->$scripter);
if ($found)
$this->googleChart[$this->target][$view->code] = true;
if ($found && !$this->googlechart)
$this->googlechart = true;
// check for get module
if (!isset($this->getModule[$this->target][$view->code]) || !$this->getModule[$this->target][$view->code])
$found = $this->getGetModule($view->$scripter);
if ($found)
$this->getModule[$this->target][$view->code] = true;
// (TODO) we may want to automate this .... lets see if someone asks
// if (strpos($view->$scripter,"token") !== false || strpos($view->$scripter,"task=ajax") !== false)
// {
// if(!isset($this->customScriptBuilder['token']))
// {
// $this->customScriptBuilder['token'] = array();
// }
// if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder['token'][$this->target.$view->code]) || !$this->customScriptBuilder['token'][$this->target.$view->code])
// {
// $this->customScriptBuilder['token'][$this->target.$view->code] = true;
// }
// }
// add_Ajax for this view
if (isset($view->add_php_ajax) && $view->add_php_ajax == 1)
// check if controller input as been set
$view->ajax_input = json_decode($view->ajax_input,true);
// check what type of ajax_input array we have here (should be subform... but just incase)
// This could happen due to huge data sets
if (isset($view->ajax_input['value_name']))
$bucket = array();
foreach($view->ajax_input as $option => $values)
foreach($values as $nr => $value)
$bucket['ajax_input'.$nr][$option] = $value;
$view->ajax_input = $bucket;
$objectUpdate->ajax_input = json_encode($bucket);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($view->ajax_input))
$this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target]['ajax_controller'][$view->code] = array_values($view->ajax_input);
$this->addSiteAjax = true;
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($view->php_ajaxmethod))
$this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target]['ajax_model'][$view->code] = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($view->php_ajaxmethod));
$this->addSiteAjax = true;
// unset anyway
// add the custom buttons
if (isset($view->add_custom_button) && $view->add_custom_button == 1)
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($view->php_model))
$view->php_model = base64_decode($view->php_model);
$view->php_model = $this->setDynamicValues($view->php_model);
$view->php_controller = base64_decode($view->php_controller);
$view->php_controller = $this->setDynamicValues($view->php_controller);
// set the button array
$view->custom_button = json_decode($view->custom_button,true);
// check what type of custom_button array we have here (should be subform... but just incase)
// This could happen due to huge data sets
if (isset($view->custom_button['name']))
$bucket = array();
foreach($view->custom_button as $option => $values)
foreach($values as $nr => $value)
$bucket['custom_button'.$nr][$option] = $value;
$view->custom_button = array_values($bucket);
$objectUpdate->custom_button = json_encode($bucket);
// sort the values
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($view->custom_button))
$view->custom_buttons = array_values($view->custom_button);
// be sure to update the table if we found repeatable fields that are still not converted
if (count((array) $objectUpdate) > 1)
$this->db->updateObject('#__componentbuilder_'.$table, $objectUpdate, 'id');
// return the found view data
return $view;
* Get all Field Data
* @param int $id The field ID
* @param string $name_single The view edit or single name
* @param string $name_list The view list name
* @return oject The field data
public function getFieldData($id, $name_single = null, $name_list = null)
if (!isset($this->_fieldData[$id]) && $id > 0)
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Order it by the ordering field.
$query->select($this->db->quoteName(array('c.name', 'c.properties'), array('type_name', 'properties')));
$query->from('#__componentbuilder_field AS a');
$query->join('LEFT', $this->db->quoteName('#__componentbuilder_fieldtype', 'c') . ' ON (' . $this->db->quoteName('a.fieldtype') . ' = ' . $this->db->quoteName('c.id') . ')');
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('a.id') . ' = '. $this->db->quote($id));
// Reset the query using our newly populated query object.
if ($this->db->getNumRows())
// Load the results as a list of stdClass objects (see later for more options on retrieving data).
$field = $this->db->loadObject();
// adding a fix for the changed name of type to fieldtype
$field->type = $field->fieldtype;
// load the values form params
$field->xml = $this->setDynamicValues(json_decode($field->xml));
// load the type values form type params
$properties = json_decode($field->properties, true);
// check what type of field array we have here (should be subform... but just incase)
// This could happen due to huge data sets
if (isset($properties['name']))
$bucket = array();
foreach($properties as $option => $values)
foreach($values as $nr => $value)
$bucket['addfields'.$nr][$option] = $value;
$properties = $bucket;
// be sure to update the value in the db
$objectUpdate = new stdClass();
$objectUpdate->id = $field->fieldtype;
$objectUpdate->properties = json_encode($bucket);
$this->db->updateObject('#__componentbuilder_fieldtype', $objectUpdate, 'id');
$field->properties = array_values($properties);
// check if we have advanced encryption
if (4 == $field->store && (!isset($this->advancedEncryption) || !$this->advancedEncryption))
$this->advancedEncryption = true;
// check if we have basic encryption
elseif (3 == $field->store && (!isset($this->basicEncryption) || !$this->basicEncryption))
$this->basicEncryption = true;
// get the last used version
$field->history = $this->getHistoryWatch('field', $id);
$this->_fieldData[$id] = $field;
return false;
// check if the script should be added to the view each time this field is called
if (isset($this->_fieldData[$id]) && $id > 0)
// check if we should load scripts for single view
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($name_single) && !isset($this->customFieldScript[$name_single][$id]))
// add_javascript_view_footer
if ($this->_fieldData[$id]->add_javascript_view_footer == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($this->_fieldData[$id]->javascript_view_footer))
$this->customScriptBuilder['view_footer'] = array();
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder['view_footer'][$name_single]))
$this->customScriptBuilder['view_footer'][$name_single] = '';
if (!isset($this->_fieldData[$id]->javascript_view_footer_decoded))
$this->_fieldData[$id]->javascript_view_footer = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($this->_fieldData[$id]->javascript_view_footer));
$this->_fieldData[$id]->javascript_view_footer_decoded = true;
$this->customScriptBuilder['view_footer'][$name_single] .= PHP_EOL.$this->_fieldData[$id]->javascript_view_footer;
if ( strpos($this->_fieldData[$id]->javascript_view_footer,"token") !== false ||
strpos($this->_fieldData[$id]->javascript_view_footer,"task=ajax") !== false)
$this->customScriptBuilder['token'] = array();
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder['token'][$name_single]) || !$this->customScriptBuilder['token'][$name_single])
$this->customScriptBuilder['token'][$name_single] = true;
// add_css_view
if ($this->_fieldData[$id]->add_css_view == 1)
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder['css_view']))
$this->customScriptBuilder['css_view'] = array();
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder['css_view'][$name_single]))
$this->customScriptBuilder['css_view'][$name_single] = '';
if (!isset($this->_fieldData[$id]->css_view_decoded))
$this->_fieldData[$id]->css_view = base64_decode($this->_fieldData[$id]->css_view);
// check for custom code
$this->_fieldData[$id]->css_view_decoded = true;
$this->customScriptBuilder['css_view'][$name_single] .= PHP_EOL.$this->_fieldData[$id]->css_view;
// add this only once to view.
$this->customFieldScript[$name_single][$id] = true;
// check if we should load scripts for list views
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($name_list) && !isset($this->customFieldScript[$name_list][$id]))
// add_javascript_views_footer
if ($this->_fieldData[$id]->add_javascript_views_footer == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($this->_fieldData[$id]->javascript_views_footer))
$this->customScriptBuilder['views_footer'] = array();
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder['views_footer'][$name_list]))
$this->customScriptBuilder['views_footer'][$name_list] = '';
if (!isset($this->_fieldData[$id]->javascript_views_footer_decoded))
$this->_fieldData[$id]->javascript_views_footer = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($this->_fieldData[$id]->javascript_views_footer));
$this->_fieldData[$id]->javascript_views_footer_decoded = true;
$this->customScriptBuilder['views_footer'][$name_list] .= $this->_fieldData[$id]->javascript_views_footer;
if ( strpos($this->_fieldData[$id]->javascript_views_footer,"token") !== false ||
strpos($this->_fieldData[$id]->javascript_views_footer,"task=ajax") !== false)
$this->customScriptBuilder['token'] = array();
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder['token'][$name_list]) || !$this->customScriptBuilder['token'][$name_list])
$this->customScriptBuilder['token'][$name_list] = true;
// add_css_views
if ($this->_fieldData[$id]->add_css_views == 1)
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder['css_views']))
$this->customScriptBuilder['css_views'] = array();
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder['css_views'][$name_list]))
$this->customScriptBuilder['css_views'][$name_list] = '';
if (!isset($this->_fieldData[$id]->css_views_decoded))
$this->_fieldData[$id]->css_views = base64_decode($this->_fieldData[$id]->css_views);
// check for custom code
$this->_fieldData[$id]->css_views_decoded = true;
$this->customScriptBuilder['css_views'][$name_list] .= $this->_fieldData[$id]->css_views;
// add this only once to view.
$this->customFieldScript[$name_list][$id] = true;
if (isset($this->_fieldData[$id]) && $id > 0)
// return the found field data
return $this->_fieldData[$id];
return false;
* Set get Data
* @param array $ids The ids of the dynamic get
* @param string $view_code The view code name
* @return oject the get dynamicGet data
public function setGetData($ids, $view_code)
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($ids))
$ids = implode(',', $ids);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($ids))
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$query->from('#__componentbuilder_dynamic_get AS a');
$query->where('a.id IN (' . $ids . ')');
if ($this->db->getNumRows())
$results = $this->db->loadObjectList();
$typeArray = array(1 => 'LEFT', 2 => 'LEFT OUTER', 3 => 'INNER', 4 => 'RIGHT', 5 => 'RIGHT OUTER');
$operatorArray = array(1 => '=', 2 => '!=', 3 => '<>', 4 => '>', 5 => '<', 6 => '>=', 7 => '<=', 8 => '!<', 9 => '!>', 10 => 'IN', 11 => 'NOT IN');
foreach ($results as $_nr => &$result)
// add calculations if set
if($result->addcalculation == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($result->php_calculation))
$result->php_calculation = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($result->php_calculation));
// add php custom scripting (php_before_getitem)
if($result->add_php_before_getitem == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($result->php_before_getitem))
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target.'_php_before_getitem'][$view_code]))
$this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target.'_php_before_getitem'][$view_code] = '';
$this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target.'_php_before_getitem'][$view_code] .=
// add php custom scripting (php_after_getitem)
if($result->add_php_after_getitem == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($result->php_after_getitem))
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target.'_php_after_getitem'][$view_code]))
$this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target.'_php_after_getitem'][$view_code] = '';
$this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target.'_php_after_getitem'][$view_code] .=
// add php custom scripting (php_before_getitems)
if($result->add_php_before_getitems == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($result->php_before_getitems))
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target.'_php_before_getitems'][$view_code]))
$this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target.'_php_before_getitems'][$view_code] = '';
$this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target.'_php_before_getitems'][$view_code] .=
// add php custom scripting (php_after_getitems)
if($result->add_php_after_getitems == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($result->php_after_getitems))
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target.'_php_after_getitems'][$view_code]))
$this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target.'_php_after_getitems'][$view_code] = '';
$this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target.'_php_after_getitems'][$view_code] .=
// add php custom scripting (php_getlistquery)
if($result->add_php_getlistquery == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($result->php_getlistquery))
if (!isset($this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target.'_php_getlistquery'][$view_code]))
$this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target.'_php_getlistquery'][$view_code] = '';
$this->customScriptBuilder[$this->target.'_php_getlistquery'][$view_code] .=
// set the getmethod code name
$result->key = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($view_code. ' ' .$result->name . ' ' .$result->id);
// reset buckets
$result->main_get = array();
$result->custom_get = array();
// set source data
switch ($result->main_source)
case 1:
// set the view data
$result->main_get[0]['selection'] = $this->setDataSelection($result->key, $view_code, $result->view_selection, $result->view_table_main, 'a', '', 'view');
$result->main_get[0]['as'] = 'a';
$result->main_get[0]['key'] = $result->key;
case 2:
// set the database data
$result->main_get[0]['selection'] = $this->setDataSelection($result->key, $view_code, $result->db_selection, $result->db_table_main, 'a', '', 'db');
$result->main_get[0]['as'] = 'a';
$result->main_get[0]['key'] = $result->key;
case 3:
// set custom script
$result->main_get[0]['selection'] = array(
'select' => base64_decode($result->php_custom_get),
'from' => '', 'table' => '', 'type' => '');
// set join_view_table details
$result->join_view_table = json_decode($result->join_view_table, true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($result->join_view_table))
foreach ($result->join_view_table as $nr => &$option)
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($option['selection']))
// convert the type
$option['type'] = $typeArray[$option['type']];
// convert the operator
$option['operator'] = $operatorArray[$option['operator']];
// get the on field values
$on_field = array(); // array(on_field_as, on_field)
$on_field = array_map('trim', explode('.',$option['on_field']));
// get the join field values
$join_field = array(); // array(join_field_as, join_field)
$join_field = array_map('trim', explode('.',$option['join_field']));
$option['selection'] =
$this->setDataSelection($result->key, $view_code, $option['selection'], $option['view_table'], $option['as'], $option['row_type'], 'view');
$option['key'] = $result->key;
// load to the getters
if ($option['row_type'] == 1)
$result->main_get[] = $option;
if ($on_field[0] === 'a')
$this->siteMainGet[$this->target][$view_code][$option['as']] = $option['as'];
$this->siteDynamicGet[$this->target][$view_code][$option['as']][$join_field[1]] = $on_field[0];
elseif ($option['row_type'] == 2)
$result->custom_get[] = $option;
if ($on_field[0] != 'a')
$this->siteDynamicGet[$this->target][$view_code][$option['as']][$join_field[1]] = $on_field[0];
// set join_db_table details
$result->join_db_table = json_decode($result->join_db_table, true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($result->join_db_table))
foreach ($result->join_db_table as $nr => &$option1)
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($option1['selection']))
// convert the type
$option1['type'] = $typeArray[$option1['type']];
// convert the operator
$option1['operator'] = $operatorArray[$option1['operator']];
// get the on field values
$on_field = array(); // array(on_field_as, on_field)
$on_field = array_map('trim', explode('.',$option1['on_field']));
// get the join field values
$join_field = array(); // array(join_field_as, join_field)
$join_field = array_map('trim', explode('.',$option1['join_field']));
$option1['selection'] =
$this->setDataSelection($result->key, $view_code, $option1['selection'], $option1['db_table'], $option1['as'], $option1['row_type'], 'db');
$option1['key'] = $result->key;
// load to the getters
if ($option1['row_type'] == 1)
$result->main_get[] = $option1;
if ($on_field[0] === 'a')
$this->siteMainGet[$this->target][$view_code][$option1['as']] = $option1['as'];
$this->siteDynamicGet[$this->target][$view_code][$option1['as']][$join_field[1]] = $on_field[0];
elseif ($option1['row_type'] == 2)
$result->custom_get[] = $option1;
if ($on_field[0] != 'a')
$this->siteDynamicGet[$this->target][$view_code][$option1['as']][$join_field[1]] = $on_field[0];
// set filter details
$result->filter = json_decode($result->filter, true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($result->filter))
foreach ($result->filter as $nr => &$option2)
if (isset($option2['operator']))
$option2['operator'] = $operatorArray[$option2['operator']];
$option2['key'] = $result->key;
// set where details
$result->where = json_decode($result->where, true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($result->where))
foreach ($result->where as $nr => &$option3)
if (isset($option3['operator']))
$option3['operator'] = $operatorArray[$option3['operator']];
// set order details
$result->order = json_decode($result->order, true);
if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($result->order))
// set global details
$result->global = json_decode($result->global, true);
if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($result->global))
return $results;
return false;
* check if an update SQL is needed
* @param mix $old The old values
* @param mix $new The new values
* @param string $type The type of values
* @param int $key The id/key where values changed
* @return void
protected function setUpdateSQL($old, $new, $type, $key = null)
// check if there were new items added
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($new)
&& ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($old))
// check if this is old repeatable field
if (isset($new[$type]))
foreach ($new[$type] as $item)
$newItem = true;
// check if this is old repeatable field
if (isset($old[$type]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($old[$type]))
if (!in_array($item, $old[$type]))
// we have a new item, lets add to SQL
$this->setAddSQL($type, $item, $key);
// add only once
$newItem = false;
elseif (!isset($old[$type]))
// we have new values
foreach($old as $oldItem)
if (isset($oldItem[$type]))
if ($oldItem[$type] == $item[$type])
$newItem = false;
$newItem = false;
$newItem = false;
// add if new
if ($newItem)
// we have a new item, lets add to SQL
$this->setAddSQL($type, $item[$type], $key);
foreach ($new as $item)
// search to see if this is a new value
$newItem = true;
if (isset($item[$type]))
// check if this is old repeatable field
if (isset($old[$type]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($old[$type]))
if (in_array($item[$type], $old[$type]))
$newItem = false;
elseif (!isset($old[$type]))
// we have new values
foreach($old as $oldItem)
if (isset($oldItem[$type]))
if ($oldItem[$type] == $item[$type])
$newItem = false;
$newItem = false;
$newItem = false;
// add if new
if ($newItem)
// we have a new item, lets add to SQL
$this->setAddSQL($type, $item[$type], $key);
elseif ($key && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($new)
&& ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($old)
&& $new !== $old)
// the string changed, lets add to SQL update
if (!isset($this->updateSQL[$type]) || !ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->updateSQL[$type]))
$this->updateSQL[$type] = array();
// set at key
$this->updateSQL[$type][$key] = array('old' => $old, 'new' => $new);
* Set the add sql
* @param string $type The type of values
* @param int $item The item id to add
* @param int $key The id/key where values changed
* @return void
protected function setAddSQL($type, $item, $key)
// we have a new item, lets add to SQL
if (!isset($this->addSQL[$type]) || !ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->addSQL[$type]))
$this->addSQL[$type] = array();
// add key if found
if ($key)
if (!isset($this->addSQL[$type][$key]) || !ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->addSQL[$type][$key]))
$this->addSQL[$type][$key] = array();
$this->addSQL[$type][$key][] = (int) $item;
// convert adminview id to name
if ('adminview' === $type)
$this->addSQL[$type][] = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($this->getAdminViewData($item)->name_single);
$this->addSQL[$type][] = (int) $item;
* Get Item History values
* @param string $type The type of item
* @param int $id The item ID
* @return oject The history
protected function getHistoryWatch($type, $id)
// quick class object to store old history object
$this->tmpHistory = null;
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$query->from('#__ucm_history AS h');
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('h.ucm_item_id') . ' = '. (int) $id);
// Join over the content type for the type id
$query->join('LEFT', '#__content_types AS ct ON ct.type_id = h.ucm_type_id');
$query->where('ct.type_alias = ' . $this->db->quote('com_componentbuilder.'.$type));
$query->order('h.save_date DESC');
$this->db->setQuery($query, 0, 1);
if ($this->db->getNumRows())
// new version of this item found
// so we need to mark it as the last compiled version
$newActive = $this->db->loadObject();
// set the new version watch
$this->setHistoryWatch($newActive, 1);
// Get last compiled verion
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$query->from('#__ucm_history AS h');
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('h.ucm_item_id') . ' = ' . (int) $id);
$query->where('h.keep_forever = 1');
$query->where('h.version_note LIKE ' . $this->db->quote('%component%'));
// make sure it does not return the active version
if (isset($newActive) && isset($newActive->version_id))
$query->where('h.version_id != ' . (int) $newActive->version_id);
// Join over the content type for the type id
$query->join('LEFT', '#__content_types AS ct ON ct.type_id = h.ucm_type_id');
$query->where('ct.type_alias = ' . $this->db->quote('com_componentbuilder.'.$type));
$query->order('h.save_date DESC');
if ($this->db->getNumRows())
// the old active version was found
// so we may need to do an SQL update
// and unmark the old compiled version
$oldActives = $this->db->loadObjectList();
foreach ($oldActives as $oldActive)
// remove old version watch
$this->setHistoryWatch($oldActive, 0);
// return the last used history record or null.
return $this->tmpHistory;
* Set Item History Watch
* @param Object $object The history object
* @param int $action The action to take
* 0 = remove watch
* 1 = add watch
* @param string $type The type of item
* @return bool
protected function setHistoryWatch($object, $action)
// check the note
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($object->version_note))
$version_note = json_decode($object->version_note, true);
$version_note = array('component' => array());
// set watch
switch ($action)
case 0:
// remove watch
if(isset($version_note['component']) && ($key = array_search($this->componentID, $version_note['component'])) !== false)
// last version that was used to build/compile
$this->tmpHistory = json_decode($object->version_data);
// remove it from this component
// since it was not found, no need to update anything
return true;
case 1:
// add watch
if (!in_array($this->componentID, $version_note['component']))
$version_note['component'][] = $this->componentID;
// since it is there already, no need to update anything
return true;
// check if we need to still keep this locked
if (isset($version_note['component']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($version_note['component']))
// insure component ids are only added once per item
$version_note['component'] = array_unique($version_note['component']);
// we may change this, little risky (but since JCB does not have history notes it should be okay for now)
$object->version_note = json_encode($version_note);
$object->keep_forever = '1';
$object->version_note = '';
$object->keep_forever = '0';
// run the update
return $this->db->updateObject('#__ucm_history', $object, 'version_id');
* Set Template and Layout Data
* @param string $default The content to check
* @param string $view The view code name
* @return void
public function setTemplateAndLayoutData($default,$view)
// set the Tempale date
$temp1 = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($default, "\$this->loadTemplate('","')");
$temp2 = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($default, '$this->loadTemplate("','")');
$templates = array();
$again = array();
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($temp1) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($temp2))
$templates = array_merge($temp1,$temp2);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($temp1))
$templates = $temp1;
elseif (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($temp2))
$templates = $temp2;
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($templates))
foreach ($templates as $template)
if (!isset($this->templateData[$this->target][$view]) || !array_key_exists($template,$this->templateData[$this->target][$view]))
$data = $this->getDataWithAlias($template,'template',$view);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($data))
$this->templateData[$this->target][$view][$template] = $data;
// call self to get child data
$again[] = array($data['html'],$view);
$again[] = array($data['php_view'],$view);
// set the layout data
$lay1 = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($default, "JLayoutHelper::render('","',");
$lay2 = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($default, 'JLayoutHelper::render("','",');;
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($lay1) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($lay2))
$layouts = array_merge($lay1,$lay2);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($lay1))
$layouts = $lay1;
elseif (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($lay2))
$layouts = $lay2;
if (isset($layouts) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($layouts))
foreach ($layouts as $layout)
if (!isset($this->layoutData[$this->target]) || !ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->layoutData[$this->target]) || !array_key_exists($layout,$this->layoutData[$this->target]))
$data = $this->getDataWithAlias($layout,'layout',$view);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($data))
$this->layoutData[$this->target][$layout] = $data;
// call self to get child data
$again[] = array($data['html'],$view);
$again[] = array($data['php_view'],$view);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($again))
foreach ($again as $go)
* Get Data With Alias
* @param string $n_ame The alias name
* @param string $table The table where to find the alias
* @param string $view The view code name
* @return array The data found with the alias
public function getDataWithAlias($n_ame,$table,$view)
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$query->from('#__componentbuilder_'.$table.' AS a');
$rows = $this->db->loadObjectList();
foreach ($rows as $row)
$k_ey = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($row->alias);
$key = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z]/", '', $k_ey);
$name = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z]/", '', $n_ame);
if ($k_ey == $n_ame || $key == $name)
$php_view = '';
if ($row->add_php_view == 1 && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($row->php_view))
$php_view = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($row->php_view));
$contnent = $this->setDynamicValues(base64_decode($row->{$table}));
// set uikit to views
$this->uikitComp[$view] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getUikitComp($contnent,$this->uikitComp[$view]);
// set footable to views and turn it on
if (!isset($this->footableScripts[$this->target][$view]) || !$this->footableScripts[$this->target][$view])
$foundFoo = $this->getFootableScripts($contnent);
if ($foundFoo)
$this->footableScripts[$this->target][$view] = true;
if ($foundFoo && !$this->footable)
$this->footable = true;
// set google charts to views and turn it on
if (!isset($this->googleChart[$this->target][$view]) || !$this->googleChart[$this->target][$view])
$foundA = $this->getGoogleChart($php_view);
$foundB = $this->getGoogleChart($contnent);
if ($foundA || $foundB)
$this->googleChart[$this->target][$view] = true;
if ($foundA || $foundB && !$this->googlechart)
$this->googlechart = true;
// check for get module
if (!isset($this->getModule[$this->target][$view]) || !$this->getModule[$this->target][$view])
$foundA = $this->getGetModule($php_view);
$foundB = $this->getGetModule($contnent);
if ($foundA || $foundB)
$this->getModule[$this->target][$view] = true;
return array('id' => $row->id, 'html' => $contnent, 'php_view' => $php_view);
return false;
* Set Language Place Holders
* @param string $content The content
* @return string The content with the updated Language place holder
public function setLangStrings($content)
// first check if we should continue
if (strpos($content, 'JText::_(') !== false || strpos($content, 'JText::sprintf(') !== false)
// insure string is not broken
$content = str_replace('COM_###COMPONENT###',$this->langPrefix,$content);
// set language data
$langCheck[] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($content, "JText::_('","'");
$langCheck[] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($content, 'JText::_("','"');
$langCheck[] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($content, "JText::sprintf('","'");
$langCheck[] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($content, 'JText::sprintf("','"');
$langArray = ComponentbuilderHelper::mergeArrays($langCheck);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($langArray))
foreach ($langArray as $string)
// this is there to insure we dont break already added Language strings
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($string,'U') === $string)
// only load if string is not already set
$keyLang = $this->langPrefix.'_'.ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($string,'U');
if (!isset($this->langContent[$this->lang][$keyLang]))
$this->langContent[$this->lang][$keyLang] = trim($string);
$langHolders["JText::_('".$string."')"] = "JText::_('".$keyLang."')";
$langHolders['JText::_("'.$string.'")'] = 'JText::_("'.$keyLang.'")';
$langHolders["JText::sprintf('".$string."',"] = "JText::sprintf('".$keyLang."',";
$langHolders['JText::sprintf("'.$string.'",'] = 'JText::sprintf("'.$keyLang.'",';
// only continue if we have value to replace
if (isset($langHolders) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($langHolders))
$content = $this->setPlaceholders($content, $langHolders);
return $content;
* Set Data Selection of the dynamic get
* @param string $method_key The method unique key
* @param string $view_code The code name of the view
* @param string $string The data string
* @param string || INT $asset The asset in question
* @param string $as The as string
* @param int $row_type The row type
* @param string $type The target type (db||view)
* @return array the select query
public function setDataSelection($method_key, $view_code, $string, $asset, $as, $row_type, $type)
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($string))
$lines = explode(PHP_EOL,$string);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($lines))
if ('db' === $type)
$table = '#__'.$asset;
$queryName = $asset;
$view = '';
elseif ('view' === $type)
$view = $this->getViewTableName($asset);
$table = '#__'.$this->componentCodeName.'_'.$view;
$queryName = $view;
$gets = array();
$keys = array();
foreach ($lines as $line)
if (strpos($line,'AS') !== false)
list($get,$key) = explode("AS",$line);
elseif (strpos($line,'as') !== false)
list($get,$key) = explode("as",$line);
$get = $line;
$key = null;
$get = trim($get);
$key = trim($key);
// only add the view
if ('a' != $as && 1 == $row_type && 'view' === $type && strpos('#'.$key,'#'.$view.'_') === false)
$key = $view.'_'.trim($key);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($get))
$gets[] = $this->db->quote($get);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($key))
$this->getAsLookup[$method_key][$get] = $key;
$keys[] = $this->db->quote($key);
$key = str_replace($as.'.','',$get);
$this->getAsLookup[$method_key][$get] = $key;
$keys[] = $this->db->quote($key);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($view))
$field = str_replace($as.'.','',$get);
$this->siteFields[$view][$field][$method_key] = array('site' => $view_code, 'get' => $get, 'as' => $as, 'key' => $key);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($gets) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($keys))
$querySelect = '$query->select($db->quoteName('.PHP_EOL."\t\t\t".'array('.implode(',',$gets).'),'.PHP_EOL."\t\t\t".'array('.implode(',',$keys).')));';
$queryFrom = '$db->quoteName('.$this->db->quote($table).', '.$this->db->quote($as).')';
// return the select query
return array('select' => $querySelect, 'from' => $queryFrom, 'name' => $queryName, 'table' => $table, 'type' => $type, 'select_gets' => $gets, 'select_keys' => $keys);
return false;
* Get the View Table Name
* @param int $id The admin view in
* @return string view code name
public function getViewTableName($id)
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('a.id') . ' = '. (int) $id);
return ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($this->db->loadResult());
* Build the SQL dump String for a view
* @param string $tables The tables to use in build
* @param string $view The target view/table to dump in
* @param int $view_id The id of the target view
* @return string on success with the Dump SQL
public function buildSqlDump($tables, $view, $view_id)
// first build a query statment to get all the data (insure it must be added - check the tweaking)
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($tables) && (!isset($this->sqlTweak[$view_id]['remove']) || !$this->sqlTweak[$view_id]['remove']))
$counter = 'a';
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
foreach ($tables as $table)
if ($counter === 'a')
// the main table fields
if (strpos($table['sourcemap'],PHP_EOL) !== false)
$fields = explode(PHP_EOL,$table['sourcemap']);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($fields))
// reset array buckets
$sourceArray = array();
$targetArray = array();
foreach ($fields as $field)
if (strpos($field,"=>") !== false)
list($source,$target) = explode("=>",$field);
$sourceArray[] = $counter.'.'.trim($source);
$targetArray[] = trim($target);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($sourceArray) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($targetArray))
// add to query
$query->from('#__'.$table['table'].' AS a');
// we may need to filter the selection
if (isset($this->sqlTweak[$view_id]['where']))
// add to query the where filter
$query->where('a.id IN (' . $this->sqlTweak[$view_id]['where'] . ')');
// the other tables
if (strpos($table['sourcemap'],PHP_EOL) !== false)
$fields = explode(PHP_EOL,$table['sourcemap']);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($fields))
// reset array buckets
$sourceArray = array();
$targetArray = array();
foreach ($fields as $field)
if (strpos($field,"=>") !== false)
list($source,$target) = explode("=>",$field);
$sourceArray[] = $counter.'.'.trim($source);
$targetArray[] = trim($target);
if (strpos($field,"==") !== false)
list($aKey,$bKey) = explode("==",$field);
// add to query
$query->join('LEFT', $this->db->quoteName('#__'.$table['table'], $counter) . ' ON (' . $this->db->quoteName('a.'.trim($aKey)) . ' = ' . $this->db->quoteName($counter.'.'.trim($bKey)) . ')');
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($sourceArray) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($targetArray))
// add to query
// now get the data
if ($this->db->getNumRows())
// get the data
$data = $this->db->loadObjectList();
// start building the MySql dump
$dump = "--";
$dump .= PHP_EOL."-- Dumping data for table `#__[[[component]]]_".$view."`";
$dump .= PHP_EOL."--";
$dump .= PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL."INSERT INTO `#__[[[component]]]_".$view."` (";
foreach ($data as $line)
$comaSet = 0;
foreach($line as $fieldName => $fieldValue)
if ($comaSet == 0)
$dump .= $this->db->quoteName($fieldName);
$dump .= ", ".$this->db->quoteName($fieldName);
$dump .= ") VALUES";
$coma = 0;
foreach ($data as $line)
if ($coma == 0)
$dump .= PHP_EOL."(";
$dump .= ",".PHP_EOL."(";
$comaSet = 0;
foreach($line as $fieldName => $fieldValue)
if ($comaSet == 0)
$dump .= $this->mysql_escape($fieldValue);
$dump .= ", ". $this->mysql_escape($fieldValue);
$dump .= ")";
$dump .= ";";
// return build dump query
return $dump;
return false;
* Escape the values for a SQL dump
* @param string $value the value to escape
* @return string on success with escaped string
public function mysql_escape($value)
// if array then return maped
return array_map(__METHOD__, $value);
// if string make sure it is correctly escaped
if(ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($value) && !is_numeric($value))
return $this->db->quote($value);
// if empty value return place holder
return "''";
// if not array or string then return number
return $value;
* Creating an uniqueCode
* @param string $code The planed code
* @return string The unique code
public function uniqueCode($code)
if (!isset($this->uniquecodes[$this->target]) || !in_array($code,$this->uniquecodes[$this->target]))
$this->uniquecodes[$this->target][] = $code;
return $code;
// make sure it is unique
return $this->uniqueCode($code.$this->uniquekey(1));
* Creating an unique local key
* @param int $size The key size
* @return string The unique localkey
public function uniquekey($size, $random = false, $newBag = "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv")
if ($random)
$bag = "abcefghijknopqrstuwxyzABCDDEFGHIJKLLMMNOPQRSTUVVWXYZabcddefghijkllmmnopqrstuvvwxyzABCEFGHIJKNOPQRSTUWXYZ";
$bag = $newBag;
$key = array();
$bagsize = strlen($bag) - 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++)
$get = rand(0, $bagsize);
$key[] = $bag[$get];
$key = implode($key);
while (in_array($key, $this->uniquekeys))
$this->uniquekeys[] = $key;
return $key;
* Check for footable scripts
* @param string $content The content to check
* @return boolean True if found
public function getFootableScripts($content)
if (strpos($content,'footable') !== false)
return true;
return false;
* Check for getModules script
* @param string $content The content to check
* @return boolean True if found
public function getGetModule($content)
if (strpos($content,'this->getModules(') !== false)
return true;
return false;
* Check for getModules script
* @param string $content The content to check
* @return boolean True if found
public function getGoogleChart($content)
if (strpos($content,'Chartbuilder(') !== false)
return true;
return false;
* Set the dynamic values in strings here
* @param string $string The content to check
* @return string
public function setDynamicValues($string)
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($string))
return $this->setLangStrings($this->setCustomCodeData($string));
return $string;
* We start set the custom code data & can load it in to string
* @param string $string The content to check
* @param bool $insert Should we insert the code into the content
* @param bool $bool Should we return bool on success
* @return string|bool based on sig
public function setCustomCodeData($string)
// insure the code is loaded
$loaded = false;
// check if content has custom code place holder
if (strpos($string, '[CUSTO'.'MCODE=') !== false)
// the ids found in this content
$bucket = array();
$found = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($string, '[CUSTO'.'MCODE=', ']');
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($found))
foreach ($found as $key)
// check if we have args
if (is_numeric($key))
$id = (int) $key;
elseif (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($key) && strpos($key, '+') === false)
$getFuncName = trim($key);
if (!isset($this->functionNameMemory[$getFuncName]))
if (!$found = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('custom_code', $getFuncName, 'function_name', 'id'))
$this->functionNameMemory[$getFuncName] = $found;
$id = (int) $this->functionNameMemory[$getFuncName];
elseif (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($key) && strpos($key, '+') !== false)
$array = explode('+', $key);
// set ID
if (is_numeric($array[0]))
$id = (int) $array[0];
elseif (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($array[0]))
$getFuncName = trim($array[0]);
if (!isset($this->functionNameMemory[$getFuncName]))
if (!$found = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('custom_code', $getFuncName, 'function_name', 'id'))
$this->functionNameMemory[$getFuncName] = $found;
$id = (int) $this->functionNameMemory[$getFuncName];
// load args for this ID
if (isset($array[1]))
if (!isset($this->customCodeData[$id]['args']))
$this->customCodeData[$id]['args'] = array();
// only load if not already loaded
if (!isset($this->customCodeData[$id]['args'][$key]))
if (strpos($array[1], ',') !== false)
$this->customCodeData[$id]['args'][$key] = explode(',', $array[1]);
elseif (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($array[1]))
$this->customCodeData[$id]['args'][$key] = array();
$this->customCodeData[$id]['args'][$key][] = $array[1];
$bucket[$id] = $id;
// check if any custom code placeholders where found
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($bucket))
$_tmpLang = $this->lang;
// insure we add the langs to both site and admin
$this->lang = 'both';
// now load the code to memory
$loaded = $this->getCustomCode($bucket, false);
// revert lang to current setting
$this->lang = $_tmpLang;
// when the custom code is loaded
if ($loaded === true)
$string = $this->insertCustomCode($string);
return $string;
* Insert the custom code into the string
* @param string $string The content to check
* @return string on success
protected function insertCustomCode($string)
$code = array();
foreach($this->customCode as $item)
$this->buildCustomCodePlaceholders($item, $code);
// now update the string
return $this->setPlaceholders($string, $code);
* Insert the custom code into the string
* @param string $string The content to check
* @return string on success
protected function buildCustomCodePlaceholders($item, &$code)
// check if there is args for this code
if (isset($this->customCodeData[$item['id']]['args']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->customCodeData[$item['id']]['args']))
// since we have args we cant update this code via IDE (TODO)
$placeholder = $this->getPlaceHolder(3, null);
// we have args and so need to load each
foreach ($this->customCodeData[$item['id']]['args'] as $key => $args)
$this->setThesePlaceHolders('arg', $args);
$code['[CUSTOM'.'CODE='.$key.']'] = $placeholder['start'] . PHP_EOL . $this->setPlaceholders($item['code'], $this->placeholders). $placeholder['end'];
// always clear the args
if (($keyPlaceholder = array_search($item['id'], $this->functionNameMemory)) === false)
$keyPlaceholder = $item['id'];
// check what type of place holders we should load here
$placeholderType = (int) $item['comment_type'].'2';
if (stripos($item['code'], '[[[view') !== false || stripos($item['code'], '[[[sview') !== false || stripos($item['code'], '[[[arg') !== false)
// if view is being set dynamicly then we can't update this code via IDE (TODO)
$placeholderType = 3;
// if now ars were found, clear it
// load args for this code
$placeholder = $this->getPlaceHolder($placeholderType, $item['id']);
$code['[CUSTOM'.'CODE='.$keyPlaceholder.']'] = $placeholder['start'] . PHP_EOL . $this->setPlaceholders($item['code'], $this->placeholders). $placeholder['end'];
* Set a type of placeholder with set of values
* @param string $key The main string for placeholder key
* @param array $values The values to add
* @return void
public function setThesePlaceHolders($key, $values)
// aways fist reset these
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($values))
$number = 0;
foreach ($values as $value)
$this->placeholders['[[['.$key.$number.']]]'] = $value;
* Remove a type of placeholder by main string
* @param string $like The main string for placeholder key
* @return void
public function clearFromPlaceHolders($like)
foreach ($this->placeholders as $something => $value)
if (stripos($something, $like) !== false)
* to unset stuff that are private or protected
public function unsetNow($remove)
* Get the other languages
* @param array $values The lang strings to get
* @return void
public function getMultiLangStrings($values)
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($values))
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('a.entranslation') . ' IN (' . implode(',',array_map(function($a){ return $this->db->quote($a); }, $values)) . ')');
if ($this->db->getNumRows())
return $this->db->loadAssocList('entranslation');
return false;
* Set the Current language values to DB
* @return void
public function setLangPlaceholders($strings)
$counterInsert = 0;
$counterUpdate = 0;
$today = JFactory::getDate()->toSql();
foreach ($this->languages['en-GB'] as $area => $placeholders)
foreach ($placeholders as $placeholder => $string)
// to keep or remove
$remove = false;
// build the tranlations
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($string) && isset($this->multiLangString[$string]))
// make sure we have converted the string to array
if (isset($this->multiLangString[$string]['translation']) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($this->multiLangString[$string]['translation']))
$this->multiLangString[$string]['translation'] = json_decode($this->multiLangString[$string]['translation'], true);
// if we have an array continue
if (isset($this->multiLangString[$string]['translation'])
&& ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->multiLangString[$string]['translation']))
// great lets build the multi languages strings
foreach ($this->multiLangString[$string]['translation'] as $translations)
if (isset($translations['language']) && isset($translations['translation']))
// build arrays
if (!isset($this->languages[$translations['language']]))
$this->languages[$translations['language']] = array();
if (!isset($this->languages[$translations['language']][$area]))
$this->languages[$translations['language']][$area] = array();
$this->languages[$translations['language']][$area][$placeholder] = $translations['translation'];
// remove this string not to be checked again
$remove = true;
// do the database managment
if(ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($string) && ($key = array_search($string, $strings)) !== false)
if (isset($this->multiLangString[$string]))
// update the existing placeholder in db
$id = $this->multiLangString[$string]['id'];
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($this->multiLangString[$string]['components']))
$components = (array) json_decode($this->multiLangString[$string]['components'], true);
// check if we should add the component ID
if (in_array($this->componentID, $components))
// only skip the update if the string is published and has the component ID
if ($this->multiLangString[$string]['published'] == 1)
$components[] = $this->componentID;
$components = array($this->componentID);
// start the bucket for this lang
$this->setUpdateExistingLangStrings($id, $components, 1, $today, $counterUpdate);
// load to db
// remove string if needed
if ($remove)
// add the new lang placeholder to the db
$this->newLangStrings[$counterInsert] = array();
$this->newLangStrings[$counterInsert][] = $this->db->quote(json_encode(array($this->componentID))); // 'components'
$this->newLangStrings[$counterInsert][] = $this->db->quote($string); // 'entranslation'
$this->newLangStrings[$counterInsert][] = $this->db->quote(1); // 'published'
$this->newLangStrings[$counterInsert][] = $this->db->quote($today); // 'created'
$this->newLangStrings[$counterInsert][] = $this->db->quote((int) $this->user->id); // 'created_by'
$this->newLangStrings[$counterInsert][] = $this->db->quote(1); // 'version'
$this->newLangStrings[$counterInsert][] = $this->db->quote(1); // 'access'
// load to db
// only set the string once
// just to make sure all is done
* store the language placeholders
* @param int $when To set when to update
* @return void
protected function setNewLangStrings($when = 1)
if (count($this->newLangStrings) >= $when)
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$continue = false;
// Insert columns.
$columns = array('components','entranslation','published','created','created_by','version','access');
// Prepare the insert query.
foreach($this->newLangStrings as $values)
if (count($values) == 7)
$query->values(implode(',', $values));
$continue = true;
// TODO line mismatch... should not happen
// clear the values array
$this->newLangStrings = array();
if (!$continue)
return false; // insure we dont continue if no values were loaded
// Set the query using our newly populated query object and execute it.
* update the language placeholders
* @param int $when To set when to update
* @return void
protected function setExistingLangStrings($when = 1)
if (count($this->existingLangStrings) >= $when)
foreach($this->existingLangStrings as $values)
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Prepare the update query.
// Set the query using our newly populated query object and execute it.
// clear the values array
$this->existingLangStrings = array();
* Remove exiting language translation stings
* @param int $id To string ID to remove
* @return void
protected function removeExitingLangString($id)
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// delete all custom keys for user 1001.
$conditions = array(
$this->db->quoteName('id') . ' = ' . (int) $id
* Function to purge the unused languge strings
* @param string $values the active strings
* @return void
public function purgeLanuageStrings($values)
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// get all string that are not linked to this component
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('a.entranslation') . ' NOT IN (' . implode(',',array_map(function($a){ return $this->db->quote($a); }, $values)) . ')');
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('a.published') . ' = 1');
if ($this->db->getNumRows())
$counterUpdate = 0;
$otherStrings = $this->db->loadAssocList();
$today = JFactory::getDate()->toSql();
foreach ($otherStrings as $item)
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($item['components']))
$components = (array) json_decode($item['components'], true);
// if component is not found ignore this string, and do nothing
if (($key = array_search($this->componentID, $components)) !== false)
// first remove the component from the string
// check if there are more components
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($components))
// just update the string to unlink the current component
$this->setUpdateExistingLangStrings($item['id'], $components, 1, $today, $counterUpdate);
// load to db
// check if this string has been worked on
elseif (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkJson($item['translation']))
$translation = json_decode($item['translation'], true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($translation))
// only archive the item and update the string to unlink the current component
$this->setUpdateExistingLangStrings($item['id'], $components, 2, $today, $counterUpdate);
// load to db
// remove the string since no translation found and not linked to any other component
// remove the string since no translation found and not linked to any other component
// load to db
* just to add lang string to the existing Lang Strings array
* @return void
protected function setUpdateExistingLangStrings($id, $components, $published, $today, $counterUpdate)
// start the bucket for this lang
$this->existingLangStrings[$counterUpdate] = array();
$this->existingLangStrings[$counterUpdate]['id'] = (int) $id;
$this->existingLangStrings[$counterUpdate]['conditions'] = array();
$this->existingLangStrings[$counterUpdate]['conditions'][] = $this->db->quoteName('id') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($id);
$this->existingLangStrings[$counterUpdate]['fields'] = array();
$this->existingLangStrings[$counterUpdate]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('components') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote(json_encode($components));
$this->existingLangStrings[$counterUpdate]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('published') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($published);
$this->existingLangStrings[$counterUpdate]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('modified') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($today);
$this->existingLangStrings[$counterUpdate]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('modified_by') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote((int) $this->user->id);
* get the custom code from the system
* @return void
public function getCustomCode($ids = null, $setLang = true)
// should the result be stored in memory
$loadInMemory = false;
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($ids))
if ($idArray = $this->customCodeMemory($ids))
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('a.id') . ' IN (' . implode(',',$idArray) . ')');
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('a.target') . ' = 2'); // <--- to load the correct target
$loadInMemory = true;
// all values are already in memory continue
return true;
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('a.component') . ' = '. (int) $this->componentData->id);
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('a.target') . ' = 1'); // <--- to load the correct target
$query->order($this->db->quoteName('a.from_line') . ' ASC'); // <--- insrue we always add code from top of file
// reset custom code
$this->customCode = array();
$query->where($this->db->quoteName('a.published') . ' >= 1');
if ($this->db->getNumRows())
$bucket = $this->db->loadAssocList('id');
// open the code
foreach($bucket as $nr => &$customCode)
$customCode['code'] = base64_decode($customCode['code']);
if ($setLang)
$customCode['code'] = $this->setLangStrings($customCode['code']);
if (isset($customCode['hashtarget']))
$customCode['hashtarget'] = explode("__", $customCode['hashtarget']);
if ($customCode['type'] == 1 && strpos($customCode['hashendtarget'], '__') !== false)
$customCode['hashendtarget'] = explode("__", $customCode['hashendtarget']);
// load this code into memory if needed
if ($loadInMemory === true)
$this->customCodeMemory = $this->customCodeMemory + $bucket;
$this->customCode = array_merge($this->customCode, $bucket);
return true;
return false;
* check if we already have these ids in local memory
* @return void
protected function customCodeMemory($ids)
// reset custom code
$this->customCode = array();
foreach ($ids as $pointer => $id)
if (isset($this->customCodeMemory[$id]))
$this->customCode[] = $this->customCodeMemory[$id];
// check if any ids left to fetch
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($ids))
return $ids;
return false;
* store the code
* @param int $when To set when to update
* @return void
protected function setNewCustomCode($when = 1)
if (count($this->newCustomCode) >= $when)
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$continue = false;
// Insert columns.
$columns = array('path','type','target','comment_type','component','published','created','created_by','version','access','hashtarget','from_line','to_line','code','hashendtarget');
// Prepare the insert query.
foreach($this->newCustomCode as $values)
if (count($values) == 15)
$query->values(implode(',', $values));
$continue = true;
// TODO line mismatch... should not happen
// clear the values array
$this->newCustomCode = array();
if (!$continue)
return false; // insure we dont continue if no values were loaded
// Set the query using our newly populated query object and execute it.
* store the code
* @param int $when To set when to update
* @return void
protected function setExistingCustomCode($when = 1)
if (count($this->existingCustomCode) >= $when)
foreach($this->existingCustomCode as $code)
// Create a new query object.
$query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
// Prepare the update query.
// Set the query using our newly populated query object and execute it.
// clear the values array
$this->existingCustomCode = array();
* get the custom code from the local files
* @param array $paths The local paths to parse
* @param string $today The date for today
* @return void
protected function customCodeFactory(&$paths, &$today)
// we must first store the current woking directory
$joomla = getcwd();
$counter = array(1 => 0, 2 => 0);
// file types to get
$fileTypes = array('\.php', '\.js');
// set some local placeholders
$placeholders = array();
$placeholders[ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($this->componentCodeName, 'F').'Helper::'] = '[[[Component]]]Helper::';
$placeholders['COM_'.ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($this->componentCodeName, 'U')] = 'COM_[[[COMPONENT]]]';
$placeholders['com_'.$this->componentCodeName] = 'com_[[[component]]]';
foreach ($paths as $target => $path)
// we are changing the working directory to the componet path
foreach ($fileTypes as $type)
// get a list of files in the current directory tree (only PHP and JS for now)
$files = JFolder::files('.', $type, true, true);
foreach ($files as $file)
$this->searchFileContent($counter, $file, $target, $this->customCodePlaceholders, $placeholders, $today);
// insert new code
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->newCustomCode))
// update existing custom code
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->existingCustomCode))
// change back to Joomla working directory
// make sure all code is stored
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->newCustomCode))
// update existing custom code
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($this->existingCustomCode))
* search a file for placeholders and store result
* @param array $counter The counter for the arrays
* @param string $file The file path to search
* @param array $searchArray The values to search for
* @param array $placeholders The values to replace in the code being stored
* @param string $today The date for today
* @return array on success
protected function searchFileContent(&$counter, &$file, &$target, &$searchArray, &$placeholders, &$today)
// reset each time per file
$loadEndFingerPrint = false;
$endFingerPrint = array();
$fingerPrint = array();
$codeBucket = array();
$pointer = array();
$reading = array();
$reader = 0;
// reset found Start type
$commentType = 0;
// make sure we have the path correct (the script file is not in admin path for example)
// there may be more... will nead to keep our eye on this... since files could be moved during install
$file = str_replace('./', '', $file);
if ($file !== 'script.php')
$path = $target . '/' . $file;
$path = $file;
foreach (new SplFileObject($file) as $lineNumber => $lineContent)
// we musk keep last few lines to dynamic find target entry later
$fingerPrint[$lineNumber] = trim($lineContent);
// load the end fingerprint
if ($loadEndFingerPrint)
$endFingerPrint[$lineNumber] = trim($lineContent);
foreach ($searchArray as $type => $search)
$i = (int) ($type == 3 ||$type == 4) ? 2 : 1;
$_type = (int) ($type == 1 || $type == 3) ? 1 : 2;
if ($reader === 0 || $reader === $i)
$targetKey = $type;
$start = '/***['.$search.'***/';
$end = '/***[/'.$search.'***/';
$startHTML = '<!--['.$search.'-->';
$endHTML = '<!--[/'.$search.'-->';
// check if the ending place holder was found
if(isset($reading[$targetKey]) && $reading[$targetKey] &&
((trim($lineContent) === $end || strpos($lineContent, $end) !== false) ||
(trim($lineContent) === $endHTML || strpos($lineContent, $endHTML) !== false)))
// trim the placeholder and if there is still data then load it
if ($_line = $this->addLineChecker($endReplace, 2, $lineContent))
$codeBucket[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $_line;
// deactivate the reader
$reading[$targetKey] = false;
if ($_type == 2)
// deactivate search
$reader = 0;
// activate fingerPrint for replacement end target
$loadEndFingerPrint = true;
$backupTargetKey = $targetKey;
$backupI = $i;
// all new records we can do a bulk insert
if ($i === 1)
// end the bucket info for this code block
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $this->db->quote((int) $lineNumber); // 'toline'
// first reverse engineer this code block
$c0de = $this->reversePlaceholders(implode('', $codeBucket[$pointer[$targetKey]]), $placeholders);
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $this->db->quote(base64_encode($c0de)); // 'code'
if ($_type == 2)
// load the last value
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $this->db->quote(0); // 'hashendtarget'
// the record already exist so we must update instead
elseif ($i === 2)
// end the bucket info for this code block
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('to_line') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($lineNumber);
// first reverse engineer this code block
$c0de = $this->reversePlaceholders(implode('', $codeBucket[$pointer[$targetKey]]), $placeholders, $this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['id']);
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('code') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote(base64_encode($c0de));
if ($_type == 2)
// load the last value
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('hashendtarget') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote(0);
// check if the endfingerprint is ready to save
if (count($endFingerPrint) === 3)
$hashendtarget = '3__'.md5(implode('',$endFingerPrint));
// all new records we can do a bulk insert
if ($i === 1)
// load the last value
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $this->db->quote($hashendtarget); // 'hashendtarget'
// the record already exist so we must use module to update
elseif ($i === 2)
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('hashendtarget') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($hashendtarget);
// reset the needed values
$endFingerPrint = array();
$loadEndFingerPrint = false;
// deactivate reader (to allow other search)
$reader = 0;
// then read in the code
if (isset($reading[$targetKey]) && $reading[$targetKey])
$codeBucket[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $lineContent;
// see if the custom code line starts now with PHP/JS comment type
if ((!isset($reading[$targetKey]) || !$reading[$targetKey]) && (($i === 1 && trim($lineContent) === $start) || strpos($lineContent, $start) !== false))
$commentType = 1; // PHP/JS type
$startReplace = $start;
$endReplace = $end;
// see if the custom code line starts now with HTML comment type
elseif ((!isset($reading[$targetKey]) || !$reading[$targetKey]) && (($i === 1 && trim($lineContent) === $startHTML) || strpos($lineContent, $startHTML) !== false))
$commentType = 2; // HTML type
$startReplace = $startHTML;
$endReplace = $endHTML;
// check if the starting place holder was found
if($commentType > 0)
// if we have all on one line we have a problem (don't load it TODO)
if (strpos($lineContent, $endReplace) !== false)
// reset found comment type
$commentType = 0;
// do a quick check to insure we have an id
$id = false;
if ($i === 2)
$id = $this->getSystemID($lineContent, array(1 => $start, 2 => $startHTML), $commentType);
if ($i === 2 && $id > 0)
// make sure we update it only once even if found again.
if (isset($this->codeAreadyDone[$id]))
// reset found comment type
$commentType = 0;
// store the id to avoid duplication
$this->codeAreadyDone[$id] = (int) $id;
// start replace
$startReplace = $this->setStartReplace($id, $commentType, $startReplace);
// set active reader (to lock out other search)
$reader = $i;
// set pointer
$pointer[$targetKey] = $counter[$i];
// activate the reader
$reading[$targetKey] = true;
// start code bucket
$codeBucket[$pointer[$targetKey]] = array();
// trim the placeholder and if there is still data then load it
if ($_line = $this->addLineChecker($startReplace, 1, $lineContent))
$codeBucket[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $_line;
// get the finger print around the custom code
$inFinger = count($fingerPrint);
$getFinger = $inFinger - 1;
$hasharray = array_slice($fingerPrint, -$inFinger, $getFinger, true);
$hasleng = count($hasharray);
$hashtarget = $hasleng.'__'.md5(implode('',$hasharray));
// all new records we can do a buldk insert
if ($i === 1 || !$id)
// start the bucket for this code
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]] = array();
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $this->db->quote($path); // 'path'
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $this->db->quote((int) $_type); // 'type'
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $this->db->quote(1); // 'target'
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $this->db->quote($commentType); // 'comment_type'
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $this->db->quote((int) $this->componentID); // 'component'
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $this->db->quote(1); // 'published'
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $this->db->quote($today); // 'created'
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $this->db->quote((int) $this->user->id); // 'created_by'
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $this->db->quote(1); // 'version'
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $this->db->quote(1); // 'access'
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $this->db->quote($hashtarget); // 'hashtarget'
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]][] = $this->db->quote((int) $lineNumber); // 'fromline'
// the record already exist so we must update instead
elseif ($i === 2 && $id > 0)
// start the bucket for this code
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]] = array();
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['id'] = (int) $id;
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['conditions'] = array();
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['conditions'][] = $this->db->quoteName('id') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($id);
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['fields'] = array();
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('path') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($path);
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('type') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($_type);
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('comment_type') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($commentType);
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('component') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($this->componentID);
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('from_line') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($lineNumber);
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('modified') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($today);
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('modified_by') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($this->user->id);
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$targetKey]]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('hashtarget') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($hashtarget);
else // this should actualy never happen
// de activate the reader
$reading[$targetKey] = false;
$reader = 0;
// reset found comment type
$commentType = 0;
// update the counter
// make sure only a few lines is kept at a time
if (count($fingerPrint) > 10)
$fingerPrint = array_slice($fingerPrint, -6, 6, true);
// if the code is at the end of the page and there were not three more lines
if (count($endFingerPrint) > 0 || $loadEndFingerPrint)
if (count($endFingerPrint) > 0)
$leng = count($endFingerPrint);
$hashendtarget = $leng . '__' . md5(implode('',$endFingerPrint));
$hashendtarget = 0;
// all new records we can do a buldk insert
if ($backupI === 1)
// load the last value
$this->newCustomCode[$pointer[$backupTargetKey]][] = $this->db->quote($hashendtarget); // 'hashendtarget'
// the record already exist so we must use module to update
elseif ($backupI === 2)
$this->existingCustomCode[$pointer[$backupTargetKey]]['fields'][] = $this->db->quoteName('hashendtarget') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($hashendtarget);
* Check if this line should be added
* @param strin $replaceKey The key to remove from line
* @param int $type The line type
* @param string $lineContent The line to check
* @return bool true on success
protected function addLineChecker($replaceKey, $type, $lineContent)
$check = explode($replaceKey, $lineContent);
case 1:
// beginning of code
$i = trim($check[1]);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($i))
return $check[1];
case 2:
// end of code
$i = trim($check[0]);
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($i))
return $check[0];
return false;
* search for the system id in the line given
* @param int $id The comment id
* @param int $commentType The comment type
* @param string $startReplace The main replace string
* @return array on success
protected function setStartReplace($id, $commentType, $startReplace)
if ($id > 0)
case 1:
$startReplace .= '/*'.$id.'*/';
case 2:
$startReplace .= '<!--'.$id.'-->';
return $startReplace;
* search for the system id in the line given
* @param string $lineContent The file path to search
* @param string $placeholders The values to search for
* @return array on success
protected function getSystemID(&$lineContent, $placeholders, $commentType)
$trim = '/';
if ($commentType == 2)
$trim = '<!--';
// remove place holder from content
$string = trim(str_replace($placeholders[$commentType].$trim, '', $lineContent));
// now get all numbers
$numbers = array();
preg_match_all('!\d+!', $string, $numbers);
// return the first number
if (isset($numbers[0]) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($numbers[0]))
return reset($numbers[0]);
return false;
* Reverse Engineer the dynamic placeholders (hmmmm)
* @param string $string The string to revers
* @param int $id The custom code id
* @param array $placeholders The values to search for
* @return string
protected function reversePlaceholders($string, &$placeholders, $id = null)
// get local code if set
if ($id > 0 && $code = base64_decode(ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('custom_code', $id, 'id', 'code')))
$string = $this->setReverseLangPlaceholders($string, $code);
return $this->setPlaceholders($string, $placeholders, 2);
* Set the langs strings for the reveres prossess
* @param string $updateString The string to update
* @param string $string The string to use lang update
* @return array
protected function setReverseLangPlaceholders($updateString, $string)
if (strpos($string, 'JText::_(') !== false || strpos($string, 'JText::sprintf(') !== false)
$langHolders = array();
// set the lang for both since we don't know what area is being targeted
$_tmp = $this->lang;
$this->lang = 'both';
// set language data
$langCheck[] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($string, "JText::_('","'");
$langCheck[] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($string, 'JText::_("','"');
$langCheck[] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($string, "JText::sprintf('","'");
$langCheck[] = ComponentbuilderHelper::getAllBetween($string, 'JText::sprintf("','"');
// merge arrays
$langArray = ComponentbuilderHelper::mergeArrays($langCheck);
// continue only if strings were found
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($langArray))
foreach ($langArray as $lang)
$_keyLang = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($lang,'U');
// this is there to insure we dont break already added Language strings
if ($_keyLang === $lang)
// only load if string is not already set
$keyLang = $this->langPrefix.'_'.$_keyLang;
if (!isset($this->langContent[$this->lang][$keyLang]))
$this->langContent[$this->lang][$keyLang] = trim($lang);
// reverse the placeholders
$langHolders["JText::_('".$keyLang."')"] = "JText::_('".$lang."')";
$langHolders['JText::_("'.$keyLang.'")'] = 'JText::_("'.$lang.'")';
$langHolders["JText::sprintf('".$keyLang."',"] = "JText::sprintf('".$lang."',";
$langHolders['JText::sprintf("'.$keyLang.'",'] = 'JText::sprintf("'.$lang.'",';
// return the found placeholders
$updateString = $this->setPlaceholders($updateString, $langHolders);
// reset the lang
$this->lang = $_tmp;
return $updateString;
* Update the data with the placeholders
* @param string $data The actual data
* @param array $placeholder The placeholders
* @param int $action The action to use
* 1 -> Just replace (default)
* 2 -> Check if data string has placeholders
* 3 -> Remove placeholders not in data string
* @param int $langSwitch The lang switch
* @return string
public function setPlaceholders(&$data, &$placeholder, $action = 1)
if (1 == $action) // <-- just replace (default)
return str_replace(array_keys($placeholder),array_values($placeholder),$data);
elseif (2 == $action) // <-- check if data string has placeholders
$replace = false;
foreach ($placeholder as $key => $val)
if (strpos($data, $key) !== FALSE)
$replace = true;
// only replace if the data has these placeholder values
if ($replace === true)
return str_replace(array_keys($placeholder),array_values($placeholder),$data);
elseif (3 == $action) // <-- remove placeholders not in data string
$replace = $placeholder;
foreach ($replace as $key => $val)
if (strpos($data, $key) === FALSE)
// only replace if the data has these placeholder values
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($replace))
return str_replace(array_keys($replace),array_values($replace),$data);
return $data;
* return the placeholders for insered and replaced code
* @param int $type The type of placement
* @param int $id The code id in the system
* @return array on success
public function getPlaceHolder($type, $id)
switch ($type)
case 11:
if ($this->addPlaceholders === true)
return array(
'start' => '/***[REPLACED$$$$]***//*'.$id.'*/',
'end' => '/***[/REPLACED$$$$]***/');
return array(
'start' => "\t\t\t",
'end' => "\t\t\t");
case 12:
if ($this->addPlaceholders === true)
return array(
'start' => '/***[INSERTED$$$$]***//*'.$id.'*/',
'end' => '/***[/INSERTED$$$$]***/');
return array(
'start' => "\t\t\t",
'end' => "\t\t\t");
case 21:
if ($this->addPlaceholders === true)
return array(
'start' => '<!--[REPLACED$$$$]--><!--'.$id.'-->',
'end' => '<!--[/REPLACED$$$$]-->');
return array(
'start' => "\t\t\t",
'end' => "\t\t\t");
case 22:
if ($this->addPlaceholders === true)
return array(
'start' => '<!--[INSERTED$$$$]--><!--'.$id.'-->',
'end' => '<!--[/INSERTED$$$$]-->');
return array(
'start' => "\t\t\t",
'end' => "\t\t\t");
case 3:
return array(
'start' => "\t\t\t",
'end' => "\t\t\t");
return false;
* get the local installed path of this component
* @return array of paths on success
protected function getLocalInstallPaths()
// set the local paths to search
$localPaths = array();
// admin path
$localPaths['admin'] = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_'. $this->componentCodeName;
// site path
$localPaths['site'] = JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_'. $this->componentCodeName;
// TODO later to include the JS and CSS
$localPaths['media'] = JPATH_ROOT . '/media/com_'. $this->componentCodeName;
// check if the local install is found
foreach ($localPaths as $key => $localPath)
if (!JFolder::exists($localPath))
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($localPaths))
return $localPaths;
return false;