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synced 2025-03-21 04:12:22 +00:00
651 lines
64 KiB
651 lines
64 KiB
"name": "Interview",
"description": "",
"audio_sermons": [
"title": "A Man Of God",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID1375",
"size": "26992640",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "1 Corinthians 3:13-17",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "Leonard Ravenhill pours out his heart on many issues that are important to the Church situation we find ourselves in. There are many keys to revival and the Christian life given in this recording. The duration of this video is about two hours long, you will not be the same after listening to it.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID1375-download",
"preacher_name": "Leonard Ravenhill",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/leonard_ravenhill.gif",
"preacher_description": "Leonard Ravenhill (1907 \u00c2\u2013 1994)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Leonard Ravenhill in mp3 format. A revivalist and man of God who sought God's will above all else. He was a man of prayer who practiced what he preached. He wrote the book: 'Why Revival Tarries' which has become a classic on revival. His prophetic edge and burden made him to be respected by some and disliked by others. Yet he stayed true to God's call on his life prayed and pleading for true heaven sent revival. \r\n\r\n\"Those who know of Leonard Ravenhill recognize in him the religious specialist, the man sent from God to battle the priests of Baal on their own mountain top, to shame the careless priest at the altar, to face the false prophet, and to warn the people who are being led astray by him. \" - Tozer | \"Leonard Ravenhill was one of the few men I have ever known who was a true prophet.\" - David Wilkerson",
"_scripture": [
"book": "1 Corinthians",
"chapter": "3"
"title": "An Hour With Kathryn Kuhlman - Part 1",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID0948",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID0948-download",
"preacher_name": "Kathryn Kuhlman",
"preacher_image": "",
"preacher_description": "",
"_scripture": []
"title": "An Hour With Kathryn Kuhlman - Part 2",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID0949",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID0949-download",
"preacher_name": "Kathryn Kuhlman",
"preacher_image": "",
"preacher_description": "",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Brother Andrew and Dan Wooding Interview",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID6129",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID6129-download",
"preacher_name": "Brother Andrew",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/brother_andrew.gif",
"preacher_description": "Brother Andrew ( - )\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Brother Andrew in mp3 format. Known in English-speaking countries as Brother Andrew, is a Christian missionary famous for his exploits smuggling Bibles to communist countries in the height of the Cold War, a feat that has earned him the nickname \"God's smuggler\". Brother Andrew studied at the WEC Missionary Training College in Glasgow, Scotland. \r\nIn 1967, he published the first edition of God's Smuggler, written with John and Elizabeth Sherrill. God's Smuggler tells the story of Brother Andrew's early childhood, conversion to Christianity, and adventures as a Bible-smuggler behind the Iron Curtain. It has now sold over 10 million copies in thirty-five languages. After the fall of communism in Europe, Brother Andrew shifted his focus to the Middle East and has worked to strengthen the church in the Islamic world. In the 70s he visited war-torn Lebanon several times, stating that \"global conflict in the end times will focus on Israel and its neighboring countries\".",
"_scripture": []
"title": "C.J. Mahaney: Faith Works in Humility",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID22259",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID22259-download",
"preacher_name": "Adrian Warnock",
"preacher_image": "",
"preacher_description": "Adrian Warnock ( - )\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Adrian Warnock in mp3 format. Adrian Warnock is part of the leadership team of Jubilee Church, London, where he has preached regularly for more than ten years. His book, Raised With Christ \u00e2\u20ac\u201c How The Resurrection Changes Everything was published by Crossway January 2010.\r\nAdrian Warnock started blogging in April 2003, and has written more than 5000 posts since then. He was born in the UK. He is married to Andr\u00c3\u00a9e and the father of five children \u00e2\u20ac\u201c Tamasin, Henry, Charis, Joel and George. You can read the wedding vows they used and Adrian often posts about his personal life.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Chapel of the Air - Interview with Dr. Orr (part 1)",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID12221",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "2 Chronicles 7:14",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "In this interview, Dr. Orr speaks on the misunderstanding of the word \"revival\". Among other things, he discusses how revival is primarily aimed at the Church, as opposed to the lost. This is the only time I have heard Dr. Orr talk about his multiple PhD's; surely because he is asked in the interview. This interview displays the typical humility of this extremely knowledgeable and well-traveled individual who, though he is surely one of the foremost scholars on the subject of historic revival, offers correction to the modern church, but does so in a way that it is evident he is not trying to glorify himself. The late Dr. Orr expresses his desire in this interview to see revival again, and puts forth his opinion that he does not believe that future revival is reserved for the nation of Israel only.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID12221-download",
"preacher_name": "J. Edwin Orr",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/j_edwin_orr.gif",
"preacher_description": "J. Edwin Orr (1912 - 1987)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker J. Edwin Orr in mp3 format. Brother Orr shared in an experience of revival in his youth as he traveled by faith and saw many powerful workings of God. After years of seeing personal revival and experiences in his ministry he studied the theme of historical revival to equip and teach the Church.\r\n\r\nHe published many books on the topic of subject of revival: \"Can God?\" \"Full Surrender\" and many others. He ministered cross-denoninationally in baptist, pentecostal, calvary chapel and in many other movements. He was also influential in the Campus Crusade for Christ organization.",
"_scripture": [
"book": "2 Chronicles",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Chapel of the Air - Interview with Dr. Orr (part 2)",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID12222",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Romans 12:1, 2 Timothy 1:6",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "Habakkuk 2:2, 2 Chronicles 7:14. Dr. Orr discusses how he believed that Satan was the main hindrance to people understanding revival, and though he was a revival scholar, his intent was not to increase knowledge on the subject for the sake of increasing knowledge, but rather to increase knowledge of revival to enable people to be subjects of revival. He also talks about areas of the world where he believed revival was currently happening, along with some of the mistakes that people have made after revival has occurred. \"I shudder to hear of people who claim to be filled with the Holy Spirit without any holiness of life.\" Dr. Orr talks about how after years of revival work he kept himself renewed. \"Evan Roberts once said to me 'always pray for a vision to match your faith'.\"",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID12222-download",
"preacher_name": "J. Edwin Orr",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/j_edwin_orr.gif",
"preacher_description": "J. Edwin Orr (1912 - 1987)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker J. Edwin Orr in mp3 format. Brother Orr shared in an experience of revival in his youth as he traveled by faith and saw many powerful workings of God. After years of seeing personal revival and experiences in his ministry he studied the theme of historical revival to equip and teach the Church.\r\n\r\nHe published many books on the topic of subject of revival: \"Can God?\" \"Full Surrender\" and many others. He ministered cross-denoninationally in baptist, pentecostal, calvary chapel and in many other movements. He was also influential in the Campus Crusade for Christ organization.",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Romans",
"chapter": "12"
"book": "2 Timothy",
"chapter": "1"
"title": "Chapel of the Air - Interview with Dr. Orr (part 3)",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID12223",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Joel 2:28",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "An awesome question and answer session on revival; great quotes from Dr. Orr included in the interview: \"...in one sense, if any congregation of God's people were to obey the light that they presently have, they would enjoy a measure of a revival.\" \"I think if the pastor is set against it there will be no revival, and the people may have to pray that either God would change his heart or remove him.\" \"Let the circle of the sin be the circle of confession.\" \"...preach on sin, preach on the law.\"",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID12223-download",
"preacher_name": "J. Edwin Orr",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/j_edwin_orr.gif",
"preacher_description": "J. Edwin Orr (1912 - 1987)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker J. Edwin Orr in mp3 format. Brother Orr shared in an experience of revival in his youth as he traveled by faith and saw many powerful workings of God. After years of seeing personal revival and experiences in his ministry he studied the theme of historical revival to equip and teach the Church.\r\n\r\nHe published many books on the topic of subject of revival: \"Can God?\" \"Full Surrender\" and many others. He ministered cross-denoninationally in baptist, pentecostal, calvary chapel and in many other movements. He was also influential in the Campus Crusade for Christ organization.",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Joel",
"chapter": "2"
"title": "Chapel of the Air - Revival in America?",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID12220",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID12220-download",
"preacher_name": "J. Edwin Orr",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/j_edwin_orr.gif",
"preacher_description": "J. Edwin Orr (1912 - 1987)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker J. Edwin Orr in mp3 format. Brother Orr shared in an experience of revival in his youth as he traveled by faith and saw many powerful workings of God. After years of seeing personal revival and experiences in his ministry he studied the theme of historical revival to equip and teach the Church.\r\n\r\nHe published many books on the topic of subject of revival: \"Can God?\" \"Full Surrender\" and many others. He ministered cross-denoninationally in baptist, pentecostal, calvary chapel and in many other movements. He was also influential in the Campus Crusade for Christ organization.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Chapel of the Air - Update on Revival",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID12219",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID12219-download",
"preacher_name": "J. Edwin Orr",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/j_edwin_orr.gif",
"preacher_description": "J. Edwin Orr (1912 - 1987)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker J. Edwin Orr in mp3 format. Brother Orr shared in an experience of revival in his youth as he traveled by faith and saw many powerful workings of God. After years of seeing personal revival and experiences in his ministry he studied the theme of historical revival to equip and teach the Church.\r\n\r\nHe published many books on the topic of subject of revival: \"Can God?\" \"Full Surrender\" and many others. He ministered cross-denoninationally in baptist, pentecostal, calvary chapel and in many other movements. He was also influential in the Campus Crusade for Christ organization.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Choices For Life - Tim Wiesner talks with Jim Cymbala - Part 1",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID1662",
"size": "4956160",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "Tim Wiesner talks with Jim Cymbala, the Pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, shortly after the world trade center was destroyed by Muslim Terrorists. The Brooklyn Tabernacle is scant blocks from where the Twin Towers of the Trade Center once stood.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID1662-download",
"preacher_name": "Jim Cymbala",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/jim_cymbala.gif",
"preacher_description": "Jim Cymbala (1949 - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Jim Cymbala in mp3 format. Brother Jim Cymbala was called into ministry without formal training in Brooklyn, New York to pastor a small gathering. God showed him the great need of prayer and depending on the work of the Holy Spirit in the ministry. God blessed and grew the brooklyn tabernacle to a large church of thousands because of this reliance.\r\n\r\nThe burden of his ministry is to show the vital need for prayer, deependence on God and that God uses the weak and lowly to build His kingdom. He has written many books including the best-selling: \"Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire\" and his newer book \"Spirit Rising\" speaking of the neglected work of the Holy Spirit in our churches these days.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Choices For Life - Tim Wiesner talks with Jim Cymbala - Part 2",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID1663",
"size": "4956160",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "Tim Wiesner talks with Jim Cymbala, the Pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, shortly after the world trade center was destroyed by Muslim Terrorists. The Brooklyn Tabernacle is scant blocks from where the Twin Towers of the Trade Center once stood.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID1663-download",
"preacher_name": "Jim Cymbala",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/jim_cymbala.gif",
"preacher_description": "Jim Cymbala (1949 - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Jim Cymbala in mp3 format. Brother Jim Cymbala was called into ministry without formal training in Brooklyn, New York to pastor a small gathering. God showed him the great need of prayer and depending on the work of the Holy Spirit in the ministry. God blessed and grew the brooklyn tabernacle to a large church of thousands because of this reliance.\r\n\r\nThe burden of his ministry is to show the vital need for prayer, deependence on God and that God uses the weak and lowly to build His kingdom. He has written many books including the best-selling: \"Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire\" and his newer book \"Spirit Rising\" speaking of the neglected work of the Holy Spirit in our churches these days.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Evangelicals, Repent! (interview w\/ Paul Washer)",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID19689",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "Whatever the Christian 'Gospel' became over the last generation or so within the evangelical church was not substantial enough to salvage the faith. So serious Christians are beginning to define the Gospel using biblical language, and they're bringing back old biblical notions such as the Fear of God, Repentance, and Regeneration. Kevin Swanson interviews Paul Washer on his his recent messages calling a nation to repentance, and starting with 'evangelicals!'",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID19689-download",
"preacher_name": "Kevin Swanson",
"preacher_image": "",
"preacher_description": "",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire-I Interview: Jim Cymbala",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID1166",
"size": "1654784",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "Listen as Dr. Richard meets with Jim Cymbala to discuss the significance and the power of prayer.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID1166-download",
"preacher_name": "Jim Cymbala",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/jim_cymbala.gif",
"preacher_description": "Jim Cymbala (1949 - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Jim Cymbala in mp3 format. Brother Jim Cymbala was called into ministry without formal training in Brooklyn, New York to pastor a small gathering. God showed him the great need of prayer and depending on the work of the Holy Spirit in the ministry. God blessed and grew the brooklyn tabernacle to a large church of thousands because of this reliance.\r\n\r\nThe burden of his ministry is to show the vital need for prayer, deependence on God and that God uses the weak and lowly to build His kingdom. He has written many books including the best-selling: \"Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire\" and his newer book \"Spirit Rising\" speaking of the neglected work of the Holy Spirit in our churches these days.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire-II Interview: Jim Cymbala",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID1167",
"size": "1754624",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "Listen as Dr. Richard meets with Jim Cymbala to discuss the significance and the power of prayer.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID1167-download",
"preacher_name": "Jim Cymbala",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/jim_cymbala.gif",
"preacher_description": "Jim Cymbala (1949 - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Jim Cymbala in mp3 format. Brother Jim Cymbala was called into ministry without formal training in Brooklyn, New York to pastor a small gathering. God showed him the great need of prayer and depending on the work of the Holy Spirit in the ministry. God blessed and grew the brooklyn tabernacle to a large church of thousands because of this reliance.\r\n\r\nThe burden of his ministry is to show the vital need for prayer, deependence on God and that God uses the weak and lowly to build His kingdom. He has written many books including the best-selling: \"Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire\" and his newer book \"Spirit Rising\" speaking of the neglected work of the Holy Spirit in our churches these days.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire-III Interview: Jim Cymbala",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID1168",
"size": "3539456",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "Listen to Jim Cymbala as he shares with pastors about his testimony of God working in the Church and his ministry.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID1168-download",
"preacher_name": "Jim Cymbala",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/jim_cymbala.gif",
"preacher_description": "Jim Cymbala (1949 - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Jim Cymbala in mp3 format. Brother Jim Cymbala was called into ministry without formal training in Brooklyn, New York to pastor a small gathering. God showed him the great need of prayer and depending on the work of the Holy Spirit in the ministry. God blessed and grew the brooklyn tabernacle to a large church of thousands because of this reliance.\r\n\r\nThe burden of his ministry is to show the vital need for prayer, deependence on God and that God uses the weak and lowly to build His kingdom. He has written many books including the best-selling: \"Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire\" and his newer book \"Spirit Rising\" speaking of the neglected work of the Holy Spirit in our churches these days.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Interview - The Holocaust and the Jew",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID3107",
"size": "14809088",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "A remarkable interview that begins with Art\u2019s own conversion testimony and ends with the epic drama of God\u2019s final dealing with His ancient people Israel. A key tape to pass on to unbelieving Jews and anyone involved in Jewish evangelism.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID3107-download",
"preacher_name": "Art Katz",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/art_katz.gif",
"preacher_description": "Art Katz (1929 \u00e2\u20ac\u201c 2007)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Art Katz in mp3 format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ. \r\n\r\nArt was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Interview about HeartCry Missionary Society",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID13230",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "Way of the Master Radio heard Paul Washer's 'Shocking Youth Message' and decided to have him on the Radio show and interview him about HeartCry Missionary Society and later also interviewed him on T.V.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID13230-download",
"preacher_name": "Paul Washer",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/paul_washer.gif",
"preacher_description": "Paul Washer (1961 - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Paul Washer in mp3 format. Brother Washer is the founder of Heart Cry Missionary society that funds and supports indigenous missionaries all across the world. He served as a missionary personally in Peru for many years. He has a passion for the glory of God and the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.\r\n\r\nWell-known on the internet for the audio and video message: \"Shocking Message to Youth\" he has been an in-demand speaker for many conventions and gatherings. He has recently published a new book: \"The Gospel's Power and Message\" that is highly recommended by many.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Interview of K.P. Yohannan (Gospel For Asia)",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID25763",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID25763-download",
"preacher_name": "K.P. Yohannan",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/kp_yohannan.gif",
"preacher_description": "K.P. Yohannan ( - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker K.P. Yohannan in mp3 format. Dr. K.P. Yohannan, the Metropolitan Bishop of Believers Church, was born and brought up in Niranam, Kerala. Niranam has immense historical significance in the tradition of Saint Thomas, a disciple of Jesus Christ who planted the first church there in AD 52. K.P. Yohannan dedicated his life to God at a young age to serve the needy and downtrodden. He prayed, \u00e2\u20ac\u0153Oh my Lord, let my heart break with the things that break Your heart\u00e2\u20ac\u009d and his life was never the same. It\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s his belief that one can only demonstrate God\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s love by loving people. After over four decades of selfless service, he says, I have no regrets in praying that prayer for I know God has touched millions through what He did in and through me. It is all God\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s grace.\r\n\r\nHe spent the early years of his service in North India and traveled to the remote villages sharing the love of Christ and doing charitable works. Through numerous encounters during those years, he was instilled with an increasing passion to bring hope, peace, and comfort to the needy and deprived. His sacrificial commitment, farsightedness and aptitude to perceive helped him to lead a life of unhindered devotion to serve Christ and His church. K.P. Yohannan is also the voice of Athmeeya Yathra, touching millions through his daily radio and TV broadcasts. His 250 books offer practical and spiritual guidance on hundreds of subjects.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Interview of Leonard Ravenhill by David Mainse",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID0685",
"size": "2908464",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID0685-download",
"preacher_name": "Leonard Ravenhill",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/leonard_ravenhill.gif",
"preacher_description": "Leonard Ravenhill (1907 \u00c2\u2013 1994)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Leonard Ravenhill in mp3 format. A revivalist and man of God who sought God's will above all else. He was a man of prayer who practiced what he preached. He wrote the book: 'Why Revival Tarries' which has become a classic on revival. His prophetic edge and burden made him to be respected by some and disliked by others. Yet he stayed true to God's call on his life prayed and pleading for true heaven sent revival. \r\n\r\n\"Those who know of Leonard Ravenhill recognize in him the religious specialist, the man sent from God to battle the priests of Baal on their own mountain top, to shame the careless priest at the altar, to face the false prophet, and to warn the people who are being led astray by him. \" - Tozer | \"Leonard Ravenhill was one of the few men I have ever known who was a true prophet.\" - David Wilkerson",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Interview with James A. Stewart",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID22200",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID22200-download",
"preacher_name": "James A. Stewart",
"preacher_image": "",
"preacher_description": "",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Joy 1250 AM Interview",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID24241",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID24241-download",
"preacher_name": "K.P. Yohannan",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/kp_yohannan.gif",
"preacher_description": "K.P. Yohannan ( - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker K.P. Yohannan in mp3 format. Dr. K.P. Yohannan, the Metropolitan Bishop of Believers Church, was born and brought up in Niranam, Kerala. Niranam has immense historical significance in the tradition of Saint Thomas, a disciple of Jesus Christ who planted the first church there in AD 52. K.P. Yohannan dedicated his life to God at a young age to serve the needy and downtrodden. He prayed, \u00e2\u20ac\u0153Oh my Lord, let my heart break with the things that break Your heart\u00e2\u20ac\u009d and his life was never the same. It\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s his belief that one can only demonstrate God\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s love by loving people. After over four decades of selfless service, he says, I have no regrets in praying that prayer for I know God has touched millions through what He did in and through me. It is all God\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s grace.\r\n\r\nHe spent the early years of his service in North India and traveled to the remote villages sharing the love of Christ and doing charitable works. Through numerous encounters during those years, he was instilled with an increasing passion to bring hope, peace, and comfort to the needy and deprived. His sacrificial commitment, farsightedness and aptitude to perceive helped him to lead a life of unhindered devotion to serve Christ and His church. K.P. Yohannan is also the voice of Athmeeya Yathra, touching millions through his daily radio and TV broadcasts. His 250 books offer practical and spiritual guidance on hundreds of subjects.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "K-517 TV Show Part 1 Testimony",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23219",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23219-download",
"preacher_name": "Art Katz",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/art_katz.gif",
"preacher_description": "Art Katz (1929 \u00e2\u20ac\u201c 2007)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Art Katz in mp3 format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ. \r\n\r\nArt was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "K-518 TV Show Part 2 Testimony",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23220",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23220-download",
"preacher_name": "Art Katz",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/art_katz.gif",
"preacher_description": "Art Katz (1929 \u00e2\u20ac\u201c 2007)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Art Katz in mp3 format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ. \r\n\r\nArt was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "K-519 TV Show Part 3 Abraham",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23221",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23221-download",
"preacher_name": "Art Katz",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/art_katz.gif",
"preacher_description": "Art Katz (1929 \u00e2\u20ac\u201c 2007)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Art Katz in mp3 format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ. \r\n\r\nArt was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "K-520 TV Show Part 4 Prophecy",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23222",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23222-download",
"preacher_name": "Art Katz",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/art_katz.gif",
"preacher_description": "Art Katz (1929 \u00e2\u20ac\u201c 2007)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Art Katz in mp3 format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ. \r\n\r\nArt was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "K-521 TV Show Part 5 Prophecy",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23223",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23223-download",
"preacher_name": "Art Katz",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/art_katz.gif",
"preacher_description": "Art Katz (1929 \u00e2\u20ac\u201c 2007)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Art Katz in mp3 format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ. \r\n\r\nArt was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "K-522 TV Show Part 6 Jacob",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23224",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23224-download",
"preacher_name": "Art Katz",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/art_katz.gif",
"preacher_description": "Art Katz (1929 \u00e2\u20ac\u201c 2007)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Art Katz in mp3 format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ. \r\n\r\nArt was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "K-523 TV Show Part 7 God Revealed",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23225",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23225-download",
"preacher_name": "Art Katz",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/art_katz.gif",
"preacher_description": "Art Katz (1929 \u00e2\u20ac\u201c 2007)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Art Katz in mp3 format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ. \r\n\r\nArt was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "K-524 TV Show Part 8 Letters",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23226",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23226-download",
"preacher_name": "Art Katz",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/art_katz.gif",
"preacher_description": "Art Katz (1929 \u00e2\u20ac\u201c 2007)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Art Katz in mp3 format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ. \r\n\r\nArt was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "K-525 TV Show Part 9 The Name of Jesus",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23227",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23227-download",
"preacher_name": "Art Katz",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/art_katz.gif",
"preacher_description": "Art Katz (1929 \u00e2\u20ac\u201c 2007)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Art Katz in mp3 format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ. \r\n\r\nArt was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "K-526 TV Show Part 10 A Jew Inwardly",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23228",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23228-download",
"preacher_name": "Art Katz",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/art_katz.gif",
"preacher_description": "Art Katz (1929 \u00e2\u20ac\u201c 2007)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Art Katz in mp3 format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ. \r\n\r\nArt was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "K-527 TV Show Part 11 Blood Atonement",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23229",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23229-download",
"preacher_name": "Art Katz",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/art_katz.gif",
"preacher_description": "Art Katz (1929 \u00e2\u20ac\u201c 2007)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Art Katz in mp3 format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ. \r\n\r\nArt was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "K-528 TV Show Part 12 Joseph & Revelation",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23230",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23230-download",
"preacher_name": "Art Katz",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/art_katz.gif",
"preacher_description": "Art Katz (1929 \u00e2\u20ac\u201c 2007)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Art Katz in mp3 format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ. \r\n\r\nArt was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "New Zealand Interview - Part 1",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID16295",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "These are wonderful radio interviews of brother Gehard in New Zealand. Where he shares some great principles and burdens for a prayer life and also shares some of the amazing testimonies of what God is doing in the world.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID16295-download",
"preacher_name": "Gerhard Du Toit",
"preacher_image": "",
"preacher_description": "Gerhard Du Toit ( - )\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Gerhard Du Toit in mp3 format. Originally from South Africa, Gerhard was brought up in the Dutch Reformed Church and trained as an evangelist there. He has had extensive evangelistic experience in South Africa, where his ministry is greatly appreciated. He has also been engaged in convention and evangelistic ministry in the British Isles.\r\nGerhard has resided in Canada, with his wife and daughter, since 1987. He is a coveted speaker in conferences around the world. His powerful preaching and authoritative, biblical message greatly bless and move the hearts of those who hear him. He also has a deep burden to see a revival of praying men. Like the prophet Jeremiah, his heart burns for an elevated standard of godliness in our day. He know is part of Life Action in Canada serving with that ministry.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "New Zealand Interview - Part 2",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID16296",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "These are wonderful radio interviews of brother Gehard in New Zealand. Where he shares some great principles and burdens for a prayer life and also shares some of the amazing testimonies of what God is doing in the world.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID16296-download",
"preacher_name": "Gerhard Du Toit",
"preacher_image": "",
"preacher_description": "Gerhard Du Toit ( - )\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Gerhard Du Toit in mp3 format. Originally from South Africa, Gerhard was brought up in the Dutch Reformed Church and trained as an evangelist there. He has had extensive evangelistic experience in South Africa, where his ministry is greatly appreciated. He has also been engaged in convention and evangelistic ministry in the British Isles.\r\nGerhard has resided in Canada, with his wife and daughter, since 1987. He is a coveted speaker in conferences around the world. His powerful preaching and authoritative, biblical message greatly bless and move the hearts of those who hear him. He also has a deep burden to see a revival of praying men. Like the prophet Jeremiah, his heart burns for an elevated standard of godliness in our day. He know is part of Life Action in Canada serving with that ministry.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "New Zealand Interview - Part 3",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID16297",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "These are wonderful radio interviews of brother Gehard in New Zealand. Where he shares some great principles and burdens for a prayer life and also shares some of the amazing testimonies of what God is doing in the world.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID16297-download",
"preacher_name": "Gerhard Du Toit",
"preacher_image": "",
"preacher_description": "Gerhard Du Toit ( - )\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Gerhard Du Toit in mp3 format. Originally from South Africa, Gerhard was brought up in the Dutch Reformed Church and trained as an evangelist there. He has had extensive evangelistic experience in South Africa, where his ministry is greatly appreciated. He has also been engaged in convention and evangelistic ministry in the British Isles.\r\nGerhard has resided in Canada, with his wife and daughter, since 1987. He is a coveted speaker in conferences around the world. His powerful preaching and authoritative, biblical message greatly bless and move the hearts of those who hear him. He also has a deep burden to see a revival of praying men. Like the prophet Jeremiah, his heart burns for an elevated standard of godliness in our day. He know is part of Life Action in Canada serving with that ministry.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "New Zealand Interview - Part 4",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID16298",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "These are wonderful radio interviews of brother Gehard in New Zealand. Where he shares some great principles and burdens for a prayer life and also shares some of the amazing testimonies of what God is doing in the world.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID16298-download",
"preacher_name": "Gerhard Du Toit",
"preacher_image": "",
"preacher_description": "Gerhard Du Toit ( - )\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Gerhard Du Toit in mp3 format. Originally from South Africa, Gerhard was brought up in the Dutch Reformed Church and trained as an evangelist there. He has had extensive evangelistic experience in South Africa, where his ministry is greatly appreciated. He has also been engaged in convention and evangelistic ministry in the British Isles.\r\nGerhard has resided in Canada, with his wife and daughter, since 1987. He is a coveted speaker in conferences around the world. His powerful preaching and authoritative, biblical message greatly bless and move the hearts of those who hear him. He also has a deep burden to see a revival of praying men. Like the prophet Jeremiah, his heart burns for an elevated standard of godliness in our day. He know is part of Life Action in Canada serving with that ministry.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "New Zealand Interview - Part 5",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID16299",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "These are wonderful radio interviews of brother Gehard in New Zealand. Where he shares some great principles and burdens for a prayer life and also shares some of the amazing testimonies of what God is doing in the world.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID16299-download",
"preacher_name": "Gerhard Du Toit",
"preacher_image": "",
"preacher_description": "Gerhard Du Toit ( - )\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Gerhard Du Toit in mp3 format. Originally from South Africa, Gerhard was brought up in the Dutch Reformed Church and trained as an evangelist there. He has had extensive evangelistic experience in South Africa, where his ministry is greatly appreciated. He has also been engaged in convention and evangelistic ministry in the British Isles.\r\nGerhard has resided in Canada, with his wife and daughter, since 1987. He is a coveted speaker in conferences around the world. His powerful preaching and authoritative, biblical message greatly bless and move the hearts of those who hear him. He also has a deep burden to see a revival of praying men. Like the prophet Jeremiah, his heart burns for an elevated standard of godliness in our day. He know is part of Life Action in Canada serving with that ministry.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "SI Interview of Ray Comfort",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID5040",
"size": "4141056",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "It was a privildge to be able to meet with Ray Comfort and Interview him for SermonIndex. I (Greg Gordon) was present and another brother (Josh Olsen) conducted the interview questions. We literally just went over to a couch (the comfort couch) and had an informal discussion. Ray's life matches his ministry and it was a joy to hear him talk about revival, evangelism and chrisitan life.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID5040-download",
"preacher_name": "Ray Comfort",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/ray_comfort.gif",
"preacher_description": "Ray Comfort ( - )\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Ray Comfort in mp3 format. Is a New Zealand-born Christian minister and evangelist. Comfort started Living Waters Publications and The Way of the Master in Bellflower, California and has written a number of books. Comfort says that evangelism is the main reason the Christian Church exists and that many of the evangelistic methods used over the last century have produced false conversions to Christianity. Comfort often uses the Ten Commandments to speak about sin before presenting the gospel of Jesus. In the mid-1980s he formulated two sermons entitled \"Hell's Best Kept Secret\" and \"True and False Conversions.\"\r\nComfort speaks professionally at churches and evangelism seminars, and preaches in Huntington Beach, California. As well as co-hosting the former The Way of the Master Radio with Kirk Cameron, he is co-host of The Way of the Master Television Show, and the \"Creationism Examiner\" on The Examiner.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Skip Heitzig Interview 2009",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23125",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "The April 2009 First Friday Broadcast of the Connection features an interview between Pastor Skip Heitzig and Dr. K.P. Yohannan, founder and president of Gospel for Asia. After years of service as a pastor, Dr. K.P. has dedicated his life to missions and travels to many nations to speak on behalf of the suffering and needy in our world.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23125-download",
"preacher_name": "K.P. Yohannan",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/kp_yohannan.gif",
"preacher_description": "K.P. Yohannan ( - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker K.P. Yohannan in mp3 format. Dr. K.P. Yohannan, the Metropolitan Bishop of Believers Church, was born and brought up in Niranam, Kerala. Niranam has immense historical significance in the tradition of Saint Thomas, a disciple of Jesus Christ who planted the first church there in AD 52. K.P. Yohannan dedicated his life to God at a young age to serve the needy and downtrodden. He prayed, \u00e2\u20ac\u0153Oh my Lord, let my heart break with the things that break Your heart\u00e2\u20ac\u009d and his life was never the same. It\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s his belief that one can only demonstrate God\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s love by loving people. After over four decades of selfless service, he says, I have no regrets in praying that prayer for I know God has touched millions through what He did in and through me. It is all God\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s grace.\r\n\r\nHe spent the early years of his service in North India and traveled to the remote villages sharing the love of Christ and doing charitable works. Through numerous encounters during those years, he was instilled with an increasing passion to bring hope, peace, and comfort to the needy and deprived. His sacrificial commitment, farsightedness and aptitude to perceive helped him to lead a life of unhindered devotion to serve Christ and His church. K.P. Yohannan is also the voice of Athmeeya Yathra, touching millions through his daily radio and TV broadcasts. His 250 books offer practical and spiritual guidance on hundreds of subjects.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "The Coming Evangelical Collapse",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID18971",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "\u201cThe End of Christian America,\u201d headlines the front cover of Newsweek Magazine this week. Christian leaders rush to explain the cause of the failure of Christianity in the west. Any and all concerned are clawing for some substantial handhold, some piece of \u201crelevant\u201d Christianity, some kind of meaningful Christian relationships, or some fragment of an historical faith (whether catholic, protestant, or orthodox). We interview Michael Spencer from internetmonk.com and author of an editorial piece recently published in the Christian Science Monitor, wherein he forecasts a collapse of evangelicalism. No easy answers on this segment of Generations, but some thoughtful remarks that may be the beginning of laying down a more deeply-rooted faith that will transcend the generations.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID18971-download",
"preacher_name": "Kevin Swanson",
"preacher_image": "",
"preacher_description": "",
"_scripture": []
"title": "The Rock 100.5 Interview",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID24242",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID24242-download",
"preacher_name": "K.P. Yohannan",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/kp_yohannan.gif",
"preacher_description": "K.P. Yohannan ( - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker K.P. Yohannan in mp3 format. Dr. K.P. Yohannan, the Metropolitan Bishop of Believers Church, was born and brought up in Niranam, Kerala. Niranam has immense historical significance in the tradition of Saint Thomas, a disciple of Jesus Christ who planted the first church there in AD 52. K.P. Yohannan dedicated his life to God at a young age to serve the needy and downtrodden. He prayed, \u00e2\u20ac\u0153Oh my Lord, let my heart break with the things that break Your heart\u00e2\u20ac\u009d and his life was never the same. It\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s his belief that one can only demonstrate God\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s love by loving people. After over four decades of selfless service, he says, I have no regrets in praying that prayer for I know God has touched millions through what He did in and through me. It is all God\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s grace.\r\n\r\nHe spent the early years of his service in North India and traveled to the remote villages sharing the love of Christ and doing charitable works. Through numerous encounters during those years, he was instilled with an increasing passion to bring hope, peace, and comfort to the needy and deprived. His sacrificial commitment, farsightedness and aptitude to perceive helped him to lead a life of unhindered devotion to serve Christ and His church. K.P. Yohannan is also the voice of Athmeeya Yathra, touching millions through his daily radio and TV broadcasts. His 250 books offer practical and spiritual guidance on hundreds of subjects.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Timeless Interview",
"url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID10871",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 16:18",
"topic": "Interview",
"description": "Of all the interviews Art has made over the years, we have felt this to be one of the most comprehensive and penetrating. Something of the sense of God as God is conveyed\u00benot what we may have thought Him to be.",
"download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID10871-download",
"preacher_name": "Art Katz",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/art_katz.gif",
"preacher_description": "Art Katz (1929 \u00e2\u20ac\u201c 2007)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Art Katz in mp3 format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ. \r\n\r\nArt was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "16"