"description":"Brother Zac shares about New Covenant Churches that hold the truth and mystery of the Gospel. These truths only come through revelation from the Holy Spirit from God. There is a great difference to build a Church simply on good ideas and fellowship or on revelation from God. He explains on the body of Christ work in local bodies a fellowship where there is life.",
"preacher_description":"Zac Poonen ( - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Zac Poonen in mp3 format. God called brother Zac Poonen to a new work early on in his Christian experience. The movement is now called Christian Fellowship Churches where the New Covenant of New Testament Christianity is clearly preached. \r\n\r\nBrother Zac Poonen has written 25 books most of them being on the deeper Christian life. Many of these have been translated into a number of languages and have been circulated widely around the world. He clearly and passionately shares the narrow way of Christian discipleship that is neglected by so many modern preachers.",
"preacher_description":"Chuck Smith (1927 - 2013)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Chuck Smith in mp3 format. Pastor Chuck was used in the Jesus People revival where he was used along with others to minister to the hippy young people. They saw a work of the Spirit where many were added to the church and discipled. He has raised up many pastors who are a part of the Calvary Chapel movement now and where he pastors the large Costa Mesa church in California.\r\n\r\nThe Calvary Chapel movement is based of simple principles that Chuck Smith taught over the years such as: The priority of agape love, Simple fellowship amongst the saints, the breaking of bread, the teaching of God's word chapter by chapter and verse by verse. And lastly and most importantly the principle not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord.",
"book":"1 Timothy",
"title":"71 Submission and Leadership (brother Zac)",
"scripture":"1 Timothy 3:6, Isaiah 55:8-9, 1 Peter 5:5",
"topic":"Audio Books",
"description":"As you gather together under the Headship of Jesus Christ may you be open to the Lord, by His Spirit, to see godly leaders raised up that are humble and serve the body of Christ. Not leaders that seek their own honor or use believers to exalt themselves. Rather, servant leaders who emulate Jesus Christ and desire others in the body to come to full maturity in the Lord. Hence, in the end, leaders raise up other leaders, for that is the goal; true servanthood\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s aim is for others. To submit to such leaders who share in the character of the early Apostles and the Lord will be of great benefit and blessing to gatherings. Un-submission leads to carnality and is the first sin of the devil950 who did not submit to God\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s authority over him.",
"preacher_description":"Keith Daniel ( - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Keith Daniel in mp3 format. Keith Daniel of Cape Town, South Africa is an evangelist with the African Evangelistic Band. He travels extensively across South Africa preaching the Word of God, and also lectures at Glenvar Bible College in Cape Town. He has made over twenty tours to North America over the past two decades.\r\n\r\nBrother Keith has a passion to preach God's uncompromising Word to this generation and calls out to pastors and theologians of our day to believe God's truth over man's reason. He has preached in many conventions including SermonIndex.net Conferences in the last 5 years.",
"scripture":"1 Timothy 3:5, Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:18",
"description":"If we mix up the biblical priorities between our personal life and our church life--the Lord Jesus, then family, then church\/ministry--we will go astray. Brother Zac encourages seeking to build fellowship with radical, wholehearted disciples while being available to serve others. What about the right emphasis on evangelism and discipleship making? Gain practical insight in these areas that often trip people up in their Christian walk!",
"preacher_description":"Zac Poonen ( - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Zac Poonen in mp3 format. God called brother Zac Poonen to a new work early on in his Christian experience. The movement is now called Christian Fellowship Churches where the New Covenant of New Testament Christianity is clearly preached. \r\n\r\nBrother Zac Poonen has written 25 books most of them being on the deeper Christian life. Many of these have been translated into a number of languages and have been circulated widely around the world. He clearly and passionately shares the narrow way of Christian discipleship that is neglected by so many modern preachers.",
"preacher_description":"William MacDonald (1917 - 2007)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker William MacDonald in mp3 format. Was President of Emmaus Bible College, teacher, Plymouth Brethren theologian and a prolific author of over 84 published books. MacDonald refused to accept royalties for his books but established a fund for translating his work Believers Bible Commentary into foreign languages.\r\n\r\n Bill will be not only be remembered for the thousands upon thousands of lives he touched through his books, teaching and many personal letters, but for his Christ-like character and gentleness, yet powerful life lived by faith in Christ. One of his most impact-ful books is the small booklet called: \"True Discipleship\" it is recommended reading for every serious disciple of Christ.",
"preacher_description":"J. Glyn Owen ( - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker J. Glyn Owen in mp3 format. A welshman, Dr. Glyn Owen pastored many congregations with solid biblical exposition of the Holy Scriptures. He took over the pastorate from Martyn Lloyd-Jones after his retirement for 3 years. His preached in some Keswick convention meetings in England and has a heart for Biblical revival.\r\n\r\nDuring his pastorate at Knox Presbyterian Church in downtown Toronto, his preaching ministry attracted many young people who had come to Christ in the counter-culture Jesus Movement, and who were longing for solid biblical teaching.",
"preacher_description":"J. Glyn Owen ( - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker J. Glyn Owen in mp3 format. A welshman, Dr. Glyn Owen pastored many congregations with solid biblical exposition of the Holy Scriptures. He took over the pastorate from Martyn Lloyd-Jones after his retirement for 3 years. His preached in some Keswick convention meetings in England and has a heart for Biblical revival.\r\n\r\nDuring his pastorate at Knox Presbyterian Church in downtown Toronto, his preaching ministry attracted many young people who had come to Christ in the counter-culture Jesus Movement, and who were longing for solid biblical teaching.",
"book":"1 Timothy",
"title":"Power of True Religion: Power Through Us",
"description":"J. Glyn Owen speaks about what true religion is. He speaks of the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer and not simply a holding to doctrinal viewpoints but the life of God through us, His power. God manifests His purpose through believers to see His salvation reach others. He shares that our experience of power with God is not a selfish personal experience but for God's greater purpose. Lastly he ties in the Gospel and shares that this is God's ultimate larger picture beyond our own personal experiences for ourselves.",
"preacher_description":"J. Glyn Owen ( - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker J. Glyn Owen in mp3 format. A welshman, Dr. Glyn Owen pastored many congregations with solid biblical exposition of the Holy Scriptures. He took over the pastorate from Martyn Lloyd-Jones after his retirement for 3 years. His preached in some Keswick convention meetings in England and has a heart for Biblical revival.\r\n\r\nDuring his pastorate at Knox Presbyterian Church in downtown Toronto, his preaching ministry attracted many young people who had come to Christ in the counter-culture Jesus Movement, and who were longing for solid biblical teaching.",