"description":"Brother David Wilkerson explains what it means to walk in the Spirit in a way that is easy to understand, and convicting at the same time. He explains the job of the Holy Spirit, using scripture from John 14, he helps us understand why we need the Holy Spirit so much. Part 1 of a 5 tape series.",
"description":"A godly writer over 200 years ago lamented the lack of the actual presence of God355 in Christian Assemblies with these words: \u00e2\u20ac\u0153By this process the Church steadily ceased to be a testimony to the existence, presence, and working of the living and true God. Less and less often did unbelievers coming into the Assembly, and beholding in the spirit and unity and conscience-searching power of the worship, the evidences of His presence and control, exclaim: \u00e2\u20ac\u02dcGod is among you indeed.\u00e2\u20ac\u2122356 God was worshipped, but as absent; and presently the beauteous divine simplicity of the first days had been materialized into the lifeless magnificence of Roman ritual.\u00e2\u20ac\u009d",
"description":"The closing Words of Jesus Christ to His early disciples for their mission of making disciples of the nations has also become the mission of the Church in China.648 Even the newest converts in the underground Church get the immediate burden to tell everyone of the great Savior of China and the world. [Every Christian is encouraged to witness daily and do the work of an evangelist.649] Therefore they do not just rely on a special few as missionaries but the entire underground Church of China is a throbbing missionary movement spreading the glorious Gospel of our Lord.",
"description":"God is no respecter of persons. Each person has a value more than the world\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s riches and Jesus died for each person. The lesson that we learn in North Korea is that Christians lay down their lives and become martyrs, be they an apostle, or pastor, or a believer. We are rewarded and judged each based on our own works in relation to the gifts God has given us. As believers in Jesus Christ we are all disciples, and all have the same standing, yet leaders have a greater accountability before God.",
"description":"A strong call to receive this promise of power and how to receive it. Jackie lovingly deals with blocks to receiving and describes how we cooperate with God to speak in tongues. She encourages those who have desired to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit before and have not spoken in tongues yet. She distinguishes between the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:1-11) and the personal prayer language. While any believer can be used by God anytime to operate in any of the nine spiritual gifts, he or she does not \"own\" any of them. The personal prayer language, however, is a gift of God that the believer can \"take home\" and use anytime.",
"description":"Mark Cahill urges believers to care about the perishing state of souls around them, testifying from his own burning passion to seek and save the lost. How do you do it? Cahill gives numerous practical helps for those who desire to share their faith with others. \"Every time you share your faith is a winning situation.\" The question is not, \"Do you care?\" but, \"Do you care enough to do something about it?\"",
"description":"God wants us to think on eternity. Seeing things in the light of eternity will reset your priorities. The busyness of life is not what life is about. Eternity is what life is about. By having our focus on eternity, we will influence eternity for ourselves, our children, grandchildren and others. We must have this vision of eternity and pass it on.",
"description":"Regarding the distribution of gifts, McGee says, \u201cThis is not a spiritual smorgasbord where you come to the counter and you take what you want.\u201d If this were so, most would take the more exciting gifts such as tongues, while those gifts such as giving or helping would be less popular. A spiritual gift is a supernatural manifestation of the Spirit given to each believer as God chooses -for the sake of unity in the Body.",
"description":"Through personal experiences and provoking stories, Corrie expounds on the power of God's love as given to believers through His Holy Spirit. In testimony to His faithfulness, she tells of how His love, working in her, freed her from hatred and unforgiveness towards one of the cruelest empires.",
"description":"The Body of Christ is made up of such different kinds of people! And yet, like the members of a physical body, they are all joined together and united in love. However, what if this isn\u2019t the case? What if there are grievous tensions among the believers and within the congregations? Kanaan is the home of the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, an international, interdenominational organization founded in 1947 within the framework of the German Evangelical (Protestant) Church. Website: www.kanaan.org",
"description":"\"What's it going to take to get out of your comfort zone?\" asks Mark Cahill about how much we truly care for souls in light of 600,000 people entering eternity each time we put our head on our pillow. Mark is very serious, very convicting, as well as very humble and compassionate. This is a much-needed message in our day of awakening us to our opportunity and responsibility to honor and glorify God in our one earthly life. (Preached on Nov. 5, 2003 at Cedarville University; 30 minutes)",
"description":"This is the first of a two part teaching about the Gifts of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit's mission is to glorify Christ and give gifts to everyone in His church to point others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 12:1-3, 4-11",
"description":"We see how all have at least one gift of the Spirit, how there are many different gifts, but all are from the same Spirit. We see how the gifts cannot be used properly but in accordance with scripture, and how that they will be used for the edification of believers and cannot profit selfish gain. Pastor Fitch talks mostly about the most contentious gift that of Tongues. We also see how no one person has all the gifts of the Spirit but we are supposed to have all the fruits of the Spirit.",
"description":"January 7, 2007 - For what reason would God allow a battle to remain in my life over which He could give me the victory in a moment of time? The devil will try to captivate us and attempt to convince us that the battles we face are bigger than the Christ in us. God will leave these trials in our life to train our hands for war and to cause us to depend on the power of the Holy Spirit. We need to understand our enemies are already defeated but we still need to go to Jesus to get the resources and to stand in faith. If we lose sight of God in these trials we will turn to human reasoning and begin to follow our own sensual nature and desires.",