"scripture":"Philippians 1:19, John 1:14-16, 2 Timothy 2:1",
"topic":"Holy Spirit",
"description":"Knowing the fullness of the Spirit of Jesus comes by an active emptying and pouring out to others. Dana Congdon shows how the self-sacrificing giving away in the life of the apostle Paul is the way we can know grace upon grace. When Christ becomes central to our thinking, we can have full confidence in the sovereign supply of Jesus Christ! (This message was delivered at Harvey-Cedars Conference 2006).",
"scripture":"Acts 8:18-19, 2 Timothy 2:21, John 4:23",
"topic":"Audio Books",
"description":"It was asked of one brother that travels amongst the house Churches in the Chinese Church and speaks with the underground leaders, \u00e2\u20ac\u0153How do the Chinese choose the leaders?\u00e2\u20ac\u009d The answer was simple; the brother responded: \u00e2\u20ac\u0153Whoever is the hungriest after God, they are the leaders.\u00e2\u20ac\u009d Such a need is present in our time for more leaders who are hungry for the Lord and baptized in His Holy Spirit. There is a vast difference between one that seeks the Baptism of the Spirit simply for power377 and one that seeks to know the Lord intimately and desires to be His vessel, fully surrendered.",
"description":"Now, I came into the meeting tonight, and saw the heaven rolling away and the glory of God descending, and was reminded of the words of Jesus where He said, \u00e2\u20ac\u0153Where two of you, or three, are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst.\u00e2\u20ac\u009d I thought, \u00e2\u20ac\u0153Well the Lord Jesus really has a plan with every meeting, or He wouldn\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t bother to come around, would He?\u00e2\u20ac\u009d Do you think so? But you know, it\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s been a source of unceasing wonderment to me how that He always manages to come. Praise the Lord! Sometimes people don\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t pay very much attention to Him, but He always manages to come, and He always manages to manifest Himself. He must have a real purpose in it; He must have a real plan. And wouldn\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t it be interesting to find out just what God\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s plan is?",
"description":"January 10, 2010 - Have you ever asked yourself why do things have to change? We are all resistant to change especially when it involves what we perceive to be hardship or loss to ourselves or someone we love. There is nothing in us that wants to gravitate toward difficulty. In the western world we have formed a Christian theological perspective that avoids difficulty, which results in an anemic Christianity. When we get a word from the Lord that sometimes doesn't make sense to the natural mind, we must be careful to who and what we listen to. There are well meaning people all along our journey that will unknowingly try to break your heart of obedience. God call us to a radical obedience where we will go where you lead us no matter what the cost! When we learn to walk in the ways of God and follow the voice of God the miraculous is released in our lives. Are you willing to respond to the Lord with, \u201chere I am Lord, send me\u201d?",
"description":"(preached: Dec. 14, 2003) Starting with Timothy, and going through other scriptures, believers are exhorted to care one for another, and fight the good fight. When God sends someone to you who needs encouragement, lifting up will you be able to take time to support those who are falling down? Will you be able to stand up against the devil for your brothers and sisters in the church? Don't be willing to let them go. Hate it when you see the devil gain the advantage. Jesus left the flock for the one. He left the 99 for the one. When you see it, you pray, and you fast for them. You intercede, encourage, lift up. Support. This is the heart of God for his people and this is how he wants them to love one another. Ask God to give you the discernment to see the needs of others around you. To look past your needs and problems to those around you.",
"description":"In a day where everything is \"instant\", true spirituality and holiness has no shortcuts; it's like the farmer in which reaping takes a long time. Brother Zac exhorts in the areas of discipline, faithfulness and consistency in the spiritual life to reap lasting results which will please the Lord on that final day.",
"description":"\"If you're currently receiving the abundance of grace,\" says Alan Martin, \"you're abounding in life.\" Because all of the grace of God is in Christ, when you have Him, you have it all! Our great need then is to grow through the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the awareness of what God has already given us in Christ.",
"description":"Preaching with great unction this brother calls the Church to righteousness and holy living. Using illustrations concerning his former life in the military, he describes the warfare we experience as Christians, and the life that we should be living. Do we realize Who it is we take orders from? Do we realize who the real enemy is? Do we understand that if we love the world we are God's enemies? Listen to this message.",
"description":"This message was delivered on 05\/01\/1955. The enemies attack on the Christian will be in four main areas: Our relationship with the Father. Relationship with the world. Relationship with the Church. Attack on the body. The enemies strategy is to rob the Christian of a \"warring spirit\". God wants us to maintain a warring spirit toward our enemy.",
"description":"This sermon explores the danger of irreverence towards God in our associations and in ministry. There will always be people among us who desire to go back to \"Egypt.\" To them it is the land flowing with milk and honey. We must avoid their irreverant and profane words. We must avoid them and their influence. That is, we must \"purge ourselves of these\" in order to be pure and useful to God. In fact, Paul references the rebellion of Korah in 2 Timothy 2:19ff. as an example of God's estimate of this type of sin and rebellion.",
"scripture":"Psalm 55:4-8, 2 Timothy 2:12, Luke 9:23-24",
"topic":"Glory Of God",
"description":"Have you ever found yourself in such a dark place that you don't see anything of God and it seems like there is no purpose for it? These awful places is where we meet God . Its where he works something very deep in us; something we cant learn from a text book. All of God's future deliverers are prepared in these awful places. These are a people who will emerge our of these valley of suffering with a testimony of the glory of God. The word of God declares that those who suffer with Christ will also reign with Him. Do you trust God to work all thing for the good and bring about a glorious victory?",
"description":"God calls us to a live of suffering in Christianity. It is not the easiest life to live but it is the best. This generation is one of the possible last generations before the coming of the Lord and there is a wake up call being sounded for us to endure hardship as a solider of Christ. To live for eternity and Christ's kingdom and not this earth.",
"description":"What is the highest, final good of the gospel? Is it deliverance from hell? Justification? Forgiveness of sins? John Piper says it is seeing and savoring the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. When we see Christ in the right place in the gospel, we will be effective ambassadors in proclaiming the good news to the lost.",