"description":"\u201cOn Laying Aside Certain Things\u201d is part 18 of Pastor A. W. Tozer\u2019s delightful, 34-part series based upon Peter\u2019s first epistle. The message was preached in Chicago, Illinois, on January 24, 1954, and it addresses 1 Peter 2:1-3, as well as 1 Peter 1:23-25 (from Isaiah 40:6-7.) Pastor Tozer treats us to several very astute word studies: \u201cwherefore,\u201d \u201claying aside,\u201d \u201cguile,\u201d \u201chypocrisies,\u201d \u201cenvies,\u201d and \u201csincere milk.\u201d Without rebirth, the most promising child, the actress in Hollywood, the president in the White House, and the eugenicists\u2019 theoretical \u201csuper man,\u201d all exist beneath the same two, dark clouds: mortality and corruption. Men die and then they rot; thank God for the birth that is incorruptible and never dies! Drawing wisely from Socrates, Pastor Tozer also challenges those liberals who ask, instead of turning from wickedness, \u201cWhat is wickedness?\u201d The length of the recording is 39 minutes and 5 seconds.",
"description":"God does not look to find those who are the elites and those who are the most skilled. Rather He looks for the weak383 and foolish who trust in Him. God uses broken pots and vessels,384 He uses imperfect people who trust in a perfect God. Thus all men will know that it is God who has manifested His power and glory through a brother or sister. It is realized then that it was not the work of men385 but the work of God. To bring maximum glory to His Name the Lord is assembling an end times movement of weak, poor, helpless, and despised people who the religious system of our day have written off as unusable for their purposes.",
"scripture":"Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 4:1-11, Isaiah 40:30-31",
"topic":"Audio Books",
"description":"One of the hidden jewels of the Church is godly discipline. There has been a great lack of teaching and encouragement in modern evangelicalism towards the godly disciplines of: Fasting, waiting on God, early rising, head coverings, prevailing prayer, systematic Bible reading, Bible memorization, kneeling in prayer, and many other godly traditions in Church history.",
"description":"The Lord wants his people to rejoice in his presence which is only possible if you are walking with him in confidence of your acceptance with him. We don't know the journey God is taking us but he does. God will test and prove his people along this journey as he did Israel in the wilderness to see if we will believe and obey him. He wants us not living on bread (prosperity) promises alone, but by every promise in the Word of God. To not fully trust God is to strip him of all he wants to be and can be to us and bring him down to the level of a dead idol. It's a grievous sin in God's eyes to have unbelief, and the church needs to realize it.",
"description":"August 23, 2009 - Discouragement can be debilitating. We can get so despondent that we will begin to doubt the existence of God. God will allow seasons of discouragement when; there is something hidden in our heart and He wants to get at it; when we take that which belongs to the Lord and keep it for ourselves; and when we fail to realize there is a divine purpose even in the darkest of times. We must cry out to God and ask Him to take away the perception that coming to Christ is all about us. We are not called to live for ourselves. It is Christ is in us for the betterment of others. When we understand this truth God will transform the valley of trouble into a gateway of hope!",
"description":"Jerusalem was in ruins and God's people were utterly vanquished by the enemy. Many were in captivity in Babylon. They realised that they had sinned grievously, and were totally despondent. And then God's Word turned from judgement to mercy. Consider this carefully, for it is applicable to our day too. There are Christians who have been taken captive and live a defeated Christian life, as we read in Rom 7, \"For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do\". They realise and acknowledge their utter desperate state, and have grown despondent. God has pity and feels compassion on His people who have lost their way and acknowledge their desperate state and cry unto Him for mercy.",
"description":"Last Sunday we looked at the first two verses of Isaiah 40. The message of God's comfort and tender mercy is promised to His people. The continuation and explanation of this grace flows naturally into the next verses. This grace and comfort is through true repentance, as this text shows. When it speaks of the \"voice of Him\" crying in the wilderness it is a direct reference to John the Baptist but is not limited to him, for it is God's own voice that declares this message which brings repentance, faith, and glory (as shown in verse 5). King Herod, in a moment of intoxication and lust promised his lover's daughter (who had eroticially danced at the wine-flowing party) \"up to half his kingdom\". Her mother, with a deep-seated hatred against John the Baptist seized the opportunity to demand his head on a platter. She hated John for openly declaring that it \"was not right for Herod to take his brother's wife\". Nevertheless, the decaptitation of John, did not silence \"the voice of Him\". Even after the death of John this voice continued to cry out; as it does even now.",
"description":"July 23, 2006. The focus of God's eye is not on the calamities and wars around us. Jesus shows us how the Father cares for us in hard times by the analogy of the sparrow. The Lord is calling His church to rise up and take courage and trust God. He will begin to fill us with His grace and peace. God in these last days wants to give us an understanding of His love to keep us standing strong and secure .",
"description":"Using Isaiah 40 and a few other passages, Pastor Cymbala addresses three problems we run into in regard to prayer. 1. My problem is so big, it seems bigger than God. 2. God has forgotten about me and my problem. 3. The wait is just too long. I can't carry on anymore. He brings encouragement from the Scriptures and shows how big, how caring, and how faithful our God is.",
"description":"Ironside continues from Part 1, commenting upon selected verses. Due to his failing eyesight, his wife reads the Scripture. He warned against teaching that didn't have \"much teeth\"--powerless and colorless preaching where \"the unsaved just enjoy it.\" Ironside spoke of the glory days of the Salvation Army 60 years prior, when a thousand of them would march through the streets of San Francisco, and being delivered from legality.",
"description":"Carl Amerding continues his verse by verse expository on the book of Isaiah, discussing man's search for security and how it should be grounded in the One who is entirely secure in Himself.",
"description":"God wants his people drawn close to his heart so he can share it with them. He longs to raise us up and carry us to his bosom to reveal his heart to us. Sometimes people are so used to a heavy, hurtful hand, they have a difficult time trusting God. We have to know the power of his gentleness. David said God's gentleness made him great. It is the gentle touch of God that makes us, strengthens us and lifts up our head. Do you experience his grace but respond to others with abusive words? God wants to deliver the hurting and the hurtful.",
"description":"Don't be fearful or discouraged. If we will wait on the Lord, He will help us. Draw close to God and give him everything that troubles you. He will hold you with his righteous hand.",
"description":"The Holy Spirit is one of the main themes of Isaiah 40 - 66, as is in the New Testament. Zac pulls out various encouragements and warnings, such as a carefulness never to take God's glory, promises for parents, and the heart of the lowly as one the places God lives.",
"scripture":"Jeremiah 17:5, Isaiah 40:10-11, Luke 1",
"topic":"One True God",
"description":"A sober address appropriate to all earnest inquirers after God and particularly to Jewish people and intellectuals who have had difficulty finding the one true God.",