"description":"Ravenhill speaks from a text in Isaiah and speaks much about the role of the prophet. But really this is just him sharing his heart for revival and on the lukewarm condition of the church. You can really sense his burden as he just shares as the Spirit leads. You will be convicted as you hear this message and brought to your knees to become an agent of change in the church.",
"description":"Roger Ellsworth speaks passionately about the desperate state of the Church. His sermon covers three aspects of the Isaiah scripture: A keen awareness of loss, A keen awareness of what produced the loss, A keen awareness that God could restore what was lost. True God sent revival is actual and possible in our days if we will humble ourselves as the people of God.",
"description":"Pastor Cymbala turns to an Old Testament passage from Isaiah 64 to encourage listeners to wait on the Lord to divinely deal with life challenges. Isaiah 64:1-4 (NIV)",
"description":"David Smithers unburdens his heart about what true revival is and the breed of people who have a pioneer's heart to go forward with God into new frontiers of prayer and apostolic Christianity. We need to go beyond second-hand religion into \"the manifested presence of Christ.\" Do you have a pioneer's heart, one willing to face countless dangers and extreme hardship because you're not content with what you have?",
"description":"David Smithers unburdens his heart about what true revival is and the breed of people who have a pioneer's heart to go forward with God into new frontiers of prayer and apostolic Christianity. We need to go beyond second-hand religion into \"the manifested presence of Christ.\" Do you have a pioneer's heart, one willing to face countless dangers and extreme hardship because you're not content with what you have?",
"description":"\"We stand in great danger of being satisfied.\" Denny Kenaston's heart was burdened to have real revival and to motivate further prayer for it. He warned against dead orthodoxy (correct doctrine without life) and even enjoying God's blessings so as to not pursue God's best. The inspiration for the address came from Duncan Campbell's \"When God Stepped Down\", an accounting of the amazing Hebrides revival around 1952.",
"description":"\"We stand in great danger of being satisfied.\" Denny Kenaston's heart was burdened to have real revival and to motivate further prayer for it. He warned against dead orthodoxy (correct doctrine without life) and even enjoying God's blessings so as to not pursue God's best. The inspiration for the address came from Duncan Campbell's \"When God Stepped Down\", an accounting of the amazing Hebrides revival around 1952.",
"description":"You don\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t want revival\u00e2\u20ac\u201dit will ruin your schedule, your dignity, your image, and your reputation as a person who is \u00e2\u20ac\u02dcwell balanced.\u00e2\u20ac\u2122 Men will weep throughout the congregation. Women will wail because of the travail of their own souls. Young adults will cry like children at the magnitude of their sin. With the strength of My presence, the worship team will cease playing. Time will seem to stand still. You won\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t be able to preach because of the emotions flooding your own soul. You\u00e2\u20ac\u2122ll struggle to find words, but only find tears. Even the most dignified and reserved among you will be broken and humbled as little children. The proud and self righteous will not be able to stand in My presence. The doubter and unbeliever will either run for fear or fall on their knees and worship Me\u00e2\u20ac\u201dthere can be no middle ground. The church will never be the same again. Do you really want revival?",