"description":"The King's Gate is a type of salvation, a place of power, a place to be seen and noticed. A public witness. The enemy will come at believers, but when we remember the truth and point him to Jesus, he will lose every time. Mordecai bowed not before Haman, but the rest of the King's servants did. There was no discernment that this was an enemy. Mordecai did not try to hide who or what he was. We are called to declare our testimony of the Lord, given to us when he saved us. Mordecai had witnessed some of the king's servant's turn against him, and plot to kill him, he'd seen evil. So he recognized it. We do not have to bow before our enemy or yield.",
"description":"This first message in the series Our Christian Heritage Under Fire is a contrast between the Canada at Confereration and our generation. Men and Instutions were unashamedly Christian and sought to build a Canada that would be grounded in the principles of Chrisianity. Humanism is defined and the new neutralism is exposed. Every Christian in Canada should be fully aware of these facts.",
"description":"Watching world events can bring discouragement and fear. There's an alternative to throwing up our hands and asking, \"What can you do?\" You will be encouraged with this message as Pastor Cymbala shares exactly what you can do. Ps. 11:1-3, 4-6; Rom 10:11",