"description":"Five of the many possible ways to lose your passion for Christ: 1. When sin is left unchecked and unconfessed in your life. 2. When your spiritual output exceeds your intake. (You need daily time alone seeking God.) 3. When you study of God's Word is done exclusive to the application. (Do you articulate better than you live it?). 4. When you allow the spirit of the world to invade your life and home. (This world will be dim in a heart that is hungry for God.). 5. When you give place to the Devil.",
"description":"God is a very present help! Lessons are drawn from numerous Bible characters. We can be delivered from the enemy. We shall not give in to hopelessness. Take issue with your free time. It is an absolute thrill to walk with the God of heaven. Be still and know that God is God.",
"description":"There are some important things to consider before you answer the question. Do you really trust the Lord? That he is able, faithful and willing to do what he said he would? If we do, then why don't we pray or believe like we should? Why do we not cast our cares on him and leave them there instead of picking them back up and trying to do it ourselves? Bro. Wilkerson examines the passage in Jer. 17:5 \"Cursed be the man who trusteth in flesh\".\u00a0 This is a very important message for all. True faith in God results in an abiding peace and rest in your soul. When we haven't learned to trust God, he will bring us to a place of depth to train us to trust him no matter whats. God wants us to be prepared to trust him. He wants us to learn how to depend totally on him for everthing, completely surrendering to his will. Then comes the calm and rest.",
"description":"What do we do when we find ourselves anxious or depressed? Let's learn some practical ways to overcome discouragement and get out of the emotional dumps. Psalms 42:5, Isaiah 41:13",