"description":"January 15, 2006 \u2013 When we walk in obedience God, He will begin to put a divine order in our lives and He will empower us with the supernatural life of Jesus Christ. We all have enemies we are facing but an obedient heart will open up our spirit to hear the shout of victory and freedom that only Christ can give us. Every Christian that is hungering for truth in this hour of time will have a cry produced in them by the Holy spirit and this cry will shout out to the Glory of God.",
"description":"June 26, 2005 - When the songs we sing to Jesus are infused with understanding and faith there is a spiritual transformation that happens in God\u2019s people. The devil is not afraid of songs but when praise arises from an understanding mind and a believing heart that is full of a knowledge about the one we are singing about the powers of evil and darkness are broken.",