"description":"The topic of this sermon deals with God's wrath being satisfied on the Cross. People do not take their sins seriously. Because many do not take sin seriously, they do not take the cross seriously and therefore the wrath of God seriously. This is a very practical, clear, strong exhortation and teaching to understand the wrath of God in Scriptures.",
"description":"Throughout the Scriptures the Kiss is found in different relationships all of which are to be applied to Christ and none of which stand alone. The Kiss of Worship (I Kings 19:18; Job 31:24-27). The Kiss of Allegiance (I Samuel 10:1; Hosea 13:2). The Kiss of Love (Song of Solomon 1:2). The kiss of love without shame (Song of Solomon 8:1).",
"description":"This message was preached on August 30th, 2009, at Valley Church in Smithfield, Utah. \"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men.\" (Romans 1:18) Foundational to the gospel as well as to the whole Bible, the reality of the wrath of God has almost become a thing of embarrassment for many Christians, but if we do not know God as the God revealed in Scripture - a God of wrath - then we really do not know God at all. God's wrath is as much a divine perfection as His love, and therefore it is something marvelous for us to rejoice in.",