"description":"The time known as 'Jacobs trouble' will be the worst persecution that has ever befallen the jewish people, which is saying a lot considering they have been the target of satanic persecution all along, and we know the reason for this is due to the fact that the jews are so wrapped up in God's eternal plan.In the midst of this time of persecution there will be a great opportunity to spread the gospel though. The prophecy laid out here will have it's fulfillment in the end times, it will be a period of 3 and a half years and will be so intense that it will cause the people of Israel to cry out to their Messiah and He will return and defend them from the last onslaught. Interestingly Pastor Guzik says that 'running to and fro and knowledge shall increase' speaks of the huge explosion in understanding of Biblical prophecy that has occured in the past 100 years.",
"preacher_description":"David Guzik ( - )\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker David Guzik in mp3 format. David Guzik is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara, having come to serve that congregation in July 2010. For 7 years before that, David was the director of Calvary Chapel Bible College Germany, near Siegen, Germany. David took this position in January of 2003, after serving for 14 years as the founding and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel of Simi Valley. He has been in pastoral ministry since 1982.\r\nDavid has no formal Bible College or seminary training, but does have a Bachelors of Arts degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara. David, his wife Inga-Lill, live in Santa Barbara, California. Their three children are grown; Aan-Sofie serves as a missionary in Ireland, Nathan lives in Los Angeles, and Jonathan lives in Santa Barbara.",
"preacher_description":"Willie Mullan (1911 - 1980)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Willie Mullan in mp3 format. Was a Northern Irish Evangelist. He was born in Newtownards, County Down, Ireland in 1911. In his book Tramp after God, he tells of living for more than three years as a tramp abusing alcohol and involved in crime. Willie Mullan had a religious conversion and from that time forward he decided he would strive to serve God.\r\n\r\n In 1953 Willie Mullan was called to Lurgan Baptist church, and in August of that year he commenced the work in Lurgan. One of his great accomplishments during this time was the Tuesday night Bible class. Every Tuesday night hundreds attended to hear the exposition of the Word. In 1957 William Hewitt and a team of helpers commenced the tape recordings of the Bible class. At least 1500 of these recordings remain until this day.",
"title":"Church History - Session 3 (Prophecy in the Church Age)",
"scripture":"Revelation 1,Daniel 12:4",
"topic":"Church History",
"description":"Parkyns refutes the idea that Scripture is silent about the Church age between Christ's first and second coming. He introduces the book of Revelation as a love letter from the Bridegroom to the Bride about what to expect, though written in code, to be understood by His Word. Parkyns sees God behind the scenes of Chuch history, not this net of jumbled doctrines, personalities and heresies as many have portrayed it.",
"title":"Falling Stars - A Message for Preachers",
"scripture":"Luke 24:28-29, Romans 8:22, Daniel 12:3",
"description":"Erlo Stegen speaks a powerful word on failure in preachers and calling ministers to be lights in the evil dark world. Why is it so dark in the world? Because many stars have fallen, the preachers of the Gospel have fallen. Ministers and preachers are being caught in evil things. It is getting dark in the world. It seems as if the sun is indeed going down. It seems as if we\u00e2\u20ac\u2122re coming to the end of the world and the end of time. We read that in the last days it will indeed go difficult, and that the powers of heaven will be shaken (Matt 24:29).",
"preacher_description":"Erlo Stegen (1935 - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Erlo Stegen in mp3 format. Used of God in the Zulu revival in South Africa. He helped found the Kwasizabantu Mission where a few thousand live on the mission doing work for the Lord. He shares a powerful burden for the purity of the Church and revival in the Church. \r\n\r\nMany ministers have preached in their large conventions through the years namely David Wilkerson who enjoyed greatly the mission's work. They have established over 30 other missions around the work as a work of the Spirit of God.",
"title":"Joyous Laughter",
"scripture":"Daniel 12:3-10, Genesis 21:6",
"description":"Just as Sarah laughed so we laugh too because of the Lord Jesus having come into our lives. We were barren and withered, dead in our sins, but Jesus came and brought us life. Now we can display the fruits of righteous. The Bible says my heart is full of joyous laughter because I've found salvation through the Lord Jesus. In Hebrews 11 we read of the faith of Abraham and Sarah.",
"preacher_description":"Erlo Stegen (1935 - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Erlo Stegen in mp3 format. Used of God in the Zulu revival in South Africa. He helped found the Kwasizabantu Mission where a few thousand live on the mission doing work for the Lord. He shares a powerful burden for the purity of the Church and revival in the Church. \r\n\r\nMany ministers have preached in their large conventions through the years namely David Wilkerson who enjoyed greatly the mission's work. They have established over 30 other missions around the work as a work of the Spirit of God.",
"preacher_description":"Chuck Smith (1927 - 2013)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Chuck Smith in mp3 format. Pastor Chuck was used in the Jesus People revival where he was used along with others to minister to the hippy young people. They saw a work of the Spirit where many were added to the church and discipled. He has raised up many pastors who are a part of the Calvary Chapel movement now and where he pastors the large Costa Mesa church in California.\r\n\r\nThe Calvary Chapel movement is based of simple principles that Chuck Smith taught over the years such as: The priority of agape love, Simple fellowship amongst the saints, the breaking of bread, the teaching of God's word chapter by chapter and verse by verse. And lastly and most importantly the principle not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord.",