"description":"We are introduced to Elijah the tisbite in these chapters. It has been thought that the phrase tisbite means that he was really not an Israelite but that is not a firm believable interpretation. He comes to the backslidden northern tribe of Israel with a message and warning of God for the people. It is prophesied in Malachi that Elijah will come back. When Gabriel came to the Elizabeth and foretold of the child to be born and said that John the Baptist would be in the spirit and power of Elijah. Elijah also did appear in the mount of transfiguration with Jesus. In the revelation there is a speaking of 2 prophets and one will be Elijah showing up before Jesus comes back again. This is why the Jews always set an empty chair for Elijah knowing that Elijah will come first before the messiah comes.",
"scripture":"1 Kings 17:8-16, Luke 12:35-37, Luke 17:7-10",
"description":"In this age of self-seeking and comfortable living, Keith shows that dying to self is not an option in the Christian life - it is the Christian life! A must for every Christian seeking to draw closer to God. Self-Denial is one of the most neglected themes of scriptural teaching in our day but it is crucial for salvation to experience this truth.",
"scripture":"John 5:39, 1 Kings 17:1, John 10: 37",
"description":"This Elijah series is an excellent study on the life of Elijah. We see the blessings from his obedience and the results of his disobedience. A perfect example for each of us to apply to our daily lives.",
"description":"The inability to share Christ is rooted in a lack of love for people and unbelief. So any are fearful to share Christ because they do not believe that Jesus will miraculously come through. The Lord will keep us held in a difficult situation until He puts a boldness in our heart through a difficult trial. What God says - He will do. This truth has to be worked into the fabric of our being.",
"description":"This is a powerful burdened message preached at a Baptist Conference in Texas around 1990. Ravenhill shares on the burden for a unction, anointing and power from above to rest upon the Church. He speaks for 2 whole hours sharing his burden for revival. Do we have the fire of God in our life's?",
"description":"This is a powerful burdened message preached at a Baptist Conference in Texas around 1990. Ravenhill shares on the burden for a unction, anointing and power from above to rest upon the Church. He speaks for 2 whole hours sharing his burden for revival. Do we have the fire of God in our life's?",