"description":"This is a general introduction to the book of 1 Peter, beginning with a 15min sketch of Peter and who he was(and was not) in the church. Followed by a 15min explanation of who Peter was writing to and the current landscape of the roman world. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father. Phil 2:10-11",
"description":"What are the three major Truths in this passage of Scripture? One Truth is a curious (or common) Truth; one is a rare Truth; and the last is a \u201cremarkably reassuring\u201d Truth. In this sermon, Dr. Tozer thoroughly explores all three.",
"scripture":"1 Peter 1:13, Isaiah 11, Ephesians 6",
"description":"This teaching is on the need for Christians to live a disciplined life. To seek after righteousness, faithfulness, and truth. And to not live complacent christian lives as many do.",
"description":"This lesson is on the necessity of obedience in a Christian life. Also how as Christians following God we can be much happier than not following God.",
"scripture":"1 Peter 1:14-16,Ephesians 2,Romans 12:2",
"description":"This is a sermon on being fashioned not after the world but after Christ. Tozer gives a thorough list of factors which will fashion our lives, whether for the good or bad. This sermon speaks of our lives before our being born again and how we need to fashion our lives according to our new nature which is holy in all conversation. God is holy and our walk as Christians need to be holy to as Tozer mentions.",
"description":"Tozer hits home again, in his quest for holiness. We are told to be holy as He is Holy, and outlined in this are 2 reasons for the following of this command, the character of God and the command of God. Tozer expounds of the holiness of these two things, and then proceeds to describe the qualities of a holy man and the way in which he is seen by people around him.",
"description":"\u201cSeeing Ye Have Purified Your Souls\u201d is part 17 of Pastor A. W. Tozer\u2019s delightful, 34-part series based upon 1 Peter. The message was preached in Chicago, Illinois on January 17, 1954. Pastor Tozer notes that 1 Peter 1:22 is perfect for a sermon, as it may be conveniently divided into 7 parts: 1) You have purified your souls; 2) By obeying the truth; 3) Through the Spirit; 4) Unto unfeigned love of the brethren; 5) See therefore that ye love one another; 6) Out of a pure heart; 7) Fervently. He also teaches quick but important refresher courses in homiletics, comparative religion, and apologetics (from Hebrews 11.) The length of the recording is 31 minutes and 36 seconds.",
"description":"A wonderful exposition on God's Mercy. God mercy is limitless and God desires us to come as we are his mercy is abundant for sinners of the worse sort. (Date Preached: 6\/28\/1953, Reference: 1 Peter 1:3)",
"description":"Many in our day will judge and consider a believer not saved or born-again if they do not meet a specific man-made standard. If a believer is not overcoming 100% in a specific area, or is partaking in some worldly activity, one may judge and claim that believer is not saved. Such merely outward judging is not spiritual but an immature and dangerous thing to do. Of course, if a believer is blatantly continuing in outward sin he must be dealt with in gentleness and love. As God taught us through the Book of Acts and Epistles of Paul, corrective measures as determined by the Holy Spirit might be necessary. This may include asking a believer to leave the Assembly for a period of time.",
"scripture":"2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 1:1, 1 Peter 1:10",
"topic":"Audio Books",
"description":"After the Lord\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s clear leading to use the name Gospel Fellowships there was a word search preformed on the internet and this statement of faith from one of the larger Chinese house Church networks called: China Gospel Fellowship was found. This was a surprise and great blessing for before we were never aware of this underground house Church name. After reading their statement of faith, there was an immediate burden to make this statement of faith available to Gospel Fellowships and to any other house Churches or groups that would like to identify with the statement. We believe it is a tremendous way for believers to be in unity worldwide with precious brothers and sisters in China who are experiencing a great expansion of the Church and revival.",
"scripture":"Psalm 111:1-2, 1 Peter 1:17, 1 Peter 2:11",
"topic":"Audio Books",
"description":"For many believers there has been a lack of good resources to help them worship the Lord in private devotion or in public gatherings of the Lord\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s people. Many hymns and choruses that could be sung by memory and without instruments have been laid aside for more contemporary songs that have much musical accompaniment. The argument is not over styles of music or what is permissible in a worship setting but rather that a very powerful weapon of the Church has been lost. This occurs when we do not have many hymns and choruses that we can sing without instruments with a whole heart towards the Lord. Thus the burden here is to simply supply a resource of many old hymns, choruses and spiritual songs for reading, meditation and singing privately and corporately.",
"description":"Ernest C. Reisinger shares he heart plainly on this subject of holiness at a conference where J.I. Packer was a speaker. He quotes Ravenhill part way through the sermon stating he \"wished someone would simply just read the bible and believe it.\" And he didn't finish the statement \"and put us all to shame.\" This is a great theological talk over the subject of holiness and will cater to more holiness in your life personally.",
"description":"May 16, 2004 - We are facing in the Church of Jesus Christ a crisis of faith. The hardest part of faith is the last half hour and just before the victory we give up turning away from God with a evil heart of unbelief. God will lead us into places where we are shut up and nothing short of a miracle will get us out of the situation. It is in these places of hopeless crisis that God will come through to glorify His name. We must stand on the promises of God with a heart full of faith declaring that God is faithful. Pastor Wilkerson examines the lives of Saul, Solomon and Samson as men of God who went into a crises of faith and failed the test. Our faith will be tried, as by fire. If your faith is being tested, you should listen carefully to this message.",
"description":"Ed Miller brings home four illustrations from the familiar story of Martha, Mary and Lazarus in John 11 of how Jesus tests His friends. What Jesus allows, His deliberate delays, His withdrawing of His sensible presence, and \"confusing you to pieces\" by His words all test our faith and works redemptively in the lives around us.",
"description":"GPS-Guidance in Practical Spirituality. Christian growth is an important part of practical Christian living. 1-The desire for growth 2-The areas of growth 3-The means of growth",
"description":"We all know the longing in our hearts to have a home. Often we don\u2019t realize that this remains until we have to leave home, or until it is jeopardized by natural catastrophe or other problems. The following meditation talks about a greater need to have a home \u2013 the need that our souls have for all eternity.",
"description":"God lives and works today! We all know the longing in our hearts to have a home. Often we don\u2019t realize that this is there until we have to leave home, or until it is jeopardized by natural catastrophe or family problems. This meditation talks about a greater need to have a home \u2013 the need that our souls have for all eternity.",
"description":"This is a message by Bro.Zac Poonen where he talks about the importance of Reverence for God. One of a few messages you can hear on this topic. 1 Peter 1:17 says And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favorites. He will judge or reward you according to what you do. So you must live in reverent fear of him during your time as \"foreigners in the land.\" (New Living Translation).",
"description":"In the midst of evil and suffering, abandoning your faith will neither help you handle suffering nor understand God. By looking back to Jesus\u2019 death on the cross and looking ahead to the hope of a new heavens and new earth, we can understand God\u2019s overwhelming love for us and the promise that victory will swallow up evil and death.",
"scripture":"Joshua 2, 1 Peter 1:4, Ephesians 3:6",
"description":"Why does God allow the Holocaust and all human suffering to take place? This is the ultimate question. The necessary truth of God\u2019s judgment and an inescapable requirement of true repentance for true faith unto salvation, are at the heart of the answer. This message relates the Holocaust to the historical rejection of God. A vital and challenging message for the Jewish people and the Church given at the national Charismatic Conference at Kansas City in 1977 as a historic event!",
"description":"Many problems in our Christian walk happen when our emphasis shifts off Jesus Christ to some doctrine. Jesus' life was not based upon a long list of rules but a knowledge of His Father. Brother Zac illustrates four principles by which Jesus lived in vital relationship with the heavenly Father in absolute holiness, faith, humility and choosing God above money.",
"scripture":"James 1:2-5, 1 Peter 1:6-7, Job 7:17-18",
"description":"A message that explores the primary reason why God allows different fiery trials and temptations to afflict a saint. Learn how to prepare for tests and progress in the school of God. The preacher seeks to communicate the deep practicality of God's refining process in the hearts of His people.",
"description":"David Cooper shares honestly and full-heartily his belief in what biblical election means. He shares some of dangers of Calvinism that can lead to fatalism. He speaks on the sequence of election on how God has foreknowledge of the choices men make. There is much to be learnt from this sermon by any believer from any theological background. Note: comments about brother paul washer are made in their local church setting and is not way meant anyway to slander to demean this brothers name. SermonIndex.net fully supports and promotes Paul Washer's messages, there is much to be learnt from brother Paul no matter what theological backing you may be.",