"description":"Here is the time in history of the nation of Israel when they are about to receive their first king. Samuel the prophet takes Saul, the future king, and anoints him king privately and in a way that shows how the Lord wants to anoint every believer with the Holy Ghost, how He should fill our lives. The Lord then confirms that Saul is to be made king by giving Saul 3 very specific signs. The last sign was that thje Holy Ghost would come upon Saul and change him into a new man as spiritual confirmation of the physical anointing that Saul had received. So Saul was turned into another man, Samuel gathered all the people of Israel together and revealed Saul as their future king and the people rejoiced because he 'looked the part' but Samuel knew that Saul had very little spiritual subsatnce.",
"description":"The Lord wanted to show Saul that He'd make him king, but God also wanted to show him what he must do. Saul disobeyed a simple command to wait. Let's wait on the Lord as He tells us what to do. 1 Samuel 10:1, 8-9; 13:6-14",