"description":"Why does God allow temptation to come? Behind the first temptation of the devil was this false grace to comfort people in their sin, whereas every word from God is a challenge to deliver from sin. Satan still seeks to lead Christians away from simple devotion to Christ, which is simple obedience to what God has said.",
"description":"This message by Poonen really will open your eyes to what type of Jesus you have been hearing and serving. You have to honestly ask yourself do you know the Real Jesus? Have you allowed Him to transform and change your life? This is going to be the Real Jesus and it is unfortunate that we have to speak about that because God never intended that there should ever be any other Jesus presented to this world than the real one. Everything valuable has been counterfeited, people don't counterfeit things that are not valuable. Even in the times of the apostles we read of Jesus being counterfeited. So I want to turn first of all to 2 Corinthians chapter 11 so you'll see that it is not a problem of the 21st century. It was there right from the beginning.",
"description":"Every New Testament Epistle is full of acknowledgments1 of believers who were in different cities and those who were laboring hard in the Lord. The names of those who have had a part in this volume are too numerous to mention. To all those who labored in editing, revising, suggesting and offering your counsel we are indebted. Above every human help we recognize the Lord\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s hand in this volume from the start to finish. The messages in this book were birthed out of a genuine burden2 of the Lord and we pray this burden has been conveyed with as little interference from the human vessels3 as possible.",
"description":"In The Book of Acts the Church was birthed, led, sustained and grew in the power of the Holy Spirit. For many there is a hesitancy to speak much of depending radically on the moving of the Holy Spirit. Today for many sincere Bible believing Christians this terminology brings to mind many excesses of the worst kind\u00e2\u20ac\u201dwhether it\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s the selfish seeking after the Spirit of God for a feeling,569 an anointing to enjoy for ourselves,570 some sort of extravagant healing such as gold in the teeth or other blatant extra-biblical manifestations that grieve the heart of God. The Devil our enemy always makes a pseudo571 of the genuine in attempts to deceive572 some and deter others. Some in these charismatic circles claim the Chinese Church is experiencing the same manifestations, but this is not true.",
"description":"David Wilkerson gives a strong message with \"prophetic urgency.\" He clearly shows that the \"prosperity gospel\" teaching that gain is godliness is unscriptural and a lie from hell. Surely this is a word from God to a generation of Christians in America that have swallowed this ear tickling teaching up to their demise.",
"description":"Pastor Conlon goes through many other scriptures in this stirring message about the Jesus of the Bible, and man's preconceived notion of Jesus, based on men's theology and doctrines. The primary concern of the LOrd is that he get hold of your life and form himself in you, even if it means you might suffer because of what he's doing in your life. He wants the fruit of Christ manifested in you, that others will be brought out of darkness into the light. That your life be used for his glory and that you take up your cross and follow him daily. Not sure what your cross is? This message helps you understand.",
"description":"It is important to remember that the first sin in the human race came through deception and that Satan today is the deceiver of the whole world. Zac Poonen shares on eight areas we are prone to being deceived and how to protect ourselves. \"It is only God's mercy,\" he exhorts, \"that can save us from deception.\"",
"description":"Brother Zac Poonen shares about seeking God and how many things can hinder finding fellowship with the Lord. He shares on the sabbath rest and how God prescribed a rest so that God could be put first. In the same way in the New Covenant we are to give our first to the Lord amidst the distractions and allures of this world. One chief underlying factor of not seeking the Lord is greed for money and covetousness of which the children of Israel fell into time and time again instead of seeking the Lord first.",
"description":"Accommodate means to adapt, to make suitable and acceptable, to make convenient. A gospel of accommodation is creeping into the United States. It's an American cultural invention to appease the lifestyle of luxury and pleasure. Primarily a Caucasian, suburban gospel, it's also in our major cities and is sweeping the nation, influencing ministers of every denomination, and giving birth to megachurches with thousands who come to hear a nonconfronting message.",
"description":"There is the way of the world and God's way of holiness. The world gets engaged with a party, drinking and boozing, but we as Christians do it in God's house with prayer and in holiness. Some say that there are many ways to celebrate an engagement. Yes, there certainly are many ways to hell but only one way to heaven. The ring the young man gives to his future bride is a token and promise that he will keep himself pure for her until the day of marriage; in receiving the ring, the girl makes the same promise. Young people should live like Mary the mother of Jesus. When the angel told her that she would bare a son, she replied, \u201cHow can this be, since I do not know a man?\u201d (Luke 1:34) She lived a holy and pure life as we read in 1Cor 7:34, \u201cThe unmarried woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit.\u201d",