"description":"Can assurances for our salvation be found in the Word? Paul states a resounding YES! As he passionately takes the listener through the tests in 1 John, he challenges every believer to examine themselves in the light of God's Word.",
"description":"2 Cor. 13:14 is the passage featured. Bro. Wilkerson carefully explains why the Holy Ghost was sent, and how to commune with him. It is much more simple than most think, yet much more vital to allow this communion, even hungrily seek it, than we realize. Jesus would not have asked the Father to send us a Comforter he knew we wouldn't need. We need to know why he was sent, why he dwells in us, and allow him to do what the Father sent him to do.",
"description":"The secret of the Christian life is to be weak like Jesus, not seeking His own and trusting the Father. Brother Zac shares a number of areas in our walk with the Lord, such as coming out from legalism and traditions not in the Bible, not leaning upon zealous believers so as to not develop an individual life with God, and taking caution not to be critical against others and subtly end up holding hands with the accuser of the brethren, the devil.",
"scripture":"1 Corinthians 3, James 4:6, 2 Corinthians 13:5",
"topic":"Audio Books",
"description":"Denominations, being splintered by slight shades of truth, are not pleasing to God, but rather grieve Him, though like a precious diamond we can see something good in every denomination.404 There is always some truth that one specific denomination knows, believes and preaches that is noteworthy and admirable for us to learn from. Yet overall it is not God\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s perfect will for His body to be divided.",
"scripture":"2 Corinthians 13:5, 1 John 1:6-8, 1 John 2:3-19",
"description":"This sermon is a bible test of whether you are in the faith or not. He goes line by line in the text of 1 john that explains how you can tell if you are in the faith. I would suggest that every believer listen to this sermon. It is very encouraging to the believer to not be deceived.",
"description":"After introductory comments to the local assembly, Paul Washer begins this series of messages with the Apostle\u2019s exhortation, \u201cExamine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith\u201d. How can you be truly assured that you have believed unto salvation? he asks. How do you know you are saved? The only way, is to examine your life in the light of what the Bible reveals about genuine faith, he asserts; and the best place to get a Biblical assurance instead of an emotional one is 1st John. (54 minutes)",
"description":"The name of God is blasphemed among unbelievers because of the ungodly lives of those who claim to be believers but are not. Given the Apostle Paul\u2019s command to believers to test themselves, Mr Washer uses Biblical truth to destroy the concept of the \u2018Carnal Christian\u2019 and to expose the wickedness of modern evangelical methods. Men are not saved by repeating a prayer, he says; they are saved by repenting of their sin and believing the Gospel. (41 minutes)",
"description":"God is at work building His kingdom. We can take part in this by letting love be victorious! The following meditation will give us some helpful tips about how to do it.",
"description":"God is at work building His kingdom. We can take part in this by doing one simple thing - by letting love be victorious! This meditation will give us some helpful tips about how to do it.",
"description":"In this message, Paul confronts the listener with many of the false doctrines found in American Christianity today. By taking us through the tests in 1 John, he helps us examine our choices and lifestyle. Do we look and act like the world around us or are we striving against the current to follow our King?",