"description":"The date delivered was 05\/01\/1959. This message brings to light the stories of Elijah and Elisha, as well as John the Baptist. It is easy to become offended at God when He moves in ways that we do not expect -- especially if He does not seem to be moving at all! But, our heart's cry should be to know Him. If this is the case, we will never be offended, no matter how \"forgotten\" we feel. Even our master Jesus exclaimed many times through the gospels 'blessed is he who is not offended in me'.",
"description":"January 30, 2005 - The search for this life of double portion \u2013 how do you find it ? How do we get it? The life of double portion is the believers legal right to every thing that the Father has given the Son. In Jesus Christ we have claims to all this fullness.",
"description":"January 30, 2005 - The man who will bless this generation has the life and overflow of Christ pouring through their lives. Every Christian returns from intimate dealings with Christ with supernatural power. The life of Christ is poured into ordinary vessels to do extraordinary things.",
"description":"Ed Miller introduces Elisha, the one person in the Old Testament who looks like Jesus in an all inclusive way. \"Elisha is God's illustration of the Christian life in seed form,\" teaches Miller. This first part of 5 sessions draws out the three secrets of how life in Christ must begin. (This series of messages was delivered at Del-Mar-Va Labor Day Retreat 2002)",
"description":"Ed Miller illustrates from Elisha's first four miracles what ministry we can expect when we lay hold of God: 1) a miracle walk, 2) being used to bless barren people, 3) bringing judgment to those whose hearts are closed to God, and 4) bringing words of deliverance to those who have messed up. Brother Ed also brings by way of contrast the Elishas--a remnant just wanting the Lord--with the \"sons of the prophets\", a larger segment of believers who fall on the legalistic side.",
"scripture":"2 Kings 2, Luke 24:28-29, Galatians 3:13-14",
"description":"Zac Poonen found that so many Christians are living a substandard life, but it doesn't have to be this way. Brother Zac stirs you to go beyond being satisfied with so little, when God has promised rivers of living water to flow out of you to be a blessing to everyone you meet. \"If you're satisfied with something less than God's highest, then that's all you'll have.\"",