"description":"As one reads through the Book of Acts, the work of the Holy Spirit in the early Church is evident on every page. If you remove the work of the Holy Spirit from the Book of Acts you have virtually nothing left. Truly, He empowered the first disciples to \u00e2\u20ac\u0153turn the world upside down.\u00e2\u20ac\u009d The places in the world today where the Church is expanding the fastest are those places where Jesus\u00e2\u20ac\u2122 followers are yielded to and empowered by the Holy Spirit.",
"description":"(preached: Dec. 7, 2003) What an outstanding message of exhortation! Using the account of Cornelius in Acts 10, Pastor Conlon shows us that we should have an expectancy that God is going to move among our family and those around us, an expectancy that our lives will change every day.",
"description":"We who profess the name of Christ are defining him to a world that is lost by whatever we say or do. The world sees a church splintered by division, into numerous denominations and differences in their interpretation of scripture. Too many refuse to fellowship with one another because of their differences. Their is no scripture to condone such division and denominational loyalty. There is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. A convicting message on dealing with our prejudices. By the way believers live their lives they represent Christ to the world who watches with suspicion. Peter had a hard time dealing with the acceptance of the Gentiles, and learning to share God with them. The Jews had long held the belief God was theirs alone. The Lord revolutionized Peter's and the apostles' thinking when he gave the Holy Ghost to the Gentiles, too. May he revolutionize ours as well. This is one of the best messages on unity in the Body of Christ, and the need for it, ever preached by anyone.",
"description":"Keller addresses three important principles about Christian conversion. First, we are not capable of finding God unless we experience spiritual conversion initiated by God. Second, Christian conversion is not a call to morality and religion; it is a challenge to morality and religion. Third, conversion happens by the transformation of the Holy Spirit.",