"description":"What are man's true priorities? Is it more important to work for the Lord or fellowship with Him? What is that raises man's life above the level of animals? What value does an earthly occupation hold in the life of a Christian? Zac answers these and more as he examines Genesis chapter 2.",
"description":"7 is the number of completeness. 6 is the number of man. Number 8 is the number of new beginnings. The number of Jesus is 8 all the names of Jesus is divisible by 8. The Sabbath days are a shadow of things to come, its not the substance. Jesus has become our Sabbath, we have entered into His rest. The righteousness of God is by faith by resting in Jesus and what He has done for us on the cross. It would be extremely healthy for us one day a week to relax once a week. We keep going all the time we need to stop and just rest one day a week, it would be healthy but wouldn\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t make you any more spiritual. JHVH this was the form of Gods name because of Godly reverence. YAWEH is possibly the right vowels. LORD = Elohim, Yahweh (as a name) Lord = Adoni (as a title). The earth was watered by an mist before the flood. There is no way to find out where the garden of Eden was, the whole earths form was changed during the flood and other large natural events. During the time of Pegleg the earth was divided, could that mean the earth started to change and separate? The garden of Eden appears to be somewhere in Babylon which is modern day Araq. Life would be boring if there was nothing to do therefore God had man working in the garden of Eden to tend and care for it. Really an child of God has a true care for the nature and the world that God has created compared to even an humanist, because their humanism is based ultimately in selfishness. Dying thou shalt surely die. So it was a 2 fold death, a spiritual death and an beginning of an physical death. Where ever the gospel of God goes there is a freedom of choice and in nations and places where the gospel doesn\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t exist there is a lose of the freedom of choice and an slavery. To make the power of choice meaningful he had to give the option and choice to disobey. This power of choice makes man something more then a robot. You could never receive meaningful love or devotion from a robot, so for our relationship to God to be meaningful there has to be choice.",
"scripture":"Genesis 2:18-23, 1 Samuel 1:6-20, Genesis 30:1-3",
"description":"\"Barrenness,\" says David Smithers, \"is a failure to fulfill our created purpose.\" Smithers' prayer sums up the passionate appeal of his message: \"God, convict me; show me how barren I am and let me sense the reproach, the shame, of being barren.\" Are we fruitful? Are we brokenhearted over our barrenness through humility, repentance and prayer? NOTE: \"Barrenness\" and \"Barrenness (High Quality)\" are the same message.",
"scripture":"Genesis 2:18-23, 1 Samuel 1:6-20, Genesis 30:1-3",
"description":"\"Barrenness,\" says David Smithers, \"is a failure to fulfill our created purpose.\" Smithers' prayer sums up the passionate appeal of his message: \"God, convict me; show me how barren I am and let me sense the reproach, the shame, of being barren.\" Are we fruitful? Are we brokenhearted over our barrenness through humility, repentance and prayer? NOTE: \"Barrenness\" and \"Barrenness (High Quality)\" are the same message.",
"description":"From the Creation account in Genesis we read how God created the heavens and the earth, the plants and all the animals. Then God said, \u201cLet Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth\u201d (Gen 1:26). God created man as His crowning glory. Today the theory of evolution (otherwise known as macro evolution) is taught in the public schools; but it is only a fairytale for grownups and has contributed nothing towards science. The simplest living organism's design is vastly more complex than the finest swiss watch, yet evolutionists claim that it formed by blind chance.",
"description":"When man fell in the garden of Eden, it caused the breakdown ofthe mind. But through a relationship with Jesus and through the Holy Spirit, we can regain control of our minds and have peace and good mental health.",
"description":"God\u2019s mind is not bound by time. Neither is his interaction with our reality. Wilder-Smith uses one of his greatest analogies concerning the impossibility of using the scientific method to perceive or interact with heaven and hell. The analogy comes in the form of understanding that there is no way to interact with a Black Hole, yet we know that they exist by inference. So also, we are able to interact with eternal realities by inference. Through this analogy, Smith reveals the lie concerning our inability to scientifically measure heaven or hell to prove it's existence because you cannot scientifically tamper with a black hole in any way yet scientists believe in them just the same. The second analogy he explains about dimensionality is that a two dimensional person would be incapable of capturing a three dimensional person, because they would always use their higher dimensionality to give their captors the slip. So also, Jesus gave death the slip. Smith explains that this life is about preparation for glorification, as the power that comes with a resurrected body would be too dangerous to place within the hands of immoral people. So if we suffer with him, so also shall we reign with him.",
"scripture":"1 Samuel 13:14, Genesis 2:7, John 3:16",
"description":"We are familiar with A.W. Tozer's book on \"The Pursuit of God.\" In this message Brother Denny points to the ways God pursues us. A great message of the heart of God towards His own creation.",
"scripture":"1 Peter 5:8, Ephesians 5:21-25, Genesis 2:7",
"topic":"Spiritual Warfare",
"description":"Satan seeks to destroy the church by attacking the Christian home. He can wreak havoc in the church by destroying marriages and influencing the husband or wife to step out of their God ordained roles. The basis of the home is marriage, the basis of marriage is a life long relationship, the basis of that is agreement.",
"description":"If the Tree of Life was as equally accessible to Adam and Eve, why did they scorn and reject that tree, and prefer instead to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? Is the Tree of Life equally unattractive today, and why are we disposed to the thing that seems outwardly attractive? With an introduction on the \u2018cleaving\u2019 of man to woman.",