"description":"Christianity was birthed in the Holy Spirit. Jesus our Lord taught it was essential to rely and wait for the power of the Spirit. We sadly see many abuses of Spirit-led living in modern Christendom but this should make us all the more hungry for the true manifestation. We are impotent without the infilling power of the Spirit. When we have God in the midst everything changes. We will not be able to stay quiet, we will speak boldly for our Lord that bought us with such a great price.1003 The underground Church in China chooses their leadership from those who are the hungriest after God. Are you hungry for the living God? For His power displayed in your life?",
"description":"Is. 51 (whole chapter is covered) At the time Isaiah prophesied, Israel was enslaved by Babylon. God wanted his precious people to know that he recognized their situation. Likewise, today he's addressing every Christian who's become captive to some form of bondage. This is a powerful message of encouragement to every Christian who is fighting a battle of the mind, under attack by the enemy, who have become discouraged. God wants to deliver you.",
"scripture":"Isaiah 51, Mark 9:22-24, Matthew 8:2-3",
"description":"When we come to God in prayer there has to be an active part on our behalf to believe Him to answer our prayers. If we have areas in our life that has never been confronted by the Holy Ghost we will become passive in our walk with God and be moved to unbelief. The heart of Jesus is to come and do for us what we can\u2019t do for ourselves",