"description":"Brother Denny shares the last of six sessions of the visionary aspect of childrearing of how whole-hearted households affect the next generation. He goes into detail of what an ordered Jewish home like one Jesus or John the Baptist was raised in to raise the bar of our own expectations. \"A man's family,\" Kenaston says, \"is the greatest revelation of who he is. Are we too busy to raise godly children that will \"hit the mark\" someday?",
"description":"This message is preached from the 24th chapter of Joshua. Havener shows how in a day of comprimise, double-talk and undecideness on serving God. We must choose 'as for me' we will seek the Lord. He also retells a very interesting encouter story he had with R.A. Torrey.",
"description":"God builds our faith and strengthens us through hard times and difficult moments. He wants to make us into sons and daughters He can trust and who will bless others. Joshua 24:1-4",
"description":"Brother Denny shares the last of six sessions of the visionary aspect of childrearing of how whole-hearted households affect the next generation. He goes into detail of what an ordered Jewish home like one Jesus or John the Baptist was raised in to raise the bar of our own expectations. \"A man's family,\" Kenaston says, \"is the greatest revelation of who he is. Are we too busy to raise godly children that will \"hit the mark\" someday?",