"description":"In many of the Epistles, the Apostles began with the wonderful phrase: \u00e2\u20ac\u0153Grace and mercy.\u00e2\u20ac\u009d486 If God began writing many of His holy Letters to us in this manner, then we should do also in our own correspondence with others in the body of Christ. In the beginning of the Book of Jude we read, \u00e2\u20ac\u0153Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.\u00e2\u20ac\u009d487 Do we find it easy to wish mercy on others in abundance or are we quick to condemn? One that finds it easy to judge others has lost the perspective that he was shown much mercy from God. For it is by grace and mercy we have been saved by the blood of God\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s Son. In the Book of Titus it says: \u00e2\u20ac\u0153Not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy.\u00e2\u20ac\u009d",
"description":"Dr. Thompson discusses the reasons for the Coming of the Lord \u2013 including His coming to cleanse His church. He mentions Balaam, Korah and Cain, and how they represent different types of people that are in every church. He asserts that there are aspects of Jesus that we, as a church, seem to know nothing about, especially the no-nonsense, fiery Judge aspect of Christ. When He returns, many in the church will be expecting to be swept away by \u201cGood \u2018ol Happy Jesus\u201d but will instead meet Fire.",
"description":"Chapel service at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. The message is part of the \"Ever Loving Truth\" series on Cultural Apologetics.",
"description":"Jude is a tiny book of just 25 verses that deals with many different themes from right back in Eden and all the way up to today, the main theme of the book is apostacy, infact Dr Missler refe to Jude as 'the acts of the apostates'. Jude shows how evil works are the result of apostacy just a James shows that true good works are the result of true faith. Interestingly the name Jude means Judas, which of course is a name synonymous with treachory and apostacy. From the first few verses we discover that Jude was the brother of James and most likely the brother of Jesus Himself, we also find that he had originally intended to write an encouraging letter but was constrained by the Holy Spirit to exhort his bretheren to contend for the faith. He had to do this because apostates had crept into the church of Jesus and were denying the foundational doctrines of the Lord.",
"description":"Jude is full of allusions to events in history that he presumes his readers know all about, here is one verse that refers to Israel' rebellion against the Lord in the wilderness even though the Lord had delivered them out of Egypt in such a spectacular way and for this Israel took 38 years to make journey of only 11 days. We see the typology associated with the wilderness wanderings, such as Israel's baptism in their corssing the Red Sea, the manna they ate was the bread of life and the Rock they drank from was Christ. When the people loathed the bread they were attacked by snakes and had to look upon a brass serpent on a cross which Jesus Himself said was type of Him. Dr Missler also discusses 'Kingdom Now' or 'Dominion' theology which tries to set up the Kingdom of God on earth which of course will not happen until the Lord returns.",
"description":"This is a very stange verse in the Word of God that deals with the angels that sinned. Satan who was originally created perfect and was the heighest created being, fell because of his pride and ambition to be worshipped like God and sit in Gods place. Dr Missler puts forward that demons are not fallen angels as demons seem to require a host body where as angels can appear in their own bodies. In Genesis 6 the scripture recalls a period in history when the 'sons of God' which in OT times was always translated 'angels' married human women and had monsterous children known as the Nephilim or 'fallen ones'. He states that this was the sin of the angels that lead to them being imprissoned and probably to the flood in orer to completely destroy the monsterous offspring. Intersting stuff.",
"description":"Jude reminds us of the judgement on Sodom and Gomorrah that were destroyed to such a degree that it is believed that the cities used to be built upon the land where the Dead Sea, the lowest point on the earth, now is. The sin of Sodom was the condoning of such widespread and abominable sin within the cities gates, which was not only homosexuality. Back in Genesis, Abraham had interceeded for the cities and the Lord had been merciful but the only people to be delivered from the cities was Lot and his family although hid wife of course did not survive due to her emotional ties to the cities. It is interesting that Jude mentions this incident in a letter about apostacy as this means that Sodom knew the truth and turned from it, becuase the truth is revealed to all of through creation itself. So these apostates act as they want, deny authority and speak evil of dignities.",
"description":"Jude 9 is one of the least commented on verses of the Bible, here we find an account of the two migtiest created beings disputing over something that seems insignificant, the body of Moses. From other scriptures we learn that Michael the archangel is almost always associated with the nation of Israel and this leads Dr Missler into the idea that the dispute was to foil the Lord's plan regarding the two witnesses in Revelation 11, as Moses is believed to be one of the witnesses as his ministry was interupted, as was Elijah's, the other witness. Interestingly even when Michael was on a mission from the Lord doing His will, he doesn't rebuke Satan directly but rebukes him in the name of the Lord. This is the most extreme example of not being disrespectful to dignities, a sin we we are so often guilty of.",
"description":"Cain, Balaam and Korah are three Old Testament examples that Jude uses to show apostacy. Cain was a farmer where as Abel was a shepherd, interestingly originally mankind did not eat meat till after the flood and so the sheep were most likely for sacrificial purposes. Cain thus offered the works of his own hands which told God that His way was not good enough in Cains eyes and this was blasphemy. Balaam was a prophet who was paid to curse Israel, but the Lord would not allow him to prophecy against His people so Balaam counselled Balak in how to get Israel to sin with the daughters of Moab. Korah rejected the mediator between God and the people of God who was at the time Moses, this was rejection in type of the Lord Jesus, which came with penalty of Korah and all those who rebelled with him going down into Sheol alive. From what happened to these three we see the high price of apostacy.",
"description":"Enoch was the first prophet that we know of from the scripture, but why is he mentioned in an epistle about apostacy? Because this is exactly what Enoch prophesied against, Enoch was given a reveltaion from God that caused him to name his son Methuselah (whose name means 'when he dies judgement shall be sent'), no wonder Enoch walked with God after Methusaleh was born. And yet Methuselah is a model of the Lord's grace because he is oldest man in the scripture. Interestingly some rabinical sources claim that Methuselah died one week before the flood, just when Noah entered into the Ark, we do know from the scripture that Methuselah died in the same year as the flood. Enoch confronted the apostates of his day and some signs of apostacy are murmering, just as Israel did at the beginning of Jude, complaining as the angels did, and going after their own lusts just as Sodom and Gomorah did.",
"description":"The epistle of Jude is written to believers but is on the subject of apostacy, Jude lays to rest the question that as to whether apostates are saved. By saying they are soulish and natural and that do not have the Spirit, thus they are unsaved and unable to discern the truth of God. Jude finishes his letter with an exhortation to the believers to build up their faith and ensure they remain kept in the love of God. Jude exhorts different types of witnessing, with love and with fear, and finishes his epistle with a proclamation as to the keeping power of God, who is not only able to keep us from falling but also able to present us fautless on that final day, praise be to God.",
"description":"This is a message about those who are in the church that have turned the grace of God into a license to sin. While they worship, pray and praise, they are still living a lifestyle full of sinfulness. When you listen to this message do not make the mistake of thinking conviction is condemnation.",