"scripture":"Luke 4:1-13, Matthew 4:1-12, Mark 1:12-13",
"description":"The temptations in the wilderness served as the final preparation of our Lord Jesus. This section is filled with mystery, yet has clear principles for us to grasp. Brother Ed warns in closing that we're not to try to imitate Jesus in how He conquered temptation, but rather to appropriate Him, which is far higher.",
"description":"The miraculous catch of fish is God's illustration of soul-winning: it is a mighty miracle of God. Your responsibility is not to win the lost; your responsibility is just to obey Jesus. Leprosy is a picture of sin and the cleansing which followed illustrates Jesus' willingness and ability to cleanse sin. The priestly examination of a cleansed leper signifies that it is not our verbal declaration that confirms our cleansing but others who watch our lives.",
"description":"Can assurances for our salvation be found in the Word? Paul states a resounding YES! As he passionately takes the listener through the tests in 1 John, he challenges every believer to examine themselves in the light of God's Word.",
"description":"Jesus' casting out the unclean spirit shows what a \"Sabbath surrender\" is all about. \"Anything that is not the fullness of the Holy Spirit,\" says brother Ed, \"can be included under unclean spirit, and we need to be delivered.\" The healing of fever has a message for us about rest and service. Christian service is designed by God in Sabbath truth to be spontaneous, from natural weakness to supernatural strength, and a byproduct of union with Him.",
"scripture":"1 Peter 2:9, Mark 1:11, Matthew 28:19",
"topic":"Audio Books",
"description":"In Christendom there have been huge divisions over the doctrine of Baptism. Yet this practice is not something to be ignored for it is Biblical and needs to be exhibited in the life of the Church. Baptism is something that is reserved only for believers who have come \u00e2\u20ac\u0153out of darkness into his wonderful light.\u00e2\u20ac\u009d538 Many true believers became martyrs to defend and stand upon the truth of believer\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s Baptism.",
"description":"In our day, the importance of experiencing the true Spirit Baptism is paramount. Because of satanic counterfeits, the true body of Christ has been alarmed and made hesitant to call out to the Lord for a fresh infusion of God\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s Spirit in a public meeting or private prayer time. We believe that as believers gather it is essential to pray for endowments of the Holy Spirit. If the presence of God is not with the Church, She will never further the purpose of God in the earth.",
"description":"Pastor Wayne talks on the need in our busy culture to set aside time to meet with God in quiet. This requires discipline as he states and we need to practice this in our daily lives. This requires trust that God will meet you with that time of waiting that you sacrifice to do. Prayer is not only speaking to God but listening to God.",
"scripture":"Isaiah 6:5, Mark 1:14-22, Luke 19:2-6",
"description":"\"The call to holiness, the call to repentance,\" cries David Smithers, \"is a call to be betrothed to the Lamb of God, to be married to Jesus.\" Repentance is far more than outwardly changing some external bad habits but a radical revolution of one's entire being to be a fool for Christ in the eyes of the world. NOTE: \"Repentance (High Quality) is the complete sermon comprising of \"Repentance\" Parts 1, 2 and 3",
"scripture":"Matthew 4:17, Mark 1:15, Luke 15:10",
"description":"Dr. Orr discusses the modern corruption of the word 'repent,' what the Scriptural meaning is, and discusses the Greek word that was translated into 'repent.' The main push of the message is that the gospel always begins and continues with repentance, and that the gospel preached without it is not the true gospel at all. \"Now, would it not be a master stroke of the enemy of the Christian faith to take the very first word of the gospel and change its meaning...well that's exactly what's been done.\"",
"description":"From an International Pastor Conference, Wilkerson preaches on the forgotten message of repentance. We have millions a year that come to Christ but their life has no repentance. You hardly even hear the word used in Evangelical, Baptist and Pentecostal churches today. Just believe and you\u00e2\u20ac\u2122re saved. All of those messages are for naught without repentance.",
"description":"Paul Washer sometimes expounds a number of different (but often related) topics in his sermons, and this message is no exception. Preaching in Denmark, he opens with a plea for men who have a zeal for the Lord\u2019s house, who will stand up and be counted, and will seize the opportunities for preaching the gospel while they exist. Moving on to Chapter 1 of Mark\u2019s gospel, he shows how demanding life can be for the zealous man of God, as exemplified in the ministry of Jesus Christ himself. If the Son of God could not live on earth without prayer and secret communion with his Father, how much less can we. He was never too busy to pray; nor should we be. Everything we are in public, is formed by what we are in private when we are alone with God, says Mr Washer; and he then goes on to use the Luke 18 passage to expound the topic of persevering prayer, showing both how and why we should endure in prayer, how God delights in it, and what it can achieve. (79 minutes)",