"description":"Denny Kenaston shares the biblical perspective of disciplining children by use of the rod. \"Spanking is not a negative form of discipline,\" he says, but is a beautiful expression of love, for whosoever the Lord loves He chastens. Kenaston takes great care to explain why the Bible teaches the need for spanking to properly raise up godly children.",
"description":"This message looks in the book of proverbs and gives a clear picture of what really a truly wealthy man is. This is more of a teaching rather than preaching session, I really appreciated alot of the bible study hints brother daniel gives.",
"description":"In this teaching session on Biblical manhood, Paul Washer shows how our society has drifted from a right understanding of what a man is. Many are allowing culture (even wrong christian culture), media to affect the views of manhood and fatherhood. There is a great need for godly men to rise up to raise families biblically for God's glory.",