"description":"God said to Moses point out to them what I have already done for them. I have delivered them from Egypt now therefore if you will obey my voice and keep my covenant you will be a special treasure to me said God. They would be a kingdom of priests, a special people who will represent God before the world. So Israel was to be God\u2019s representatives to the world. A Holy Nation, a kingdom of Priests. The Lord commanded him to say these things to the people. And the peoples response was it is a good thing and we wil do all the Lord said, but this is a rash comment without meditation and consideration on behalf of the people. God wanted the people to fast and be before the Lord at the mountain abit away from it. The mountain filled with smoke and it was shaking, and when the voice of the trumpet got louder and louder then God spake to him by a voice. Some of the priest didn\u2019t sanctify himself but they are not excluded. Some of us think we are holy and beyond these normal things but we are not above these things. We all need to humble ourselves and seek the Lord.",
"description":"God has always desired to have a precious, peculiar people unto Himself. We can be a joy and treasure to God. He has promised that if we will come out from among the world and separate ourselves unto Him, He will be a father unto us, and we His sons and daughters.",
"description":"God called Moses and the 70 elders to come up to the mountain into his presence to meet with him. \"They all saw the God of Israel;\" (24:10), and they ate in his presence, and did drink. (v. 11) But only Moses was allowed to meet with God, and called on up further. The others were told to wait. But they did not. This message deals with the issues of the heart that hinder or prevent us from going all the way and answering the wooing of the Holy Spirit to come out from among them and seek the face of God.",
"scripture":"Exodus 19:1-6, Isaiah 43:1-21, 1 Peter 2:9-10",
"description":"God's purpose in grace is to bring into being a people who will show forth His praise. This message focuses on the necessity of repentance as a vital part of God's New Thing.",
"description":"David Wilkerson preaches from Daniel 10, this is a very powerful messages, it really impacted the people in this conference. You can hear the wailing and weeping of people as God's spirit begins to convict and deal with peoples hearts. God called Moses and the 70 elders to come up to the mountain into his presence to meet with him. \"They all saw the God of Israel;\" (24:10), and they ate in his presence, and did drink. (v. 11) But only Moses was allowed to meet with God, and called on up further. The others were told to wait. But they did not. This message deals with the issues of the heart that hinder or prevent us from going all the way and answering the wooing of the Holy Spirit to come out from among them and seek the face of God. [i]NOTE: First 15 minutes of this message is worship in slovak. And the message is intrepreted to the people in slovak.[\/i]",