"description":"Are you a patriot? Are you willing to give your life for your nation? Which one? Really, there's only two choices. God's holy nation, made up of the followers of King Jesus, and the kingdom of this world.",
"description":"David Wilkerson shares his burden to see the Church of God rise up in power in the last days. The remnant of God's Church will be strong and do great exploit in the last days. The devil will sweep a flood of iniquity and sin against the true remnant not the harlot church. This is a timely word for our day when we are losing hope and seeing things decline rapidly in our nations.",
"scripture":"Matthew 10:36, Matthew 7:22-23, Mark 5",
"description":"Preached at a Ministerial Enrichment Conference in 1984. Bro. Wilkerson uses many scriptures in this sobering, yet very accurate message on the lack of prayer in the church. Many will fight for prayer in their schools, yet do not pray at home. Hard times are coming before the Lord comes for his people, and those who do not pray won't be ready or able to face it. People are too busy to pray, they praise the Lord but don't pray to him. He is a stranger among them in his own house. Convicting!!!!",
"description":"K.P. Yohannan gives a passionate appeal to what really matters in life. In just a few years when we are all before the Lord, the things this brother shares will matter the most. Oh may we hear the Spirit of God through this brother and repent and change. May we believe in an eternal hell truly and its implications.",
"description":"Eli Brayley speaks on fearing God how it is a very crucial foundation to the Scriptures and knowing God. He shares various bible verses from all over the Bible and gives a proper foundation for the topic. He ends to share that in the grace of God and knowing the Lord we have reverence and fear of God but are fully accepted of Him in His Son.",
"description":"God is a father of love, and therefore nothing concerns Him more than that His children be happy, thankful, joyful children in their Father's house. Kanaan is the home of the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, an international, interdenominational organization founded in 1947 within the framework of the German Evangelical (Protestant) Church. Website: www.kanaan.org",
"description":"As the church reads through the New Testament, we come to Matthew 10. Jesus picks his disciples and tells them about the opposition they would face following Him. Pastor Cymbala talks about the hostility facing the Christian Church today. Matt 10:34-39 (NIV)",