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2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"name": "Matthew 7",
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": 7,
"sermons": [
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"title": "(Fury of Fire) 05 - Will of God - Sanctification",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID12178",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7",
"topic": "Sanctification",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID12178-download",
"speaker_name": "Milton Green",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "(Fury of Fire) 06 - Will of God - Sanctification",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID12180",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:21",
"topic": "Sanctification",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID12180-download",
"speaker_name": "Milton Green",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "(Fury of Fire) 06 - Will of God - Sanctification, Divine Nature,",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID12179",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:21",
"topic": "Sanctification",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID12179-download",
"speaker_name": "Milton Green",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "(Fury of Fire) 07 - Close to Being Cursed",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID12181",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7",
"topic": "Cursed",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID12181-download",
"speaker_name": "Milton Green",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "(Godly Home) Part 2 - The Foundation of a Godly Home",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID7407",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:24-28",
"topic": "Godly Home Series",
"description": "Brother Denny shares how this could be the most important message of the whole series. Many people want to have a godly home but are getting the 'cart before the horse' if Christ is not all in all.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID7407-download",
"speaker_name": "Denny Kenaston",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "(Missions Conference Shoals) - Part 3",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID13243",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Ezekiel 36:22-27, Matthew 7:13-27",
"topic": "Genuine Conversion",
"description": "A confronting word on true salvation and genuine conversion. Are you walking a life where the discipline of the Lord is evident? Has the powerful hand of God reached down and changed your heart? For some, it is an encouraging message of the intimate walk on the Narrow Way. But for others, it may cause you to truly examine the path you are on.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID13243-download",
"speaker_name": "Paul Washer",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"book": "Ezekiel",
"chapter": "36"
"title": "(Through The Bible) Matthew 7",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID6499",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID6499-download",
"speaker_name": "Chuck Smith",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "(True Disciple Conference) We Have Forgotten that the Way is Narrow",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID16500",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:13-29",
"topic": "Narrow Way",
"description": "Jesus said, \u201cI came not to send peace, but a sword\u201d (Matt. 10:34), that sword being \u201cthe word of God\u201d (Eph. 6:17), which is \u201cquick, and powerful,\u2026\u2026piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit\u201d (Heb. 4:12). The closing words of what some men choose to call \u2018The Sermon On The Mount\u2019 are a perfect example of this sword at work, dividing between strait and wide; narrow and broad; good trees and bad trees; good fruit and bad fruit; those that hear Jesus\u2019 words and do them, and those that hear Jesus\u2019 words and do them not; life and death; salvation and destruction; heaven and hell. As Mr Washer asserts, these are indeed fearful words, and he expounds them clearly and powerfully to the end that his hearers should be left in no doubt as to the eternal consequences of Jesus\u2019 teaching. How many preachers \u2018blunt\u2019 this sword in their attempts to make the message more \u2018acceptable\u2019 (as they think) to men; but Mr Washer cares too much for the souls he is addressing to compromise their eternal safety. If you\u2019re content to think that you\u2019re saved just because you \u2018asked Jesus into your heart\u2019 one time; and you don\u2019t want your faith to be tried and proved, whether it is actually of God or not; then don\u2019t bother listening to this message! But I pray that you will listen to it, both for your own eternal safety, and for the pleasure and glory of God. (68 minutes)",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID16500-download",
"speaker_name": "Paul Washer",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "(matthew) Ch.7:6-29",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8306",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:6-29",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8306-download",
"speaker_name": "Zac Poonen",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "79 Gospel Fellowships Readings (Intro)",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID25424",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:15, Romans 12:14, Romans 12:2",
"topic": "Audio Books",
"description": "The importance of liturgy in the history of the Christian Church over the 2000 years cannot be underestimated. Some of the earliest hymns in the Church were chants or Scriptural truths read aloud in unison. To verbally proclaim in unison holy truths of God will have a great affect spiritually on the Assembly of believers to strengthen and unify them in the faith once delivered to the saints.1148\r\nWe are commended in the Scriptures to verbally proclaim our allegiance to the Son of God, confessing truths that we believe in our heart.1149 Though modern day evangelicalism is mostly non-liturgical this was not so in the early days of Christianity.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID25424-download",
"speaker_name": "Principles For The Gathering of Believers",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"book": "Romans",
"chapter": "12"
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID21267",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:22",
"topic": "Radio Show",
"description": "One of our greatest debts to God is that He lets His light shine into our lives and reveals our sin. This unmasking is difficult and painful, but it means healing in the very deepest way. His light is our final happiness and freedom; it brings us eternal happiness and joy. Kanaan is the home of the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, an international, interdenominational organization founded in 1947 within the framework of the German Evangelical (Protestant) Church. Website: www.kanaan.org",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID21267-download",
"speaker_name": "Basilea Schlink",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Are You on the Narrow Path?",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID19103",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:13-27",
"topic": "Narrow Way",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID19103-download",
"speaker_name": "Paul Washer",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Ask - Seek - Knock",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID27567",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:7",
"topic": "Seeking God",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID27567-download",
"speaker_name": "John Follette",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Ask Jesus Now For The Things That You Need",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID21525",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:7-12",
"topic": "Provision",
"description": "November 14, 2010 - The time for seeking God is now. The Bible says ask, seek, knock and God Himself will answer you and give you what you need. The question is what are we asking for? We are called to be a testimony of Jesus Christ in the earth. The light and life of Christ is given to those who are given for the purposes of God. Ask for your heart to be broken for the lost. Ask for the strength to take up your cross and follow Jesus. We are to seek first His kingdom. Seek the heart and the will of God and He promises that all we need will be given to us and at the end of the day we will have joy!",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID21525-download",
"speaker_name": "Carter Conlon",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Ask, And it shall be Given unto you",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8292",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:7-11",
"topic": "Asking Prayer",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8292-download",
"speaker_name": "Keith Daniel",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Ask, Seek, Knock",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8706",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:7-11",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8706-download",
"speaker_name": "Don McClure",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Christ A Stranger (1984 conference)",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID3671",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "11813888",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 10:36, Matthew 7:22-23, Mark 5",
"topic": "Rebuke",
"description": "Preached at a Ministerial Enrichment Conference in 1984. Bro. Wilkerson uses many scriptures in this sobering, yet very accurate message on the lack of prayer in the church. Many will fight for prayer in their schools, yet do not pray at home. Hard times are coming before the Lord comes for his people, and those who do not pray won't be ready or able to face it. People are too busy to pray, they praise the Lord but don't pray to him. He is a stranger among them in his own house. Convicting!!!!",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID3671-download",
"speaker_name": "David Wilkerson",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "10"
"book": "Mark",
"chapter": "5"
"title": "Church People on Broadway",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID17283",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:13-27",
"topic": "Broadway",
"description": "Steve Gallagher delivers a very solemn message on unconverted believers in the modern church. Jesus concluded His fabulous Sermon on the Mount with four parables-each contrasting the fate of genuine saints with that of false Christians. In this powerful message, Steve vividly paints a picture of the horror psuedo-believers will experience at Judgement when they hear the terrifying words, \"Depart from Me...\"",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID17283-download",
"speaker_name": "Steve Gallagher",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Compelling Inducement To Pray",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID4627",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:7-12",
"topic": "Prayer Life",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID4627-download",
"speaker_name": "J. Glyn Owen",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Deciding for Jesus",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID28296",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:13-27",
"topic": "Decision",
"description": "Having given three calls for commitment, which ended with the Golden Rule, Jesus now gives a hard invitation. This is a challenging call to become committed disciples, solutions and answers and to reach the world for Him. It is a pointed challenge that asks, \u00c2\u201cAre you going to be part of the problem or part of the solution?\u00c2\u201d",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID28296-download",
"speaker_name": "Dick Woodward",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Depart From Me, I Never Knew You - Part 1",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID27871",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:21-23",
"topic": "Knowing God",
"description": "Do we really \"know\" the Lord? And do we truly appreciate the process through which the Lord takes us to \"know\" Him? In this solid two-part exhortation, unrecognized forerunning prophet Ralph Mahoney, founder of World Missionary Assistance Planning (World MAP) gets us to rethink the relationship between ministry and intimacy in our knowing of the Lord. In Part 1, Ralph draws on extensive missions experience to challenge the harried and materialistic \"enterprise-centered\" ministry that has engulfed the western church. Part 2 leads us through the process of the \"furnace of affliction\" that must characterize all true prophetic \"knowers\" of the Lord.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID27871-download",
"speaker_name": "Ralph Mahoney",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Depart From Me, I Never Knew You - Part 2",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID27872",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:21-23",
"topic": "Knowing God",
"description": "Do we really \"know\" the Lord? And do we truly appreciate the process through which the Lord takes us to \"know\" Him? In this solid two-part exhortation, unrecognized forerunning prophet Ralph Mahoney, founder of World Missionary Assistance Planning (World MAP) gets us to rethink the relationship between ministry and intimacy in our knowing of the Lord. In Part 1, Ralph draws on extensive missions experience to challenge the harried and materialistic \"enterprise-centered\" ministry that has engulfed the western church. Part 2 leads us through the process of the \"furnace of affliction\" that must characterize all true prophetic \"knowers\" of the Lord.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID27872-download",
"speaker_name": "Ralph Mahoney",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Doing the will of God",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID14329",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:21-23",
"topic": "Will Of God",
"description": "Only by doing God's will does a person enter the Kingdom of God; and His will is Holy. This holiness and glory must be manifested in your life, whether you're a child, teenager, parent or grandparent. If you as a pastor or father in the house wants godly authority over your congregation or children you must have intimate fellowship with God, daily. Abraham had the most intimate relationship with God; and God testified of him that He knew him. A congregation reveals what a pastor is like and children reveal what the parents are like. If you have truly met with God, your one desire will be God's will, and you will live for Him, regardless of your circumstances. Paul was persecuting the church, when the Lord met him on the road to Damascus. His life was changed forever. Within three days he was filled with God's Spirit.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID14329-download",
"speaker_name": "Erlo Stegen",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Easter Morning",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID13955",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:24-29",
"topic": "Easter",
"description": "March 27, 2005 - A final shaking is coming to the world when sin will have brought such a weight into the very universe that God created. By virtue of the nature of God He will be compelled to fold up the universe as it is today and he will re \u2013create a new heaven and a new earth. Those who have trusted in His word will dwell with Him for all eternity.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID13955-download",
"speaker_name": "Carter Conlon",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "False Prophets",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8704",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:15-20",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8704-download",
"speaker_name": "Don McClure",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Fitness Training",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8705",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:7-14",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8705-download",
"speaker_name": "Don McClure",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Foundations",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8702",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:24-29",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8702-download",
"speaker_name": "Don McClure",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "How To Be Saved And Know It",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID10190",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:13",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID10190-download",
"speaker_name": "Welcome Detweiler",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Judging",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8707",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:1-6",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8707-download",
"speaker_name": "Don McClure",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Marks of a False Prophet",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID15672",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:13-20",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID15672-download",
"speaker_name": "Rolfe Barnard",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Matthew 7 Bromley Baptist Church 1977",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID21176",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7",
"topic": "Christian Life",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID21176-download",
"speaker_name": "George Verwer",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Modern American Christianity",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID12973",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:13-27",
"topic": "False Conversion",
"description": "LISTEN TO THIS MESSAGE! It brings eternity and the true faith of Christ into our view. A very pointed sermon that cuts through the overlay of false profession in the Church. Paul Washer humbly yet with boldness speaks forth as the Oracles of God to a crowd of 5000 baptist youth. Would be to God that more would speak with a clear conscience of true Christian virtue and repentance.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID12973-download",
"speaker_name": "Paul Washer",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Modern American Christianity by Paul Washer",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID13226",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:13-27",
"topic": "Podcast",
"description": "LISTEN TO THIS MESSAGE! It brings eternity and the true faith of Christ into our view. A very pointed sermon that cuts through the overlay of false profession in the Church. Paul Washer humbly yet with boldness speaks forth as the Oracles of God to a crowd of 5000 baptist youth. Would be to God that more would speeak with a clear conscience of true Christian virtue and repentance.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID13226-download",
"speaker_name": "SermonIndex.net Classics Podcast",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Passing Judgment",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID23746",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:1",
"topic": "Judging",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID23746-download",
"speaker_name": "Voddie Baucham",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Perseverance and Missions",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID15078",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:13-14",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID15078-download",
"speaker_name": "Paul Washer",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Preparing to Stand In the Coming Storm",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID19035",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:7-16, Ephesians 6:13",
"topic": "Last Days",
"description": "June 14, 2009 - There is a longing in the heart of God to give His church the resources that we need to be the people He has called us to be. The Bible says to keep asking and we will receive. But what are we asking for? This message makes an appeal to us to put away childish prayers that are self-focused and begin to ask for the power and provision we need to minister to fallen humanity. Ask God for a heart for this world and an awareness of how much He loves people. Those who are looking away from self and are given for the work of God will be given supernatural strength in the coming storm!",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID19035-download",
"speaker_name": "Carter Conlon",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"book": "Ephesians",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "Road to Reality - Invest in the Harvest- Matt 7",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID11237",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7",
"topic": "Missions",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID11237-download",
"speaker_name": "K.P. Yohannan",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Seek and enter - God commands you to enter by the narrow gate",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID15972",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:13, Matthew 6:33",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID15972-download",
"speaker_name": "Erlo Stegen",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "Seeking God",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID28048",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "2 Chronicles 14:1-7, Matthew 7:7",
"topic": "Seeking God",
"description": "Pastor Cymbala looks at King Asa's life and the consequences of not seeking God. You will be encouraged with the the scripture from the book of Hebrews showing that God rewards those who seek Him. 2 Chron. 14:1-7, 16:10-12, Heb 11:6 (NIV)",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID28048-download",
"speaker_name": "Jim Cymbala",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "2 Chronicles",
"chapter": "14"
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Sermon On The Mount - Part 2",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID7669",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7",
"topic": "Sermon On The Mount",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID7669-download",
"speaker_name": "William MacDonald",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Sermon on the Mount: Censoriousness Forbidden",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID4624",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:1-6",
"topic": "Sermon on the Mount",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID4624-download",
"speaker_name": "J. Glyn Owen",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Sermon on the Mount: Wolves In Sheep's Wool",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID4633",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:15-23",
"topic": "Sermon on the Mount",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID4633-download",
"speaker_name": "J. Glyn Owen",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Shocking Youth Message Stuns Hearers",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID18540",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:13-27 ",
"topic": "",
"description": "LISTEN TO THIS MESSAGE! It brings eternity and the true faith of Christ into our view. A very pointed sermon that cuts through the overlay of false profession in the Church. Paul Washer humbly yet with boldness speaks forth as the Oracles of God to a crowd of 5000 baptist youth. Would be to God that more would speak with a clear conscience of true Christian virtue and repentance.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID18540-download",
"speaker_name": "Paul Washer",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Spiritual Warfare and Deception",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID24054",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Joshua 9:1-18, Matthew 7:15",
"topic": "Gibeonites",
"description": "Jim Cymbala gives a wonderful message on the Gibeonites. He clearly shows that Satan wants to deceive us and he warns against false prophets. Satan uses masks to disguise true intentions. Let's be vigilant, walk close to God and read His word. A powerful word that will set us free and encourage us to walk in victory with our Lord.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID24054-download",
"speaker_name": "Jim Cymbala",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"book": "Joshua",
"chapter": "9"
"title": "Storm-Proof Life",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID4634",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:24-27",
"topic": "Security",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID4634-download",
"speaker_name": "J. Glyn Owen",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "THE CITY OF GOD\u2014AT ANY COST",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID20733",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:14",
"topic": "Radio Show",
"description": "One of the greatest miracles of God is that He longs to have us sinful beings at His side for all eternity. For this reason He has prepared the City of God, full of glory and splendour. Kanaan is the home of the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, an international, interdenominational organization founded in 1947 within the framework of the German Evangelical (Protestant) Church. Website: www.kanaan.org",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID20733-download",
"speaker_name": "Basilea Schlink",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID24959",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:9",
"topic": "Radio Show",
"description": "When Jesus talks about the Heavenly Father, He says, \u201cWhat father would give his son a stone to eat when he asked him for bread? How much more then will your Father in heaven give you good gifts if you ask Him.\u201d The following program will share what happened when the Sisters from the little Land of Canaan asked for a \u201cdifferent kind of bread.\u201d",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID24959-download",
"speaker_name": "Basilea Schlink",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID22807",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:9",
"topic": "Radio Show",
"description": "God lives and works today! When Jesus talks about the Heavenly Father, He says, \u201cWhat father would give his son a stone to eat when he asked him for bread? How much more then will your Father in heaven give you good gifts if you ask Him?\u201d The following meditation will share what happened when the Sisters from the little Land of Canaan asked for a \u201cdifferent kind of bread.\u201d",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID22807-download",
"speaker_name": "Basilea Schlink",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID21384",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:5",
"topic": "Radio Show",
"description": "Maybe you feel that it isn\u2019t true that God lives and works in your life. However, Jesus is standing at the door of your heart and knocking. Have you closed it to Him and your brothers by refusing to forgive those who have sinned against you? Maybe you want to forgive, but you just can\u2019t. Kanaan is the home of the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, an international, interdenominational organization founded in 1947 within the framework of the German Evangelical (Protestant) Church. Website: www.kanaan.org",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID21384-download",
"speaker_name": "Basilea Schlink",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "The \"Me-First\" Club",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID28307",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:1-2",
"topic": "Attitudes",
"description": "Jesus taught His disciples to look inward and realize that His eight beatitudes would make them the salt and light the world needs. He also taught them to look around, apply those blessed attitudes to their relationships, and then to look upward and receive from God the spiritual disciplines and values they needed to continue being fruitful disciples. The last part of the Sermon on the Mount is a challenge: \u00c2\u201cWhat are you going to do about what you know?\u00c2\u201d",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID28307-download",
"speaker_name": "Dick Woodward",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "The Age Of Sham",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID14484",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:21-23",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID14484-download",
"speaker_name": "Ian Paisley",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "The Apostate Church In America: The Cappuccino Church",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID24981",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:13-14, Ezekiel 11:12",
"topic": "Apostasy",
"description": "E.A. Johnston shares a powerful prophetic message on the state of the American Church and the current apostasy. He shares on how churches have been influenced by the world and the pulpits have lost the seriousness of the fear of the Lord. He states that churches can now damn people and not save them when they do not preach an pure gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel of the apostate church speaks of the gospel of comfortable christianity.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID24981-download",
"speaker_name": "E.A. Johnston",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"book": "Ezekiel",
"chapter": "11"
"title": "The Coming and Going of the Disciples",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID28309",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:7-12",
"topic": "Discipleship",
"description": "Jesus told His followers to make a commitment to \u00c2\u201clook up.\u00c2\u201d That is how we receive the spiritual disciplines and values that come from God. Jesus used continuous verbs for \u00c2\u201casking, seeking, and knocking\u00c2\u201d in order to challenge His disciples to look up continuously and with perseverance. Seeking is repeated and intense asking, and knocking is repeated and intense seeking. Jesus was calling His disciples to be people who are passionate for God. He promised that everyone who asks, seeks, and knocks in this way will be answered. Then Jesus summed up His ethical teaching with one sentence: \u00c2\u201cDo to others what you would have them do to you.\u00c2\u201d This is known as the Golden Rule.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID28309-download",
"speaker_name": "Dick Woodward",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "The Law and The Prophets",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID25139",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:1-12",
"topic": "Law",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID25139-download",
"speaker_name": "Paris Reidhead",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "The Sin of Going to Church Unprepared",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID4188",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "1 Chronicles 15,Psalms 24,Matthew 7",
"topic": "",
"description": "God only visits a prepared people who come into his sanctuary and his presence with a heart prepared to hear from him, with grateful reverence for who He is and readily acknowledging the authority of his word. They are prepared to receive and obey his word. How do you make\u00a0sure you are prepared? Bro. Wilkerson gives a very simple but necessary answer to this. A\u00a0must hear message for every Christian before you go to church again, listen, and let the Holy Spirit examine you. \u00a0",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID4188-download",
"speaker_name": "David Wilkerson",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "1 Chronicles",
"chapter": "15"
"book": "Psalms",
"chapter": "24"
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Three Men Going to Hell",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID12807",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:13-14",
"topic": "Hell",
"description": "This message was preached Friday April 21, 2006 in the open air on York and King, and is a warning against three types of people. The clip is about 14 minutes long and contains a lot of heckling and street preaching clashes, making this file an intense audio to hear. The point is: Jesus Christ is the narrow gate by which all men must enter. \"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.\" (Matthew 7:13-14)",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID12807-download",
"speaker_name": "Eli Brayley",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Two Gates",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID4631",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:13-14",
"topic": "Narrow Way",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID4631-download",
"speaker_name": "J. Glyn Owen",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Warning To Professing Christians",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID7170",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:21",
"topic": "",
"description": "An evangelistic warning to all professing Christians from Matthew 7:21. A profession of attachment to Jesus Christ is a necessary part of true and saving religion but the mere profession of attachment to Christ is no proof of true and saving religion. \"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.\"",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID7170-download",
"speaker_name": "Al Martin",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Warning!",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8703",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:12-23",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8703-download",
"speaker_name": "Don McClure",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"
"title": "Ye shall know them by their fruits",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID23342",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 7:19",
"topic": "True Conversion",
"description": "Keith Daniel gives many powerful stories and examples of those that had a true conversion experience and those that had false conversion experiences. True faith needs works with it, a tree must bear fruit with it. A powerful message that is needful to be heard by many.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID23342-download",
"speaker_name": "Keith Daniel",
2019-01-02 13:06:38 +00:00
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "7"