"description":"Supremely important today, as possibly never before, is \"first love\" for Jesus. Only when we have this love will we be able to bear the hard times that lie ahead, hard times such as the world has not yet known. More Christians have been martyred in the last one hundred years than in the previous centuries put together. We live in an age of great apostasy and widespread deception. Whose faith is strong enough to stand up under intense trial? Who can endure? - Only those who have this \"first love\". Order the complete volume here: http:\/\/www.canaaninthedesert.com\/catalog_show.php?x=667",
"description":"In the seven churches of Revelation is a warning of seven different possibilities of taking our eyes off the Lord Jesus and not be ready for His coming. Ephesus starts with the most common way believers take their eyes off Christ through ministry and service and with each church becomes increasingly more subtle. Brother Ed's burden is to simplify the Scriptures to see God's heart in each warning to stay steadfast to Jesus.",
"description":"nilA witness of the North Korean army who later became a Christian reported the following: \u00e2\u20ac\u0153The team had been sent to widen a highway. When they demolished a vacated house they found a Bible and a small notebook with 25 names, one identified as pastor, two as assistant pastors, two as elders, and 20 other names, apparently participants in a Christian group. The Military Police Unit investigated and picked up the 25 persons without formal arrest. The 25 were brought to the road construction site. Four rows of spectators were assembled.",
"scripture":"Colossians 1:18, 1 Peter 5:3, Revelation 2:7",
"topic":"Audio Books",
"description":"This book has been prepared to encourage believers to gather in small gatherings under the Headship of Jesus Christ.795 Thus no man is head over the fellowships as a whole that gather in this way. Though servant leaders are submitted to, there is no one brother over all fellowships controlling them. True submission to authority in the Church should not be because of someone who was voted in or hired but because of their spiritual walk with the Lord. Thus people submit to them willingly seeing Christ formed in them and desiring to emulate their walk with the Lord.",
"description":"According to A.W. Tozer, new churches are usually more spiritual than established churches. Older congregations may have become complacent in their success and community status, and have cooled down on their First Love. That \"First Love,\" of course, is Jesus Christ. This was pointed out as a shortcoming of the long-established Ephesian church (Revelation 2:4) at the end of the Apostolic Age. Have you cooled off? Do you love Jesus as much as you did when you were first converted? In his message, Dr. Tozer examines his own congregation on that question.",
"description":"Pastor Conlon delivers an extremely personal mesage, where he speaks about his attempts as a teen to gain the favour and love of his own father. He goes on to show how this is in the mentality of many christains that think they can work the're way into the Lord's favour, without realising that we should love God because He first loved us and that we do not need to earn His love and favour because it is already ours in Christ out Lord. One of the best messages I've heard in a long time, it brought me very close to tears, Praise be to God!!!",
"description":"Rev. 1-3 Covering the 7 Churches briefly, but with precision. This is an eye-opening message about the consequences in our lives of neglecting communion and quality time with the Lord. Each of the 7 churches was examined by a Savior who wanted to help, not hurt them. He loves his people. He wants them to make it. Let each one invite the Lord to examine their hearts as this message unfolds. Welcome the Holy Spirit and the light.",
"description":"In today's message from the book of Revelation, Pastor Cymbala shares what Jesus said to the church of Ephesus. Listen carefully to the application for the church today and specifically our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.",
"description":"Great opening part where Dr. Orr speaks of his early ministry in Belfast and his start on the \"Can God\" tour. Arrived in Liverpool with 65 cents, a change of clothes, and a bicycle (testimony to 29:29). In developing the theme of repentance, Dr. Orr does not follow the basic outline used in the message \"The First Word of the Gospel.\" Instead, he focuses on the call to repentance found in the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3.",
"description":"Pastor Cymbala shares some thoughts about what can be learned from the postivte attributes of the church of Thyatira. Revelation 2:18-19; 24b-25",
"scripture":"Matthew 6:33, Matthew 24:13, Revelation 2:10",
"topic":"Seeking God",
"description":"The Bible doesn\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t teach us to delay repentance but only speak of one thing, \"today is the day of salvation. Today when you hear His voice don\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t harden your heart\" (Hebrews 3:15). So our Bridegroom has gone to prepare a place. He doesn\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t know the day His Father will tell Him to fetch His bride. Will He find you ready when His Father tells Him to fetch His bride? The Bible says He will come as a thief in the night. You do not know when a thief will come and so you don\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t know when He would come. You must be prepared at all times.",
"description":"Lost love, intense persecution, apathetic indifference to false teaching\u2013it was all flourishing in the congregations in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum and Thyatira. Jesus Christ had a word for each church specific to their need. But these same issues continue in the Post Modern Church. Until a person allows the Lord to search out his heart and life, he is not prepared to move forward in the Revelation.",
"description":"This is part 6 of 7 in the Series of the Seven Churches of Revelation. The Lord has a bride, that he is wooing and dealing with. Part of his bride is wayward, and does not spend time with him, and only seems to love him when it is convenient or doesn't cost anything. The longing in the heart of the Lord to bring again those who have drifted away is astonishing and will amaze you as Pastor Conlon reveals the mercy and grace of our Lord.",
"description":"This message is about the need to not depend on circumstances in our lives staying the same and putting our future in the hands of God. Carter points out that a Christians life of self denial involves continuous change and that it is important not to rely on past or present people, places, or things. We go from glory to glory and there is a constant need for change. When Christians refuse to change, they stay in secure places and do things even in worship that that are the way they have always done them. Churches that that once had fire can become dead by not changing. Carter went to Rev 2 with the church of Ephesus as an example of a church without change leaving it's first love for familiarity. Carter used the example of Peter getting out of the boat to walk on water of a person who gets away from the security of familiar circumstances to follow the Lord's bidding. Hebrews 13;14 Was quoted early by Carter, \"We have no continuing city\".",