"scripture":"Zephaniah 3:17, John 17:3, 1 John 3:6",
"topic":"Audio Books",
"description":"There is a saying: \u00e2\u20ac\u0153You can be so right that you become wrong.\u00e2\u20ac\u009d Sadly some in Church history were 100% right in their doctrines but in their practice they were wrong. The goal of the Christian life is to know and love God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, receiving eternal life through the Son, and resulting in a glorious and personal relationship with the Triune God. Where we love Him, worship Him serve Him, obey Him and where we experience His love and His care for us.",
"description":"Mike Bullmore expounded the message of Zephaniah, tracing three steps throughout the book: There appears to be no hope;\r\nThere is a glimmer of hope; This glimmer bursts into a great and glorious rejoicing of God\u2019s people. Bullmore concluded by emhasizing that those who receive God's salvation are called to rejoice with all their heart. There is no expereience here on earth which causes us to rejoice that can even come close to comparing with this.",
"description":"This is not a message for the faint of heart. Wilkerson exposes much of what goes on today in the name of Spirit Filled Christianity. It is a message that should bring conviction on the majority of believers in the church today.",
"description":"Zephaniah lays stress upon the goodness and severity of God, spiritual leaders, and superficial revival. Haggai gets us to examine our fruitfulness and fix the \"holes\". The glory of the latter house (the New Testament) church will far surpass anything that you can read about in the Old Testament.",