{ "name": "Robert Vradenburgh", "image": "", "description": "", "sermons": [ { "title": "Revival - America's Only Hope", "url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID16037", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "Romans 1, Psalm 85:1-6", "topic": "", "description": "No discerning Christian living in 21st century America can deny that this country needs revival. The breakdown of public morals and the break-up of the traditional home are well-documented. It is no longer that America merely needs revival. She must experience it! The question is: \u201cIs it too late?\u201d Are we desperate enough to hold on to God and plead, \u201cWilt thou not revive us again?\u201d Are we impatient or importunate? Do we wish for revival or do we will it? The hour is late, but God's mercy is great!", "download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID16037-download", "speaker_name": "Robert Vradenburgh", "_scripture": [ { "book": "Romans", "chapter": "1" }, { "book": "Psalms", "chapter": "85" } ] } ] }