[ { "title": "Error is Pervasive, Subtle, and Damning", "url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID14003", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "1 Timothy 4:16", "topic": "", "description": "If error was pervasive back when Paul wrote his letters to Timothy, we can be sure that it is in our day as well. Today there is error on every side; it's not only pervasive but it's subtle and it's damning. In this short sermon excerpt, Tom Chantry drives home the urgency of Paul's admonition to \"Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers\". If only more pastors today would heed the Apostle's advice.", "download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID14003-download", "speaker_name": "Tom Chantry", "_scripture": [ { "book": "1 Timothy", "chapter": "4" } ] } ]