[ { "title": "(1 Peter - Part 26): Be Ye All of One Mind", "url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID2079", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "1 Peter 3:8-9", "topic": "One Mind", "description": "In the 26th sermon of A. W. Tozer\u2019s superb study on First Peter, we examine with Dr. Tozer what the Holy Spirit means by the unanimity, compassion, pity, and courtesy of which Peter writes in verses 8 and 9 of the 3rd chapter. The pastor approaches these in his characteristically lively style, by telling us what they are not, in order that we may discover what they are. One should never mistake external uniformity for true inward unity, nor confuse empty etiquette with authentic courtesy, nor exalt rigid principles above concern for people and a supreme commitment to Christ the Lord. \u201cBe Ye All of One Mind\u201d was recorded in Chicago, Illinois, on Sunday, April 11, 1954. Its length is 36 minutes and 30 seconds.", "download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID2079-download", "speaker_name": "A.W. Tozer", "_scripture": [ { "book": "1 Peter", "chapter": "3" } ] } ]