{ "name": "Nelson Price", "image": "", "description": "", "audio_sermons": [ { "title": "What Should the Church Be Like", "url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID16676", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "1 Thessalonians 1", "topic": "", "description": "Nelson Price examines the church in Thessalonica as an example of what the church should be like today. He explains that, according to 1 Thessalonians 1, the church should have: 1) Proper concepts, 2) Productive characteristics, 3) Positive compliance, and 4) Purposeful concentration. Listen as he explains these attributes and be challenged to follow the Thessalonians example.", "download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID16676-download", "preacher_name": "Nelson Price", "preacher_image": "", "preacher_description": "", "_scripture": [ { "book": "1 Thessalonians", "chapter": "1" } ] } ] }