{ "name": "Pleasing God", "description": "", "sermons": [ { "title": "Great In The Sight Of The Lord", "url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID20930", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Pleasing God", "description": "", "download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID20930-download", "preacher_name": "Leonard Ravenhill", "preacher_image": "\/images\/leonard_ravenhill.gif", "preacher_description": "Leonard Ravenhill (1907 \u00c2\u2013 1994)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Leonard Ravenhill in mp3 format. A revivalist and man of God who sought God's will above all else. He was a man of prayer who practiced what he preached. He wrote the book: 'Why Revival Tarries' which has become a classic on revival. His prophetic edge and burden made him to be respected by some and disliked by others. Yet he stayed true to God's call on his life prayed and pleading for true heaven sent revival. \r\n\r\n\"Those who know of Leonard Ravenhill recognize in him the religious specialist, the man sent from God to battle the priests of Baal on their own mountain top, to shame the careless priest at the altar, to face the false prophet, and to warn the people who are being led astray by him. \" - Tozer | \"Leonard Ravenhill was one of the few men I have ever known who was a true prophet.\" - David Wilkerson", "_scripture": [] }, { "title": "He Pleased The Father For 33 Years", "url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID19022", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Pleasing God", "description": "", "download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID19022-download", "preacher_name": "Zac Poonen", "preacher_image": "\/images\/zac_poonen.gif", "preacher_description": "Zac Poonen ( - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Zac Poonen in mp3 format. God called brother Zac Poonen to a new work early on in his Christian experience. The movement is now called Christian Fellowship Churches where the New Covenant of New Testament Christianity is clearly preached. \r\n\r\nBrother Zac Poonen has written 25 books most of them being on the deeper Christian life. Many of these have been translated into a number of languages and have been circulated widely around the world. He clearly and passionately shares the narrow way of Christian discipleship that is neglected by so many modern preachers.", "_scripture": [] }, { "title": "How ye ought to walk and to please God", "url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID23062", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Pleasing God", "description": "", "download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID23062-download", "preacher_name": "Hans R. Waldvogel", "preacher_image": "\/images\/hans_r_waldvogel.gif", "preacher_description": "Hans R. Waldvogel (1893 - 1969)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Hans R. Waldvogel in mp3 format. A powerful preacher who ministered as a pentecostal minister. He did not believe in sectarian groups but rather saw the Church as a whole who have the person of Christ in them. Brother Waldvogel gleamed from many different men of God including A.B. Simpson.\r\n\r\nHis preaching was centred around the very person of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit. He spoke much of the rest of the Lord in Christian work and experience and the Spirit-filled life.", "_scripture": [] }, { "title": "Living to Please God", "url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID16145", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Pleasing God", "description": "This message caused some to shrink back at the sovereign severity of God. Is the kingdom of heaven worth giving all or not? Some seemed to shrink back from the assertion that God will only allow into His eternal rest those who He found pleasing to Himself. This message speaks of the biblical aspect of personal responsibility to search out, receive wisdom, and walk worthy of the calling we have received. There seems to be a voice out there that raises the question, \" but isn't there a place in heaven for the less than full hearted?\" It seems that some have forgotten the \"evil\" of willful neglect, and humanized the love of God down to the degraded level of a loving grandpa who although might be disappointed with our lack of progress, never really had any intention of rejecting any of those who made some kind of attempt to do what is right. It frightens me when I consider the stark reality that awaits countless multitudes who will awake to an eternal separation from God and see their self deluded dream of heaven vanish into the flaming judgment of Hell. They will be shocked that their self created fantasy of what an acceptable walk with God so utterly deceived themselves.", "download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID16145-download", "preacher_name": "Alan Martin", "preacher_image": "", "preacher_description": "", "_scripture": [] }, { "title": "Making God Happy", "url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID2392", "size": "7895552", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "1 Thessalonians 4", "topic": "Pleasing God", "description": "", "download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID2392-download", "preacher_name": "Jim Cymbala", "preacher_image": "\/images\/jim_cymbala.gif", "preacher_description": "Jim Cymbala (1949 - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Jim Cymbala in mp3 format. Brother Jim Cymbala was called into ministry without formal training in Brooklyn, New York to pastor a small gathering. God showed him the great need of prayer and depending on the work of the Holy Spirit in the ministry. God blessed and grew the brooklyn tabernacle to a large church of thousands because of this reliance.\r\n\r\nThe burden of his ministry is to show the vital need for prayer, deependence on God and that God uses the weak and lowly to build His kingdom. He has written many books including the best-selling: \"Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire\" and his newer book \"Spirit Rising\" speaking of the neglected work of the Holy Spirit in our churches these days.", "_scripture": [ { "book": "1 Thessalonians", "chapter": "4" } ] }, { "title": "Pleasing God", "url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID28419", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Pleasing God", "description": "", "download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID28419-download", "preacher_name": "Phil Dindinger", "preacher_image": "", "preacher_description": "", "_scripture": [] }, { "title": "Pleasing God - Pt. 1", "url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25603", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Pleasing God", "description": "", "download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25603-download", "preacher_name": "Kay Smith", "preacher_image": "", "preacher_description": "", "_scripture": [] }, { "title": "Pleasing God - Pt. 2", "url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25604", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Pleasing God", "description": "", "download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25604-download", "preacher_name": "Kay Smith", "preacher_image": "", "preacher_description": "", "_scripture": [] }, { "title": "Pleasing God - Pt. 3", "url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25605", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Pleasing God", "description": "", "download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25605-download", "preacher_name": "Kay Smith", "preacher_image": "", "preacher_description": "", "_scripture": [] }, { "title": "Pleasing God - Pt. 4", "url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25606", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Pleasing God", "description": "", "download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25606-download", "preacher_name": "Kay Smith", "preacher_image": "", "preacher_description": "", "_scripture": [] }, { "title": "Pleasing God - Pt. 5", "url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25607", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Pleasing God", "description": "", "download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25607-download", "preacher_name": "Kay Smith", "preacher_image": "", "preacher_description": "", "_scripture": [] }, { "title": "Pleasing God - Pt. 6", "url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25608", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Pleasing God", "description": "", "download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25608-download", "preacher_name": "Kay Smith", "preacher_image": "", "preacher_description": "", "_scripture": [] }, { "title": "Pleasing God - Pt. 7", "url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25609", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Pleasing God", "description": "", "download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25609-download", "preacher_name": "Kay Smith", "preacher_image": "", "preacher_description": "", "_scripture": [] }, { "title": "Pleasing God - Pt. 8", "url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25610", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Pleasing God", "description": "", "download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25610-download", "preacher_name": "Kay Smith", "preacher_image": "", "preacher_description": "", "_scripture": [] }, { "title": "Spiritual Sacrifices That Are Acceptable To God", "url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25079", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Pleasing God", "description": "", "download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID25079-download", "preacher_name": "Brian Long", "preacher_image": "", "preacher_description": "Brian Long ( - )\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Brian Long in mp3 format. Brother Brian Long is the pastor of Cornerstone Community Church of Barnsdall. God has done a powerful work in this brothers life as he has served as a baptist pastor for a season and now God has called him out to a independent work under the Headship of Jesus Christ.\r\nHe has spoken at SermonIndex Conference as well as other revival meetings in Churches across America. His burden and passion for the glory of Jesus Christ alone is evident in his preaching. The emphasis on prayer and the prayer meeting in their fellowship has been the power behind the local church, you are welcome to visit locally for their prayer time on Wednesday.", "_scripture": [] }, { "title": "Without Faith, It Is Impossible To Please Him", "url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID21709", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Pleasing God", "description": "", "download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID21709-download", "preacher_name": "Timothy Tow", "preacher_image": "", "preacher_description": "", "_scripture": [] } ] }