{ "name": "Abandonment", "description": "", "audio_sermons": [ { "title": "Abandonment", "url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23060", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "Psalm 131:2, John 6:57", "topic": "Abandonment", "description": "\u00e2\u20ac\u0153Abandonment is the key to the inner court, so that he who knows truly how to abandon himself will soon become perfect.\u00e2\u20ac\u009d We have a German hymn that says the same thing: \u00e2\u20ac\u0153Ergebung hei\u00c3\u0178t das sch\u00c3\u00b6ne Wort.\u00e2\u20ac\u009d And this morning, there\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s a wonderful light shining in this place. It\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s this: that we\u00e2\u20ac\u2122re learning, slowly, to abandon ourselves. Now, a person, of course, can abandon himself to sin\u00e2\u20ac\u201dto flesh, to lust, to pride, to sensitiveness, to all the works of the flesh. But the wonderful thing is that we have learned\u00e2\u20ac\u201dor are learning\u00e2\u20ac\u201dto abandon ourselves to Jesus, or \u00e2\u20ac\u0153wholly give ourselves to One who gives Himself to us\u00e2\u20ac\u009d.", "download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID23060-download", "preacher_name": "Hans R. Waldvogel", "preacher_image": "\/images\/hans_r_waldvogel.gif", "preacher_description": "Hans R. Waldvogel (1893 - 1969)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Hans R. Waldvogel in mp3 format. A powerful preacher who ministered as a pentecostal minister. He did not believe in sectarian groups but rather saw the Church as a whole who have the person of Christ in them. Brother Waldvogel gleamed from many different men of God including A.B. Simpson.\r\n\r\nHis preaching was centred around the very person of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit. He spoke much of the rest of the Lord in Christian work and experience and the Spirit-filled life.", "_scripture": [ { "book": "Psalm", "chapter": "131" }, { "book": "John", "chapter": "6" } ] }, { "title": "Alone - Abandonment", "url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID14722", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "Deuteronomy 18:15, Hebrews 11:23-26", "topic": "Abandonment", "description": "", "download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID14722-download", "preacher_name": "Leonard Ravenhill", "preacher_image": "\/images\/leonard_ravenhill.gif", "preacher_description": "Leonard Ravenhill (1907 \u00c2\u2013 1994)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Leonard Ravenhill in mp3 format. A revivalist and man of God who sought God's will above all else. He was a man of prayer who practiced what he preached. He wrote the book: 'Why Revival Tarries' which has become a classic on revival. His prophetic edge and burden made him to be respected by some and disliked by others. Yet he stayed true to God's call on his life prayed and pleading for true heaven sent revival. \r\n\r\n\"Those who know of Leonard Ravenhill recognize in him the religious specialist, the man sent from God to battle the priests of Baal on their own mountain top, to shame the careless priest at the altar, to face the false prophet, and to warn the people who are being led astray by him. \" - Tozer | \"Leonard Ravenhill was one of the few men I have ever known who was a true prophet.\" - David Wilkerson", "_scripture": [ { "book": "Hebrews", "chapter": "11" }, { "book": "Deuteronomy", "chapter": "18" } ] }, { "title": "Getting Alone - Abandonment (CD Quality)", "url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID0614", "size": "135251140", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Abandonment", "description": "", "download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID0614-download", "preacher_name": "Leonard Ravenhill", "preacher_image": "\/images\/leonard_ravenhill.gif", "preacher_description": "Leonard Ravenhill (1907 \u00c2\u2013 1994)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Leonard Ravenhill in mp3 format. A revivalist and man of God who sought God's will above all else. He was a man of prayer who practiced what he preached. He wrote the book: 'Why Revival Tarries' which has become a classic on revival. His prophetic edge and burden made him to be respected by some and disliked by others. Yet he stayed true to God's call on his life prayed and pleading for true heaven sent revival. \r\n\r\n\"Those who know of Leonard Ravenhill recognize in him the religious specialist, the man sent from God to battle the priests of Baal on their own mountain top, to shame the careless priest at the altar, to face the false prophet, and to warn the people who are being led astray by him. \" - Tozer | \"Leonard Ravenhill was one of the few men I have ever known who was a true prophet.\" - David Wilkerson", "_scripture": [] }, { "title": "The Life of Abandonment", "url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID1939", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "", "topic": "Abandonment", "description": "", "download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID1939-download", "preacher_name": "Stephen Kaung", "preacher_image": "\/images\/stephen_kaung.gif", "preacher_description": "Stephen Kaung ( - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Stephen Kaung in mp3 format. Stephen Kaung is a Chinese Chrisitan speaker and writer, and now living in Richmond, Virgina. At an early age was converted to Christianity and was active in the Methodist Church in China, with home his father was a minister. He first met watchman need in the early 1930's and joined Nee's indigenous christian work full-time, working with him until 1949 when he left China and became involved with Christian work in other ares of the Far East.\r\n\r\nStephen Kaung worked very closely with T Austin-Sparks until his death in 1972. His burden has been to allow a testimony of the Lord in the local assembly, and to help the saints see the great importance of the Church as God intended it. Stephen Kaung's major work has been to translate the writings of Watchman Nee into English, over 50 titles which have been published by his own organisation, Christian Fellowship Publishers (CFP), In Richmond, Virgina.", "_scripture": [] }, { "title": "Total Abandonment to the Lord", "url": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID20750", "size": "0", "format": "mp3", "scripture": "Deuteronomy 18:15", "topic": "Abandonment", "description": "", "download": "http:\/\/sermonindex.net\/SID20750-download", "preacher_name": "Leonard Ravenhill", "preacher_image": "\/images\/leonard_ravenhill.gif", "preacher_description": "Leonard Ravenhill (1907 \u00c2\u2013 1994)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Leonard Ravenhill in mp3 format. A revivalist and man of God who sought God's will above all else. He was a man of prayer who practiced what he preached. He wrote the book: 'Why Revival Tarries' which has become a classic on revival. His prophetic edge and burden made him to be respected by some and disliked by others. Yet he stayed true to God's call on his life prayed and pleading for true heaven sent revival. \r\n\r\n\"Those who know of Leonard Ravenhill recognize in him the religious specialist, the man sent from God to battle the priests of Baal on their own mountain top, to shame the careless priest at the altar, to face the false prophet, and to warn the people who are being led astray by him. \" - Tozer | \"Leonard Ravenhill was one of the few men I have ever known who was a true prophet.\" - David Wilkerson", "_scripture": [ { "book": "Deuteronomy", "chapter": "18" } ] } ] }