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401 lines
16 KiB

"name": "Hebrews 6",
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": 6,
"sermons": [
"title": "(Australia) Offended in Christ",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID14613",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Matthew 11:1-6, Hebrews 6:12",
"topic": "Offended",
"description": "he enemy is speaking to John: \"Why are you in prison? Why is Jesus so Passive? John is becoming offended by Christ. The enemy attacks us the same way. Are you offended by Christ? We pray and doubt that God can hear us, or answer our prayers. so we have unfulfilled expectations. God responds to us, \"You are offended by the way I am bringing about my kingdom\" You have need of patience after you have done the will of the father to receive the promise. David Wilkerson says, \"I am so glad that God didn't answer my prayers in the way that I asked him! I would not be here!\" One thing that John did well, was to take his doubts to Jesus. Jesus reaffirmed him of who he was and pressed him further, \"...blessed is he who is not offended because of me\"",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID14613-download",
"speaker_name": "David Wilkerson",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Matthew",
"chapter": "11"
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "(Deeper Spiritual Life): How Can We Enter In? Static Christian",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID1996",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6:1-2",
"topic": "Deeper Life",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID1996-download",
"speaker_name": "A.W. Tozer",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "(Deeper Spiritual Life): How Can We Enter in?",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID1997",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6:1-2",
"topic": "Deeper Life",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID1997-download",
"speaker_name": "A.W. Tozer",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "(Happenings Ahead) Dangers Of The Last Days",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID9611",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6:1-8",
"topic": "Last Days",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID9611-download",
"speaker_name": "Willie Mullan",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "(Hebrews - Part 15): How Firm a Foundation",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID2011",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6:1-3",
"topic": "Expositional",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID2011-download",
"speaker_name": "A.W. Tozer",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "(Hebrews - Part 16): All Kinds of Twisting and Turning",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID2012",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6:4-9",
"topic": "Expositional",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID2012-download",
"speaker_name": "A.W. Tozer",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "(Hebrews - Part 17): Faithful in Truth and Love",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID2013",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6:10-12",
"topic": "Expositional",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID2013-download",
"speaker_name": "A.W. Tozer",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "(Hebrews - Part 18): Most Sure in His Promise",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID2014",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6:13-20",
"topic": "Expositional",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID2014-download",
"speaker_name": "A.W. Tozer",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "(basics) 17. Dead Works",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8127",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Galatians 5:19-21, Hebrews 6:1, Hebrews 9:14",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8127-download",
"speaker_name": "Zac Poonen",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Galatians",
"chapter": "5"
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "9"
"title": "Blessed Assurance",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID3899",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6:11,Hebrews 10:22",
"topic": "",
"description": "Nicholson teaches us that if you are born again and saved you will know it. This is our assurance that we know that we are saved by the spirit of God and a changed life. This message really gives a clear message of what it is to be born-again he cuts no corners and shows the extreme importance of knowing of a surety about our eternal future. The main points of the sermon are taken from an sermon by the late Horatious Bonar.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID3899-download",
"speaker_name": "William P. Nicholson",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "10"
"title": "Fruit of Repentance",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID27506",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6:4-8",
"topic": "Repentance",
"description": "This Word makes one to fear the Lord, for there is no one like God, Who is Awesome and Fearful. Every human being should live in the fear of God. It makes one ask the question, \u00e2\u20ac\u02dcwho then shall be saved?\u00e2\u20ac\u2122 This is the type of Word that can make every one of us lose hope, for who of us haven\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t been in the same boat? Who of us haven\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t fallen into sin after being a Christian? One thinks of Esau who sought repentance with tears but could not find it. We need to carefully examine this scripture. We should never take God lightly. A person so easily falls into sexual immorality, or some other sin. And then that person confesses the sin but go back to it a few days later. Such a person is poking his finger in God\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s eyes and his future is not good. What is man that you should be fearful of him? Rather fear God Who can put both soul and body in hell (Matt 10:28).",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID27506-download",
"speaker_name": "Erlo Stegen",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "Hebrews 6",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID7134",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6",
"topic": "Hebrews",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID7134-download",
"speaker_name": "Pat Kenney",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "Hebrews 6:1-12",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8812",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6:1-12",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID8812-download",
"speaker_name": "Don McClure",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "Hebrews Chapter 6",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID10485",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6",
"topic": "Expositional",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID10485-download",
"speaker_name": "Chip Brogden",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "Key Words: Hope",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID4558",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6:13-20",
"topic": "Hope",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID4558-download",
"speaker_name": "J. Glyn Owen",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "Lake Geneva Bible Conference 1984-04 Hebrews 6:1",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID11859",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6:1",
"topic": "Conference",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID11859-download",
"speaker_name": "William MacDonald",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "Learning to Hope",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID25689",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6:11-20",
"topic": "Hope",
"description": "In this teaching, Francis Chan, talks about a hope that anchors your soul and translates to an increased faith in a faithful trustworthy God. It's not about us, our good works, or our failures. It's all about Jesus's finished work on the cross. Heb 6:11-20 & Mark 13:32-33",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID25689-download",
"speaker_name": "Francis Chan",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "Spiritual Perfection Through The New Covenant",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID11434",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6-10",
"topic": "",
"description": "\"The new covenant is a wonderful thing,\" says Ed Miller, \"but it's not Him. The most wonderful thing of the new covenant is Jesus, the Mediator.\" Miller labors from the book of Hebrews to show what the new covenant really means and how believers can enter into the spiritual perfection through it that the law can never achieve.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID11434-download",
"speaker_name": "Ed Miller",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "THE SHIP OF GOD\u2019S LOVE",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID22854",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6:19",
"topic": "Radio Show",
"description": "God lives and works today! Is that hard for you to believe in view of the world situation? Or do you shrug your shoulders and say, \"We're all in the same boat; if we don't blow ourselves up, we'll destroy ourselves through pollution and over-population!\" This meditation will explain why this isn't true, why we're not all in the same boat.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID22854-download",
"speaker_name": "Basilea Schlink",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "The Diligent Christian",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID25560",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6:1-12",
"topic": "Diligence",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID25560-download",
"speaker_name": "Paris Reidhead",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "Time To Grow Up",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID19844",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 5:11-14, Hebrews 6:1",
"topic": "Christian Growth",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID19844-download",
"speaker_name": "Charlie Orr",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "5"
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"
"title": "With God All Things Are Possible",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID3171",
"size": "10542080",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 6:4-6",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID3171-download",
"speaker_name": "David Wilkerson",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "6"