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261 lines
12 KiB

"name": "John 9",
"book": "John",
"chapter": 9,
"sermons": [
"title": "(John - Part 37): The Simple Faith of the Blind Man",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID2124",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "John 9:38-41",
"topic": "Expositional",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID2124-download",
"speaker_name": "A.W. Tozer",
"_scripture": [
"book": "John",
"chapter": "9"
"title": "(John) 12 - The Light Refused",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID15719",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "John 8:37-59, John 9",
"topic": "John",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID15719-download",
"speaker_name": "Alan Redpath",
"_scripture": [
"book": "John",
"chapter": "9"
"book": "John",
"chapter": "8"
"title": "(John) The Childness Of The Critics",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID6863",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "John 9:13-41",
"topic": "Criticism",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID6863-download",
"speaker_name": "Willie Mullan",
"_scripture": [
"book": "John",
"chapter": "9"
"title": "(John) The Gracious Gaze",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID6862",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "John 9:1-12",
"topic": "Graciousness",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID6862-download",
"speaker_name": "Willie Mullan",
"_scripture": [
"book": "John",
"chapter": "9"
"title": "(Sabbath Miracles) 04 - Withered Hand Blind",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID15006",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Luke 6:6-11, John 9",
"topic": "",
"description": "The withered hand is hand shriveled, cut off, unusable and paralyzed; that is how we are trying to obey God's commandments in our power. We need a perpetual miracle as we look into Jesus' face and He works a mighty miracle by the power of God for every obedience. The man born blind shows that Sabbath vision is when you see Jesus bigger and bigger and fellowship with Him outside the camp.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID15006-download",
"speaker_name": "Ed Miller",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Luke",
"chapter": "6"
"book": "John",
"chapter": "9"
"title": "(Through The Bible) John 9-10",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID6542",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "John 9-10",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID6542-download",
"speaker_name": "Chuck Smith",
"_scripture": [
"book": "John",
"chapter": "9"
"title": "Bristol Conference 1962 - Part 1",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID7691",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "John 9:34-40, 1 John 10:1-6",
"topic": "Conference",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID7691-download",
"speaker_name": "William MacDonald",
"_scripture": [
"book": "John",
"chapter": "9"
"book": "1 John",
"chapter": "10"
"title": "Divine Eye Wash",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID14474",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "John 9:7",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID14474-download",
"speaker_name": "Ian Paisley",
"_scripture": [
"book": "John",
"chapter": "9"
"title": "Don't Miss Your Miracle",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID9598",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "2 Kings 5, John 9:7",
"topic": "Miracles",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID9598-download",
"speaker_name": "Vance Havner",
"_scripture": [
"book": "John",
"chapter": "9"
"book": "2 Kings",
"chapter": "5"
"title": "John 9",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID26950",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "John 9",
"topic": "John",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID26950-download",
"speaker_name": "Damian Kyle",
"_scripture": [
"book": "John",
"chapter": "9"
"title": "Pressures Of Christianity 01 The Blind Man Of John 9:",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID10242",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "John 9",
"topic": "",
"description": "",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID10242-download",
"speaker_name": "Harry Deutchman",
"_scripture": [
"book": "John",
"chapter": "9"
"title": "SING UNTO THE LORD",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID22841",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "John 9:24",
"topic": "Radio Show",
"description": "God, as an almighty, omnipotent and loving Father, is worthy and deserving of our praise. This meditation is about praise, the highest calling of man.",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID22841-download",
"speaker_name": "Basilea Schlink",
"_scripture": [
"book": "John",
"chapter": "9"
"title": "Speak for Yourself. A Challenge!",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID11512",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "John 9:21",
"topic": "",
"description": "DELIVERED BY C. H. SPURGEON, AT THE METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE, NEWINGTON. \u201cHe is of age; ask him: he shall speak for himself.\u201d-John 9:21 THOSE of you, dear friends, who were present this morning will remember that our subject was \u201cJesus Christ himself.\u201d We dwelt upon his blessed person. Our faith is fixed on him; our affections are drawn to him; our hopes all bend toward him. Though everything he said or did is precious, yet Jesus himself stands first in our estimation. To know him, to believe him, to love him, is the very essence of our Christianity. Tonight we change our theme. There is a \u201chimself\u201d in our text this evening- a \u201chimself\u201d \u2018tis true of a much humbler order. How stand we each one for himself? Our individuality and the personal responsibilities which fall upon ourselves in reference to Christ must not be lost sight of. If, for instance, a spiritual miracle has been wrought upon us, if we are obliged to confess-nay, if we are delighted to confess-that he has opened our eyes, then we are bound, especially those of us who are of ripe understanding, who may be said to be of full age, we are bound to bear our own personal testimony to him. The allegation and the appeal may alike apply to each one of us, \u201cHe is of age; ask him: he shall speak for himself.\u201d Jesus Christ himself bore our sins, as we heard this morning. He gave himself for us, he served us, not by proxy, but by personal consecration; not by alms doled out pitifully, but by his life surrendered...",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID11512-download",
"speaker_name": "C. H. Spurgeon",
"_scripture": [
"book": "John",
"chapter": "9"
"title": "The Spur",
"url": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID11507",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "John 9:4",
"topic": "",
"description": "DELIVERED ON LORD'S-DAY MORNING, JULY 31ST, 1870, BY C. H. SPURGEON, AT THE METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE, NEWINGTON. \u201cI must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.\u201d \u2014 John 9:4. IF this ninth chapter of John is intended to be a continuation of the history contained in the eighth, as we think it is, it brings before us a very extraordinary fact. You will observe in the eighth chapter that our Lord was about to be stoned by the Jews; he therefore withdrew himself from the circle of his infuriated foes, and passed through the crowd, not I think in a hurried manner, but in a calm and dignified way, as one not at all disconcerted, but wholly self-possessed. His disciples, who had seen his danger, gathered round him while he quietly retreated. The group wended their way with firm footsteps till they reached the outside of the temple. At the gate there sat a man well known to have been blind from his birth; our Savior was so little flurried by the danger which had threatened him, that he paused and fixed his eye upon the poor beggar, attentively surveying him. He stayed his onward progress to work the miracle of this man's healing. If it be so that the two chapters make up but one narrative, and I think it is, though we are not absolutely sure, then we have before us a most memorable instance of the marvellous calmness of our Savior while under danger...",
"download": "http:\/\/api.sermonindex.net\/SID11507-download",
"speaker_name": "C. H. Spurgeon",
"_scripture": [
"book": "John",
"chapter": "9"