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210 lines
20 KiB

"name": "Filled With The Spirit",
"description": "",
"sermons": [
"title": "Ashamed Or Filled?",
"url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID18365",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Filled With The Spirit",
"description": "",
"download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID18365-download",
"preacher_name": "Bill McLeod",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/bill_mcleod.gif",
"preacher_description": "Bill McLeod (1919 - 2012)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Bill McLeod in mp3 format. Bill Mcleod was the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church for many years where ultimately God sent revival to that affecting much of Canada. He had a passion to know God and His word. Paul Washer said he was one of the most godly men he met in Canada.\r\n\r\nBill Mcleod had been praying and had his congregation praying for revival for years. On, October 17, 1971, God in His sovereignty came in revival. Without human means or explanation, the revival spread from church to church, community to community, city to city, and not long after from province to province. This has become known as the 1971 Canadian Revival movement.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Be filled with the Holy Spirit - part 1",
"url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID14684",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Filled With The Spirit",
"description": "Coming from her own experience, Jackie explains what we pray for when we pray for the Holy Spirit. While trying to reach the lost in the Wall City in Hong Kong, she saw that her approach to sharing Jesus did not work. She was passionate to reach the lost, but she realized she did not have the power to make Jesus known. Her words did not work. This prompted her to seek God and she prayed: \"Dear Lord, please give me whatever it is that helps me make Jesus real to the lost. Because the words don't seem to be working.\" This led to her receiving what is often called the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. She points out that our part as believers is to allow Jesus to reveal Himself to men. She teaches how we must expect and pray that the Spirit of God will meet the spirit of man. God wants us to share spiritual truth with spiritual words (communicating spirit-to-spirit), instead of reasoning with people (communicating mind-to-mind). A final note: The first five minutes of the recording contain a word in tongues with interpretation as well as a prophecy in Chinese that is being translated into English. This may seem unusual if one is not accustomed to the exercise of the gifts of the Spirit. Please let this not keep you from listening on. What follows is a wonderful message on the working of the Holy Spirit that shows that \"evangelism\" really is not our job but God's.",
"download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID14684-download",
"preacher_name": "Jackie Pullinger",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/jackie_pullinger.gif",
"preacher_description": "Jackie Pullinger (1944 - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Jackie Pullinger in mp3 format. Shortly after her experience of being born-again the Lord called her to take a one-way ticket to Hong Kong, China. Her story is chronicled in the book: \"Chasing the Dragon\" which is a best-seller inspirational missionary story. He has founded St Stephen's Society in Hong Kong that helps serve drug addicts and gives them the life-transforming Gospel message.\r\n\r\nHer burden in ministry has been to show the love of Christ to the hurting and helpless. She saw in the message of the Gospel it had to have a response for us also to go and serve others. She teaches and shows this full-surrender is a simple response to receiving God's love in Jesus Christ.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Be filled with the Holy Spirit - part 2",
"url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID14685",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "1 Corinthians 2:13",
"topic": "Filled With The Spirit",
"description": "An excellent teaching on the work of the Holy Spirit. Jackie Pullinger speaks about the spiritual realities she has experienced in her ministry in Hong Kong among drug addicts, prostitutes & criminals and backs those up by Scripture. She makes clear that the Holy Spirit lives in every true Christian from his or her new birth on. This inner work of the Holy Spirit grows character and fruit in the believer. Jackie goes on to describe an additional and complementary gift. It is often called the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This experience is accompanied by the evidence of a personal prayer language (speaking in tongues). The outpouring of the Holy Spirit equips the believer with power to share Jesus with the lost. Jackie emphasizes again that we must share spiritual truth with spiritual words (1 Corinthians 2:13). The message starts with several wonderful testimonies of how God revealed Himself to the lost in the Wall City and how drug addicts came off drugs with no medication and no withdrawal symptoms.",
"download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID14685-download",
"preacher_name": "Jackie Pullinger",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/jackie_pullinger.gif",
"preacher_description": "Jackie Pullinger (1944 - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Jackie Pullinger in mp3 format. Shortly after her experience of being born-again the Lord called her to take a one-way ticket to Hong Kong, China. Her story is chronicled in the book: \"Chasing the Dragon\" which is a best-seller inspirational missionary story. He has founded St Stephen's Society in Hong Kong that helps serve drug addicts and gives them the life-transforming Gospel message.\r\n\r\nHer burden in ministry has been to show the love of Christ to the hurting and helpless. She saw in the message of the Gospel it had to have a response for us also to go and serve others. She teaches and shows this full-surrender is a simple response to receiving God's love in Jesus Christ.",
"_scripture": [
"book": "1 Corinthians",
"chapter": "2"
"title": "Be filled with the Holy Spirit - part 3",
"url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID14686",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "1 Corinthians 12:1-11",
"topic": "Filled With The Spirit",
"description": "A strong call to receive this promise of power and how to receive it. Jackie lovingly deals with blocks to receiving and describes how we cooperate with God to speak in tongues. She encourages those who have desired to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit before and have not spoken in tongues yet. She distinguishes between the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:1-11) and the personal prayer language. While any believer can be used by God anytime to operate in any of the nine spiritual gifts, he or she does not \"own\" any of them. The personal prayer language, however, is a gift of God that the believer can \"take home\" and use anytime.",
"download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID14686-download",
"preacher_name": "Jackie Pullinger",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/jackie_pullinger.gif",
"preacher_description": "Jackie Pullinger (1944 - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Jackie Pullinger in mp3 format. Shortly after her experience of being born-again the Lord called her to take a one-way ticket to Hong Kong, China. Her story is chronicled in the book: \"Chasing the Dragon\" which is a best-seller inspirational missionary story. He has founded St Stephen's Society in Hong Kong that helps serve drug addicts and gives them the life-transforming Gospel message.\r\n\r\nHer burden in ministry has been to show the love of Christ to the hurting and helpless. She saw in the message of the Gospel it had to have a response for us also to go and serve others. She teaches and shows this full-surrender is a simple response to receiving God's love in Jesus Christ.",
"_scripture": [
"book": "1 Corinthians",
"chapter": "12"
"title": "Being Filled with the Spirit",
"url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID22987",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 3:1, Acts 19:2, Ephesians 1:17",
"topic": "Filled With The Spirit",
"description": "We need to know the Holy Ghost, because He\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s our life. We need to drink of that Fountain of life. It isn\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t sufficient to be baptized with the Holy Ghost, but now to walk in the Spirit, \u00e2\u20ac\u0153e has translated you out of the kingdom of darkness.\u00e2\u20ac\u009d How many people claim to be baptized with the Holy Ghost, and they\u00e2\u20ac\u2122re satisfied to still live in the flesh, and they\u00e2\u20ac\u2122re satisfied to still be governed by the flesh! That\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s where our frowns come from. But beloved, that, the Bible says, is dangerous: \u00e2\u20ac\u0153If we live in the flesh, we shall die.\u00e2\u20ac\u009d We shall die! \u00e2\u20ac\u0153But if ye live in the spirit\u00e2\u20ac\u00a6\u00e2\u20ac\u009d Do you know the Spirit? Do you know the Holy Ghost? Is He your habitation? Is He your realm? Is He the ocean of life and of light and of grace and of love and of joy and of peace into which you\u00e2\u20ac\u2122ve been sunk, deeply sunk, so that your whole being has been transformed into this ocean of love? \u00e2\u20ac\u0153Have you received the Holy Ghost?\u00e2\u20ac\u009d",
"download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID22987-download",
"preacher_name": "Hans R. Waldvogel",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/hans_r_waldvogel.gif",
"preacher_description": "Hans R. Waldvogel (1893 - 1969)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Hans R. Waldvogel in mp3 format. A powerful preacher who ministered as a pentecostal minister. He did not believe in sectarian groups but rather saw the Church as a whole who have the person of Christ in them. Brother Waldvogel gleamed from many different men of God including A.B. Simpson.\r\n\r\nHis preaching was centred around the very person of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit. He spoke much of the rest of the Lord in Christian work and experience and the Spirit-filled life.",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "3"
"book": "Acts",
"chapter": "19"
"book": "Ephesians",
"chapter": "1"
"title": "How To Be Cleansed & Filled With the Spirit",
"url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID5373",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "John 7:38, Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8",
"topic": "Filled With The Spirit",
"description": "",
"download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID5373-download",
"preacher_name": "Gerhard Du Toit",
"preacher_image": "",
"preacher_description": "Gerhard Du Toit ( - )\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Gerhard Du Toit in mp3 format. Originally from South Africa, Gerhard was brought up in the Dutch Reformed Church and trained as an evangelist there. He has had extensive evangelistic experience in South Africa, where his ministry is greatly appreciated. He has also been engaged in convention and evangelistic ministry in the British Isles.\r\nGerhard has resided in Canada, with his wife and daughter, since 1987. He is a coveted speaker in conferences around the world. His powerful preaching and authoritative, biblical message greatly bless and move the hearts of those who hear him. He also has a deep burden to see a revival of praying men. Like the prophet Jeremiah, his heart burns for an elevated standard of godliness in our day. He know is part of Life Action in Canada serving with that ministry.",
"_scripture": [
"book": "John",
"chapter": "7"
"book": "Luke",
"chapter": "24"
"book": "Acts",
"chapter": "1"
"title": "How to be Mighty in the Spirit",
"url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID16578",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Filled With The Spirit",
"description": "",
"download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID16578-download",
"preacher_name": "Allan Brown",
"preacher_image": "",
"preacher_description": "",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Journey Through The Book Of Acts",
"url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID17050",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Acts",
"topic": "Filled With The Spirit",
"description": "This is a powerful teaching through the book of Acts. K.P. Yohannan teaches on the necessity to have the power of the Holy Spirit in our lifes to live the real genuine Christian life today. He goes through the book of Acts showing this principle.",
"download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID17050-download",
"preacher_name": "K.P. Yohannan",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/kp_yohannan.gif",
"preacher_description": "K.P. Yohannan ( - Present)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker K.P. Yohannan in mp3 format. Dr. K.P. Yohannan, the Metropolitan Bishop of Believers Church, was born and brought up in Niranam, Kerala. Niranam has immense historical significance in the tradition of Saint Thomas, a disciple of Jesus Christ who planted the first church there in AD 52. K.P. Yohannan dedicated his life to God at a young age to serve the needy and downtrodden. He prayed, \u00e2\u20ac\u0153Oh my Lord, let my heart break with the things that break Your heart\u00e2\u20ac\u009d and his life was never the same. It\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s his belief that one can only demonstrate God\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s love by loving people. After over four decades of selfless service, he says, I have no regrets in praying that prayer for I know God has touched millions through what He did in and through me. It is all God\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s grace.\r\n\r\nHe spent the early years of his service in North India and traveled to the remote villages sharing the love of Christ and doing charitable works. Through numerous encounters during those years, he was instilled with an increasing passion to bring hope, peace, and comfort to the needy and deprived. His sacrificial commitment, farsightedness and aptitude to perceive helped him to lead a life of unhindered devotion to serve Christ and His church. K.P. Yohannan is also the voice of Athmeeya Yathra, touching millions through his daily radio and TV broadcasts. His 250 books offer practical and spiritual guidance on hundreds of subjects.",
"_scripture": []
"title": "Life in the Spirit",
"url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID9233",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "Hebrews 10:19-31, Hebrews 11:4-5",
"topic": "Filled With The Spirit",
"description": "",
"download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID9233-download",
"preacher_name": "Gerhard Du Toit",
"preacher_image": "",
"preacher_description": "Gerhard Du Toit ( - )\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Gerhard Du Toit in mp3 format. Originally from South Africa, Gerhard was brought up in the Dutch Reformed Church and trained as an evangelist there. He has had extensive evangelistic experience in South Africa, where his ministry is greatly appreciated. He has also been engaged in convention and evangelistic ministry in the British Isles.\r\nGerhard has resided in Canada, with his wife and daughter, since 1987. He is a coveted speaker in conferences around the world. His powerful preaching and authoritative, biblical message greatly bless and move the hearts of those who hear him. He also has a deep burden to see a revival of praying men. Like the prophet Jeremiah, his heart burns for an elevated standard of godliness in our day. He know is part of Life Action in Canada serving with that ministry.",
"_scripture": [
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "10"
"book": "Hebrews",
"chapter": "11"
"title": "The Spirit Filled Life",
"url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID16579",
"size": "0",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "",
"topic": "Filled With The Spirit",
"description": "",
"download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID16579-download",
"preacher_name": "Allan Brown",
"preacher_image": "",
"preacher_description": "",
"_scripture": []
"title": "The True Vine",
"url": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID1577",
"size": "6725120",
"format": "mp3",
"scripture": "John 15:1-8",
"topic": "Filled With The Spirit",
"description": "John 15:1-8 provides the basis in the Word for seeing and experiencing the Christ-filled life as the secret of victory and power.",
"download": "https:\/\/sermonindex.info\/SID1577-download",
"preacher_name": "Paris Reidhead",
"preacher_image": "\/images\/paris_reidhead.gif",
"preacher_description": "Paris Reidhead (1919 - 1992)\r\nListen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Paris Reidhead in mp3 format. Was a Christian missionary, teacher, writer, and advocate of economic development in impoverished nations. A spiritual crisis during this period\u2014as he described two decades later in what is probably his best-known recorded teaching, \"Ten Shekels and a Shirt\"--left Reidhead with the conviction that much of evangelicalism had adopted utilitarian and humanistic philosophies contradictory to Biblical teaching. The end of all being, he came to believe, was not the happiness of man, but the glorification of God. This theme would recur throughout his later teaching.\r\n\r\nSince Mr. Reidhead's death in 1992, Bible Teaching Ministries, Inc. continues under the leadership of his wife, Marjorie, and daughter, Virginia Teitt, a dedicated Board, and the many people who have donated time and talent after being changed by God\u2019s Word through this message. The message of the Gospel is reaching an ever-widening audience all over the world.",
"_scripture": [
"book": "John",
"chapter": "15"