
205 lines
9.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-01-30 20:28:43 +00:00
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |------/
__ __ _ _____ _ _ __ __ _ _ _
\ \ / / | | | __ \ | | | | | \/ | | | | | | |
\ \ / /_ _ ___| |_ | | | | _____ _____| | ___ _ __ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ | \ / | ___| |_| |__ ___ __| |
\ \/ / _` / __| __| | | | |/ _ \ \ / / _ \ |/ _ \| '_ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __| | |\/| |/ _ \ __| '_ \ / _ \ / _` |
\ / (_| \__ \ |_ | |__| | __/\ V / __/ | (_) | |_) | | | | | | __/ | | | |_ | | | | __/ |_| | | | (_) | (_| |
\/ \__,_|___/\__| |_____/ \___| \_/ \___|_|\___/| .__/|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__| |_| |_|\___|\__|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|
| |
@version 2.1.8
@build 12th May, 2016
2016-01-30 20:28:43 +00:00
@created 30th April, 2015
@package Component Builder
@subpackage compiler.php
@author Llewellyn van der Merwe <>
@my wife Roline van der Merwe <>
@copyright Copyright (C) 2015. All Rights Reserved
@license GNU/GPL Version 2 or later -
Builds Complex Joomla Components
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// import Joomla controlleradmin library
* Compiler Controller
class ComponentbuilderControllerCompiler extends JControllerLegacy
* Import an spreadsheet.
* @return void
public function compiler()
// Check for request forgeries
JSession::checkToken() or jexit(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN'));
// check if user has the right
$user = JFactory::getUser();
if($user->authorise('core.admin', 'com_componentbuilder'))
// get the post values
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$componentId = $jinput->post->get('component', 0, 'INT');
$version = $jinput->post->get('version', 0, 'INT');
$addBackup = $jinput->post->get('backup', 0, 'INT');
$addGit = $jinput->post->get('git', 0, 'INT');
$model = $this->getModel('compiler');
if ($model->builder($version,$componentId,$addBackup,$addGit))
$cache = JFactory::getCache('mod_menu');
// TODO: Reset the users acl here as well to kill off any missing bits
return false;
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$redirect_url = $app->getUserState('com_componentbuilder.redirect_url');
$message = $app->getUserState('com_componentbuilder.message');
if (empty($redirect_url))
$redirect_url = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&view=compiler', false);
// setup the unrealistic numbers
$counter = $model->getCount();
$folders = $counter['folders'] * 5;
$files = $counter['files'] * 5;
$lines = $counter['lines'] * 10;
$seconds = $folders + $files + $lines;
$totalHours = round($seconds / 3600);
$totalDays = round($totalHours / 8);
// setup the more realistic numbers
$debugging = $seconds / 4;
$planning = $seconds / 7;
$mapping = $seconds / 10;
$office = $seconds / 6;
$seconds = $folders + $files + $lines + $debugging + $planning + $mapping + $office;
$actualTotalHours = round($seconds / 3600);
$actualTotalDays = round($actualTotalHours / 8);
$debuggingHours = round($debugging / 3600);
$planningHours = round($planning / 3600);
$mappingHours = round($mapping / 3600);
$officeHours = round($office / 3600);
// the actual time spent
$actualHoursSpent = $actualTotalHours - $totalHours;
$actualDaysSpent = $actualTotalDays - $totalDays;
// calculate the projects actual time frame of completion
$projectWeekTime = round($actualTotalDays / 5,1);
$projectMonthTime = round($actualTotalDays / 24,1);
if (($pos = strpos($counter['filePath'], "/tmp/")) !== FALSE)
$url = JURI::root() . substr($counter['filePath'], $pos + 1);
// Message of successful build
$message = '<h1>The ('.$counter['filename'].') Was Successfully Compiled!</h1>';
$message .= '<p><button class="btn btn-small btn-success" onclick="Joomla.submitbutton(\'compiler.installExtention\')">';
$message .= 'Install '.$counter['filename'].' on this <span class="icon-joomla icon-white"></span>Joomla website.</button></p>';
$message .= '<h2>Total time saved</h2>';
$message .= '<ul>';
$message .= '<li>Total folders created: <b>'.$counter['folders'].'</b></li>';
$message .= '<li>Total files created: <b>'.$counter['files'].'</b></li>';
$message .= '<li>Total lines written: <b>'.$counter['lines'].'</b></li>';
$message .= '</ul>';
$message .= '<p><b>'.$totalHours.' Hours</b> or <b>'.$totalDays.' Eight Hour Days</b> <em>(actual time you saved)</em><br />';
$message .= '<small>(if creating a folder and file took <b>5 seconds</b> and writing one line of code took <b>10 seconds</b>, never making one mistake or taking any coffee break.)</small><br />';
$message .= '<b>'.$actualHoursSpent.' Hours</b> or <b>'.$actualDaysSpent.' Eight Hour Days</b> <em>(the actual time you spent)</em><br />';
$message .= '<small>(with the following break down: <b>debugging @'.$debuggingHours.'hours</b> = codingtime / 4; <b>planning @'.$planningHours.'hours</b> = codingtime / 7; <b>mapping @'.$mappingHours.'hours</b> = codingtime / 10; <b>office @'.$officeHours.'hours</b> = codingtime / 6;)</small></p>';
$message .= '<p><b>'.$actualTotalHours.' Hours</b> or <b>'.$actualTotalDays.' Eight Hour Days</b> <em>(a total of the realistic time frame for this project)</em><br />';
$message .= '<small>(if creating a folder and file took <b>5 seconds</b> and writing one line of code took <b>10 seconds</b>, with the normal everyday realities at the office, that includes the component planning, mapping & debugging.)</small></p>';
$message .= '<p>Project duration: <b>'.$projectWeekTime. ' weeks</b> or <b>'.$projectMonthTime.' months</b></p>';
$message .= '<h2>Path to Zip File</h2>';
$message .= '<p><b>Path:</b> <code>'.$counter['filePath'].'</code><br />';
$message .= '<b>URL:</b> <code>'.$url.'</code><br /><br />';
$message .= '<small>Hey! you can also download the file right now!</small><br /><a class="btn btn-success" href="'.$url.'" ><span class="icon-download icon-white"></span>Download</a></p>';
$message .= '<p><small><b>Remember!</b> This file is in your tmp folder and therefore publicly accessible untill you click [Clear tmp]!</small> </p>';
// set redirect
$app->setUserState('com_componentbuilder.extension_name', $counter['filename']);
// wipe out the user state when we're going to redirect
$app->setUserState('com_componentbuilder.redirect_url', '');
$app->setUserState('com_componentbuilder.message', '');
$app->setUserState('com_componentbuilder.extension_message', '');
$app->setUserState('com_componentbuilder.extension_name', '');
// set redirect
return true;
return false;
public function clearTmp()
// Check for request forgeries
JSession::checkToken() or jexit(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN'));
// check if user has the right
$user = JFactory::getUser();
// set page redirect
$redirect_url = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&view=compiler', false);
$message = 'Could not clear the tmp folder';
if($user->authorise('core.admin', 'com_componentbuilder'))
// get the model
$model = $this->getModel('compiler');
// get tmp folder
$comConfig = JFactory::getConfig();
$tmp = $comConfig->get('tmp_path');
if ($model->emptyFolder($tmp))
$message = '<b>The tmp folder has been clear successfully!</b>';
return true;
return false;
public function installExtention()
// Check for request forgeries
JSession::checkToken() or jexit(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN'));
// check if user has the right
$user = JFactory::getUser();
// set page redirect
$redirect_url = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_componentbuilder&view=compiler', false);
$message = 'Could not install component!';
// get the model
$model = $this->getModel('compiler');
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$fileName = $app->getUserState('com_componentbuilder.extension_name');
if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($fileName))
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$extension = 'com_installer';
$language_tag = 'en-GB';
$reload = true;
$lang->load($extension, $base_dir, $language_tag, $reload);
$message = '('.$fileName.'.zip) file was also removed from tmp!';
return $model->install($fileName.'.zip');;
return false;