/*! UIkit 2.25.0 | http://www.getuikit.com | (c) 2014 YOOtheme | MIT License */ (function(UI) { "use strict"; var $win = UI.$win, $doc = UI.$doc, scrollspies = [], checkScrollSpy = function() { for(var i=0; i < scrollspies.length; i++) { window.requestAnimationFrame.apply(window, [scrollspies[i].check]); } }; UI.component('scrollspy', { defaults: { "target" : false, "cls" : "uk-scrollspy-inview", "initcls" : "uk-scrollspy-init-inview", "topoffset" : 0, "leftoffset" : 0, "repeat" : false, "delay" : 0 }, boot: function() { // listen to scroll and resize $doc.on("scrolling.uk.document", checkScrollSpy); $win.on("load resize orientationchange", UI.Utils.debounce(checkScrollSpy, 50)); // init code UI.ready(function(context) { UI.$("[data-uk-scrollspy]", context).each(function() { var element = UI.$(this); if (!element.data("scrollspy")) { var obj = UI.scrollspy(element, UI.Utils.options(element.attr("data-uk-scrollspy"))); } }); }); }, init: function() { var $this = this, inviewstate, initinview, togglecls = this.options.cls.split(/,/), fn = function(){ var elements = $this.options.target ? $this.element.find($this.options.target) : $this.element, delayIdx = elements.length === 1 ? 1 : 0, toggleclsIdx = 0; elements.each(function(idx){ var element = UI.$(this), inviewstate = element.data('inviewstate'), inview = UI.Utils.isInView(element, $this.options), toggle = element.data('ukScrollspyCls') || togglecls[toggleclsIdx].trim(); if (inview && !inviewstate && !element.data('scrollspy-idle')) { if (!initinview) { element.addClass($this.options.initcls); $this.offset = element.offset(); initinview = true; element.trigger("init.uk.scrollspy"); } element.data('scrollspy-idle', setTimeout(function(){ element.addClass("uk-scrollspy-inview").toggleClass(toggle).width(); element.trigger("inview.uk.scrollspy"); element.data('scrollspy-idle', false); element.data('inviewstate', true); }, $this.options.delay * delayIdx)); delayIdx++; } if (!inview && inviewstate && $this.options.repeat) { if (element.data('scrollspy-idle')) { clearTimeout(element.data('scrollspy-idle')); element.data('scrollspy-idle', false); } element.removeClass("uk-scrollspy-inview").toggleClass(toggle); element.data('inviewstate', false); element.trigger("outview.uk.scrollspy"); } toggleclsIdx = togglecls[toggleclsIdx + 1] ? (toggleclsIdx + 1) : 0; }); }; fn(); this.check = fn; scrollspies.push(this); } }); var scrollspynavs = [], checkScrollSpyNavs = function() { for(var i=0; i < scrollspynavs.length; i++) { window.requestAnimationFrame.apply(window, [scrollspynavs[i].check]); } }; UI.component('scrollspynav', { defaults: { "cls" : 'uk-active', "closest" : false, "topoffset" : 0, "leftoffset" : 0, "smoothscroll" : false }, boot: function() { // listen to scroll and resize $doc.on("scrolling.uk.document", checkScrollSpyNavs); $win.on("resize orientationchange", UI.Utils.debounce(checkScrollSpyNavs, 50)); // init code UI.ready(function(context) { UI.$("[data-uk-scrollspy-nav]", context).each(function() { var element = UI.$(this); if (!element.data("scrollspynav")) { var obj = UI.scrollspynav(element, UI.Utils.options(element.attr("data-uk-scrollspy-nav"))); } }); }); }, init: function() { var ids = [], links = this.find("a[href^='#']").each(function(){ if(this.getAttribute("href").trim()!=='#') ids.push(this.getAttribute("href")); }), targets = UI.$(ids.join(",")), clsActive = this.options.cls, clsClosest = this.options.closest || this.options.closest; var $this = this, inviews, fn = function(){ inviews = []; for (var i=0 ; i < targets.length ; i++) { if (UI.Utils.isInView(targets.eq(i), $this.options)) { inviews.push(targets.eq(i)); } } if (inviews.length) { var navitems, scrollTop = $win.scrollTop(), target = (function(){ for(var i=0; i< inviews.length;i++){ if(inviews[i].offset().top >= scrollTop){ return inviews[i]; } } })(); if (!target) return; if ($this.options.closest) { links.blur().closest(clsClosest).removeClass(clsActive); navitems = links.filter("a[href='#"+target.attr("id")+"']").closest(clsClosest).addClass(clsActive); } else { navitems = links.removeClass(clsActive).filter("a[href='#"+target.attr("id")+"']").addClass(clsActive); } $this.element.trigger("inview.uk.scrollspynav", [target, navitems]); } }; if (this.options.smoothscroll && UI.smoothScroll) { links.each(function(){ UI.smoothScroll(this, $this.options.smoothscroll); }); } fn(); this.element.data("scrollspynav", this); this.check = fn; scrollspynavs.push(this); } }); })(UIkit);