
402 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use std::cmp::max;
use std::fmt;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::sync::{Mutex, MutexGuard};
use datetime::TimeZone;
use zoneinfo_compiled::{CompiledData, Result as TZResult};
use locale;
use users::UsersCache;
use style::Colours;
use output::cell::TextCell;
use output::time::TimeFormat;
use fs::{File, fields as f};
use fs::feature::git::GitCache;
/// Options for displaying a table.
pub struct Options {
pub env: Environment,
pub size_format: SizeFormat,
pub time_format: TimeFormat,
pub extra_columns: Columns,
// I had to make other types derive Debug,
// and Mutex<UsersCache> is not that!
impl fmt::Debug for Options {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(f, "Table({:#?})", self.extra_columns)
/// Extra columns to display in the table.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct Columns {
/// At least one of these timestamps will be shown.
pub time_types: TimeTypes,
// The rest are just on/off
pub inode: bool,
pub links: bool,
pub blocks: bool,
pub group: bool,
pub git: bool,
impl Columns {
pub fn collect(&self, actually_enable_git: bool) -> Vec<Column> {
let mut columns = Vec::with_capacity(4);
if self.inode {
if self.links {
if self.blocks {
if self.group {
if self.time_types.modified {
if self.time_types.created {
if self.time_types.accessed {
if cfg!(feature="git") && self.git && actually_enable_git {
/// A table contains these.
pub enum Column {
/// Each column can pick its own **Alignment**. Usually, numbers are
/// right-aligned, and text is left-aligned.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Alignment {
Left, Right,
impl Column {
/// Get the alignment this column should use.
pub fn alignment(&self) -> Alignment {
match *self {
| Column::HardLinks
| Column::Inode
| Column::Blocks
| Column::GitStatus => Alignment::Right,
_ => Alignment::Left,
/// Get the text that should be printed at the top, when the user elects
/// to have a header row printed.
pub fn header(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
Column::Permissions => "Permissions",
Column::FileSize => "Size",
Column::Timestamp(t) => t.header(),
Column::Blocks => "Blocks",
Column::User => "User",
Column::Group => "Group",
Column::HardLinks => "Links",
Column::Inode => "inode",
Column::GitStatus => "Git",
/// Formatting options for file sizes.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum SizeFormat {
/// Format the file size using **decimal** prefixes, such as “kilo”,
/// “mega”, or “giga”.
/// Format the file size using **binary** prefixes, such as “kibi”,
/// “mebi”, or “gibi”.
/// Do no formatting and just display the size as a number of bytes.
impl Default for SizeFormat {
fn default() -> SizeFormat {
/// The types of a files time fields. These three fields are standard
/// across most (all?) operating systems.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum TimeType {
/// The files accessed time (`st_atime`).
/// The files modified time (`st_mtime`).
/// The files creation time (`st_ctime`).
impl TimeType {
/// Returns the text to use for a columns heading in the columns output.
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pub fn header(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
TimeType::Accessed => "Date Accessed",
TimeType::Modified => "Date Modified",
TimeType::Created => "Date Created",
/// Fields for which of a files time fields should be displayed in the
/// columns output.
/// There should always be at least one of these--there's no way to disable
/// the time columns entirely (yet).
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct TimeTypes {
pub accessed: bool,
pub modified: bool,
pub created: bool,
impl Default for TimeTypes {
/// By default, display just the modified time. This is the most
/// common option, which is why it has this shorthand.
fn default() -> TimeTypes {
TimeTypes { accessed: false, modified: true, created: false }
/// The **environment** struct contains any data that could change between
/// running instances of exa, depending on the user's computer's configuration.
/// Any environment field should be able to be mocked up for test runs.
pub struct Environment {
/// Localisation rules for formatting numbers.
numeric: locale::Numeric,
/// The computer's current time zone. This gets used to determine how to
/// offset files' timestamps.
tz: Option<TimeZone>,
/// Mapping cache of user IDs to usernames.
users: Mutex<UsersCache>,
impl Environment {
pub fn lock_users(&self) -> MutexGuard<UsersCache> {
pub fn load_all() -> Self {
let tz = match determine_time_zone() {
Ok(t) => Some(t),
Err(ref e) => {
println!("Unable to determine time zone: {}", e);
let numeric = locale::Numeric::load_user_locale()
.unwrap_or_else(|_| locale::Numeric::english());
let users = Mutex::new(UsersCache::new());
Environment { tz, numeric, users }
fn determine_time_zone() -> TZResult<TimeZone> {
pub struct Table<'a> {
columns: Vec<Column>,
colours: &'a Colours,
env: &'a Environment,
widths: TableWidths,
time_format: &'a TimeFormat,
size_format: SizeFormat,
git: Option<&'a GitCache>,
pub struct Row {
cells: Vec<TextCell>,
impl<'a, 'f> Table<'a> {
pub fn new(options: &'a Options, git: Option<&'a GitCache>, colours: &'a Colours) -> Table<'a> {
let columns = options.extra_columns.collect(git.is_some());
let widths = TableWidths::zero(columns.len());
Table {
colours, widths, columns, git,
env: &options.env,
time_format: &options.time_format,
size_format: options.size_format,
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pub fn widths(&self) -> &TableWidths {
pub fn header_row(&self) -> Row {
let cells = self.columns.iter()
.map(|c| TextCell::paint_str(self.colours.header, c.header()))
Row { cells }
pub fn row_for_file(&self, file: &File, xattrs: bool) -> Row {
let cells = self.columns.iter()
.map(|c| self.display(file, c, xattrs))
Row { cells }
pub fn add_widths(&mut self, row: &Row) {
fn permissions_plus(&self, file: &File, xattrs: bool) -> f::PermissionsPlus {
f::PermissionsPlus {
file_type: file.type_char(),
permissions: file.permissions(),
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fn display(&self, file: &File, column: &Column, xattrs: bool) -> TextCell {
use output::table::TimeType::*;
match *column {
Column::Permissions => self.permissions_plus(file, xattrs).render(self.colours),
Column::FileSize => file.size().render(self.colours, self.size_format, &self.env.numeric),
Column::HardLinks => file.links().render(self.colours, &self.env.numeric),
Column::Inode => file.inode().render(self.colours.inode),
Column::Blocks => file.blocks().render(self.colours),
Column::User => file.user().render(self.colours, &*self.env.lock_users()),
Column::Group => file.group().render(self.colours, &*self.env.lock_users()),
Column::GitStatus => self.git_status(file).render(self.colours),
Column::Timestamp(Modified) => file.modified_time().render(self.colours.date, &self.env.tz, &self.time_format),
Column::Timestamp(Created) => file.created_time() .render(self.colours.date, &self.env.tz, &self.time_format),
Column::Timestamp(Accessed) => file.accessed_time().render(self.colours.date, &self.env.tz, &self.time_format),
fn git_status(&self, file: &File) -> f::Git {
debug!("Getting Git status for file {:?}", file.path);
.map(|g| g.get(&file.path, file.is_directory()))
pub fn render(&self, row: Row) -> TextCell {
let mut cell = TextCell::default();
for (n, (this_cell, width)) in row.cells.into_iter().zip(self.widths.iter()).enumerate() {
let padding = width - *this_cell.width;
match self.columns[n].alignment() {
Alignment::Left => { cell.append(this_cell); cell.add_spaces(padding); }
Alignment::Right => { cell.add_spaces(padding); cell.append(this_cell); }
pub struct TableWidths(Vec<usize>);
impl Deref for TableWidths {
type Target = [usize];
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fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl TableWidths {
pub fn zero(count: usize) -> TableWidths {
TableWidths(vec![ 0; count ])
pub fn add_widths(&mut self, row: &Row) {
for (old_width, cell) in self.0.iter_mut().zip(row.cells.iter()) {
*old_width = max(*old_width, *cell.width);
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pub fn total(&self) -> usize {
self.0.len() + self.0.iter().sum::<usize>()