feat: New Icons and CLI argument to suppress icons

This commit is contained in:
Stuart Carnie 2020-04-07 17:08:19 -07:00
parent 13b91cced4
commit c42e0b3945
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 848D9C9718D78B4F
5 changed files with 293 additions and 146 deletions

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ __exa() {
--colo{,u}r"[When to use terminal colours]" \
--colo{,u}r-scale"[Highlight levels of file sizes distinctly]" \
--icons"[Display icons]" \
--no-icons"[Hide icons]" \
--group-directories-first"[Sort directories before other files]" \
--git-ignore"[Ignore files mentioned in '.gitignore']" \
{-a,--all}"[Show hidden and 'dot' files]" \

View File

@ -24,8 +24,13 @@ impl Classify {
impl ShowIcons {
fn enable_icons(matches: &MatchedFlags<'_>) -> bool {
&& !matches.has(&flags::NO_ICONS).unwrap_or_default()
pub fn deduce<V: Vars>(matches: &MatchedFlags<'_>, vars: &V) -> Result<Self, OptionsError> {
if ! matches.has(&flags::ICONS)? {
if ! Self::enable_icons(matches) {
else if let Some(columns) = vars.get(vars::EXA_ICON_SPACING).and_then(|s| s.into_string().ok()) {

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ pub static NO_PERMISSIONS: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "no-permissions", take
pub static NO_FILESIZE: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "no-filesize", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static NO_USER: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "no-user", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static NO_TIME: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "no-time", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
pub static NO_ICONS: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "no-icons", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
// optional feature options
pub static GIT: Arg = Arg { short: None, long: "git", takes_value: TakesValue::Forbidden };
@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ pub static ALL_ARGS: Args = Args(&[

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ DISPLAY OPTIONS
--colo[u]r=WHEN when to use terminal colours (always, auto, never)
--colo[u]r-scale highlight levels of file sizes distinctly
--icons display icons
--no-icons hide icons (precedence over --icons)
-a, --all show hidden and 'dot' files

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ use ansi_term::Style;
use crate::fs::File;
use crate::info::filetype::FileExtensions;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub trait FileIcon {
@ -42,156 +44,293 @@ pub fn iconify_style<'a>(style: Style) -> Style {
lazy_static! {
static ref MAP_BY_NAME: HashMap<&'static str, char> = {
let mut m = HashMap::new();
m.insert(".Trash", '\u{f1f8}'); // 
m.insert(".atom", '\u{e764}'); // 
m.insert(".bashprofile", '\u{e615}'); // 
m.insert(".bashrc", '\u{f489}'); // 
m.insert(".git", '\u{f1d3}'); // 
m.insert(".gitattributes", '\u{f1d3}'); // 
m.insert(".gitconfig", '\u{f1d3}'); // 
m.insert(".github", '\u{f408}'); // 
m.insert(".gitignore", '\u{f1d3}'); // 
m.insert(".gitmodules", '\u{f1d3}'); // 
m.insert(".rvm", '\u{e21e}'); // 
m.insert(".vimrc", '\u{e62b}'); // 
m.insert(".vscode", '\u{e70c}'); // 
m.insert(".zshrc", '\u{f489}'); // 
m.insert("Cargo.lock", '\u{e7a8}'); // 
m.insert("bin", '\u{e5fc}'); // 
m.insert("config", '\u{e5fc}'); // 
m.insert("docker-compose.yml", '\u{f308}'); // 
m.insert("dockerfile", '\u{f308}'); // 
m.insert("ds_store", '\u{f179}'); // 
m.insert("gitignore_global", '\u{f1d3}'); // 
m.insert("gradle", '\u{e70e}'); // 
m.insert("gruntfile.coffee", '\u{e611}'); // 
m.insert("gruntfile.js", '\u{e611}'); // 
m.insert("gruntfile.ls", '\u{e611}'); // 
m.insert("gulpfile.coffee", '\u{e610}'); // 
m.insert("gulpfile.js", '\u{e610}'); // 
m.insert("gulpfile.ls", '\u{e610}'); // 
m.insert("hidden", '\u{f023}'); // 
m.insert("include", '\u{e5fc}'); // 
m.insert("lib", '\u{f121}'); // 
m.insert("localized", '\u{f179}'); // 
m.insert("Makefile", '\u{e779}'); // 
m.insert("node_modules", '\u{e718}'); // 
m.insert("npmignore", '\u{e71e}'); // 
m.insert("rubydoc", '\u{e73b}'); // 
m.insert("yarn.lock", '\u{e718}'); // 
pub fn icon_for_file(file: &File<'_>) -> char {
let extensions = Box::new(FileExtensions);
if file.points_to_directory() {
if let Some(icon) = MAP_BY_NAME.get(file.name.as_str()) { *icon }
else if file.points_to_directory() {
match file.name.as_str() {
"bin" => '\u{e5fc}',
".git" => '\u{f1d3}',
".idea" => '\u{e7b5}',
_ => '\u{f115}'
else if let Some(icon) = extensions.icon_file(file) {
else if let Some(icon) = extensions.icon_file(file) { icon }
else if let Some(ext) = file.ext.as_ref() {
match ext.as_str() {
"ai" => '\u{e7b4}',
"android" => '\u{e70e}',
"apple" => '\u{f179}',
"avro" => '\u{e60b}',
"clj" => '\u{e768}',
"coffee" => '\u{f0f4}',
"cpp" => '\u{e61d}',
"hpp" => '\u{e61d}',
"c" => '\u{e61e}',
"h" => '\u{e61e}',
"cs" => '\u{f81a}',
"css" => '\u{e749}',
"d" => '\u{e7af}',
"dart" => '\u{e798}',
"db" => '\u{f1c0}',
"diff" => '\u{f440}',
"patch" => '\u{f440}',
"rtf" => '\u{f1c2}',
"doc" => '\u{f1c2}',
"docx" => '\u{f1c2}',
"odt" => '\u{f1c2}',
"ebook" => '\u{e28b}',
"env" => '\u{f462}',
"epub" => '\u{e28a}',
"erl" => '\u{e7b1}',
"font" => '\u{f031}',
"gform" => '\u{f298}',
"git" => '\u{f1d3}',
"go" => '\u{e626}',
"hs" => '\u{e777}',
"htm" => '\u{f13b}',
"html" => '\u{f13b}',
"xhtml" => '\u{f13b}',
"iml" => '\u{e7b5}',
"java" => '\u{e204}',
"js" => '\u{e74e}',
"mjs" => '\u{e74e}',
"json" => '\u{e60b}',
"jsx" => '\u{e7ba}',
"vue" => '\u{fd42}',
"node" => '\u{f898}',
"less" => '\u{e758}',
"log" => '\u{f18d}',
"lua" => '\u{e620}',
"md" => '\u{f48a}',
"markdown" => '\u{f48a}',
"mustache" => '\u{e60f}',
"npmignore" => '\u{e71e}',
"pdf" => '\u{f1c1}',
"djvu" => '\u{f02d}',
"mobi" => '\u{f02d}',
"php" => '\u{e73d}',
"pl" => '\u{e769}',
"ppt" => '\u{f1c4}',
"pptx" => '\u{f1c4}',
"odp" => '\u{f1c4}',
"psd" => '\u{e7b8}',
"py" => '\u{e606}',
"r" => '\u{f25d}',
"rb" => '\u{e21e}',
"ru" => '\u{e21e}',
"erb" => '\u{e21e}',
"gem" => '\u{e21e}',
"rdb" => '\u{e76d}',
"rs" => '\u{e7a8}',
"rss" => '\u{f09e}',
"rubydoc" => '\u{e73b}',
"sass" => '\u{e74b}',
"stylus" => '\u{e759}',
"scala" => '\u{e737}',
"shell" => '\u{f489}',
"sqlite3" => '\u{e7c4}',
"styl" => '\u{e600}',
"latex" => '\u{e600}',
"tex" => '\u{e600}',
"ts" => '\u{e628}',
"tsx" => '\u{e628}',
"twig" => '\u{e61c}',
"txt" => '\u{f15c}',
"video" => '\u{f03d}',
"vim" => '\u{e62b}',
"xml" => '\u{e619}',
"yml" => '\u{f481}',
"yaml" => '\u{f481}',
"rar" => '\u{f410}',
"zip" => '\u{f410}',
"bz" => '\u{f410}',
"bz2" => '\u{f410}',
"xz" => '\u{f410}',
"taz" => '\u{f410}',
"tbz" => '\u{f410}',
"tbz2" => '\u{f410}',
"tz" => '\u{f410}',
"tar" => '\u{f410}',
"tzo" => '\u{f410}',
"lz" => '\u{f410}',
"lzh" => '\u{f410}',
"lzma" => '\u{f410}',
"lzo" => '\u{f410}',
"gz" => '\u{f410}',
"deb" => '\u{e77d}',
"rpm" => '\u{e7bb}',
"exe" => '\u{e70f}',
"msi" => '\u{e70f}',
"dll" => '\u{e70f}',
"cab" => '\u{e70f}',
"bat" => '\u{e70f}',
"cmd" => '\u{e70f}',
"sh" => '\u{f489}',
"bash" => '\u{f489}',
"zsh" => '\u{f489}',
"fish" => '\u{f489}',
"csh" => '\u{f489}',
"ini" => '\u{e615}',
"toml" => '\u{e615}',
"cfg" => '\u{e615}',
"conf" => '\u{e615}',
"apk" => '\u{e70e}',
"ttf" => '\u{f031}',
"woff" => '\u{f031}',
"woff2" => '\u{f031}',
"otf" => '\u{f031}',
"csv" => '\u{f1c3}',
"tsv" => '\u{f1c3}',
"xls" => '\u{f1c3}',
"xlsx" => '\u{f1c3}',
"ods" => '\u{f1c3}',
"so" => '\u{f17c}',
"sql" => '\u{f1c0}',
"jar" => '\u{e256}',
"jad" => '\u{e256}',
"class" => '\u{e256}',
"war" => '\u{e256}',
"groovy" => '\u{e775}',
"iso" => '\u{e271}',
"lock" => '\u{f023}',
"swift" => '\u{e755}',
"nix" => '\u{f313}',
_ => '\u{f016}'
"ai" => '\u{e7b4}', // 
"android" => '\u{e70e}', // 
"apk" => '\u{e70e}', // 
"apple" => '\u{f179}', // 
"avi" => '\u{f03d}', // 
"avro" => '\u{e60b}', // 
"awk" => '\u{f489}', // 
"bash" => '\u{f489}', // 
"bash_history" => '\u{f489}', // 
"bash_profile" => '\u{f489}', // 
"bashrc" => '\u{f489}', // 
"bat" => '\u{f17a}', // 
"bmp" => '\u{f1c5}', // 
"bz" => '\u{f410}', // 
"bz2" => '\u{f410}', // 
"c" => '\u{e61e}', // 
"c++" => '\u{e61d}', // 
"cab" => '\u{e70f}', // 
"cc" => '\u{e61d}', // 
"cfg" => '\u{e615}', // 
"class" => '\u{e256}', // 
"clj" => '\u{e768}', // 
"cljs" => '\u{e76a}', // 
"cls" => '\u{e600}', // 
"cmd" => '\u{e70f}', // 
"coffee" => '\u{f0f4}', // 
"conf" => '\u{e615}', // 
"cp" => '\u{e61d}', // 
"cpp" => '\u{e61d}', // 
"cs" => '\u{f81a}', // 
"csh" => '\u{f489}', // 
"cshtml" => '\u{f1fa}', // 
"csproj" => '\u{f81a}', // 
"css" => '\u{e749}', // 
"csv" => '\u{f1c3}', // 
"csx" => '\u{f81a}', // 
"cxx" => '\u{e61d}', // 
"d" => '\u{e7af}', // 
"dart" => '\u{e798}', // 
"db" => '\u{f1c0}', // 
"deb" => '\u{e77d}', // 
"diff" => '\u{f440}', // 
"djvu" => '\u{f02d}', // 
"dll" => '\u{e70f}', // 
"doc" => '\u{f1c2}', // 
"docx" => '\u{f1c2}', // 
"ds_store" => '\u{f179}', // 
"DS_store" => '\u{f179}', // 
"dump" => '\u{f1c0}', // 
"ebook" => '\u{e28b}', // 
"editorconfig" => '\u{e615}', // 
"ejs" => '\u{e618}', // 
"elm" => '\u{e62c}', // 
"env" => '\u{f462}', // 
"eot" => '\u{f031}', // 
"epub" => '\u{e28a}', // 
"erb" => '\u{e73b}', // 
"erl" => '\u{e7b1}', // 
"ex" => '\u{e62d}', // 
"exe" => '\u{f17a}', // 
"exs" => '\u{e62d}', // 
"fish" => '\u{f489}', // 
"flac" => '\u{f001}', // 
"flv" => '\u{f03d}', // 
"font" => '\u{f031}', // 
"gdoc" => '\u{f1c2}', // 
"gem" => '\u{e21e}', // 
"gemfile" => '\u{e21e}', // 
"gemspec" => '\u{e21e}', // 
"gform" => '\u{f298}', // 
"gif" => '\u{f1c5}', // 
"git" => '\u{f1d3}', // 
"gitattributes" => '\u{f1d3}', // 
"gitignore" => '\u{f1d3}', // 
"gitmodules" => '\u{f1d3}', // 
"go" => '\u{e626}', // 
"gradle" => '\u{e70e}', // 
"groovy" => '\u{e775}', // 
"gsheet" => '\u{f1c3}', // 
"gslides" => '\u{f1c4}', // 
"guardfile" => '\u{e21e}', // 
"gz" => '\u{f410}', // 
"h" => '\u{f0fd}', // 
"hbs" => '\u{e60f}', // 
"hpp" => '\u{f0fd}', // 
"hs" => '\u{e777}', // 
"htm" => '\u{f13b}', // 
"html" => '\u{f13b}', // 
"hxx" => '\u{f0fd}', // 
"ico" => '\u{f1c5}', // 
"image" => '\u{f1c5}', // 
"iml" => '\u{e7b5}', // 
"ini" => '\u{f17a}', // 
"ipynb" => '\u{e606}', // 
"iso" => '\u{e271}', // 
"jad" => '\u{e256}', // 
"jar" => '\u{e204}', // 
"java" => '\u{e204}', // 
"jpeg" => '\u{f1c5}', // 
"jpg" => '\u{f1c5}', // 
"js" => '\u{e74e}', // 
"json" => '\u{e60b}', // 
"jsx" => '\u{e7ba}', // 
"ksh" => '\u{f489}', // 
"latex" => '\u{e600}', // 
"less" => '\u{e758}', // 
"lhs" => '\u{e777}', // 
"license" => '\u{f718}', // 
"localized" => '\u{f179}', // 
"lock" => '\u{f023}', // 
"log" => '\u{f18d}', // 
"lua" => '\u{e620}', // 
"lz" => '\u{f410}', // 
"lzh" => '\u{f410}', // 
"lzma" => '\u{f410}', // 
"lzo" => '\u{f410}', // 
"m" => '\u{e61e}', // 
"mm" => '\u{e61d}', // 
"m4a" => '\u{f001}', // 
"markdown" => '\u{f48a}', // 
"md" => '\u{f48a}', // 
"mjs" => '\u{e74e}', // 
"mkd" => '\u{f48a}', // 
"mkv" => '\u{f03d}', // 
"mobi" => '\u{e28b}', // 
"mov" => '\u{f03d}', // 
"mp3" => '\u{f001}', // 
"mp4" => '\u{f03d}', // 
"msi" => '\u{e70f}', // 
"mustache" => '\u{e60f}', // 
"nix" => '\u{f313}', // 
"node" => '\u{f898}', // 
"npmignore" => '\u{e71e}', // 
"odp" => '\u{f1c4}', // 
"ods" => '\u{f1c3}', // 
"odt" => '\u{f1c2}', // 
"ogg" => '\u{f001}', // 
"ogv" => '\u{f03d}', // 
"otf" => '\u{f031}', // 
"patch" => '\u{f440}', // 
"pdf" => '\u{f1c1}', // 
"php" => '\u{e73d}', // 
"pl" => '\u{e769}', // 
"png" => '\u{f1c5}', // 
"ppt" => '\u{f1c4}', // 
"pptx" => '\u{f1c4}', // 
"procfile" => '\u{e21e}', // 
"properties" => '\u{e60b}', // 
"ps1" => '\u{f489}', // 
"psd" => '\u{e7b8}', // 
"pxm" => '\u{f1c5}', // 
"py" => '\u{e606}', // 
"pyc" => '\u{e606}', // 
"r" => '\u{f25d}', // 
"rakefile" => '\u{e21e}', // 
"rar" => '\u{f410}', // 
"razor" => '\u{f1fa}', // 
"rb" => '\u{e21e}', // 
"rdata" => '\u{f25d}', // 
"rdb" => '\u{e76d}', // 
"rdoc" => '\u{f48a}', // 
"rds" => '\u{f25d}', // 
"readme" => '\u{f48a}', // 
"rlib" => '\u{e7a8}', // 
"rmd" => '\u{f48a}', // 
"rpm" => '\u{e7bb}', // 
"rs" => '\u{e7a8}', // 
"rspec" => '\u{e21e}', // 
"rspec_parallel"=> '\u{e21e}', // 
"rspec_status" => '\u{e21e}', // 
"rss" => '\u{f09e}', // 
"rtf" => '\u{f718}', // 
"ru" => '\u{e21e}', // 
"rubydoc" => '\u{e73b}', // 
"sass" => '\u{e603}', // 
"scala" => '\u{e737}', // 
"scss" => '\u{e749}', // 
"sh" => '\u{f489}', // 
"shell" => '\u{f489}', // 
"slim" => '\u{e73b}', // 
"sln" => '\u{e70c}', // 
"so" => '\u{f17c}', // 
"sql" => '\u{f1c0}', // 
"sqlite3" => '\u{e7c4}', // 
"styl" => '\u{e600}', // 
"stylus" => '\u{e600}', // 
"svg" => '\u{f1c5}', // 
"swift" => '\u{e755}', // 
"tar" => '\u{f410}', // 
"taz" => '\u{f410}', // 
"tbz" => '\u{f410}', // 
"tbz2" => '\u{f410}', // 
"tex" => '\u{e600}', // 
"tiff" => '\u{f1c5}', // 
"toml" => '\u{e615}', // 
"ts" => '\u{e628}', // 
"tsv" => '\u{f1c3}', // 
"tsx" => '\u{e7ba}', // 
"ttf" => '\u{f031}', // 
"twig" => '\u{e61c}', // 
"txt" => '\u{f15c}', // 
"tz" => '\u{f410}', // 
"tzo" => '\u{f410}', // 
"video" => '\u{f03d}', // 
"vim" => '\u{e62b}', // 
"vue" => '\u{fd42}', // ﵂
"war" => '\u{e256}', // 
"wav" => '\u{f001}', // 
"webm" => '\u{f03d}', // 
"webp" => '\u{f1c5}', // 
"windows" => '\u{f17a}', // 
"woff" => '\u{f031}', // 
"woff2" => '\u{f031}', // 
"xhtml" => '\u{f13b}', // 
"xls" => '\u{f1c3}', // 
"xlsx" => '\u{f1c3}', // 
"xml" => '\u{fabf}', // 謹
"xul" => '\u{fabf}', // 謹
"xz" => '\u{f410}', // 
"yaml" => '\u{f481}', // 
"yml" => '\u{f481}', // 
"zip" => '\u{f410}', // 
"zsh" => '\u{f489}', // 
"zsh-theme" => '\u{f489}', // 
"zshrc" => '\u{f489}', // 
_ => '\u{f15b}' // 
else {