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synced 2024-12-29 11:02:39 +00:00
I don’t really see the modified date as the *modified* date, rather just the *date* field, because it’s the date field I refer to like 99.9% of the time. So now it has aliases to match. Also are included are aliases for the reverse order, because I’d rather write “new” than “the reverse of old”.
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[4mPermissions[0m [4mSize[0m [4mUser[0m [4mDate Modified[0m [4mName[0m
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m22 Dec 2009[0m plum
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m15 Jun 2006[0m peach
.[1;33mr[31mw[0m[38;5;244m-[33mr[31mw[38;5;244m-[33mr[38;5;244m--[0m [1;32m0[0m cassowary [34m 3 Mar 2003[0m pear