2024-06-20 01:45:06 +09:00

81 KiB
Raw Blame History



  • Added --info-command option for customizing the info line
    # Prepend the current cursor position in yellow
    fzf --info-command='echo -e "\x1b[33;1m$FZF_POS\x1b[m/$FZF_INFO 💛"'
    • $FZF_INFO is set to the original info text
    • ANSI color codes are supported
  • Pointer and marker signs can be set to empty strings
    # Minimal style
    fzf --pointer '' --marker '' --info hidden
    # When --read0 is specified, there can be multi-line entries,
    # so you need to set --marker-multi-line to an empty string
    find . -print0 | fzf --read0 --pointer '' --marker-multi-line '' --info hidden
  • Better cache management and improved rendering for --tail
  • Improved --sync behavior
    • When --sync is provided, fzf will not render the interface until the initial filtering and the associated actions (bound to any of start, load, result, or focus) are complete.
      # fzf will not render intermediate states
      (sleep 1; seq 1000000; sleep 1) |
        fzf --sync --query 5 --listen --bind start:up,load:up,result:up,focus:change-header:Ready
  • GET endpoint is now available from execute and transform actions (it used to timeout due to lock conflict)
    fzf --listen --sync --bind 'focus:transform-header:curl -s localhost:$FZF_PORT?limit=0 | jq .'
  • Added offset-middle action to place the current item is in the middle of the screen
  • Fixed mouse support on Windows
  • Fixed crash when using --tiebreak=end with very long items
  • zsh 5.0 compatibility (thanks to @LangLangBart)
  • Fixed --walker-skip to also skip symlinks to directories
  • Fixed result event not fired when input stream is not complete


  • Multi-line display
    • See Processing multi-line items
    • fzf can now display multi-line items
      # All bash functions, highlighted
      declare -f | perl -0777 -pe 's/^}\n/}\0/gm' |
        bat --plain --language bash --color always |
        fzf --read0 --ansi --reverse --multi --highlight-line
      # Ripgrep multi-line output
      rg --pretty bash | perl -0777 -pe 's/\n\n/\n\0/gm' |
        fzf --read0 --ansi --multi --highlight-line --reverse --tmux 70%
      • To disable multi-line display, use --no-multi-line
    • CTRL-R bindings of bash, zsh, and fish have been updated to leverage multi-line display
    • The default --pointer and --marker have been changed from > to Unicode bar characters as they look better with multi-line items
    • Added --marker-multi-line to customize the select marker for multi-line entries with the default set to ╻┃╹
      ╻First line
      ╹Last line
  • Native tmux integration
    • Added --tmux option to replace fzf-tmux script and simplify distribution
      # --tmux [center|top|bottom|left|right][,SIZE[%]][,SIZE[%]]
      # Center, 100% width and 70% height
      fzf --tmux 100%,70% --border horizontal --padding 1,2
      # Left, 30% width
      fzf --tmux left,30%
      # Bottom, 50% height
      fzf --tmux bottom,50%
      • To keep the implementation simple, it only uses popups. You need tmux 3.3 or later.
    • To use --tmux in Vim plugin:
      let g:fzf_layout = { 'tmux': '100%,70%' }
  • Added support for endless input streams
    • See Browsing log stream with fzf
    • Added --tail=NUM option to limit the number of items to keep in memory. This is useful when you want to browse an endless stream of data (e.g. log stream) with fzf while limiting memory usage.
      # Interactive filtering of a log stream
      tail -f *.log | fzf --tail 100000 --tac --no-sort --exact
  • Better Windows Support
    • fzf now works on Git bash (mintty) out of the box via winpty integration
    • Many fixes and improvements for Windows
  • man page is now embedded in the binary; fzf --man to see it
  • Changed the default --scroll-off to 3, as we think it's a better default
  • Process started by execute action now directly writes to and reads from /dev/tty. Manual /dev/tty redirection for interactive programs is no longer required.
    # Vim will work fine without /dev/tty redirection
    ls | fzf --bind 'space:execute:vim {}' > selected
  • Added print(...) action to queue an arbitrary string to be printed on exit. This was mainly added to work around the limitation of --expect where it's not compatible with --bind on the same key and it would ignore other actions bound to it.
    # This doesn't work as expected because --expect is not compatible with --bind
    fzf --multi --expect ctrl-y --bind 'ctrl-y:select-all'
    # This is something you can do instead
    fzf --multi --bind 'enter:print()+accept,ctrl-y:select-all+print(ctrl-y)+accept'
    • We also considered making them compatible, but realized that some users may have been relying on the current behavior.
  • NO_COLOR environment variable is now respected. If the variable is set, fzf defaults to --no-color unless otherwise specified.


  • Fixed a critical bug in the Windows version
    • Windows users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to this version


  • Added --highlight-line to highlight the whole current line (à la set cursorline of Vim)
  • Added color names for selected lines: selected-fg, selected-bg, and selected-hl
    fzf --border --multi --info inline-right --layout reverse --marker ▏ --pointer ▌ --prompt '▌ '  \
        --highlight-line --color gutter:-1,selected-bg:238,selected-fg:146,current-fg:189
  • Added click-header event that is triggered when the header section is clicked. When the event is triggered, $FZF_CLICK_HEADER_COLUMN and $FZF_CLICK_HEADER_LINE are set.
    fd --type f |
      fzf --header $'[Files] [Directories]' --header-first \
          --bind 'click-header:transform:
            (( FZF_CLICK_HEADER_COLUMN <= 7 )) && echo "reload(fd --type f)"
            (( FZF_CLICK_HEADER_COLUMN >= 9 )) && echo "reload(fd --type d)"
  • Add $FZF_COMPLETION_{DIR,PATH}_OPTS for separately customizing the behavior of fuzzy completion
    # Set --walker options without 'follow' not to follow symbolic links
  • Fixed Windows argument escaping
  • Bug fixes and improvements
  • The code was heavily refactored to allow using fzf as a library in Go programs. The API is still experimental and subject to change.


  • Added a new environment variable $FZF_POS exported to the child processes. It's the vertical position of the cursor in the list starting from 1.
    # Toggle selection to the top or to the bottom
    seq 30 | fzf --multi --bind 'load:pos(10)' \
      --bind 'shift-up:transform:for _ in $(seq $FZF_POS $FZF_MATCH_COUNT); do echo -n +toggle+up; done' \
      --bind 'shift-down:transform:for _ in $(seq 1 $FZF_POS); do echo -n +toggle+down; done'
  • Added --with-shell option to start child processes with a custom shell command and flags
    gem list | fzf --with-shell 'ruby -e' \
      --preview 'pp Gem::Specification.find_by_name({1})' \
      --bind 'ctrl-o:execute-silent:
          spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name({1})
          [spec.homepage, *spec.metadata.filter { _1.end_with?("uri") }.values].uniq.each do
            system "open", _1
  • Added change-multi action for dynamically changing --multi option
    • change-multi - enable multi-select mode with no limit
    • change-multi(NUM) - enable multi-select mode with a limit
    • change-multi(0) - disable multi-select mode
  • Windows improvements
    • become action is now supported on Windows
      • Unlike in *nix, this does not use execve(2). Instead it spawns a new process and waits for it to finish, so the exact behavior may differ.
    • Fixed argument escaping for Windows cmd.exe. No redundant escaping of backslashes.
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Search performance optimization. You can observe 50%+ improvement in some scenarios.
    $ rg --line-number --no-heading --smart-case . > $DATA
    $ wc < $DATA
     5520118 26862362 897487793
    $ hyperfine -w 1 -L bin fzf-0.49.0,fzf-7ce6452,fzf-a5447b8,fzf '{bin} --filter "///" < $DATA | head -30'
      fzf --filter "///" < $DATA | head -30 ran
        1.16 ± 0.03 times faster than fzf-a5447b8 --filter "///" < $DATA | head -30
        1.23 ± 0.03 times faster than fzf-7ce6452 --filter "///" < $DATA | head -30
        1.52 ± 0.03 times faster than fzf-0.49.0 --filter "///" < $DATA | head -30
  • Added jump and jump-cancel events that are triggered when leaving jump mode
    # Default behavior
    fzf --bind space:jump
    # Same as jump-accept action
    fzf --bind space:jump,jump:accept
    # Accept on jump, abort on cancel
    fzf --bind space:jump,jump:accept,jump-cancel:abort
    # Change header on jump-cancel
    fzf --bind 'space:change-header(Type jump label)+jump,jump-cancel:change-header:Jump cancelled'
  • Added a new environment variable $FZF_KEY exported to the child processes. It's the name of the last key pressed.
    fzf --bind 'space:jump,jump:accept,jump-cancel:transform:[[ $FZF_KEY =~ ctrl-c ]] && echo abort'
  • fzf can be built with profiling options. See BUILD.md for more information.
  • Bug fixes


  • Ingestion performance improved by around 40% (more or less depending on options)
  • --info=hidden and --info=inline-right will no longer hide the horizontal separator by default. This gives you more flexibility in customizing the layout.
    fzf --border --info=inline-right
    fzf --border --info=inline-right --separator ═
    fzf --border --info=inline-right --no-separator
    fzf --border --info=hidden
    fzf --border --info=hidden --separator ━
    fzf --border --info=hidden --no-separator
  • Added two environment variables exported to the child processes
    # Use the current value of $FZF_PREVIEW_LABEL to determine which actions to perform
    git ls-files |
      fzf --header 'Press CTRL-P to change preview mode' \
          --bind='ctrl-p:transform:[[ $FZF_PREVIEW_LABEL =~ cat ]] \
          && echo "change-preview(git log --color=always \{})+change-preview-label([[ log ]])" \
          || echo "change-preview(bat --color=always \{})+change-preview-label([[ cat ]])"'
  • Renamed track action to track-current to highlight the difference between the global tracking state set by --track and a one-off tracking action
    • track is still available as an alias
  • Added untrack-current and toggle-track-current actions
    • *-current actions are no-op when the global tracking state is set
  • Bug fixes and minor improvements


  • CTRL-T and ALT-C bindings can be disabled by setting FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND and FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND to empty strings respectively when sourcing the script
    # bash
    FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND= FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND= eval "$(fzf --bash)"
    # zsh
    FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND= FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND= eval "$(fzf --zsh)"
    # fish
    fzf --fish | FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND= FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND= source
    • Setting the variables after sourcing the script will have no effect
  • Bug fixes


  • Shell integration scripts are now embedded in the fzf binary. This simplifies the distribution, and the users are less likely to have problems caused by using incompatible scripts and binaries.
    • bash
      # Set up fzf key bindings and fuzzy completion
      eval "$(fzf --bash)"
    • zsh
      # Set up fzf key bindings and fuzzy completion
      eval "$(fzf --zsh)"
    • fish
      # Set up fzf key bindings
      fzf --fish | source
  • Added options for customizing the behavior of the built-in walker
    Option Description Default
    --walker=OPTS Walker options ([file][,dir][,follow][,hidden]) file,follow,hidden
    --walker-root=DIR Root directory from which to start walker .
    --walker-skip=DIRS Comma-separated list of directory names to skip .git,node_modules
    • Examples
      # Built-in walker is only used by standalone fzf when $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND is not set
      fzf # default: --walker=file,follow,hidden --walker-root=. --walker-skip=.git,node_modules
      fzf --walker=file,dir,hidden,follow --walker-skip=.git,node_modules,target
      # Walker options in $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS
      export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--walker=file,dir,hidden,follow --walker-skip=.git,node_modules,target"
      # Reading from STDIN; --walker is ignored
      seq 100 | fzf --walker=dir
      # Reading from $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND; --walker is ignored
      export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='seq 100'
      fzf --walker=dir
  • Shell integration scripts have been updated to use the built-in walker with these new options and they are now much faster out of the box.


  • Replaced "the default find command" with a built-in directory walker to simplify the code and to achieve better performance and consistent behavior across platforms. This doesn't affect you if you have $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND set.
    • Breaking changes:
      • Unlike the previous "find" command, the new traversal code will list hidden files, but hidden directories will still be ignored
      • No filtering of devtmpfs or proc types
      • Traversal is parallelized, so the order of the entries will be different each time
    • You may wonder why fzf implements directory walker anyway when it's a filter program following the Unix philosophy. But fzf has had the walker code for years to tackle the performance problem on Windows. And I decided to use the same approach on different platforms as well for the benefits listed above.
    • Built-in walker is using the excellent charlievieth/fastwalk library, which easily outperforms its competitors and supports safely following symlinks.
  • Added $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS_FILE to allow managing default options in a file
    • See #3618
    • Option precedence from lower to higher
      1. Options read from $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS_FILE
      2. Options from $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS
      3. Options from command-line arguments
  • Bug fixes and improvements



  • Added two new events
    • result - triggered when the filtering for the current query is complete and the result list is ready
    • resize - triggered when the terminal size is changed
  • fzf now exports the following environment variables to the child processes
    Variable Description
    FZF_LINES Number of lines fzf takes up excluding padding and margin
    FZF_COLUMNS Number of columns fzf takes up excluding padding and margin
    FZF_TOTAL_COUNT Total number of items
    FZF_MATCH_COUNT Number of matched items
    FZF_SELECT_COUNT Number of selected items
    FZF_QUERY Current query string
    FZF_PROMPT Prompt string
    FZF_ACTION The name of the last action performed
    • This allows you to write sophisticated transformations like so
      # Script to dynamically resize the preview window
        # 1 line for info, another for prompt, and 2 more lines for preview window border
        lines=$(( FZF_LINES - FZF_MATCH_COUNT - 4 ))
        if [[ $FZF_MATCH_COUNT -eq 0 ]]; then
          echo "change-preview-window:hidden"
        elif [[ $lines -gt 3 ]]; then
          echo "change-preview-window:$lines"
        elif [[ $FZF_PREVIEW_LINES -ne 3 ]]; then
          echo "change-preview-window:3"
      seq 10000 | fzf --preview 'seq {} 10000' --preview-window up \
                      --bind "result:transform:$transformer" \
                      --bind "resize:transform:$transformer"
    • And we're phasing out {fzf:prompt} and {fzf:action}
  • Changed mattn/go-runewidth dependency to rivo/uniseg for accurate results
    • Set --ambidouble if your terminal displays ambiguous width characters (e.g. box-drawing characters for borders) as 2 columns
    • RUNEWIDTH_EASTASIAN=1 is still respected for backward compatibility, but it's recommended that you use this new option instead
  • Bug fixes


  • Added transform action to conditionally perform a series of actions
    # Disallow selecting an empty line
    echo -e "1. Hello\n2. Goodbye\n\n3. Exit" |
      fzf --height '~100%' --reverse --header 'Select one' \
          --bind 'enter:transform:[[ -n {} ]] && echo accept || echo "change-header:Invalid selection"'
    # Move cursor past the empty line
    echo -e "1. Hello\n2. Goodbye\n\n3. Exit" |
      fzf --height '~100%' --reverse --header 'Select one' \
          --bind 'enter:transform:[[ -n {} ]] && echo accept || echo "change-header:Invalid selection"' \
          --bind 'focus:transform:[[ -n {} ]] && exit; [[ {fzf:action} =~ up$ ]] && echo up || echo down'
    # A single key binding to toggle between modes
    fd --type file |
      fzf --prompt 'Files> ' \
          --header 'CTRL-T: Switch between Files/Directories' \
          --bind 'ctrl-t:transform:[[ ! {fzf:prompt} =~ Files ]] &&
                    echo "change-prompt(Files> )+reload(fd --type file)" ||
                    echo "change-prompt(Directories> )+reload(fd --type directory)"'
  • Added placeholder expressions
    • {fzf:action} - The name of the last action performed
    • {fzf:prompt} - Prompt string (including ANSI color codes)
    • {fzf:query} - Synonym for {q}
  • Added support for negative height
    # Terminal height minus 1, so you can still see the command line
    fzf --height=-1
    • This handles a terminal resize better than --height=$(($(tput lines) - 1))
  • Added accept-or-print-query action that acts like accept but prints the current query when there's no match for the query
    # You can make CTRL-R paste the current query when there's no match
    export FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS='--bind enter:accept-or-print-query'
    • Note that there are alternative ways to implement the same strategy
      # 'become' is apparently more versatile but it's not available on Windows.
      export FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS='--bind "enter:become:if [ -z {} ]; then echo {q}; else echo {}; fi"'
      # Using the new 'transform' action
      export FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS='--bind "enter:transform:[ -z {} ] && echo print-query || echo accept"'
  • Added show-header and hide-header actions
  • Bug fixes


  • Fixed crash when preview window is hidden on focus event


  • (Experimental) Sixel image support in preview window (not available on Windows)
    • bin/fzf-preview.sh is added to demonstrate how to display an image using Kitty image protocol or Sixel. You can use it like so:
      fzf --preview='fzf-preview.sh {}'
  • (Experimental) iTerm2 inline image protocol support in preview window (not available on Windows)
    # Using https://iterm2.com/utilities/imgcat
    fzf --preview 'imgcat -W $FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS -H $FZF_PREVIEW_LINES {}'
  • HTTP server can be configured to accept remote connections
    # FZF_API_KEY is required for a non-localhost listen address
    export FZF_API_KEY="$(head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64)"
    fzf --listen
    • To allow remote process execution, use --listen-unsafe instead (execute*, reload*, become, preview, change-preview, transform-*)
      fzf --listen-unsafe
  • Bug fixes


  • (Experimental) Added support for Kitty image protocol in the preview window (not available on Windows)
    fzf --preview='
      if file --mime-type {} | grep -qF image/; then
        # --transfer-mode=memory is the fastest option but if you want fzf to be able
        # to redraw the image on terminal resize or on 'change-preview-window',
        # you need to use --transfer-mode=stream.
        kitty icat --clear --transfer-mode=memory --unicode-placeholder --stdin=no --place=${FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS}x${FZF_PREVIEW_LINES}@0x0 {} | sed \$d
        bat --color=always {}
  • (Experimental) --listen server can report program state in JSON format (GET /)
    # fzf server started in "headless" mode
    fzf --listen 6266 2> /dev/null
    # Get program state
    curl localhost:6266 | jq .
    # Increase the number of items returned (default: 100)
    curl localhost:6266?limit=1000 | jq .
  • --listen server can be secured by setting $FZF_API_KEY environment variable.
    export FZF_API_KEY="$(head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64)"
    # Server
    fzf --listen 6266
    # Client
    curl localhost:6266 -H "x-api-key: $FZF_API_KEY" -d 'change-query(yo)'
  • Added toggle-header action
  • Added mouse events for --bind
    • scroll-up (bound to up)
    • scroll-down (bound to down)
    • shift-scroll-up (bound to toggle+up)
    • shift-scroll-down (bound to toggle+down)
    • shift-left-click (bound to toggle)
    • shift-right-click (bound to toggle)
    • preview-scroll-up (bound to preview-up)
    • preview-scroll-down (bound to preview-down)
    # Twice faster scrolling both in the main window and the preview window
    fzf --bind 'scroll-up:up+up,scroll-down:down+down' \
        --bind 'preview-scroll-up:preview-up+preview-up' \
        --bind 'preview-scroll-down:preview-down+preview-down' \
        --preview 'cat {}'
  • Added offset-up and offset-down actions
    # Scrolling will behave similarly to CTRL-E and CTRL-Y of vim
    fzf --bind scroll-up:offset-up,scroll-down:offset-down \
        --bind ctrl-y:offset-up,ctrl-e:offset-down \
  • Shell extensions
    • Updated bash completion for fzf options
    • bash key bindings no longer requires perl; it will use awk or mawk instead if perl is not found
    • Basic context-aware completion for ssh command
    • Applied --scheme=path for better ordering of the result
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Added new info style: --info=right
  • Added new info style: --info=inline-right
  • Added new border style thinblock which uses symbols for legacy computing one eighth block elements
    • Similarly to block, this style is suitable when using a different background color because the window is completely contained within the border.
      BAT_THEME=GitHub fzf --info=right --border=thinblock --preview-window=border-thinblock \
          --margin=3 --scrollbar=▏▕ --preview='bat --color=always --style=numbers {}' \
    • This style may not render correctly depending on the font and the terminal emulator.


  • Fixed a bug where preview window is not updated when --disabled is set and a reload is triggered by change:reload binding


  • Added color name preview-border and preview-scrollbar
  • Added new border style block which uses block elements
  • --scrollbar can take two characters, one for the main window, the other for the preview window
  • Putting it altogether:
    fzf-tmux -p 80% --padding 1,2 --preview 'bat --style=plain --color=always {}' \
        --color 'bg:237,bg+:235,gutter:237,border:238,scrollbar:236' \
        --color 'preview-bg:235,preview-border:236,preview-scrollbar:234' \
        --preview-window 'border-block' --border block --scrollbar '▌▐'
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Added zero event that is triggered when there's no match
    # Reload the candidate list when there's no match
    echo $RANDOM | fzf --bind 'zero:reload(echo $RANDOM)+clear-query' --height 3
  • New actions
    • Added track action which makes fzf track the current item when the search result is updated. If the user manually moves the cursor, or the item is not in the updated search result, tracking is automatically disabled. Tracking is useful when you want to see the surrounding items by deleting the query string.
      # Narrow down the list with a query, point to a command,
      # and hit CTRL-T to see its surrounding commands.
      export FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS="
        --preview 'echo {}' --preview-window up:3:hidden:wrap
        --bind 'ctrl-/:toggle-preview'
        --bind 'ctrl-t:track+clear-query'
        --bind 'ctrl-y:execute-silent(echo -n {2..} | pbcopy)+abort'
        --color header:italic
        --header 'Press CTRL-Y to copy command into clipboard'"
    • Added change-header(...)
    • Added transform-header(...)
    • Added toggle-track action
  • Fixed --track behavior when used with --tac
    • However, using --track with --tac is not recommended. The resulting behavior can be very confusing.
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Added one event that is triggered when there's only one match
    # Automatically select the only match
    seq 10 | fzf --bind one:accept
  • Added --track option that makes fzf track the current selection when the result list is updated. This can be useful when browsing logs using fzf with sorting disabled.
    git log --oneline --graph --color=always | nl |
        fzf --ansi --track --no-sort --layout=reverse-list
  • If you use --listen option without a port number fzf will automatically allocate an available port and export it as $FZF_PORT environment variable.
    # Automatic port assignment
    fzf --listen --bind 'start:execute-silent:echo $FZF_PORT > /tmp/fzf-port'
    # Say hello
    curl "localhost:$(cat /tmp/fzf-port)" -d 'preview:echo Hello, fzf is listening on $FZF_PORT.'
  • A carriage return and a line feed character will be rendered as dim ␍ and ␊ respectively.
    printf "foo\rbar\nbaz" | fzf --read0 --preview 'echo {}'
  • fzf will stop rendering a non-displayable characters as a space. This will likely cause less glitches in the preview window.
    fzf --preview 'head -1000 /dev/random'
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • New actions
    • become(...) - Replace the current fzf process with the specified command using execve(2) system call. See https://github.com/junegunn/fzf#turning-into-a-different-process for more information.
      # Open selected files in Vim
      fzf --multi --bind 'enter:become(vim {+})'
      # Open the file in Vim and go to the line
      git grep --line-number . |
          fzf --delimiter : --nth 3.. --bind 'enter:become(vim {1} +{2})'
      • This action is not supported on Windows
    • show-preview
    • hide-preview
  • Bug fixes
    • --preview-window 0,hidden should not execute the preview command until toggle-preview action is triggered


  • Added a way to customize the separator of inline info
    fzf --info 'inline:  ' --prompt ' ' --color prompt:bright-yellow
  • New event
    • focus - Triggered when the focus changes due to a vertical cursor movement or a search result update
      fzf --bind 'focus:transform-preview-label:echo [ {} ]' --preview 'cat {}'
      # Any action bound to the event runs synchronously and thus can make the interface sluggish
      # e.g. lolcat isn't one of the fastest programs, and every cursor movement in
      #      fzf will be noticeably affected by its execution time
      fzf --bind 'focus:transform-preview-label:echo [ {} ] | lolcat -f' --preview 'cat {}'
      # Beware not to introduce an infinite loop
      seq 10 | fzf --bind 'focus:up' --cycle
  • New actions
    • change-border-label
    • change-preview-label
    • transform-border-label
    • transform-preview-label
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Added --listen=HTTP_PORT option to start HTTP server. It allows external processes to send actions to perform via POST method.
    # Start HTTP server on port 6266
    fzf --listen 6266
    # Send actions to the server
    curl -XPOST localhost:6266 -d 'reload(seq 100)+change-prompt(hundred> )'
  • Added draggable scrollbar to the main search window and the preview window
    # Hide scrollbar
    fzf --no-scrollbar
    # Customize scrollbar
    fzf --scrollbar ┆ --color scrollbar:blue
  • New event
    • Added load event that is triggered when the input stream is complete and the initial processing of the list is complete.
      # Change the prompt to "loaded" when the input stream is complete
      (seq 10; sleep 1; seq 11 20) | fzf --prompt 'Loading> ' --bind 'load:change-prompt:Loaded> '
      # You can use it instead of 'start' event without `--sync` if asynchronous
      # trigger is not an issue.
      (seq 10; sleep 1; seq 11 20) | fzf --bind 'load:last'
  • New actions
    • Added pos(...) action to move the cursor to the numeric position
      • first and last are equivalent to pos(1) and pos(-1) respectively
      # Put the cursor on the 10th item
      seq 100 | fzf --sync --bind 'start:pos(10)'
      # Put the cursor on the 10th to last item
      seq 100 | fzf --sync --bind 'start:pos(-10)'
    • Added reload-sync(...) action which replaces the current list only after the reload process is complete. This is useful when the command takes a while to produce the initial output and you don't want fzf to run against an empty list while the command is running.
      # You can still filter and select entries from the initial list for 3 seconds
      seq 100 | fzf --bind 'load:reload-sync(sleep 3; seq 1000)+unbind(load)'
    • Added next-selected and prev-selected actions to move between selected items
      # `next-selected` will move the pointer to the next selected item below the current line
      # `prev-selected` will move the pointer to the previous selected item above the current line
      seq 10 | fzf --multi --bind ctrl-n:next-selected,ctrl-p:prev-selected
      # Both actions respect --layout option
      seq 10 | fzf --multi --bind ctrl-n:next-selected,ctrl-p:prev-selected --layout reverse
    • Added change-query(...) action that simply changes the query string to the given static string. This can be useful when used with --listen.
      curl localhost:6266 -d "change-query:$(date)"
    • Added transform-prompt(...) action for transforming the prompt string using an external command
      # Press space to change the prompt string using an external command
      # (only the first line of the output is taken)
      fzf --bind 'space:reload(ls),load:transform-prompt(printf "%s> " "$(date)")'
    • Added transform-query(...) action for transforming the query string using an external command
      # Press space to convert the query to uppercase letters
      fzf --bind 'space:transform-query(tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]" <<< {q})'
      # Bind it to 'change' event for automatic conversion
      fzf --bind 'change:transform-query(tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]" <<< {q})'
      # Can only type numbers
      fzf --bind 'change:transform-query(sed "s/[^0-9]//g" <<< {q})'
    • put action can optionally take an argument string
      # a will put 'alpha' on the prompt, ctrl-b will put 'bravo'
      fzf --bind 'a:put+put(lpha),ctrl-b:put(bravo)'
  • Added color name preview-label for --preview-label (defaults to label for --border-label)
  • Better support for (Windows) terminals where each box-drawing character takes 2 columns. Set RUNEWIDTH_EASTASIAN environment variable to 0 or 1.
    • On Vim, the variable will be automatically set if &ambiwidth is double
  • Behavior changes
    • fzf will always execute the preview command if the command template contains {q} even when it's empty. If you prefer the old behavior, you'll have to check if {q} is empty in your command.
      # This will show // even when the query is empty
      : | fzf --preview 'echo /{q}/'
      # But if you don't want it,
      : | fzf --preview '[ -n {q} ] || exit; echo /{q}/'
    • double-click will behave the same as enter unless otherwise specified, so you don't have to repeat the same action twice in --bind in most cases.
      # No need to bind 'double-click' to the same action
      fzf --bind 'enter:execute:less {}' # --bind 'double-click:execute:less {}'
    • If the color for separator is not specified, it will default to the color for border. Same holds true for scrollbar. This is to reduce the number of configuration items required to achieve a consistent color scheme.
    • If follow flag is specified in --preview-window option, fzf will automatically scroll to the bottom of the streaming preview output. But when the user manually scrolls the window, the following stops. With this version, fzf will resume following if the user scrolls the window to the bottom.
    • Default border style on Windows is changed to sharp because some Windows terminals are not capable of displaying rounded border characters correctly.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements


  • Fixed a bug where fzf with --tiebreak=chunk crashes on inverse match query
  • Fixed a bug where clicking above fzf would paste escape sequences


  • Added start event that is triggered only once when fzf finder starts. Since fzf consumes the input stream asynchronously, the input list is not available unless you use --sync.
    seq 100 | fzf --multi --sync --bind 'start:last+select-all+preview(echo welcome)'
  • Added --border-label and --border-label-pos for putting label on the border
    # ANSI color codes are supported
    # (with https://github.com/busyloop/lolcat)
    label=$(curl -s http://metaphorpsum.com/sentences/1 | lolcat -f)
    # Border label at the center
    fzf --height=10 --border --border-label="╢ $label ╟" --color=label:italic:black
    # Left-aligned (positive integer)
    fzf --height=10 --border --border-label="╢ $label ╟" --border-label-pos=3 --color=label:italic:black
    # Right-aligned (negative integer) on the bottom line (:bottom)
    fzf --height=10 --border --border-label="╢ $label ╟" --border-label-pos=-3:bottom --color=label:italic:black
  • Also added --preview-label and --preview-label-pos for the border of the preview window
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --border --preview-label=' Preview ' --preview-label-pos=2
  • Info panel (match counter) will be followed by a horizontal separator by default
    • Use --no-separator or --separator='' to hide the separator
    • You can specify an arbitrary string that is repeated to form the horizontal separator. e.g. --separator=╸
    • The color of the separator can be customized via --color=separator:...
    • ANSI color codes are also supported
    fzf --separator=╸ --color=separator:green
    fzf --separator=$(lolcat -f -F 1.4 <<< ▁▁▂▃▄▅▆▆▅▄▃▂▁▁) --info=inline
  • Added --border=bold and --border=double along with --preview-window=border-bold and --preview-window=border-double


  • Added support for adaptive --height. If the --height value is prefixed with ~, fzf will automatically determine the height in the range according to the input size.
    seq 1 | fzf --height ~70% --border --padding 1 --margin 1
    seq 10 | fzf --height ~70% --border --padding 1 --margin 1
    seq 100 | fzf --height ~70% --border --padding 1 --margin 1
    • There are a few limitations
      • Not compatible with percent top/bottom margin/padding
        # This is not allowed (top/bottom margin in percent value)
        fzf --height ~50% --border --margin 5%,10%
        # This is allowed (top/bottom margin in fixed value)
        fzf --height ~50% --border --margin 2,10%
      • fzf will not start until it can determine the right height for the input
        # fzf will open immediately
        (sleep 2; seq 10) | fzf --height 50%
        # fzf will open after 2 seconds
        (sleep 2; seq 10) | fzf --height ~50%
        (sleep 2; seq 1000) | fzf --height ~50%
  • Fixed tcell renderer used to render full-screen fzf on Windows
  • --no-clear is deprecated. Use reload action instead.


  • Added --scheme=[default|path|history] option to choose scoring scheme
    • (Experimental)
    • We updated the scoring algorithm in 0.32.0, however we have learned that this new scheme (default) is not always giving the optimal result
    • path: Additional bonus point is only given to the characters after path separator. You might want to choose this scheme if you have many files with spaces in their paths.
    • history: No additional bonus points are given so that we give more weight to the chronological ordering. This is equivalent to the scoring scheme before 0.32.0. This also sets --tiebreak=index.
  • ANSI color sequences with colon delimiters are now supported.
    printf "\e[38;5;208mOption 1\e[m\nOption 2" | fzf --ansi
    printf "\e[38:5:208mOption 1\e[m\nOption 2" | fzf --ansi
  • Support border-{up,down} as the synonyms for border-{top,bottom} in --preview-window
  • Added support for ANSI strikethrough
    printf "\e[9mdeleted" | fzf --ansi
    fzf --color fg+:strikethrough


  • Fixed incorrect ordering of --tiebreak=chunk
  • fzf-tmux will show fzf border instead of tmux popup border (requires tmux 3.3)
    fzf-tmux -p70%
    fzf-tmux -p70% --color=border:bright-red
    fzf-tmux -p100%,60% --color=border:bright-yellow --border=horizontal --padding 1,5 --margin 1,0
    fzf-tmux -p70%,100% --color=border:bright-green --border=vertical
    # Key bindings (CTRL-T, CTRL-R, ALT-C) will use these options
    export FZF_TMUX_OPTS='-p100%,60% --color=border:green --border=horizontal --padding 1,5 --margin 1,0'


  • Updated the scoring algorithm
    • Different bonus points to different categories of word boundaries (listed higher to lower bonus point)
      • Word after whitespace characters or beginning of the string
      • Word after common delimiter characters (/,:;|)
      • Word after other non-word characters
      # foo/bar.sh` is preferred over `foo-bar.sh` on `bar`
      fzf --query=bar --height=4 << EOF
  • Added a new tiebreak chunk
    • Favors the line with shorter matched chunk. A chunk is a set of consecutive non-whitespace characters.
    • Unlike the default length, this scheme works well with tabular input
      # length prefers item #1, because the whole line is shorter,
      # chunk prefers item #2, because the matched chunk ("foo") is shorter
      fzf --height=6 --header-lines=2 --tiebreak=chunk --reverse --query=fo << "EOF"
      N | Field1 | Field2 | Field3
      - | ------ | ------ | ------
      1 | hello  | foobar | baz
      2 | world  | foo    | bazbaz
    • If the input does not contain any spaces, chunk is equivalent to length. But we're not going to set it as the default because it is computationally more expensive.
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Added support for an alternative preview window layout that is activated when the size of the preview window is smaller than a certain threshold.
    # If the width of the preview window is smaller than 50 columns,
    # it will be displayed above the search window.
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window 'right,50%,border-left,<50(up,30%,border-bottom)'
    # Or you can just hide it like so
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window '<50(hidden)'
  • fzf now uses SGR mouse mode to properly support mouse on larger terminals
  • You can now use characters that do not satisfy unicode.IsGraphic constraint for --marker, --pointer, and --ellipsis. Allows Nerd Fonts and stuff. Use at your own risk.
  • Bug fixes and improvements
  • Shell extension
    • kill completion now requires trigger sequence (**) for consistency


  • Fixed cursor flickering over the screen by hiding it during rendering
  • Added --ellipsis option. You can take advantage of it to make fzf effectively search non-visible parts of the item.
    # Search against hidden line numbers on the far right
    nl /usr/share/dict/words                  |
      awk '{printf "%s%1000s\n", $2, $1}'     |
      fzf --nth=-1 --no-hscroll --ellipsis='' |
      awk '{print $2}'
  • Added rebind action for restoring bindings after unbind
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Added change-preview(...) action to change the --preview command
    • cf. preview(...) is a one-off action that doesn't change the default preview command
  • Added change-preview-window(...) action
    • You can rotate through the different options separated by |
      fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window right:40% \
          --bind 'ctrl-/:change-preview-window(right,70%|down,40%,border-top|hidden|)'
  • Fixed rendering of the prompt line when overflow occurs with --info=inline


  • Added --header-first option to print header before the prompt line
    fzf --header $'Welcome to fzf\n▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔' --reverse --height 30% --border --header-first
  • Added --scroll-off=LINES option (similar to scrolloff option of Vim)
    • You can set it to a very large number so that the cursor stays in the middle of the screen while scrolling
      fzf --scroll-off=5
      fzf --scroll-off=999
  • Fixed bug where preview window is not updated on reload (#2644)
  • fzf on Windows will also use $SHELL to execute external programs
    • See #2638 and #2647
    • Thanks to @rashil2000, @vovcacik, and @janlazo


  • Preview window is hidden by default when there are preview bindings but --preview command is not given
  • Fixed bug where {n} is not properly reset on reload
  • Fixed bug where spinner is not displayed on reload
  • Enhancements in tcell renderer for Windows (#2616)
  • Vim plugin
    • sinklist is added as a synonym to sink* so that it's easier to add a function to a spec dictionary
      let spec = { 'source': 'ls', 'options': ['--multi', '--preview', 'cat {}'] }
      function spec.sinklist(matches)
        echom string(a:matches)
      call fzf#run(fzf#wrap(spec))
    • Vim 7 compatibility


  • 16 base ANSI colors can be specified by their names
    fzf --color fg:3,fg+:11
    fzf --color fg:yellow,fg+:bright-yellow
  • Fix bug where --read0 not properly displaying long lines


  • Added unbind action. In the following Ripgrep launcher example, you can use unbind(reload) to switch to fzf-only filtering mode.
  • Vim plugin
    • Vim plugin will stop immediately even when the source command hasn't finished
      " fzf will read the stream file while allowing other processes to append to it
      call fzf#run({'source': 'cat /dev/null > /tmp/stream; tail -f /tmp/stream'})
    • It is now possible to open popup window relative to the current window
      let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': { 'width': 0.9, 'height': 0.6, 'relative': v:true, 'yoffset': 1.0 } }


  • More border options for --preview-window
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window border-left
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window border-left --border horizontal
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window top:border-bottom
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window top:border-horizontal
  • Automatically set /dev/tty as STDIN on execute action
    # Redirect /dev/tty to suppress "Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal"
    # ls | fzf --bind "enter:execute(vim {} < /dev/tty)"
    # "< /dev/tty" part is no longer needed
    ls | fzf --bind "enter:execute(vim {})"
  • Bug fixes and improvements
  • Signed and notarized macOS binaries (Huge thanks to BACKERS.md!)


  • Added support for fixed header in preview window
    # Display top 3 lines as the fixed header
    fzf --preview 'bat --style=header,grid --color=always {}' --preview-window '~3'
  • More advanced preview offset expression to better support the fixed header
    # Preview with bat, matching line in the middle of the window below
    # the fixed header of the top 3 lines
    #   ~3    Top 3 lines as the fixed header
    #   +{2}  Base scroll offset extracted from the second field
    #   +3    Extra offset to compensate for the 3-line header
    #   /2    Put in the middle of the preview area
    git grep --line-number '' |
      fzf --delimiter : \
          --preview 'bat --style=full --color=always --highlight-line {2} {1}' \
          --preview-window '~3:+{2}+3/2'
  • Added select and deselect action for unconditionally selecting or deselecting a single item in --multi mode. Complements toggle action.
  • Significant performance improvement in ANSI code processing
  • Bug fixes and improvements
  • Built with Go 1.16


  • Added close action
    • Close preview window if open, abort fzf otherwise
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Text attributes set in --color are not reset when fzf sees another --color option for the same element. This allows you to put custom text attributes in your $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS and still have those attributes even when you override the colors.

    # Default colors and attributes
    # Apply custom text attributes
    export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--color fg+:italic,hl:-1:underline,hl+:-1:reverse:underline'
    # Different colors but you still have the attributes
    fzf --color hl:176,hl+:177
    # Write "regular" if you want to clear the attributes
    fzf --color hl:176:regular,hl+:177:regular
  • Renamed --phony to --disabled

  • You can dynamically enable and disable the search functionality using the new enable-search, disable-search, and toggle-search actions

  • You can assign a different color to the query string for when search is disabled

    fzf --color query:#ffffff,disabled:#999999 --bind space:toggle-search
  • Added last action to move the cursor to the last match

    • The opposite action top is renamed to first, but top is still recognized as a synonym for backward compatibility
  • Added preview-top and preview-bottom actions

  • Extended support for alt key chords: alt with any case-sensitive single character

    fzf --bind alt-,:first,alt-.:last


  • Added --preview-window option follow
    # Preview window will automatically scroll to the bottom
    fzf --preview-window follow --preview 'for i in $(seq 100000); do
      echo "$i"
      sleep 0.01
      (( i % 300 == 0 )) && printf "\033[2J"
  • Added change-prompt action
    fzf --prompt 'foo> ' --bind $'a:change-prompt:\x1b[31mbar> '
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Added --padding option
    fzf --margin 5% --padding 5% --border --preview 'cat {}' \
        --color bg:#222222,preview-bg:#333333


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Fixed broken --color=[bw|no] option


  • Real-time rendering of preview window
    # fzf can render preview window before the command completes
    fzf --preview 'sleep 1; for i in $(seq 100); do echo $i; sleep 0.01; done'
    # Preview window can process ANSI escape sequence (CSI 2 J) for clearing the display
    fzf --preview 'for i in $(seq 100000); do
      (( i % 200 == 0 )) && printf "\033[2J"
      echo "$i"
      sleep 0.01
  • Updated --color option to support text styles
    • regular / bold / dim / underline / italic / reverse / blink
      # * Set -1 to keep the original color
      # * Multiple style attributes can be combined
      # * Italic style may not be supported by some terminals
      rg --line-number --no-heading --color=always "" |
        fzf --ansi --prompt "Rg: " \
            --color fg+:italic,hl:underline:-1,hl+:italic:underline:reverse:-1 \
            --color pointer:reverse,prompt:reverse,input:159 \
            --pointer '  '
  • More --border options
    • vertical, top, bottom, left, right
    • Updated Vim plugin to use these new --border options
      " Floating popup window in the center of the screen
      let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': { 'width': 0.9, 'height': 0.6 } }
      " Popup with 100% width
      let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': { 'width': 1.0, 'height': 0.5, 'border': 'horizontal' } }
      " Popup with 100% height
      let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': { 'width': 0.5, 'height': 1.0, 'border': 'vertical' } }
      " Similar to 'down' layout, but it uses a popup window and doesn't affect the window layout
      let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': { 'width': 1.0, 'height': 0.5, 'yoffset': 1.0, 'border': 'top' } }
      " Opens on the right;
      "   'highlight' option is still supported but it will only take the foreground color of the group
      let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': { 'width': 0.5, 'height': 1.0, 'xoffset': 1.0, 'border': 'left', 'highlight': 'Comment' } }
  • To indicate if --multi mode is enabled, fzf will print the number of selected items even when no item is selected
    seq 100 | fzf
      # 100/100
    seq 100 | fzf --multi
      # 100/100 (0)
    seq 100 | fzf --multi 5
      # 100/100 (0/5)
  • Since 0.24.0, release binaries will be uploaded to https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/releases



  • Support preview scroll offset relative to window height
    git grep --line-number '' |
      fzf --delimiter : \
          --preview 'bat --style=numbers --color=always --highlight-line {2} {1}' \
          --preview-window +{2}-/2
  • Added --preview-window option for sharp edges (--preview-window sharp)
  • Added --preview-window option for cyclic scrolling (--preview-window cycle)
  • Reduced vertical padding around the preview window when --preview-window noborder is used
  • Added actions for preview window
    • preview-half-page-up
    • preview-half-page-down
  • Vim
    • Popup width and height can be given in absolute integer values
    • Added fzf#exec() function for getting the path of fzf executable
      • It also downloads the latest binary if it's not available by running ./install --bin
  • Built with Go 1.15.2
    • We no longer provide 32-bit binaries


  • Added more options for --bind
    • backward-eof event
      # Aborts when you delete backward when the query prompt is already empty
      fzf --bind backward-eof:abort
    • refresh-preview action
      # Rerun preview command when you hit '?'
      fzf --preview 'echo $RANDOM' --bind '?:refresh-preview'
    • preview action
      # Default preview command with an extra preview binding
      fzf --preview 'file {}' --bind '?:preview:cat {}'
      # A preview binding with no default preview command
      # (Preview window is initially empty)
      fzf --bind '?:preview:cat {}'
      # Preview window hidden by default, it appears when you first hit '?'
      fzf --bind '?:preview:cat {}' --preview-window hidden
  • Added preview window option for setting the initial scroll offset
    # Initial scroll offset is set to the line number of each line of
    # git grep output *minus* 5 lines
    git grep --line-number '' |
      fzf --delimiter : --preview 'nl {1}' --preview-window +{2}-5
  • Added support for ANSI colors in --prompt string
  • Smart match of accented characters
    • An unaccented character in the query string will match both accented and unaccented characters, while an accented character will only match accented characters. This is similar to how "smart-case" match works.
  • Vim plugin
    • tmux layout option for using fzf-tmux
      let g:fzf_layout = { 'tmux': '-p90%,60%' }


  • Shell extension
    • CTRL-R will remove duplicate commands
  • fzf-tmux
    • Supports tmux popup window (require tmux 3.2 or above)
      • # 50% width and height
        fzf-tmux -p
        # 80% width and height
        fzf-tmux -p 80%
        # 80% width and 40% height
        fzf-tmux -p 80%,40%
        fzf-tmux -w 80% -h 40%
        # Window position
        fzf-tmux -w 80% -h 40% -x 0 -y 0
        fzf-tmux -w 80% -h 40% -y 1000
        # Write ordinary fzf options after --
        fzf-tmux -p -- --reverse --info=inline --margin 2,4 --border
      • On macOS, you can build the latest tmux from the source with brew install tmux --HEAD
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed Windows file traversal not to include directories
    • Fixed ANSI colors with --keep-right
    • Fixed _fzf_complete for zsh
  • Built with Go 1.14.1


  • --height option is now available on Windows as well (@kelleyma49)
  • Added --pointer and --marker options
  • Added --keep-right option that keeps the right end of the line visible when it's too long
  • Style changes
    • --border will now print border with rounded corners around the finder instead of printing horizontal lines above and below it. The previous style is available via --border=horizontal
    • Unicode spinner
  • More keys and actions for --bind
  • Added PowerShell script for downloading Windows binary
  • Vim plugin: Built-in floating windows support
    let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': { 'width': 0.9, 'height': 0.6 } }
  • bash: Various improvements in key bindings (CTRL-T, CTRL-R, ALT-C)
    • CTRL-R will start with the current command-line as the initial query
    • CTRL-R properly supports multi-line commands
  • Fuzzy completion API changed
    # Previous: fzf arguments given as a single string argument
    # - This style is still supported, but it's deprecated
    _fzf_complete "--multi --reverse --prompt=\"doge> \"" "$@" < <(
      echo foo
    # New API: multiple fzf arguments before "--"
    # - Easier to write multiple options
    _fzf_complete --multi --reverse --prompt="doge> " -- "$@" < <(
      echo foo
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Customizable preview window color (preview-fg and preview-bg for --color)
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' \
        --color 'fg:#bbccdd,fg+:#ddeeff,bg:#334455,preview-bg:#223344,border:#778899' \
        --border --height 20 --layout reverse --info inline
  • Removed the immediate flicking of the screen on reload action.
    : | fzf --bind 'change:reload:seq {q}' --phony
  • Added clear-query and clear-selection actions for --bind
  • It is now possible to split a composite bind action over multiple --bind expressions by prefixing the later ones with +.
    fzf --bind 'ctrl-a:up+up'
    # Can be now written as
    fzf --bind 'ctrl-a:up' --bind 'ctrl-a:+up'
    # This is useful when you need to write special execute/reload form (i.e. `execute:...`)
    # to avoid parse errors and add more actions to the same key
    fzf --multi --bind 'ctrl-l:select-all+execute:less {+f}' --bind 'ctrl-l:+deselect-all'
  • Fixed parse error of --bind expression where concatenated execute/reload action contains + character.
    fzf --multi --bind 'ctrl-l:select-all+execute(less {+f})+deselect-all'
  • Fixed bugs of reload action
    • Not triggered when there's no match even when the command doesn't have any placeholder expressions
    • Screen not properly cleared when --header-lines not filled on reload


  • Added --phony option which completely disables search functionality. Useful when you want to use fzf only as a selector interface. See below.
  • Added "reload" action for dynamically updating the input list without restarting fzf. See https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/issues/1750 to learn more about it.
    # Using fzf as the selector interface for ripgrep
    RG_PREFIX="rg --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case "
      fzf --bind "change:reload:$RG_PREFIX {q} || true" \
          --ansi --phony --query "$INITIAL_QUERY"
  • --multi now takes an optional integer argument which indicates the maximum number of items that can be selected
    seq 100 | fzf --multi 3 --reverse --height 50%
  • If a placeholder expression for --preview and execute action (and the new reload action) contains f flag, it is replaced to the path of a temporary file that holds the evaluated list. This is useful when you multi-select a large number of items and the length of the evaluated string may exceed ARG_MAX.
    # Press CTRL-A to select 100K items and see the sum of all the numbers
    seq 100000 | fzf --multi --bind ctrl-a:select-all \
                     --preview "awk '{sum+=\$1} END {print sum}' {+f}"
  • deselect-all no longer deselects unmatched items. It is now consistent with select-all and toggle-all in that it only affects matched items.
  • Due to the limitation of bash, fuzzy completion is enabled by default for a fixed set of commands. A helper function for easily setting up fuzzy completion for any command is now provided.
    # usage: _fzf_setup_completion path|dir COMMANDS...
    _fzf_setup_completion path git kubectl
  • Info line style can be changed by --info=STYLE
    • --info=default
    • --info=inline (same as old --inline-info)
    • --info=hidden
  • Preview window border can be disabled by adding noborder to --preview-window.
  • When you transform the input with --with-nth, the trailing white spaces are removed.
  • ctrl-\, ctrl-], ctrl-^, and ctrl-/ can now be used with --bind
  • See https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/milestone/15?closed=1 for more details


  • Added placeholder expression for zero-based item index: {n} and {+n}
    • fzf --preview 'echo {n}: {}'
  • Added color option for the gutter: --color gutter:-1
  • Added --no-unicode option for drawing borders in non-Unicode, ASCII characters
  • FZF_PREVIEW_LINES and FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS are exported to preview process
    • fzf still overrides LINES and COLUMNS as before, but they may be reset by the default shell.
  • Bug fixes and improvements
  • Built with Go 1.12.1



  • Added --layout option with a new layout called reverse-list.
    • --layout=reverse is a synonym for --reverse
    • --layout=default is a synonym for --no-reverse
  • Preview window will be updated even when there is no match for the query if any of the placeholder expressions (e.g. {q}, {+}) evaluates to a non-empty string.
  • More keys for binding: shift-{up,down}, alt-{up,down,left,right}
  • fzf can now start even when /dev/tty is not available by making an educated guess.
  • Updated the default command for Windows.
  • Fixes and improvements on bash/zsh completion
  • install and uninstall scripts now supports generating files under XDG_CONFIG_HOME on --xdg flag.

See https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/milestone/12?closed=1 for the full list of changes.


  • $LINES and $COLUMNS are exported to preview command so that the command knows the exact size of the preview window.
  • Better error messages when the default command or $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND fails.
  • Reverted #1061 to avoid having duplicate entries in the list when find command detected a file system loop (#1120). The default command now requires that find supports -fstype option.
  • fzf now distinguishes mouse left click and right click (#1130)
    • Right click is now bound to toggle action by default
    • --bind understands left-click and right-click
  • Added replace-query action (#1137)
    • Replaces query string with the current selection
  • Added accept-non-empty action (#1162)
    • Same as accept, except that it prevents fzf from exiting without any selection


  • Fixed custom background color of preview window (#1046)
  • Fixed background color issues of Windows binary
  • Fixed Windows binary to execute command using cmd.exe with no parsing and escaping (#1072)
  • Added support for window layout on Vim 8 using Vim 8 terminal (#1055)


A maintenance release for auxiliary scripts. fzf binaries are not updated.

  • Experimental support for the builtin terminal of Vim 8
    • fzf can now run inside GVim
  • Updated Vim plugin to better handle &shell issue on fish
  • Fixed a bug of fzf-tmux where invalid output is generated
  • Fixed fzf-tmux to work even when tput does not work


  • Performance optimization
  • One can match literal spaces in extended-search mode with a space prepended by a backslash.
  • --expect is now additive and can be specified multiple times.


  • Performance optimization
  • Fixed missing preview update


  • Fixed invalid handling of ANSI colors in preview window
  • Further improved --ansi performance


  • Memory and performance optimization
    • Around 20% performance improvement for general use cases
    • Up to 5x faster processing of --ansi
    • Up to 50% reduction of memory usage
  • Bug fixes and usability improvements
    • Fixed handling of bracketed paste mode
    • [ERROR] on info line when the default command failed
    • More efficient rendering of preview window
    • --no-clear updated for repetitive relaunching scenarios


  • New change event and top action for --bind
    • fzf --bind change:top
      • Move cursor to the top result whenever the query string is changed
    • fzf --bind 'ctrl-w:unix-word-rubout+top,ctrl-u:unix-line-discard+top'
      • top combined with unix-word-rubout and unix-line-discard
  • Fixed inconsistent tiebreak scores when --nth is used
  • Proper display of tab characters in --prompt
  • Fixed not to --cycle on page-up/page-down to prevent overshoot
  • Git revision in --version output
  • Basic support for Cygwin environment
  • Many fixes in Vim plugin on Windows/Cygwin (thanks to @janlazo)


  • Added support for ctrl-alt-[a-z] key chords
  • CTRL-Z (SIGSTOP) now works with fzf
  • fzf will export $FZF_PREVIEW_WINDOW so that the scripts can use it
  • Bug fixes and improvements in Vim plugin and shell extensions


  • Minor bug fixes and improvements
  • Added --no-clear option for scripting purposes


  • Minor bug fixes
  • Added toggle-preview-wrap action
  • Built with Go 1.8


  • Added --border option to draw border above and below the finder
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Fixed a bug where fzf incorrectly display the lines when straddling tab characters are trimmed
  • Placeholder expression used in --preview and execute action can optionally take + flag to be used with multiple selections
    • e.g. git log --oneline | fzf --multi --preview 'git show {+1}'
  • Added execute-silent action for executing a command silently without switching to the alternate screen. This is useful when the process is short-lived and you're not interested in its output.
    • e.g. fzf --bind 'ctrl-y:execute!(echo -n {} | pbcopy)'
  • ctrl-space is allowed in --bind


  • Dropped ncurses dependency
  • Binaries for freebsd, openbsd, arm5, arm6, arm7, and arm8
  • Official 24-bit color support
  • Added support for composite actions in --bind. Multiple actions can be chained using + separator.
    • e.g. fzf --bind 'ctrl-y:execute(echo -n {} | pbcopy)+abort'
  • --preview-window with size 0 is allowed. This is used to make fzf execute preview command in the background without displaying the result.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements


  • Fixed --height option to properly fill the window with the background color
  • Added half-page-up and half-page-down actions
  • Added -L flag to the default find command


  • Added --height HEIGHT[%] option
    • fzf can now display finder without occupying the full screen
  • Preview window will truncate long lines by default. Line wrap can be enabled by :wrap flag in --preview-window.
  • Latin script letters will be normalized before matching so that it's easier to match against accented letters. e.g. sodanco can match Só Danço Samba.
    • Normalization can be disabled via --literal
  • Added --filepath-word to make word-wise movements/actions (alt-b, alt-f, alt-bs, alt-d) respect path separators


  • Fixed rendering glitches introduced in 0.15.8
  • The default escape delay is reduced to 50ms and is configurable via $ESCDELAY
  • Scroll indicator at the top-right corner of the preview window is always displayed when there's overflow
  • Can now be built with ncurses 6 or tcell to support extra features


  • Updated ANSI processor to handle more VT-100 escape sequences
  • Added --no-bold (and --bold) option
  • Improved escape sequence processing for WSL
  • Added support for alt-[0-9], f11, and f12 for --bind and --expect


  • Fixed panic when color is disabled and header lines contain ANSI colors


  • Windows binaries! (@kelleyma49)
  • Fixed the bug where header lines are cleared when preview window is toggled
  • Fixed not to display ^N and ^O on screen
  • Fixed cursor keys (or any key sequence that starts with ESC) on WSL by making fzf wait for additional keystrokes after ESC for up to 100ms


  • Setting foreground color will no longer set background color to black
    • e.g. fzf --color fg:153
  • --tiebreak=end will consider relative position instead of absolute distance
  • Updated fzf#wrap function to respect g:fzf_colors


  • Added support for range expression in preview and execute action
    • e.g. ls -l | fzf --preview="echo user={3} when={-4..-2}; cat {-1}" --header-lines=1
    • {q} will be replaced to the single-quoted string of the current query
  • Fixed to properly handle unicode whitespace characters
  • Display scroll indicator in preview window
  • Inverse search term will use exact matcher by default
    • This is a breaking change, but I believe it makes much more sense. It is almost impossible to predict which entries will be filtered out due to a fuzzy inverse term. You can still perform inverse-fuzzy-match by prepending !' to the term.


  • Added support for more ANSI attributes: dim, underline, blink, and reverse
  • Fixed race condition in toggle-preview


  • Preview window is now scrollable
    • With mouse scroll or with bindable actions
      • preview-up
      • preview-down
      • preview-page-up
      • preview-page-down
  • Updated ANSI processor to support high intensity colors and ignore some VT100-related escape sequences


  • Fixed panic when the pattern occurs after 2^15-th column
  • Fixed rendering delay when displaying extremely long lines


  • Improved fuzzy search algorithm
    • Added --algo=[v1|v2] option so one can still choose the old algorithm which values the search performance over the quality of the result
  • Advanced scoring criteria
  • --read0 to read input delimited by ASCII NUL character
  • --print0 to print output delimited by ASCII NUL character


  • Memory and performance optimization
    • Up to 2x performance with half the amount of memory


  • Performance optimization
    • Memory footprint for ascii string is reduced by 60%
    • 15 to 20% improvement of query performance
    • Up to 45% better performance of --nth with non-regex delimiters
  • Fixed invalid handling of hidden property of --preview-window


  • Fixed duplicate rendering of the last line in preview window


  • Fixed race condition where preview window is not properly cleared


  • Fixed UI issue with large --preview output with many ANSI codes


  • Added preview feature
    • --preview CMD
    • --preview-window POS[:SIZE][:hidden]
  • {} in execute action is now replaced to the single-quoted (instead of double-quoted) string of the current line
  • Fixed to ignore control characters for bracketed paste mode


  • 256-color capability detection does not require 256 in $TERM
  • Added print-query action
  • More named keys for binding; F1 ~ F10, ALT-/, ALT-space, and ALT-enter
  • Added jump and jump-accept actions that implement EasyMotion-like movement


  • Ranking algorithm introduced in 0.12.0 is now universally applied
  • Fixed invalid cache reference in exact mode
  • Fixes and improvements in Vim plugin and shell extensions


  • Enhanced ranking algorithm
  • Minor bug fixes


  • Added --hscroll-off=COL option (default: 10) (#513)
  • Some fixes in Vim plugin and shell extensions



  • --tiebreak now accepts comma-separated list of sort criteria
    • Each criterion should appear only once in the list
    • index is only allowed at the end of the list
    • index is implicitly appended to the list when not specified
    • Default is length (or equivalently length,index)
  • begin criterion will ignore leading whitespaces when calculating the index
  • Added toggle-in and toggle-out actions
    • Switch direction depending on --reverse-ness
    • export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--bind tab:toggle-out,shift-tab:toggle-in"
  • Reduced the initial delay when --tac is not given
    • fzf defers the initial rendering of the screen up to 100ms if the input stream is ongoing to prevent unnecessary redraw during the initial phase. However, 100ms delay is quite noticeable and might give the impression that fzf is not snappy enough. This commit reduces the maximum delay down to 20ms when --tac is not specified, in which case the input list quickly fills the entire screen.


  • Added --tabstop=SPACES option


  • Added OR operator for extended-search mode
  • Added --execute-multi action
  • Fixed incorrect cursor position when unicode wide characters are used in --prompt
  • Fixes and improvements in shell extensions


  • Extended-search mode is now enabled by default
    • --extended-exact is deprecated and instead we have --exact for orthogonally controlling "exactness" of search
  • Fixed not to display non-printable characters
  • Added double-click for --bind option
  • More robust handling of SIGWINCH


  • Fixed panic when trying to set colors after colors are disabled (#370)


  • Fixed unserialized interrupt handling during execute action which often caused invalid memory access and crash
  • Changed --tiebreak=length (default) to use trimmed length when --nth is used


  • Replaced --header-file with --header option
  • --header and --header-lines can be used together
  • Changed exit status
    • 0: Okay
    • 1: No match
    • 2: Error
    • 130: Interrupted
  • 64-bit linux binary is statically-linked with ncurses to avoid compatibility issues.


  • '-prefix to unquote the term in --extended-exact mode
  • Backward scan when --tiebreak=end is set


  • Fixed to remove ANSI code from output when --with-nth is set


  • Fixed slow performance of --with-nth when used with --delimiter
    • Regular expression engine of Golang as of now is very slow, so the fixed version will treat the given delimiter pattern as a plain string instead of a regular expression unless it contains special characters and is a valid regular expression.
    • Simpler regular expression for delimiter for better performance


Fixes and improvements

  • Improvement in perceived response time of queries
    • Eager, efficient rune array conversion
  • Graceful exit when failed to initialize ncurses (invalid $TERM)
  • Improved ranking algorithm when --nth option is set
  • Changed the default command not to fail when there are files whose names start with dash


New features

  • Added --margin option
  • Added options for sticky header
    • --header-file
    • --header-lines
  • Added cancel action which clears the input or closes the finder when the input is already empty
    • e.g. export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--bind esc:cancel"
  • Added delete-char/eof action to differentiate CTRL-D and DEL

Minor improvements/fixes

  • Fixed to allow binding colon and comma keys
  • Fixed ANSI processor to handle color regions spanning multiple lines


New features

  • More actions for --bind
    • select-all
    • deselect-all
    • toggle-all
    • ignore
  • execute(...) action for running arbitrary command without leaving fzf
    • fzf --bind "ctrl-m:execute(less {})"
    • fzf --bind "ctrl-t:execute(tmux new-window -d 'vim {}')"
    • If the command contains parentheses, use any of the follows alternative notations to avoid parse errors
      • execute[...]
      • execute~...~
      • execute!...!
      • execute@...@
      • execute#...#
      • execute$...$
      • execute%...%
      • execute^...^
      • execute&...&
      • execute*...*
      • execute;...;
      • execute/.../
      • execute|...|
      • execute:...
        • This is the special form that frees you from parse errors as it does not expect the closing character
        • The catch is that it should be the last one in the comma-separated list
  • Added support for optional search history
    • --history HISTORY_FILE
      • When used, CTRL-N and CTRL-P are automatically remapped to next-history and previous-history
    • --history-size MAX_ENTRIES (default: 1000)
  • Cyclic scrolling can be enabled with --cycle
  • Fixed the bug where the spinner was not spinning on idle input stream
    • e.g. sleep 100 | fzf

Minor improvements/fixes

  • Added synonyms for key names that can be specified for --bind, --toggle-sort, and --expect
  • Fixed the color of multi-select marker on the current line
  • Fixed to allow ^pattern$ in extended-search mode


New features

  • Color customization with the extended --color option

Bug fixes

  • Fixed premature termination of Reader in the presence of a long line which is longer than 64KB


New features

  • Added --bind option for custom key bindings

Bug fixes

  • Fixed to update "inline-info" immediately after terminal resize
  • Fixed ANSI code offset calculation


New features

  • Added --inline-info option for saving screen estate (#202)
    • Useful inside Neovim
    • e.g. let $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS = $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS.' --inline-info'

Bug fixes

  • Invalid mutation of input on case conversion (#209)
  • Smart-case for each term in extended-search mode (#208)
  • Fixed double-click result when scroll offset is positive



  • Performance optimization
  • Less aggressive memoization to limit memory usage

New features

  • Added color scheme for light background: --color=light


New features

  • Added --tiebreak option (#191)
  • Added --no-hscroll option (#193)
  • Visual indication of --toggle-sort (#194)


Bug fixes

  • Fixed Unicode case handling (#186)
  • Fixed to terminate on RuneError (#185)


New features

  • Added --toggle-sort option (#173)
    • --toggle-sort=ctrl-r is applied to CTRL-R shell extension

Bug fixes

  • Fixed to print empty line if --expect is set and fzf is completed by --select-1 or --exit-0 (#172)
  • Fixed to allow comma character as an argument to --expect option


New features

Added --expect option (#163)

If you provide a comma-separated list of keys with --expect option, fzf will allow you to select the match and complete the finder when any of the keys is pressed. Additionally, fzf will print the name of the key pressed as the first line of the output so that your script can decide what to do next based on the information.

fzf --expect=ctrl-v,ctrl-t,alt-s,f1,f2,~,@

The updated vim plugin uses this option to implement ctrlp-compatible key bindings.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed to ignore ANSI escape code \e[K (#162)


New features

Added --ansi option (#150)

If you give --ansi option to fzf, fzf will interpret ANSI color codes from the input, display the item with the ANSI colors (true colors are not supported), and strips the codes from the output. This option is off by default as it entails some overhead.


Reduced initial memory footprint (#151)

By removing unnecessary copy of pointers, fzf will use significantly smaller amount of memory when it's started. The difference is hugely noticeable when the input is extremely large. (e.g. locate / | fzf)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed panic on --no-sort --filter '' (#149)


New features

Added --tac option to reverse the order of the input.

One might argue that this option is unnecessary since we can already put tac or tail -r in the command pipeline to achieve the same result. However, the advantage of --tac is that it does not block until the input is complete.

Backward incompatible changes

Changed behavior on --no-sort

--no-sort option will no longer reverse the display order within finder. You may want to use the new --tac option with --no-sort.

history | fzf +s --tac


--filter will not block when sort is disabled

When fzf works in filtering mode (--filter) and sort is disabled (--no-sort), there's no need to block until input is complete. The new version of fzf will print the matches on-the-fly when the following condition is met:

--filter TERM --no-sort [--no-tac --no-sync]

or simply:

-f TERM +s

This change removes unnecessary delay in the use cases like the following:

fzf -f xxx +s | head -5

However, in this case, fzf processes the lines sequentially, so it cannot utilize multiple cores, and fzf will run slightly slower than the previous mode of execution where filtering is done in parallel after the entire input is loaded. If the user is concerned about this performance problem, one can add --sync option to re-enable buffering.


New features

  • Added --sync option for multi-staged filtering


  • --select-1 and --exit-0 will start finder immediately when the condition cannot be met