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Starship:可用于各种 Shell 的提示符

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Starship with iTerm2 and the Snazzy theme


  • 快: 很快 —— 真的真的非常快! 🚀
  • 定制化: 可定制各种各样的提示符。
  • 通用: 适用于任何 Shell、任何操作系统。
  • 智能: 一目了然地显示相关信息。
  • 功能丰富: 支持所有你喜欢的工具。
  • 易用: 安装快速 —— 几分钟就可上手。

Explore the Starship docs  ▶

🚀 安装


步骤 1. 安装 Starship

Select your operating system from the list below to view installation instructions:


Install Starship using any of the following package managers:

软件包来源 指令
Termux pkg install starship

Install Starship using any of the following package managers:

发行版 软件包来源 指令
任意发行版 crates.io cargo install starship --locked
FreeBSD FreshPorts pkg install starship
NetBSD pkgsrc pkgin install starship

Install the latest version for your system:

curl -sS https://starship.rs/install.sh | sh

Alternatively, install Starship using any of the following package managers:

发行版 软件包来源 指令
任意发行版 crates.io cargo install starship --locked
任意发行版 conda-forge conda install -c conda-forge starship
任意发行版 Linuxbrew brew install starship
Alpine Linux 3.13+ Alpine Linux Packages apk add starship
Arch Linux Arch Linux 额外 pacman -S starship
CentOS 7+ Copr dnf copr enable atim/starship
dnf install starship
Gentoo Gentoo Packages emerge app-shells/starship
Manjaro pacman -S starship
NixOS nixpkgs nix-env -iA nixpkgs.starship
Void Linux Void Linux Packages xbps-install -S starship

Install the latest version for your system:

curl -sS https://starship.rs/install.sh | sh

Alternatively, install Starship using any of the following package managers:

软件包来源 指令
crates.io cargo install starship --locked
conda-forge conda install -c conda-forge starship
Homebrew brew install starship
MacPorts port install starship

Install the latest version for your system with the MSI-installers from the releases section.

Install Starship using any of the following package managers:

软件包来源 指令
crates.io cargo install starship --locked
Chocolatey choco install starship
conda-forge conda install -c conda-forge starship
Scoop scoop install starship
winget winget install --id Starship.Starship

步骤 2. 设置您的 shell 以使用 Starship

Configure your shell to initialize starship. Select yours from the list below:


~/.bashrc 的最后,添加以下内容:

eval "$(starship init bash)"

您需要使用 Clink (v1.2.30+) 与 Cmd. Create a file at this path %LocalAppData%\clink\starship.lua with the following contents:

load(io.popen('starship init cmd'):read("*a"))()

~/.config/fish/rc.elv 的最后,添加以下内容:

eval (starship init elvish)

Note: Only Elvish v0.18+ is supported


~/.config/fish/config.fish 的最后,添加以下内容:

starship init fish | source

~/.config/ion/initrc 的最后,添加以下内容:

eval $(starship init ion)

Add the following to the end of your Nushell env file (find it by running $nu.env-path in Nushell):

mkdir ~/.cache/starship
starship init nu | save -f ~/.cache/starship/init.nu

然后在您的 Nushell 配置文件的最后(使用 $nu.config-path 来获取它的路径),添加以下内容:

使用 ~/.cache/starship/init.nu

Note: Only Nushell v0.78+ is supported


Add the following to the end of your PowerShell configuration (find it by running $PROFILE):

Invoke-Expression (&starship init powershell)

~/.tcshrc 的最后,添加以下内容:

eval `starship init tcsh`

~/.xonshrc 的最后,添加以下内容:

execx($(starship init xonsh))

~/.zshrc 的最后,添加以下内容:

eval "$(starship init zsh)"

步骤 3. 配置 Starship

Start a new shell instance, and you should see your beautiful new shell prompt. If you're happy with the defaults, enjoy!

If you're looking to further customize Starship:

  • 配置:学习如何配置 Starship 来调节提示符到你喜欢的样子。

  • 预设:从其他构建好的配置中获取灵感。

🤝 贡献

We are always looking for contributors of all skill levels! If you're looking to ease your way into the project, try out a good first issue.

If you are fluent in a non-English language, we greatly appreciate any help keeping our docs translated and up-to-date in other languages. If you would like to help, translations can be contributed on the Starship Crowdin.

If you are interested in helping contribute to starship, please take a look at our Contributing Guide. Also, feel free to drop into our Discord server and say hi. 👋

💭 该项目受以下项目启发

Please check out these previous works that helped inspire the creation of starship. 🙏

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📝 许可证

Copyright © 2019-present, Starship Contributors.
This project is ISC licensed.