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2021-02-06 12:46:15 -05:00

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To get started configuring starship, create the following file: ~/.config/starship.toml.

mkdir -p ~/.config && touch ~/.config/starship.toml

All configuration for starship is done in this TOML file:

# Don't print a new line at the start of the prompt
add_newline = false

# Replace the "" symbol in the prompt with "➜"
[character]                            # The name of the module we are configuring is "character"
success_symbol = "[➜](bold green)"     # The "success_symbol" segment is being set to "➜" with the color "bold green"

# Disable the package module, hiding it from the prompt completely
disabled = true

You can change default starship.toml file location with STARSHIP_CONFIG environment variable:

export STARSHIP_CONFIG=~/.starship

Equivalently in PowerShell (Windows) would be adding this line to your $PROFILE:



By default starship logs warnings and errors into a file named ~/.cache/starship/session_${STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY}.log, where the session key is corresponding to a instance of your terminal. This, however can be changed using the STARSHIP_CACHE environment variable:

export STARSHIP_CACHE=~/.starship/cache

Equivalently in PowerShell (Windows) would be adding this line to your $PROFILE:

$ENV:STARSHIP_CACHE = "$HOME\AppData\Local\Temp"


Module: A component in the prompt giving information based on contextual information from your OS. For example, the "nodejs" module shows the version of NodeJS that is currently installed on your computer, if your current directory is a NodeJS project.

Variable: Smaller sub-components that contain information provided by the module. For example, the "version" variable in the "nodejs" module contains the current version of NodeJS.

By convention, most modules have a prefix of default terminal color (e.g. via in "nodejs") and an empty space as a suffix.

Format Strings

Format strings are the format that a module prints all its variables with. Most modules have an entry called format that configures the display format of the module. You can use texts, variables and text groups in a format string.


A variable contains a $ symbol followed by the name of the variable. The name of a variable only contains letters, numbers and _.

For example:

  • $version is a format string with a variable named version.
  • $git_branch$git_commit is a format string with two variables named git_branch and git_commit.
  • $git_branch $git_commit has the two variables separated with a space.

Text Group

A text group is made up of two different parts.

The first part, which is enclosed in a [], is a format string. You can add texts, variables, or even nested text groups in it.

In the second part, which is enclosed in a (), is a style string. This can be used style the first part.

For example:

  • [on](red bold) will print a string on with bold text colored red.
  • [⬢ $version](bold green) will print a symbol followed by the content of variable version, with bold text colored green.
  • [a [b](red) c](green) will print a b c with b red, and a and c green.

Stile delle Stringhe

Most modules in starship allow you to configure their display styles. This is done with an entry (usually called style) which is a string specifying the configuration. Here are some examples of style strings along with what they do. For details on the full syntax, consult the advanced config guide.

  • "fg:green bg:blue" sets green text on a blue background
  • "bg:blue fg:bright-green" sets bright green text on a blue background
  • "bold fg:27" sets bold text with ANSI color 27
  • "underline bg:#bf5700" sets underlined text on a burnt orange background
  • "bold italic fg:purple" sets bold italic purple text
  • "" explicitly disables all styling

Note that what styling looks like will be controlled by your terminal emulator. For example, some terminal emulators will brighten the colors instead of bolding text, and some color themes use the same values for the normal and bright colors. Also, to get italic text, your terminal must support italics.

Conditional Format Strings

A conditional format string wrapped in ( and ) will not render if all variables inside are empty.

For example:

  • (@$region) will show nothing if the variable region is None, otherwise @ followed by the value of region.
  • (some text) will always show nothing since there are no variables wrapped in the braces.
  • When $all is a shortcut for \[$a$b\], ($all) will show nothing only if $a and $b are both None. This works the same as (\[$a$b\] ).

Escapable characters

The following symbols have special usage in a format string. If you want to print the following symbols, you have to escape them with a backslash (\).

  • $
  • \
  • [
  • ]
  • (
  • )

Note that toml has its own escape syntax. It is recommended to use a literal string ('') in your config. If you want to use a basic string (""), pay attention to escape the backslash \.

For example, when you want to print a $ symbol on a new line, the following configs for format are equivalent:

# with basic string
format = "\n\\$"

# with multiline basic string
format = """


# with literal string
format = '''



This is the list of prompt-wide configuration options.


Option Default Description
format link Configure the format of the prompt.
scan_timeout 30 Timeout for starship to scan files (in milliseconds).
add_newline true Add a new line before the start of the prompt.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

# Use custom format
format = """
[┌───────────────────>](bold green)
[│](bold green)$directory$rust$package
[└─>](bold green) """

# Wait 10 milliseconds for starship to check files under the current directory.
scan_timeout = 10

# Disable the newline at the start of the prompt
add_newline = false

Default Prompt Format

The default format is used to define the format of the prompt, if empty or no format is provided. The default is as shown:

format = "$all"

# Which is equivalent to
format = """


The aws module shows the current AWS region and profile. This is based on AWS_REGION, AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, and AWS_PROFILE env var with ~/.aws/config file.

When using aws-vault the profile is read from the AWS_VAULT env var.


Option Default Description
format 'on [$symbol$profile(\($region\))]($style) ' The format for the module.
symbol "☁️ " The symbol used before displaying the current AWS profile.
region_aliases Table of region aliases to display in addition to the AWS name.
style "bold yellow" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the AWS module.


Variable Example Description
region ap-northeast-1 The current AWS region
profile astronauts The current AWS profile
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


Display everything

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'on [$symbol$profile(\($region\))]($style) '
style = "bold blue"
symbol = "🅰 "
ap-southeast-2 = "au"
us-east-1 = "va"

Display region

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "on [$symbol$region]($style) "
style = "bold blue"
symbol = "🅰 "
ap-southeast-2 = "au"
us-east-1 = "va"

Display profile

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "on [$symbol$profile]($style) "
style = "bold blue"
symbol = "🅰 "


The battery module shows how charged the device's battery is and its current charging status. The module is only visible when the device's battery is below 10%.


Option Default Description
full_symbol "" The symbol shown when the battery is full.
charging_symbol "" The symbol shown when the battery is charging.
discharging_symbol "" The symbol shown when the battery is discharging.
unknown_symbol "" The symbol shown when the battery state is unknown.
empty_symbol "" The symbol shown when the battery state is empty.
format "[$symbol$percentage]($style) " The format for the module.
display link Display threshold and style for the module.
disabled false Disables the battery module.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

full_symbol = "🔋"
charging_symbol = "⚡️"
discharging_symbol = "💀"

Battery Display

The display configuration option is used to define when the battery indicator should be shown (threshold) and what it looks like (style). If no display is provided. The default is as shown:

threshold = 10
style = "bold red"


The display option is an array of the following table.

Option Description
threshold The upper bound for the display option.
style The style used if the display option is in use.


[[battery.display]]  # "bold red" style when capacity is between 0% and 10%
threshold = 10
style = "bold red"

[[battery.display]]  # "bold yellow" style when capacity is between 10% and 30%
threshold = 30
style = "bold yellow"

# when capacity is over 30%, the battery indicator will not be displayed


The character module shows a character (usually an arrow) beside where the text is entered in your terminal.

The character will tell you whether the last command was successful or not. It can do this in two ways:

  • changing color (red/green)
  • changing shape (/)

By default it only changes color. If you also want to change it's shape take a look at this example.

::: warning error_symbol is not supported on elvish shell. :::


Option Default Description
format "$symbol " The format string used before the text input.
success_symbol "[](bold green)" The format string used before the text input if the previous command succeeded.
error_symbol "[](bold red)" The format string used before the text input if the previous command failed.
vicmd_symbol "[](bold green)" The format string used before the text input if the shell is in vim normal mode.
disabled false Disables the character module.


Variable Example Description
symbol A mirror of either success_symbol, error_symbol or vicmd_symbol


With custom error shape

# ~/.config/starship.toml

success_symbol = "[➜](bold green) "
error_symbol = "[✗](bold red) "

Without custom error shape

# ~/.config/starship.toml

success_symbol = "[➜](bold green) "
error_symbol = "[➜](bold red) "

With custom vim shape

# ~/.config/starship.toml

vicmd_symbol = "[V](bold green) "


The cmake module shows the currently installed version of CMake if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a CMakeLists.txt file
  • The current directory contains a CMakeCache.txt file


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "喝 " The symbol used before the version of cmake.
style "bold blue" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the cmake module.


Variable Example Description
version v3.17.3 The version of cmake
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string

Command Duration

The cmd_duration module shows how long the last command took to execute. The module will be shown only if the command took longer than two seconds, or the min_time config value, if it exists.

::: warning Do not hook the DEBUG trap in Bash

If you are running Starship in bash, do not hook the DEBUG trap after running eval $(starship init $0), or this module will break.


Bash users who need preexec-like functionality can use rcaloras's bash_preexec framework. Simply define the arrays preexec_functions and precmd_functions before running eval $(starship init $0), and then proceed as normal.


Option Default Description
min_time 2_000 Shortest duration to show time for (in milliseconds).
show_milliseconds false Show milliseconds in addition to seconds for the duration.
format "took [$duration]($style) " The format for the module.
style "bold yellow" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the cmd_duration module.
show_notifications false Show desktop notifications when command completes.
min_time_to_notify 45_000 Shortest duration for notification (in milliseconds).

::: tip

Showing desktop notifications requires starship to be built with rust-notify support. You check if your starship supports notifications by running STARSHIP_LOG=debug starship module cmd_duration -d 60000 when show_notifications is set to true.



Variable Example Description
duration 16m40s The time it took to execute the command
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

min_time = 500
format = "underwent [$duration](bold yellow)"


The conda module shows the current conda environment, if $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV is set.

::: tip

This does not suppress conda's own prompt modifier, you may want to run conda config --set changeps1 False.



Option Default Description
truncation_length 1 The number of directories the environment path should be truncated to, if the environment was created via conda create -p [path]. 0 means no truncation. Also see the directory module.
symbol "🅒 " The symbol used before the environment name.
style "bold green" The style for the module.
format "via [$symbol$environment]($style) " The format for the module.
ignore_base true Ignores base environment when activated.
disabled false Disables the conda module.


Variable Example Description
environment astronauts The current conda environment
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "[$symbol$environment](dimmed green) "


The crystal module shows the currently installed version of Crystal. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a shard.yml file
  • The current directory contains a .cr file


Option Default Description
symbol "🔮 " The symbol used before displaying the version of crystal.
style "bold red" The style for the module.
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
disabled false Disables the crystal module.


Variable Example Description
version v0.32.1 The version of crystal
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [✨ $version](bold blue) "


The dart module shows the currently installed version of Dart. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a file with .dart extension
  • The current directory contains a .dart_tool directory
  • The current directory contains a pubspec.yaml or pubspec.lock file


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "🎯 " A format string representing the symbol of Dart
style "bold blue" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the dart module.


Variable Example Description
version v2.8.4 The version of dart
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [🔰 $version](bold red) "


The directory module shows the path to your current directory, truncated to three parent folders. Your directory will also be truncated to the root of the git repo that you're currently in.

When using the fish style pwd option, instead of hiding the path that is truncated, you will see a shortened name of each directory based on the number you enable for the option.

For example, given ~/Dev/Nix/nixpkgs/pkgs where nixpkgs is the repo root, and the option set to 1. You will now see ~/D/N/nixpkgs/pkgs, whereas before it would have been nixpkgs/pkgs.


Option Default Description
truncation_length 3 The number of parent folders that the current directory should be truncated to.
truncate_to_repo true Whether or not to truncate to the root of the git repo that you're currently in.
format "[$path]($style)[$read_only]($read_only_style) " The format for the module.
style "bold cyan" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the directory module.
read_only "🔒" The symbol indicating current directory is read only.
read_only_style "red" The style for the read only symbol.
truncation_symbol "" The symbol to prefix to truncated paths. eg: "…/"
home_symbol "~" The symbol indicating home directory.
This module has a few advanced configuration options that control how the directory is displayed.
Advanced Option Default Description
substitutions A table of substitutions to be made to the path.
fish_style_pwd_dir_length 0 The number of characters to use when applying fish shell pwd path logic.
use_logical_path true Displays the logical path provided by the shell (PWD) instead of the path from the OS.

substitutions allows you to define arbitrary replacements for literal strings that occur in the path, for example long network prefixes or development directories (i.e. Java). Note that this will disable the fish style PWD.

"/Volumes/network/path" = "/net"
"src/com/long/java/path" = "mypath"

fish_style_pwd_dir_length interacts with the standard truncation options in a way that can be surprising at first: if it's non-zero, the components of the path that would normally be truncated are instead displayed with that many characters. For example, the path /built/this/city/on/rock/and/roll, which would normally be displayed as as rock/and/roll, would be displayed as /b/t/c/o/rock/and/roll with fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 1--the path components that would normally be removed are displayed with a single character. For fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 2, it would be /bu/th/ci/on/rock/and/roll.


Variable Example Description
path "D:/Projects" The current directory path
style* "black bold dimmed" Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

truncation_length = 8
truncation_symbol = "…/"

Docker Context

The docker_context module shows the currently active Docker context if it's not set to default.


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol$context]($style) " The format for the module.
symbol "🐳 " The symbol used before displaying the Docker context.
style "blue bold" The style for the module.
only_with_files true Only show when there's a docker-compose.yml, docker-compose.yaml, or Dockerfile in the current directory.
disabled false Disables the docker_context module.


Variable Example Description
context test_context The current docker context
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [🐋 $context](blue bold)"


The dotnet module shows the relevant version of the .NET Core SDK for the current directory. If the SDK has been pinned in the current directory, the pinned version is shown. Otherwise the module shows the latest installed version of the SDK.

This module will only be shown in your prompt when one or more of the following files are present in the current directory:

  • global.json
  • project.json
  • Directory.Build.props
  • Directory.Build.targets
  • Packages.props
  • *.sln
  • *.csproj
  • *.fsproj
  • *.xproj

You'll also need the .NET Core SDK installed in order to use it correctly.

Internally, this module uses its own mechanism for version detection. Typically it is twice as fast as running dotnet --version, but it may show an incorrect version if your .NET project has an unusual directory layout. If accuracy is more important than speed, you can disable the mechanism by setting heuristic = false in the module options.

The module will also show the Target Framework Moniker (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/frameworks#supported-target-framework-versions) when there is a csproj file in the current directory.


Option Default Description
format "[$symbol($version )(🎯 $tfm )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "•NET " The symbol used before displaying the version of dotnet.
heuristic true Use faster version detection to keep starship snappy.
style "bold blue" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the dotnet module.


Variable Example Description
version v3.1.201 The version of dotnet sdk
tfm netstandard2.0 The Target Framework Moniker that the current project is targeting
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🥅 "
style = "green"
heuristic = false


The elixir module shows the currently installed version of Elixir and Erlang/OTP. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a mix.exs file.


Option Default Description
symbol "💧 " The symbol used before displaying the version of Elixir/Erlang.
style "bold purple" The style for the module.
format 'via [$symbol($version \(OTP $otp_version\) )]($style)' The format for the module elixir.
disabled false Disables the elixir module.


Variable Example Description
version v1.10 The version of elixir
otp_version The otp version of elixir
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🔮 "


The elm module shows the currently installed version of Elm. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a elm.json file
  • The current directory contains a elm-package.json file
  • The current directory contains a .elm-version file
  • The current directory contains a elm-stuff folder
  • The current directory contains a *.elm files


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "🌳 " A format string representing the symbol of Elm.
style "cyan bold" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the elm module.


Variable Example Description
version v0.19.1 The version of elm
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [ $version](cyan bold) "

Variabili di ambiente

The env_var module displays the current value of a selected environment variable. The module will be shown only if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The variable configuration option matches an existing environment variable
  • The variable configuration option is not defined, but the default configuration option is


Option Default Description
symbol The symbol used before displaying the variable value.
variable The environment variable to be displayed.
default The default value to be displayed when the selected variable is not defined.
format "with [$env_value]($style) " The format for the module.
disabled false Disables the env_var module.


Variable Example Description
env_value Windows NT (if variable would be $OS) The environment value of option variable
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* black bold dimmed Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

variable = "SHELL"
default = "unknown shell"


The erlang module shows the currently installed version of Erlang/OTP. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a rebar.config file.
  • The current directory contains a erlang.mk file.


Option Default Description
symbol " " The symbol used before displaying the version of erlang.
style "bold red" The style for the module.
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
disabled false Disables the erlang module.


Variable Example Description
version v22.1.3 The version of erlang
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [e $version](bold red) "


The gcloud module shows the current configuration for gcloud CLI. This is based on the ~/.config/gcloud/active_config file and the ~/.config/gcloud/configurations/config_{CONFIG NAME} file and the CLOUDSDK_CONFIG env var.


Option Default Description
format 'on [$symbol$account(\($region\))]($style) ' The format for the module.
symbol "☁️ " The symbol used before displaying the current GCP profile.
region_aliases Table of region aliases to display in addition to the GCP name.
style "bold blue" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the gcloud module.


Variable Example Description
region us-central1 The current GCP region
account foo@example.com The current GCP profile
project The current GCP project
active default The active config name written in ~/.config/gcloud/active_config
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


Display account and project

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'on [$symbol$account(\($project\))]($style) '

Display active config name only

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "[$symbol$active]($style) "
style = "bold yellow"

Display account and aliased region

# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "️🇬️ "
us-central1 = "uc1"
asia-northeast1 = "an1"

Git Branch

The git_branch module shows the active branch of the repo in your current directory.


Option Default Description
always_show_remote false Shows the remote tracking branch name, even if it is equal to the local branch name.
format "on [$symbol$branch]($style) " The format for the module. Use "$branch" to refer to the current branch name.
symbol " " A format string representing the symbol of git branch.
style "bold purple" The style for the module.
truncation_length 2^63 - 1 Truncates a git branch to X graphemes.
truncation_symbol "…" The symbol used to indicate a branch name was truncated. You can use "" for no symbol.
only_attached false Only show the branch name when not in a detached HEAD state.
disabled false Disables the git_branch module.


Variable Example Description
branch master The current branch name, falls back to HEAD if there's no current branch (e.g. git detached HEAD).
remote_name origin The remote name.
remote_branch master The name of the branch tracked on remote_name.
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🌱 "
truncation_length = 4
truncation_symbol = ""

Git Commit

The git_commit module shows the current commit hash and also the tag (if any) of the repo in your current directory.


Option Default Description
commit_hash_length 7 The length of the displayed git commit hash.
format "[\\($hash\\)]($style) [\\($tag\\)]($style)" The format for the module.
style "bold green" The style for the module.
only_detached true Only show git commit hash when in detached HEAD state
tag_disabled true Disables showing tag info in git_commit module.
tag_symbol "🏷 " Tag symbol prefixing the info shown
disabled false Disables the git_commit module.


Variable Example Description
hash b703eb3 The current git commit hash
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

commit_hash_length = 4
tag_symbol = "🔖 "

Git State

The git_state module will show in directories which are part of a git repository, and where there is an operation in progress, such as: REBASING, BISECTING, etc. If there is progress information (e.g., REBASING 3/10), that information will be shown too.


Option Default Description
rebase "REBASING" A format string displayed when a rebase is in progress.
merge "MERGING" A format string displayed when a merge is in progress.
revert "REVERTING" A format string displayed when a revert is in progress.
cherry_pick "CHERRY-PICKING" A format string displayed when a cherry-pick is in progress.
bisect "BISECTING" A format string displayed when a bisect is in progress.
am "AM" A format string displayed when an apply-mailbox (git am) is in progress.
am_or_rebase "AM/REBASE" A format string displayed when an ambiguous apply-mailbox or rebase is in progress.
style "bold yellow" The style for the module.
format '\([$state( $progress_current/$progress_total)]($style)\) ' The format for the module.
disabled false Disables the git_state module.


Variable Example Description
state REBASING The current state of the repo
progress_current 1 The current operation progress
progress_total 2 The total operation progress
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = '[\($state( $progress_current of $progress_total)\)]($style) '
cherry_pick = "[🍒 PICKING](bold red)"

Git Status

The git_status module shows symbols representing the state of the repo in your current directory.


Option Default Description
format '([\[$all_status$ahead_behind\]]($style) )' The default format for git_status
conflicted "=" This branch has merge conflicts.
ahead "⇡" The format of ahead
behind "⇣" The format of behind
diverged "⇕" The format of diverged
untracked "?" The format of untracked
stashed "$" The format of stashed
modified "!" The format of modified
staged "+" The format of staged
renamed "»" The format of renamed
deleted "✘" The format of deleted
style "bold red" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the git_status module.


The following variables can be used in format:

Variable Description
all_status Shortcut for$conflicted$stashed$deleted$renamed$modified$staged$untracked
ahead_behind Displays diverged ahead or behind format string based on the current status of the repo
conflicted Displays conflicted when this branch has merge conflicts.
untracked Displays untracked when there are untracked files in the working directory.
stashed Displays stashed when a stash exists for the local repository.
modified Displays modified when there are file modifications in the working directory.
staged Displays staged when a new file has been added to the staging area.
renamed Displays renamed when a renamed file has been added to the staging area.
deleted Displays deleted when a file's deletion has been added to the staging area.
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string

The following variables can be used in diverged:

Variable Description
ahead_count Number of commits ahead of the tracking branch
behind_count Number of commits behind the tracking branch

The following variables can be used in conflicted, ahead, behind, untracked, stashed, modified, staged, renamed and deleted:

Variable Description
count Show the number of files


# ~/.config/starship.toml

conflicted = "🏳"
ahead = "🏎💨"
behind = "😰"
diverged = "😵"
untracked = "🤷‍"
stashed = "📦"
modified = "📝"
staged = '[++\($count\)](green)'
renamed = "👅"
deleted = "🗑"

Show ahead/behind count of the branch being tracked

# ~/.config/starship.toml

ahead = "⇡${count}"
diverged = "⇕⇡${ahead_count}⇣${behind_count}"
behind = "⇣${count}"


The golang module shows the currently installed version of Golang. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a go.mod file
  • The current directory contains a go.sum file
  • The current directory contains a glide.yaml file
  • The current directory contains a Gopkg.yml file
  • The current directory contains a Gopkg.lock file
  • The current directory contains a .go-version file
  • The current directory contains a Godeps directory
  • The current directory contains a file with the .go extension


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "🐹 " A format string representing the symbol of Go.
style "bold cyan" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the golang module.


Variable Example Description
version v1.12.1 The version of go
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [🏎💨 $version](bold cyan) "


The helm module shows the currently installed version of Helm. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a helmfile.yaml file
  • The current directory contains a Chart.yaml file


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "⎈ " A format string representing the symbol of Helm.
style "bold white" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the helm module.


Variable Example Description
version v3.1.1 The version of helm
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [⎈ $version](bold white) "


The hostname module shows the system hostname.


Option Default Description
ssh_only true Only show hostname when connected to an SSH session.
trim_at "." String that the hostname is cut off at, after the first match. "." will stop after the first dot. "" will disable any truncation
format "[$hostname]($style) in " The format for the module.
style "bold dimmed green" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the hostname module.


Variable Example Description
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

ssh_only = false
format =  "on [$hostname](bold red) "
trim_at = ".companyname.com"
disabled = false


The java module shows the currently installed version of Java. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a pom.xml, build.gradle.kts, build.sbt, .java-version, .deps.edn, project.clj, or build.boot file
  • The current directory contains a file with the .java, .class, .gradle, .jar, .clj, or .cljc extension


Option Default Description
format "via [${symbol}(${version} )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "☕ " A format string representing the symbol of Java
style "red dimmed" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the java module.


Variable Example Description
version v14 The version of java
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🌟 "


The jobs module shows the current number of jobs running. The module will be shown only if there are background jobs running. The module will show the number of jobs running if there is more than 1 job, or more than the threshold config value, if it exists.


Option Default Description
threshold 1 Show number of jobs if exceeded.
format "[$symbol$number]($style) " The format for the module.
symbol "✦" A format string representing the number of jobs.
style "bold blue" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the jobs module.


Variable Example Description
number 1 The number of jobs
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "+ "
threshold = 4


The julia module shows the currently installed version of Julia. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a Project.toml file
  • The current directory contains a Manifest.toml file
  • The current directory contains a file with the .jl extension


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "ஃ " A format string representing the symbol of Julia.
style "bold purple" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the julia module.


Variable Example Description
version v1.4.0 The version of julia
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "∴ "


The kotlin module shows the currently installed version of Kotlin. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a .kt or a .kts file


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "🅺 " A format string representing the symbol of Kotlin.
style "bold blue" The style for the module.
kotlin_binary "kotlin" Configures the kotlin binary that Starship executes when getting the version.
disabled false Disables the kotlin module.


Variable Example Description
version v1.4.21 The version of kotlin
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🅺 "
# ~/.config/starship.toml

# Uses the Kotlin Compiler binary to get the installed version
kotlin_binary = "kotlinc"


Displays the current Kubernetes context name and, if set, the namespace from the kubeconfig file. The namespace needs to be set in the kubeconfig file, this can be done via kubectl config set-context starship-cluster --namespace astronaut. If the $KUBECONFIG env var is set the module will use that if not it will use the ~/.kube/config.

::: tip

This module is disabled by default. To enable it, set disabled to false in your configuration file.



Option Default Description
symbol "☸ " A format string representing the symbol displayed before the Cluster.
format '[$symbol$context( \($namespace\))]($style) in ' The format for the module.
style "cyan bold" The style for the module.
context_aliases Table of context aliases to display.
disabled true Disables the kubernetes module.


Variable Example Description
context starship-cluster The current kubernetes context
namespace starship-namespace If set, the current kubernetes namespace
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = 'on [⛵ $context \($namespace\)](dimmed green) '
disabled = false
"dev.local.cluster.k8s" = "dev"

Line Break

The line_break module separates the prompt into two lines.


Option Default Description
disabled false Disables the line_break module, making the prompt a single line.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = true


The lua module shows the currently installed version of Lua. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a .lua-version file
  • The current directory contains a lua directory
  • The current directory contains a file with the .lua extension


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "🌙 " A format string representing the symbol of Lua.
style "bold blue" The style for the module.
lua_binary "lua" Configures the lua binary that Starship executes when getting the version.
disabled false Disables the lua module.


Variable Example Description
version v5.4.0 The version of lua
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [🌕 $version](bold blue) "

Memory Usage

The memory_usage module shows current system memory and swap usage.

By default the swap usage is displayed if the total system swap is non-zero.

::: tip

This module is disabled by default. To enable it, set disabled to false in your configuration file.



Option Default Description
threshold 75 Hide the memory usage unless it exceeds this percentage.
format `"via $symbol [${ram}( ${swap})]($style) "`
symbol "🐏" The symbol used before displaying the memory usage.
style "bold dimmed white" The style for the module.
disabled true Disables the memory_usage module.


Variable Example Description
ram 31GiB/65GiB The usage/total RAM of the current system memory.
ram_pct 48% The percentage of the current system memory.
swap** 1GiB/4GiB The swap memory size of the current system swap memory file.
swap_pct** 77% The swap memory percentage of the current system swap memory file.
symbol 🐏 Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string **: The SWAP file information is only displayed if detected on the current system


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = false
threshold = -1
symbol = " "
style = "bold dimmed green"

Mercurial Branch

The hg_branch module shows the active branch of the repo in your current directory.


Option Default Description
symbol " " The symbol used before the hg bookmark or branch name of the repo in your current directory.
style "bold purple" The style for the module.
format "on [$symbol$branch]($style) " The format for the module.
truncation_length 2^63 - 1 Truncates the hg branch name to X graphemes
truncation_symbol "…" The symbol used to indicate a branch name was truncated.
disabled true Disables the hg_branch module.


Variable Example Description
branch master The active mercurial branch
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "on [🌱 $branch](bold purple)"
truncation_length = 4
truncation_symbol = ""


The nim module shows the currently installed version of Nim. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a nim.cfg file
  • The current directory contains a file with the .nim extension
  • The current directory contains a file with the .nims extension
  • The current directory contains a file with the .nimble extension


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module
symbol "👑 " The symbol used before displaying the version of Nim.
style "bold yellow" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the nim module.


Variable Example Description
version v1.2.0 The version of nimc
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

style = "yellow"
symbol = "🎣 "


The nix_shell module shows the nix-shell environment. The module will be shown when inside a nix-shell environment.


Option Default Description
format 'via [$symbol$state( \($name\))]($style) ' The format for the module.
symbol "❄️ " A format string representing the symbol of nix-shell.
style "bold blue" The style for the module.
impure_msg "impure" A format string shown when the shell is impure.
pure_msg "pure" A format string shown when the shell is pure.
disabled false Disables the nix_shell module.


Variable Example Description
state pure The state of the nix-shell
name lorri The name of the nix-shell
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = true
impure_msg = "[impure shell](bold red)"
pure_msg = "[pure shell](bold green)"
format = 'via [☃️ $state( \($name\))](bold blue) '


The nodejs module shows the currently installed version of NodeJS. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a package.json file
  • The current directory contains a .node-version file
  • The current directory contains a node_modules directory
  • The current directory contains a file with the .js, .mjs or .cjs extension
  • The current directory contains a file with the .ts extension


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "⬢ " A format string representing the symbol of NodeJS.
style "bold green" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the nodejs module.
not_capable_style bold red Lo stile per il modulo quando una proprietà chiave in Packages.json non corrisponde alla versione NodeJS.


Variable Example Description
version v13.12.0 The version of node
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [🤖 $version](bold green) "


The ocaml module shows the currently installed version of OCaml. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a file with .opam extension or _opam directory
  • The current directory contains a esy.lock directory
  • The current directory contains a dune or dune-project file
  • The current directory contains a jbuild or jbuild-ignore file
  • The current directory contains a .merlin file
  • The current directory contains a file with .ml, .mli, .re or .rei extension


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format string for the module.
symbol "🐫 " The symbol used before displaying the version of OCaml.
style "bold yellow" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the ocaml module.


Variable Example Description
version v4.10.0 The version of ocaml
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [🐪 $version]($style) "


The openstack module shows the current OpenStack cloud and project. The module only active when the OS_CLOUD env var is set, in which case it will read clouds.yaml file from any of the default locations. to fetch the current project in use.


Option Default Description
format "on [$symbol$cloud(\\($project\\))]($style) " The format for the module.
symbol "☁️ " The symbol used before displaying the current OpenStack cloud.
style "bold yellow" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the OpenStack module.


Variable Example Description
cloud corp The current OpenStack cloud
project dev The current OpenStack project
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "on [$symbol$cloud(\\($project\\))]($style) "
style = "bold yellow"
symbol = "☁️ "

Package Version

The package module is shown when the current directory is the repository for a package, and shows its current version. The module currently supports npm, cargo, poetry, composer, gradle, julia, mix and helm packages.

  • npm The npm package version is extracted from the package.json present in the current directory
  • cargo The cargo package version is extracted from the Cargo.toml present in the current directory
  • poetry The poetry package version is extracted from the pyproject.toml present in the current directory
  • composer The composer package version is extracted from the composer.json present in the current directory
  • gradle The gradle package version is extracted from the build.gradle present
  • julia - The package version is extracted from the Project.toml present
  • mix - The mix package version is extracted from the mix.exs present
  • helm - The helm chart version is extracted from the Chart.yaml present
  • maven - The maven package version is extracted from the pom.xml present
  • meson - La versione del pacchetto meson è estratta dal meson.build presente

⚠️ The version being shown is that of the package whose source code is in your current directory, not your package manager.


Option Default Description
format "is [$symbol$version]($style) " The format for the module.
symbol "📦 " The symbol used before displaying the version the package.
style "bold 208" The style for the module.
display_private false Enable displaying version for packages marked as private.
disabled false Disables the package module.


Variable Example Description
version v1.0.0 The version of your package
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [🎁 $version](208 bold) "


The perl module shows the currently installed version of Perl. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a Makefile.PL or Build.PL file
  • The current directory contains a cpanfile or cpanfile.snapshot file
  • The current directory contains a META.json file or META.yml file
  • The current directory contains a .perl-version file
  • The current directory contains a .pl, .pm or .pod


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format string for the module.
symbol "🐪 " The symbol used before displaying the version of Perl
style "bold 149" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the perl module.


Variable Example Description
version v5.26.1 The version of perl
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [🦪 $version]($style) "


The php module shows the currently installed version of PHP. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a composer.json file
  • The current directory contains a .php-version file
  • The current directory contains a .php file


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "🐘 " The symbol used before displaying the version of PHP.
style "147 bold" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the php module.


Variable Example Description
version v7.3.8 The version of php
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [🔹 $version](147 bold) "


The purescript module shows the currently installed version of PureScript version. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a spago.dhall file
  • The current directory contains a *.purs files


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "<=> " The symbol used before displaying the version of PureScript.
style "bold white" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the purescript module.


Variable Example Description
version 0.13.5 The version of purescript
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [$symbol$version](bold white)"


The python module shows the currently installed version of Python and the current Python virtual environment if one is activated.

If pyenv_version_name is set to true, it will display the pyenv version name. Otherwise, it will display the version number from python --version.

The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a .python-version file
  • The current directory contains a requirements.txt file
  • The current directory contains a pyproject.toml file
  • The current directory contains a file with the .py extension (and scan_for_pyfiles is true)
  • The current directory contains a Pipfile file
  • The current directory contains a tox.ini file
  • The current directory contains a setup.py file
  • The current directory contains a __init__.py file
  • A virtual environment is currently activated


Option Default Description
format 'via [${symbol}${pyenv_prefix}(${version} )(\($virtualenv\))]($style)' The format for the module.
symbol "🐍 " A format string representing the symbol of Python
style "yellow bold" The style for the module.
pyenv_version_name false Use pyenv to get Python version
pyenv_prefix pyenv Prefix before pyenv version display, only used if pyenv is used
scan_for_pyfiles true If false, Python files in the current directory will not show this module.
python_binary ["python", "python3, "python2"] Configures the python binaries that Starship should executes when getting the version.
disabled false Disables the python module.

::: tip

The python_binary variable accepts either a string or a list of strings. Starship will try executing each binary until it gets a result. Note you can only change the binary that Starship executes to get the version of Python not the arguments that are used.

The default values and order for python_binary was chosen to first identify the Python version in a virtualenv/conda environments (which currently still add a python, no matter if it points to python3 or python2). This has the side effect that if you still have a system Python 2 installed, it may be picked up before any Python 3 (at least on Linux Distros that always symlink /usr/bin/python to Python 2). If you do not work with Python 2 anymore but cannot remove the system Python 2, changing this to "python3" will hide any Python version 2, see example below.



Variable Example Description
version "v3.8.1" The version of python
symbol "🐍 " Mirrors the value of option symbol
style "yellow bold" Mirrors the value of option style
pyenv_prefix "pyenv " Mirrors the value of option pyenv_prefix
virtualenv "venv" The current virtualenv name


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "👾 "
pyenv_version_name = true
# ~/.config/starship.toml

# Only use the `python3` binary to get the version.
python_binary = "python3"


The ruby module shows the currently installed version of Ruby. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a Gemfile file
  • The current directory contains a .ruby-version file
  • The current directory contains a .rb file


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "💎 " A format string representing the symbol of Ruby.
style "bold red" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the ruby module.


Variable Example Description
version v2.5.1 The version of ruby
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "🔺 "


The rust module shows the currently installed version of Rust. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a Cargo.toml file
  • The current directory contains a file with the .rs extension


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "🦀 " A format string representing the symbol of Rust
style "bold red" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the rust module.


Variable Example Description
version v1.43.0-nightly The version of rustc
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [⚙️ $version](red bold)"


The shlvl module shows the current SHLVL ("shell level") environment variable, if it is set to a number and meets or exceeds the specified threshold.


Option Default Description
threshold 2 Display threshold.
format "[$symbol$shlvl]($style) " The format for the module.
symbol "↕️ " The symbol used to represent the SHLVL.
repeat false Causes symbol to be repeated by the current SHLVL amount.
style "bold yellow" The style for the module.
disabled true Disables the shlvl module.


Variable Example Description
shlvl 3 The current value of SHLVL
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = false
format = "$shlvl level(s) down"
threshold = 3


The singularity module shows the current singularity image, if inside a container and $SINGULARITY_NAME is set.


Option Default Description
format '[$symbol\[$env\]]($style) ' The format for the module.
symbol "" A format string displayed before the image name.
style "bold dimmed blue" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the singularity module.


Variable Example Description
env centos.img The current singularity image
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = '[📦 \[$env\]]($style) '


The status module displays the exit code of the previous command. The module will be shown only if the exit code is not 0.

::: tip

This module is disabled by default. To enable it, set disabled to false in your configuration file.


::: warning This module is not supported on elvish shell. :::


Option Default Description
format "[$symbol$status]($style) " The format of the module
symbol "✖" The symbol displayed on program error
not_executable_symbol "🚫" The symbol displayed when file isn't executable
not_found_symbol "🔍" The symbol displayed when the command can't be found
sigint_symbol "🧱" The symbol displayed on SIGINT (Ctrl + c)
signal_symbol "⚡" The symbol displayed on any signal
style "bold red" The style for the module.
recognize_signal_code true Enable signal mapping from exit code
map_symbol false Enable symbols mapping from exit code
disabled true Disables the status module.


Variable Example Description
status 127 The exit code of the last command
int 127 The exit code of the last command
common_meaning ERROR Meaning of the code if not a signal
signal_number 9 Signal number corresponding to the exit code, only if signalled
signal_name KILL Name of the signal corresponding to the exit code, only if signalled
maybe_int 7 Contains the exit code number when no meaning has been found
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

style = "bg:blue"
symbol = "🔴"
format = '[\[$symbol $common_meaning$signal_name$maybe_int\]]($style) '
map_symbol = true
disabled = false


The swift module shows the currently installed version of Swift. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a Package.swift file
  • The current directory contains a file with the .swift extension


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "🐦 " A format string representing the symbol of Swift
style "bold 202" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the swift module.


Variable Example Description
version v5.2.4 The version of swift
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [🏎  $version](red bold)"


The terraform module shows the currently selected terraform workspace and version.

::: tip

By default the terraform version is not shown, since this is slow for current versions of terraform when a lot of plugins are in use. If you still want to enable it, follow the example shown below.


The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a .terraform folder
  • Current directory contains a file with the .tf or .hcl extensions


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol$workspace]($style) " The format string for the module.
symbol "💠 " A format string shown before the terraform workspace.
style "bold 105" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the terraform module.


Variable Example Description
version v0.12.24 The version of terraform
workspace default The current terraform workspace
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


With Version

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "[🏎💨 $version$workspace]($style) "

Without version

# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "[🏎💨 $workspace]($style) "


The time module shows the current local time. The format configuration value is used by the chrono crate to control how the time is displayed. Take a look at the chrono strftime docs to see what options are available.

::: tip

This module is disabled by default. To enable it, set disabled to false in your configuration file.



Option Default Description
format "at [$time]($style) " The format string for the module.
use_12hr false Enables 12 hour formatting
time_format see below The chrono format string used to format the time.
style "bold yellow" The style for the module time
utc_time_offset "local" Sets the UTC offset to use. Range from -24 < x < 24. Allows floats to accommodate 30/45 minute timezone offsets.
disabled true Disables the time module.
time_range "-" Sets the time range during which the module will be shown. Times must be specified in 24-hours format

If use_12hr is true, then time_format defaults to "%r". Otherwise, it defaults to "%T". Manually setting time_format will override the use_12hr setting.


Variable Example Description
time 13:08:10 The current time.
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

disabled = false
format = '🕙[\[ $time \]]($style) '
time_format = "%T"
utc_time_offset = "-5"
time_range = "10:00:00-14:00:00"


The username module shows active user's username. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current user is root
  • The current user isn't the same as the one that is logged in
  • The user is currently connected as an SSH session
  • The variable show_always is set to true

::: tip

SSH connection is detected by checking environment variables SSH_CONNECTION, SSH_CLIENT, and SSH_TTY. If your SSH host does not set up these variables, one workaround is to set one of them with a dummy value.



Option Default Description
style_root "bold red" The style used when the user is root.
style_user "bold yellow" The style used for non-root users.
format "[$user]($style) in " The format for the module.
show_always false Always shows the username module.
disabled false Disables the username module.


Variable Example Description
style "red bold" Mirrors the value of option style_root when root is logged in and style_user otherwise.
user "matchai" The currently logged-in user ID.


# ~/.config/starship.toml

style_user = "white bold"
style_root = "black bold"
format = "user: [$user]($style) "
disabled = false
show_always = true


The vagrant module shows the currently installed version of Vagrant. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a Vagrantfile file


Option Default Description
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
symbol "⍱ " A format string representing the symbol of Vagrant.
style "cyan bold" The style for the module.
disabled false Disables the Vagrant module.


Variable Example Description
version Vagrant 2.2.10 The version of Vagrant
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

format = "via [⍱ $version](bold white) "


The zig module shows the currently installed version of Zig. The module will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a .zig file


Option Default Description
symbol "↯ " The symbol used before displaying the version of Zig.
style "bold yellow" The style for the module.
format "via [$symbol($version )]($style)" The format for the module.
disabled false Disables the zig module.


Variable Example Description
version v0.6.0 The version of zig
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string


# ~/.config/starship.toml

symbol = "⚡️ "

Custom commands

The custom modules show the output of some arbitrary commands.

These modules will be shown if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The current directory contains a file whose name is in files
  • The current directory contains a directory whose name is in directories
  • The current directory contains a file whose extension is in extensions
  • The when command returns 0

::: tip

Multiple custom modules can be defined by using a ..


::: tip

The order in which custom modules are shown can be individually set by including ${custom.foo} in the top level format (as it includes a dot, you need to use ${...}). By default, the custom module will simply show all custom modules in the order they were defined.


::: tip

Issue #1252 contains examples of custom modules. If you have an interesting example not covered there, feel free to share it there!



Option Default Description
command The command whose output should be printed. The command will be passed on stdin to the shell.
when A shell command used as a condition to show the module. The module will be shown if the command returns a 0 status code.
shell See below
description "<custom module>" The description of the module that is shown when running starship explain.
files [] The files that will be searched in the working directory for a match.
directories [] The directories that will be searched in the working directory for a match.
extensions [] The extensions that will be searched in the working directory for a match.
symbol "" The symbol used before displaying the command output.
style "bold green" The style for the module.
format "[$symbol($output )]($style)" The format for the module.
disabled false Disables this custom module.


Variable Description
output The output of shell command in shell
symbol Mirrors the value of option symbol
style* Mirrors the value of option style

*: This variable can only be used as a part of a style string

Custom command shell

shell accepts a non-empty list of strings, where:

  • The first string is the path to the shell to use to execute the command.
  • Other following arguments are passed to the shell.

If unset, it will fallback to STARSHIP_SHELL and then to "sh" on Linux, and "cmd /C" on Windows.

The command will be passed in on stdin.

If shell is not given or only contains one element and Starship detects PowerShell will be used, the following arguments will automatically be added: -NoProfile -Command -. This behavior can be avoided by explicitly passing arguments to the shell, e.g.

shell = ["pwsh", "-Command", "-"]

::: warning Make sure your custom shell configuration exits gracefully

If you set a custom command, make sure that the default Shell used by starship will properly execute the command with a graceful exit (via the shell option).

For example, PowerShell requires the -Command parameter to execute a one liner. Omitting this parameter might throw starship into a recursive loop where the shell might try to load a full profile environment with starship itself again and hence re-execute the custom command, getting into a never ending loop.

Parameters similar to -NoProfile in PowerShell are recommended for other shells as well to avoid extra loading time of a custom profile on every starship invocation.

Automatic detection of shells and proper parameters addition are currently implemented, but it's possible that not all shells are covered. Please open an issue with shell details and starship configuration if you hit such scenario.



# ~/.config/starship.toml

command = "echo foo"  # shows output of command
files = ["foo"]       # can specify filters
when = """ test "$HOME" == "$PWD" """
format = " transcending [$output]($style)"

command = "time /T"
files = ["*.pst"]
shell = ["pwsh.exe", "-NoProfile", "-Command", "-"]