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synced 2025-02-04 13:08:29 +00:00
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import { Fyo } from 'fyo';
import { DocValueMap } from 'fyo/core/types';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import { AccountRootType } from 'models/baseModels/Account/types';
import Money from 'pesa/dist/types/src/money';
import {
} from 'reports/types';
import { convertPesaValuesToFloat } from 'src/utils';
interface FiscalYear {
start: string;
end: string;
quarters: number[];
isSplit: number;
interface AccountInfo extends DocValueMap {
name: string;
parentAccount: string;
isGroup: boolean;
account?: string;
indent?: number;
interface LedgerInfo extends DocValueMap {
account: string;
debit: Money;
credit: Money;
date: string;
export class FinancialStatements {
fyo: Fyo;
constructor(fyo: Fyo) {
this.fyo = fyo;
async getData(options: FinancialStatementOptions) {
const rootType = options.rootType;
const balanceMustBe = options.balanceMustBe ?? 'Debit';
const fromDate = options.fromDate;
const toDate = options.toDate;
const periodicity = options.periodicity ?? 'Monthly';
const accumulateValues = options.accumulateValues ?? false;
const accounts = await this.getAccounts(rootType);
const fiscalYear = await getFiscalYear(this.fyo);
const ledgerEntries = await this.getLedgerEntries(
const periodList = getPeriodList(fromDate, toDate, periodicity, fiscalYear);
if (accumulateValues) {
this.accumulateValues(accounts, periodList);
const totalRow = this.getTotalRow(
return { accounts, totalRow, periodList };
accounts: AccountInfo[],
ledgerEntries: LedgerInfo[],
periodicity: Periodicity,
fiscalYear: FiscalYear,
balanceMustBe: BalanceType
) {
for (const account of accounts) {
const entries = ledgerEntries.filter(
(entry) => entry.account === account.name
for (const entry of entries) {
const periodKey = getPeriodKey(entry.date, periodicity, fiscalYear);
if (account[periodKey] === undefined) {
account[periodKey] = this.fyo.pesa(0.0);
const multiplier = balanceMustBe === 'Debit' ? 1 : -1;
const value = entry.debit.sub(entry.credit).mul(multiplier);
account[periodKey] = value.add(account[periodKey] as Money);
rootType: AccountRootType,
balanceMustBe: BalanceType,
periodList: string[],
accounts: AccountInfo[]
) {
const totalRow: DocValueMap = {
account: `Total ${rootType} (${balanceMustBe})`,
periodList.forEach((periodKey) => {
if (totalRow[periodKey] === undefined) {
totalRow[periodKey] = this.fyo.pesa(0.0);
for (const account of accounts) {
totalRow[periodKey] = (totalRow[periodKey] as Money).add(
(account[periodKey] as Money) ?? 0.0
return totalRow;
async accumulateValues(accounts: AccountInfo[], periodList: string[]) {
periodList.forEach((periodKey, i) => {
if (i === 0) {
const previousPeriodKey = periodList[i - 1];
for (const account of accounts) {
if (!account[periodKey]) {
account[periodKey] = this.fyo.pesa(0.0);
account[periodKey] = (account[periodKey] as Money).add(
(account[previousPeriodKey] as Money | undefined) ?? 0
async getAccounts(rootType: AccountRootType) {
let accounts = (await this.fyo.db.getAll('Account', {
fields: ['name', 'parentAccount', 'isGroup'],
filters: {
})) as AccountInfo[];
accounts = setIndentLevel(accounts);
accounts = sortAccounts(accounts);
accounts.forEach((account) => {
account.account = account.name;
return accounts;
async getLedgerEntries(
fromDate: string | null,
toDate: string,
accounts: AccountInfo[]
) {
const accountFilter = ['in', accounts.map((d) => d.name)];
let dateFilter: string[] = ['<=', toDate];
if (fromDate) {
dateFilter = ['>=', fromDate, '<=', toDate];
const ledgerEntries = (await this.fyo.db.getAll('AccountingLedgerEntry', {
fields: ['account', 'debit', 'credit', 'date'],
filters: {
account: accountFilter,
date: dateFilter,
})) as LedgerInfo[];
return ledgerEntries;
async getTrialBalance(options: FinancialStatementOptions) {
const { rootType, fromDate, toDate } = options;
const accounts = await this.getAccounts(rootType);
const ledgerEntries = await this.getLedgerEntries(null, toDate, accounts);
for (const account of accounts) {
const accountEntries = ledgerEntries.filter(
(entry) => entry.account === account.name
// opening
const beforePeriodEntries = accountEntries.filter(
(entry) => entry.date < fromDate
account.opening = beforePeriodEntries.reduce(
(acc, entry) => acc.add(entry.debit).sub(entry.credit),
if (account.opening.gte(0)) {
account.openingDebit = account.opening;
account.openingCredit = this.fyo.pesa(0);
} else {
account.openingCredit = account.opening.neg();
account.openingDebit = this.fyo.pesa(0);
// debit / credit
const periodEntries = accountEntries.filter(
(entry) => entry.date >= fromDate && entry.date < toDate
account.debit = periodEntries.reduce(
(acc, entry) => acc.add(entry.debit),
account.credit = periodEntries.reduce(
(acc, entry) => acc.add(entry.credit),
// closing
account.closing = account.opening.add(account.debit).sub(account.credit);
if (account.closing.gte(0)) {
account.closingDebit = account.closing;
account.closingCredit = this.fyo.pesa(0);
} else {
account.closingCredit = account.closing.neg();
account.closingDebit = this.fyo.pesa(0);
if (account.debit.neq(0) || account.credit.neq(0)) {
setParentEntry(account, account.parentAccount);
function setParentEntry(leafAccount: AccountInfo, parentName: string) {
for (const acc of accounts) {
if (acc.name === parentName) {
acc.debit = (acc.debit as Money).add(leafAccount.debit as Money);
acc.credit = (acc.credit as Money).add(leafAccount.credit as Money);
acc.closing = (acc.opening as Money).add(acc.debit).sub(acc.credit);
if (acc.closing.gte(0)) {
acc.closingDebit = acc.closing;
} else {
acc.closingCredit = acc.closing.neg();
if (acc.parentAccount) {
setParentEntry(leafAccount, acc.parentAccount);
} else {
return accounts;
function setIndentLevel(
accounts: AccountInfo[],
parentAccount?: string | null,
level?: number
): AccountInfo[] {
if (parentAccount === undefined) {
parentAccount = null;
level = 0;
accounts.forEach((account) => {
if (
account.parentAccount === parentAccount &&
account.indent === undefined
) {
account.indent = level;
setIndentLevel(accounts, account.name, (level ?? 0) + 1);
return accounts;
function sortAccounts(accounts: AccountInfo[]) {
const out: AccountInfo[] = [];
const pushed: Record<string, boolean> = {};
function pushToOut(parentAccount: string | null) {
accounts.forEach((account) => {
if (pushed[account.name] && account.parentAccount !== parentAccount) {
pushed[account.name] = true;
return out;
export function getPeriodList(
fromDate: string,
toDate: string,
periodicity: Periodicity,
fiscalYear: FiscalYear
) {
if (!fromDate) {
fromDate = fiscalYear.start;
const monthsToAdd = {
Monthly: 1,
Quarterly: 3,
'Half Yearly': 6,
Yearly: 12,
const startDate = DateTime.fromISO(fromDate).startOf('month');
const endDate = DateTime.fromISO(toDate).endOf('month');
let curDate = startDate;
const periodKeyList: string[] = [];
while (curDate <= endDate) {
const periodKey = getPeriodKey(curDate, periodicity, fiscalYear);
curDate = curDate.plus({ months: monthsToAdd });
return periodKeyList;
function getPeriodKey(
dateObj: DateTime | string,
periodicity: Periodicity,
fiscalYear: FiscalYear
) {
if (typeof dateObj === 'string') {
dateObj = DateTime.fromISO(dateObj);
const { start, quarters, isSplit } = fiscalYear;
const { month, year } = dateObj;
const fisacalStart = DateTime.fromISO(start);
if (periodicity === 'Monthly') {
return `${dateObj.monthShort} ${year}`;
if (periodicity === 'Quarterly') {
const key =
month < fisacalStart.month
? `${year - 1} - ${year}`
: `${year} - ${year + 1}`;
const strYear = isSplit ? key : `${year}`;
return {
1: `Q1 ${strYear}`,
2: `Q2 ${strYear}`,
3: `Q3 ${strYear}`,
4: `Q4 ${strYear}`,
}[quarters[month - 1]] as string;
if (periodicity === 'Half Yearly') {
const key =
month < fisacalStart.month
? `${year - 1} - ${year}`
: `${year} - ${year + 1}`;
const strYear = isSplit ? key : `${year}`;
return {
1: `1st Half ${strYear}`,
2: `1st Half ${strYear}`,
3: `2nd Half ${strYear}`,
4: `2nd Half ${strYear}`,
}[quarters[month - 1]] as string;
const key =
month < fisacalStart.month
? `${year - 1} - ${year}`
: `${year} - ${year + 1}`;
const strYear = isSplit ? key : `${year}`;
return `FY ${strYear}`;
export async function getFiscalYear(fyo: Fyo): Promise<FiscalYear> {
const accountingSettings = await fyo.doc.getSingle('AccountingSettings');
const fiscalYearStart = accountingSettings.fiscalYearStart as string;
const fiscalYearEnd = accountingSettings.fiscalYearEnd as string;
//right now quaters received from luxon lib is fixed to Jan as starting quarter
//moving the financial quarters, according to of start of fiscal year month
const quarters = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4];
const start = DateTime.fromISO(fiscalYearStart);
quarters.unshift(...quarters.splice(13 - start.month, 11));
//check if fiscal year ends in next year
const end = DateTime.fromISO(fiscalYearEnd);
const isFiscalSplit = start.year - end.year;
return {
start: fiscalYearStart,
end: fiscalYearEnd,
quarters: quarters,
isSplit: isFiscalSplit,